2015-05-09 15:12:29 +09:00

488 lines
18 KiB

# Takanori Suzuki <takanori@takanory.net> 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: plone.app.discussion\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-23 08:03+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-05-09 15:11+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Takanori Suzuki <takanori@takanory.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Plone Japanese Team <https://github.com/plonejp>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language-Code: ja\n"
"Language-Name: Japanese\n"
#: ../comment.py:359
msgid "A comment has been posted."
msgstr "コメントが投稿されました"
#: ../interfaces.py:144
msgid "A comment id unique to this conversation"
msgstr "この会話上のユニークなコメントID"
#: ../browser/comments.py:72
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "コメントを追加"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:75
msgid "Anonymous Comments"
msgstr "匿名コメント"
#: ../interfaces.py:307
msgid "Author name (for display)"
msgstr "投稿者名(表示用)"
#: ../browser/comments.py:275
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:93
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取り消す"
#: ../interfaces.py:184
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr "CAPTCHA"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:89
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "変更が保存されました"
#: ../browser/moderation.py:186
msgid "Comment approved."
msgstr "コメントが承認されました"
#: ../contentrules.py:92
msgid "Comment author email"
msgstr "投稿者のメールアドレス"
#: ../contentrules.py:81
msgid "Comment author full name"
msgstr "投稿者の氏名"
#: ../contentrules.py:70
msgid "Comment author user name"
msgstr "投稿者のユーザ名"
#: ../browser/moderation.py:111
msgid "Comment deleted."
msgstr "コメントが削除されました"
#: ../contentrules.py:48
msgid "Comment id"
msgstr "コメントID"
#: ../contentrules.py:59
msgid "Comment text"
msgstr "コメント本文"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:76
msgid "Commenter Image"
msgstr "投稿者者の画像"
msgid "Commenting infrastructure for Plone"
msgstr "Ploneのコメント基盤"
#: ../contentrules.py:47
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "コメント"
#: ../interfaces.py:139
msgid "Conversation"
msgstr "会話"
#: ../interfaces.py:177
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "作成日付"
#: ../interfaces.py:41
msgid "Date of the most recent public comment"
msgstr "最近のコメントの日付"
#: ../vocabularies.py:44
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "無効です"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:33
msgid "Discussion settings"
msgstr "ディスカッションの設定"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:95
msgid "Edit cancelled"
msgstr "編集が取り消されました"
#: ../interfaces.py:156
msgid "Email"
msgstr "メール"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:74
msgid "Enable Comments"
msgstr "コメントを有効にする"
#: ../interfaces.py:147
msgid "Id of comment this comment is in reply to"
msgstr "このコメントの返答先のコメントID"
#: ../interfaces.py:161
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIMEタイプ"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:78
msgid "Moderator Email Notification"
msgstr "モデレーターへのメール通知"
#: ../interfaces.py:178
msgid "Modification date"
msgstr "変更日付"
#: ../interfaces.py:141
msgid "Name"
msgstr "名前"
#: ../interfaces.py:170
msgid "Notify me of new comments via email."
msgstr "新しいコメントを私にメールで知らせる"
#: ./plone.app.discussion/plone/app/discussion/configure.zcml
msgid "Plone Discussions"
msgstr "Ploneディスカッション"
#: ../interfaces.py:134
msgid "Portal type"
msgstr "ポータルタイプ"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:82
msgid "Save"
msgstr "保存"
#: ../interfaces.py:46
msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames)"
msgstr "ユニークな投稿者(ユーザ名)のセット"
#: ../interfaces.py:51
msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames) of published_comments"
msgstr "published_commentsのユニークな投稿者(ユーザ名)のセット"
#: ../interfaces.py:35
msgid "Total number of public comments on this item"
msgstr "このアイテムのコメント数"
#: ../comment.py:175
msgid "Transform '%s' => '%s' not available."
msgstr ""
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:80
msgid "User Email Notification"
msgstr "ユーザへのメール通知"
#: ../interfaces.py:176
msgid "Username of the commenter"
msgstr "投稿者のユーザ名"
#: ../browser/comments.py:268
msgid "Your comment awaits moderator approval."
msgstr "コメントは司会の承認を待ちます"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../browser/comments.py:138
msgid "add_comment_button"
msgstr "コメント"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:68
msgid "bulkactions_delete"
msgstr "削除する"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:65
msgid "bulkactions_publish"
msgstr "承認する"
#. Default: "Cancel"
#: ../browser/comment.py:97
msgid "cancel_form_button"
msgstr "キャンセル"
#. Default: "You can add a comment by filling out the form below. Plain text formatting. Web and email addresses are transformed into clickable links."
#: ../browser/comments.py:57
msgid "comment_description_intelligent_text"
msgstr "下のフォームに書き込むことでコメントを追加できます。Webアドレスやメールアドレスは、クリック可能なリンクに変換されます。"
#. Default: "You can add a comment by filling out the form below. Plain text formatting. You can use the Markdown syntax for links and images."
