Added Czech translation
svn path=/; revision=39589
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-01 07:50+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-01 10:01+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Radim Novotny <>\n"
"Language-Team: DMS4U <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: cs\n"
"Language-Name: Czech\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
"Domain: plone\n"
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "- Essentially a workflow with no transitions, but has a Published state, so portlets and applications that expect that state will continue to work."
msgstr "- workflow bez přechodů staců, ale má stav Zveřejněno, takže portlety a produkty, které tento stav očekávají, budou dále fungovat."
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "A simple workflow for comments"
msgstr "Jednoduché workflow pro komentáře"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Schválit"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Approving the comment makes it visible to other users."
msgstr "Schválením komentáře se tento stane viditelným pro ostatní uživatele."
#: profiles/default/types/Discussion_Item.xml
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentář"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Comment Review Workflow"
msgstr "Schvalovací workflow pro komentáře"
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Comment Single State Workflow"
msgstr "Jednoduché workflow pro komentáře"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Comment about the last transition"
msgstr "Poznámka k poslední transakci"
#: profiles/default/portal_atct.xml
msgid "Commentators"
msgstr "Komentující"
#: profiles/default/types/Discussion_Item.xml
msgid "Comments added to a content item."
msgstr "Komentář byl přidán."
#: profiles/default/actionicons.xml
#: profiles/default/controlpanel.xml
msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Komentáře"
#: profiles/default/actions.xml
msgid "Moderate comments"
msgstr "Moderovat komentáře"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Pending"
msgstr "Čekající"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Previous transition"
msgstr "Předchozí přechod stavu"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Provides access to workflow history"
msgstr "Zpřístupní historii workflow"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Published"
msgstr "Zveřejněno"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Reviewer approves content"
msgstr "Schalovatel schvaluje komentář"
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Submitted, pending review."
msgstr "Předáno k posouzení."
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "The ID of the user who performed the previous transition"
msgstr "ID uživatele, který způsobil předchozí změnu stavu"
#: profiles/default/portal_atct.xml
msgid "Total number of comments"
msgstr "Celkový počet komentářů"
#: profiles/default/portal_atct.xml
msgid "Total number of comments on this item."
msgstr "Celkový počet komentářů k této položce."
#: profiles/default/portal_atct.xml
msgid "Users who have commented on the item"
msgstr "Uživatelé, kteří komentovali tuto položku"
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Visible to everyone, editable by the owner."
msgstr "Viditelné pro všechny, editovatelné vlastníkem položky."
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "Visible to everyone, non-editable."
msgstr "Viditelné všem, nelze editovat."
#: profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml
#: profiles/default/workflows/one_state_workflow/definition.xml
msgid "When the previous transition was performed"
msgstr "Kdy byla provedena poslední změna stavu"
@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-01 07:50+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-09-01 10:23+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Radim Novotny <>\n"
"Language-Team: DMS4U <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: en\n"
"Language-Name: English\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
"Domain: DOMAIN\n"
#: ./
msgid "A comment has been posted."
msgstr "Komentář byl přidán."
#: ./
msgid "A comment id unique to this conversation"
msgstr "Identifikátor komentáře v této konverzaci."
#: ./browser/
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "Přidat komentář"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Anonymous Comments"
msgstr "Anonymní komentáře"
#: ./
msgid "Author name (for display)"
msgstr "Jméno autora (pro zobrazení)"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Storno"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Comment approved."
msgstr "Komentář byl schválen."
#: ./browser/
msgid "Comment deleted."
msgstr "Komentář byl odebrán."
#: ./browser/
msgid "Commenter Image"
msgstr "Portét komentujícího"
msgid "Commenting infrastructure for Plone"
msgstr "Komentářový systém pro Plone"
#: ./
msgid "Conversation"
msgstr "Konverzace"
#: ./
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "Datum vytvoření"
#: ./
msgid "Date of the most recent comment"
msgstr "Datum nejnovějšícho komentáře"
#: ./
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Zakázáno"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Discussion settings"
msgstr "Nastavení komentářů"
#: ./
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Enable Comments"
msgstr "Povolit komentáře"
#: ./
msgid "Id of comment this comment is in reply to"
msgstr "Id předchozího komentáře, na který je tento odpovědí"
#: ./
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME typ"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Moderator Email Notification"
msgstr "Notifikace moderátorů emailem"
#: ./
msgid "Modification date"
msgstr "Datum změny"
#: ./
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Jméno"
#: ./
msgid "Plone Discussions"
msgstr "Komentáře"
#: ./
msgid "Portal type"
msgstr "Tyo položky"
#: ./
msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames)"
msgstr "Seznam komentujících"
#: ./
msgid "Total number of comments on this item"
msgstr "Celkový počet komentářl k této položce"
#: ./browser/
msgid "Your comment awaits moderator approval."
msgstr "Váš komentář čeká na schválení."
