322 lines
9.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: plone.app.discussion\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-01 09:23+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vincent Fretin <vincent.fretin@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Vincent Fretin <vincent.fretin@gmail.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language-Code: fr\n"
"Language-Name: Français\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
"Domain: plone.app.discussion\n"
#: ./comment.py:217
msgid "A comment has been posted."
msgstr "Un commentaire a été posté."
#: ./interfaces.py:248
msgid "A comment id unique to this conversation"
msgstr "Un id de commentaire unique pour cette conversation"
#: ./browser/comments.py:53
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "Ajouter un commentaire"
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:41
msgid "Anonymous Comments"
msgstr "Commentaires anonymes"
#: ./interfaces.py:273
msgid "Author name (for display)"
msgstr "Nom de l'auteur (pour l'affichage)"
#: ./browser/comments.py:219
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: ./browser/moderation.py:148
msgid "Comment approved."
msgstr "Commentaire approuvé."
#: ./browser/moderation.py:109
msgid "Comment deleted."
msgstr "Commentaire supprimé."
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:42
msgid "Commenter Image"
msgstr "Portrait de l'utilisateur"
msgid "Commenting infrastructure for Plone"
msgstr "Infrastructure pour déposer des commentaires."
#: ./interfaces.py:243
msgid "Conversation"
msgstr "Conversation"
#: ./interfaces.py:274
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "Date de création"
#: ./interfaces.py:128
msgid "Date of the most recent comment"
msgstr "Date du commentaire le plus récent"
#: ./vocabularies.py:44
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Désactivé"
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:13
msgid "Discussion settings"
msgstr "Paramètres des discussions"
#: ./interfaces.py:260
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Adresse courriel"
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:40
msgid "Enable Comments"
msgstr "Activation des commentaires"
#: ./interfaces.py:251
msgid "Id of comment this comment is in reply to"
msgstr "Id du commentaire dont ce commentaire répond"
#: ./interfaces.py:265
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Type MIME"
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:44
msgid "Moderator Email Notification"
msgstr "Notification du modérateur par courriel"
#: ./interfaces.py:275
msgid "Modification date"
msgstr "Date de modification"
#: ./interfaces.py:245
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: ./interfaces.py:269
msgid "Notify me of new comments via email."
msgstr ""
#: ./plone.app.discussion/plone/app/discussion/configure.zcml
msgid "Plone Discussions"
msgstr "Plone Discussions"
#: ./interfaces.py:238
msgid "Portal type"
msgstr "Portal type"
#: ./interfaces.py:133
msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames)"
msgstr "L'ensemble des commentateurs uniques (identifiants)"
#: ./interfaces.py:122
msgid "Total number of comments on this item"
msgstr "Nombre total de commentaires pour cet élément"
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:46
msgid "User Email Notification"
msgstr ""
#: ./browser/comments.py:212
msgid "Your comment awaits moderator approval."
msgstr "Votre commentaire attend d'être modéré."
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./browser/comments.py:102
msgid "add_comment_button"
msgstr "Commenter"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:68
msgid "bulkactions_delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:65
msgid "bulkactions_publish"
msgstr "Approuver"
#. Default: "${creator} on ${content}"
#: ./comment.py:48
msgid "comment_title"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Action"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:85
msgid "heading_action"
msgstr "Action"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:84
msgid "heading_comment"
msgstr "Commentaire"
#. Default: "Commenter"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:81
msgid "heading_commenter"
msgstr "Commentateur"
#. Default: "Date"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:82
msgid "heading_date"
msgstr "Date"
#. Default: "In Response To"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:83
msgid "heading_in_reponse_to"
msgstr "En réponse à"
#. Default: "Moderate comments"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:24
msgid "heading_moderate_comments"
msgstr "Modération des commentaires"
#. Default: "If selected, anonymous users are able to post comments without loggin in. It is highly recommended to use a captcha solution to prevent spam if this setting is enabled."
#: ./interfaces.py:38
msgid "help_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Si activé, les utilisateurs anonymes peuvent poster des commentaires sans se connecter. Il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser un captcha pour prévenir du spam si cette option est activé."
#. Default: "Use this setting to enable or disable Captcha validation for comments. Install plone.formwidget.captcha, plone.formwidget.recaptcha, collective.akismet, or collective.z3cform.norobots if there are no options available."