#: ../browser/comments.py:51
msgid "comment_description_markdown"
msgstr "下のフォームに書き込むことでコメントを追加できます。Markdown形式のリンクと画像が指定できます。"
#. Default: "Comments are moderated."
#: ../browser/comments.py:63
msgid "comment_description_moderation_enabled"
msgstr "コメントはモデレートされます"
#. Default: "You can add a comment by filling out the form below. Plain text formatting."
#: ../browser/comments.py:46
msgid "comment_description_plain_text"
msgstr "下のフォームに書き込むことでコメントを追加できます。プレーンテキスト形式です。"
#. Default: "Edit comment cancelled"
#: ../browser/comment.py:101
msgid "comment_edit_cancel_notification"
msgstr "コメントの編集はキャンセルされました"
#. Default: "Comment was edited"
#: ../browser/comment.py:91
msgid "comment_edit_notification"
msgstr "コメントは編集されました"
#. Default: "${author_name} on ${content}"
#: ../comment.py:57
msgid "comment_title"
msgstr "${author_name} が ${content} にコメント"
#. Default: "Edit comment"
#: ../browser/comment.py:70
msgid "edit_comment_form_button"
msgstr "コメントを編集"
#. Default: "Edit comment"
#: ../browser/comment.py:54
msgid "edit_comment_form_title"
msgstr "コメントを編集"
#. Default: "Action"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:85
msgid "heading_action"
msgstr "アクション"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:84
msgid "heading_comment"
msgstr "コメント"
#. Default: "Commenter"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:81
msgid "heading_commenter"
msgstr "投稿者"
#. Default: "Date"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:82
msgid "heading_date"
msgstr "日付"
#. Default: "In Response To"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:83
msgid "heading_in_reponse_to"
msgstr "回答する先"
#. Default: "Moderate comments"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:24
msgid "heading_moderate_comments"
msgstr "コメントをモデレート"
#. Default: "If selected, anonymous users are able to post comments without loggin in. It is highly recommended to use a captcha solution to prevent spam if this setting is enabled."
#: ../interfaces.py:216
msgid "help_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "匿名ユーザがログインせずにコメントを投稿できます。この設定を有効にする場合は、CAPTCHAを使ってスパムを防ぐことをお勧めします。"
#. Default: "If selected, anonymous user will have to give their email."
#: ../interfaces.py:352
msgid "help_anonymous_email_enabled"
msgstr "匿名ユーザはメールアドレスの記入が必要になります"
#. Default: "Use this setting to enable or disable Captcha validation for comments. Install plone.formwidget.captcha, plone.formwidget.recaptcha, collective.akismet, or collective.z3cform.norobots if there are no options available."
#: ../interfaces.py:288
msgid "help_captcha"
msgstr "コメントでのCAPTCHAの有効/無効を設定します。CAPTCHAを有効にするには plone.formwidget.captcha, plone.formwidget.recaptcha, collective.akismet または collective.z3cform.norobots をインストールしてください。"
#. Default: "If selected, supports deleting of own comments for users with the 'Delete own comments' permission."
#: ../interfaces.py:260
msgid "help_delete_own_comment_enabled"
msgstr "'Delete own comments' 権限を持つユーザーは、自身のコメントを削除可能にします。"
#. Default: "Some discussion related settings are not located in the Discussion Control Panel.\nTo enable comments for a specific content type, go to the Types Control Panel of this type and choose \"Allow comments\".\nTo enable the moderation workflow for comments, go to the Types Control Panel, choose \"Comment\" and set workflow to \"Comment Review Workflow\"."
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:34
msgid "help_discussion_settings_editform"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "If selected, supports editing of comments for users with the 'Edit comments' permission."
#: ../interfaces.py:249
msgid "help_edit_comment_enabled"
msgstr "'Edit comments' 権限を持つユーザーは、自身のコメントを編集可能にします。"
#. Default: "If selected, users are able to post comments on the site. Though, you have to enable comments for specific content types, folders or content objects before users will be able to post comments."
#: ../interfaces.py:202
msgid "help_globally_enabled"
msgstr "このサイトでユーザがコメントを投稿できるようになります。しかし、コメントを投稿できるようになるためには、さらにコンテンツタイプ、フォルダ、コンテンツオブジェクトに対して、コメントを有効にしなければなりません。"
#. Default: "If selected, comments will enter a 'Pending' state in which they are invisible to the public. A user with the 'Review comments' permission ('Reviewer' or 'Manager') can approve comments to make them visible to the public. If you want to enable a custom comment workflow, you have to go to the types control panel."
#: ../interfaces.py:232
msgid "help_moderation_enabled"
msgstr "コメントは投稿されると非公開の「保留」状態になります。「コメントを審査」権限を持つユーザ(審査員または管理者)がコメントを承認して公開します。カスタムコメントワークフローを有効にするには、タイプコントロールパネルに行く必要があります。"
#. Default: "Address to which moderator notifications will be sent."