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./browser/
msgid "add_comment_button"
msgstr "Komentář"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ./browser/
msgid "bulkactions_delete"
msgstr "Odebrat"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ./browser/
msgid "bulkactions_publish"
msgstr "Schválit"
#. Default: "Action"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_action"
msgstr "Operace"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_comment"
msgstr "Komentář"
#. Default: "Commenter"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_commenter"
msgstr "Autor"
#. Default: "Date"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_date"
msgstr "Datum"
#. Default: "In Response To"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_in_reponse_to"
msgstr "Je odpovědí na"
#. Default: "Moderate comments"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_moderate_comments"
msgstr "Správa komentářů"
#. Default: "Subject"
#: ./browser/
msgid "heading_subject"
msgstr "Předmět"
#. Default: "If selected, anonymous users are able to post comments without loggin in. It is highly recommended to use a captcha solution to prevent spam if this setting is enabled."
#: ./
msgid "help_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, nepřihlášení uživatelé mohou posílat komentáře. Doporučujeme použití Captcha, pokud povolíte tuto volbu."
#. Default: "Use this setting to enable or disable Captcha validation for comments. Install plone.formwidget.captcha or plone.formwidget.recaptcha if there are no options available."
#: ./
msgid "help_captcha"
msgstr "Zde můžete povolit nebo zakázat Captcha pro komentáře. Pokud zde není žádná možnost k výběru, nainstalujte prosím balíček plone.formwidget.captcha nebo plone.formwidget.recaptcha."
#. Default: "Some discussion related settings are not located in the Discussion Control Panel.\nTo enable comments for a specific content type, go to the Types Control Panel of this type and choose \"Allow comments\".\nTo enable the moderation workflow for comments, go to the Types Control Panel, choose \"Comment\" and set workflow to \"Comment Review Workflow\"."
#: ./browser/
msgid "help_discussion_settings_editform"
msgstr ""
"Nekterá nastavení pro diskuse nejsou k dispozici v ovládacím panelu komentářů.\n"
" Povolení komentářů pro konkrétní typ položek se provádí v ovládacím panelu Typy, kde zaškrtnete \"Povolit komentáře\".\n"
" Pokud chcete povolit moderování komentářů, přejděte do ovládacích panelů Typy, vyberte typ položky \"Komentář\" a nastavte workflow na \"Schvalovací workflow pro komentáře\"."
#. Default: "If selected, users are able to post comments on the site. Though, you have to enable comments for specific content types, folders or content objectsbefore users will be able to post comments."
#: ./
msgid "help_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, uživatelé mohou přidávat komentáře. Navíc však musíte ověřit, že je povoleno přidávání komentářů k příslušným typům položek."
#. Default: "If selected, the moderator is notified if a comment needs attention."
#: ./
msgid "help_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, moderátor je upozorněn na komentáře, které vyžadují jeho zásah."
#. Default: "If selected, an image of the user is shown next to the comment."
#: ./
msgid "help_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Je-li zaškrtnuto, je vedle komentáře zobrazen portrét autora komentáře."
#. Default: "Enable anonymous comments"
#: ./
msgid "label_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Povolit anonymní komentáře"
#. Default: "Apply"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_apply"
msgstr "Uložit"
#. Default: "Captcha"
#: ./
msgid "label_captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ./
msgid "label_comment"
msgstr "Komentář"
#. Default: "Posted by"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_comment_by"
msgstr "Autor"
#. Default: "at"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_commented_at"
msgstr "v"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_delete"
msgstr "Odebrat"
#. Default: "Globally enable comments"
#: ./
msgid "label_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Globální povolení komentářů"
#. Default: "Enable moderator email notification"
#: ./
msgid "label_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "Povolit emailovou notifikaci moderátorů"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_publish"
msgstr "Schválit"
#. Default: "Show commenter image"
#: ./
msgid "label_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Zobrazit portrét komentujícího"
#. Default: "show full comment text"
#: ./browser/
msgid "label_show_full_comment_text"
msgstr "zobrazit celý text příspěvku"
#. Default: "Subject"
#: ./
msgid "label_subject"
msgstr "Předmět"
#. Default: "Comment text transform"
#: ./
msgid "label_text_transform"
msgstr "Transormace textu"
#. Default: "A comment with the title '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}"
#: ./
msgid "mail_notification_message"
msgstr "Na adrese ${link}\" byl přidán komentář s předmětem '${title}'."
#. Default: "enable the 'Comment Review Workflow' for the Comment content type"
#: ./browser/
msgid "message_enable_comment_workflow"
msgstr "povolit \"Schvalovací workflow pro komentáře\" pro typ položky Komentář."
#. Default: "Moderation workflow is disabled. You have to ${enable_comment_workflow} before you can moderate comments here."
#: ./browser/
msgid "message_moderation_disabled"
msgstr "Moderované workflow není aktivní. Nejprve musíte ${enable_comment_workflow}."
#. Default: "No comments to moderate."
#: ./browser/
msgid "message_nothing_to_moderate"
msgstr "Nejsou žádné komentáře k moderování."
#. Default: "Bulk Actions"
#: ./browser/
msgid "title_bulkactions"
msgstr "Hromadné akce"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ CURRENT_PATH=`pwd`
# List of languages
LANGUAGES="de es fr it nl no zh_TW"
LANGUAGES="de es fr it nl no zh_TW cs"
# Create locales folder structure for languages
install -d locales
Reference in New Issue
Block a user