#: ./interfaces.py:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "help_captcha"
msgstr "Utilisez cette option pour activer la validation par captcha pour les commentaires. Installez plone.formwidget.captcha ou plone.formwidget.recaptcha s'il n'y a aucune option de disponible."
#. Default: "Some discussion related settings are not located in the Discussion Control Panel.\nTo enable comments for a specific content type, go to the Types Control Panel of this type and choose \"Allow comments\".\nTo enable the moderation workflow for comments, go to the Types Control Panel, choose \"Comment\" and set workflow to \"Comment Review Workflow\"."
#: ./browser/controlpanel.py:14
msgid "help_discussion_settings_editform"
msgstr ""
"Certaines options liées aux discussions ne sont pas dans \"Paramètres des discussions\".\n"
"Pour activer les commentaires pour un type de contenu spécifique, allez dans \"Paramètres des types\", choisissez \"Commentaire\" et sélectionnez le workflow \"Workflow de modération des commentaires\"."
#. Default: "If selected, users are able to post comments on the site. Though, you have to enable comments for specific content types, folders or content objects before users will be able to post comments."
#: ./interfaces.py:26
#, fuzzy
msgid "help_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Si activé, les utilisateurs peuvent poster des commentaires sur ce site. Vous devez néanmoins activer les commentaires pour des types de contenu spécifiques, dossiers, ou éléments avant que les utilisateurs puissent poster des commentaires."
#. Default: "If selected, the moderator is notified if a comment needs attention."
#: ./interfaces.py:83
msgid "help_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "Si activé, le modérateur est notifié si un commentaire requiert une attention particulière."
#. Default: "If selected, an image of the user is shown next to the comment."
#: ./interfaces.py:73
msgid "help_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Si activé, le portrait de l'utilisateur apparait à côté du commentaire."
#. Default: "If selected, users can choose to be notified of new comments by email."
#: ./interfaces.py:93
msgid "help_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Anonymous"
#: ./comment.py:121
msgid "label_anonymous"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Enable anonymous comments"
#: ./interfaces.py:36
msgid "label_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Activer les commentaires anonymes"
#. Default: "Apply"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:71
msgid "label_apply"
msgstr "Appliquer"
#. Default: "Captcha"
#: ./interfaces.py:56
msgid "label_captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./interfaces.py:266
msgid "label_comment"
msgstr "Commentaire"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:130
msgid "label_delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#. Default: "Globally enable comments"
#: ./interfaces.py:24
msgid "label_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Activer globalement les commentaires"
#. Default: "Enable moderator email notification"
#: ./interfaces.py:81
msgid "label_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "Activer la notification du modérateur par courriel"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:121
msgid "label_publish"
msgstr "Approuver"
#. Default: "says:"
#: ./browser/comments.pt:74
msgid "label_says"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Show commenter image"
#: ./interfaces.py:71
msgid "label_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Afficher le portrait de l'utilisateur"
#. Default: "show full comment text"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:114
msgid "label_show_full_comment_text"
msgstr "afficher le texte complet du commentaire"
#. Default: "Subject"
#: ./interfaces.py:262
msgid "label_subject"
msgstr "Sujet"
#. Default: "Comment text transform"
#: ./interfaces.py:48
msgid "label_text_transform"
msgstr "Transformation du texte du commentaire"
#. Default: "Enable user email notification"
#: ./interfaces.py:91
msgid "label_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}"
#: ./comment.py:51
#, fuzzy
msgid "mail_notification_message"
msgstr "Un commentaire avec le titre '${title}' a été posté ici : ${link}"
#. Default: "enable the 'Comment Review Workflow' for the Comment content type"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_enable_comment_workflow"
msgstr "activer le \"Workflow de modération des commentaires\" pour le type de contenu Commentaire"
#. Default: "Moderation workflow is disabled. You have to ${enable_comment_workflow} before you can moderate comments here."
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_moderation_disabled"
msgstr "Le workflow de modération est désactivé. Vous devez ${enable_comment_workflow} avant de pouvoir modérer les commentaires ici."
#. Default: "No comments to moderate."
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:43
msgid "message_nothing_to_moderate"
msgstr "Aucun commentaire à modérer."
#. Default: "Bulk Actions"
#: ./browser/moderation.pt:64
msgid "title_bulkactions"
msgstr "Actions par lot"