#: ../interfaces.py:329
msgid "help_moderator_email"
msgstr "モデレータへの通知の送付先アドレス"
#. Default: "If selected, the moderator is notified if a comment needs attention. The moderator email address can be set below."
#: ../interfaces.py:315
msgid "help_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "コメントが注意を要するものであるかどうか、モデレータは通知を受けるようになります。モデレータのメールアドレスは下のフィールドに設定します。"
#. Default: "If selected, an image of the user is shown next to the comment."
#: ../interfaces.py:304
msgid "help_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "コメントの横にユーザの画像が表示されます。"
#. Default: "Use this setting to choose if the comment text should be transformed in any way. You can choose between 'Plain text' and 'Intelligent text'. 'Intelligent text' converts plain text into HTML where line breaks and indentation is preserved, and web and email addresses are made into clickable links."
#: ../interfaces.py:271
msgid "help_text_transform"
msgstr "コメントテキストの変換形式を選択します。「Intelligent text」はプレーンテキストをHTMLに変換します。改行とインデントは維持され、Webとメールアドレスはクリッカブルリンクになります。"
#. Default: "If selected, users can choose to be notified of new comments by email."
#: ../interfaces.py:341
msgid "help_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr "ユーザは新しいコメントのメール通知を選択できるようになります。"
#. Default: "Anonymous"
#: ../browser/comments.pt:75
#: ../comment.py:193
msgid "label_anonymous"
msgstr "匿名"
#. Default: "Enable anonymous comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:214
msgid "label_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "匿名コメントを有効にする"
#. Default: "Enable anonymous email field"
#: ../interfaces.py:350
msgid "label_anonymous_email_enabled"
msgstr "匿名ユーザのメールフィールドを有効にする"
#. Default: "Apply"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:71
msgid "label_apply"
msgstr "適用"
#. Default: "Captcha"
#: ../interfaces.py:286
msgid "label_captcha"
msgstr "キャプチャ"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../interfaces.py:163
msgid "label_comment"
msgstr "コメント"
#. Default: "Commenting has been disabled."
#: ../browser/comments.pt:163
msgid "label_commenting_disabled"
msgstr "コメント機能が無効になりました"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:130
msgid "label_delete"
msgstr "削除"
#. Default: "Enable deleting own comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:258
msgid "label_delete_own_comment_enabled"
msgstr "自分のコメント削除を有効にする"
#. Default: "Enable editing of comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:247
msgid "label_edit_comment_enabled"
msgstr "コメントの編集を有効にする"
#. Default: "Globally enable comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:200
msgid "label_globally_enabled"
msgstr "サイト全体でコメントを有効にする"
#. Default: "Enable comment moderation"
#: ../interfaces.py:228
msgid "label_moderation_enabled"
msgstr "コメントのモデレーションを有効にする"
#. Default: "Moderator Email Address"
#: ../interfaces.py:325
msgid "label_moderator_email"
msgstr "モデレータのメールアドレス"
#. Default: "Enable moderator email notification"
#: ../interfaces.py:313
msgid "label_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "モデレータへのメール通知を有効にする"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:121
msgid "label_publish"
msgstr "承認"
#. Default: "says:"
#: ../browser/comments.pt:78
msgid "label_says"
msgstr "さん:"
#. Default: "Show commenter image"
#: ../interfaces.py:302
msgid "label_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "投稿者の画像を表示"
#. Default: "show full comment text"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:114
msgid "label_show_full_comment_text"
msgstr "コメントテキストをすべて表示"
#. Default: "Subject"
#: ../interfaces.py:158
msgid "label_subject"
msgstr "件名"
#. Default: "Comment text transform"
#: ../interfaces.py:269
msgid "label_text_transform"
msgstr "テキスト変換"
#. Default: "Enable user email notification"
#: ../interfaces.py:337
msgid "label_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr "ユーザへのメール通知を有効にする"
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n"
#: ../comment.py:61
msgid "mail_notification_message"
msgstr "'${title}' へのコメントが投稿されました: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n"
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nApprove comment:\n${link_approve}\n\nDelete comment:\n${link_delete}\n"
#: ../comment.py:58
msgid "mail_notification_message_moderator"
msgstr "${title} へのコメントが投稿されました: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nコメントを承認:\n${link_approve}\n\nコメントを削除:\n${link_delete}\n"
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nApprove comment:\n${link_approve}\n\nDelete comment:\n${link_delete}\n"
#: ../comment.py:69
msgid "mail_notification_message_moderator"
msgstr "${title} へのコメントが投稿されました: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nコメントを承認:\n${link_approve}\n\nコメントを削除:\n${link_delete}\n"
#. Default: "enable the 'Comment Review Workflow' for the Comment content type"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_enable_comment_workflow"
msgstr "コメントコンテンツタイプに対して「コメント審査ワークフロー」を有効にします"
#. Default: "Moderation workflow is disabled. You have to ${enable_comment_workflow} before you can moderate comments here."
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_moderation_disabled"
msgstr "モデレーションワークフローは無効です。ここでコメントをモデレートするには、 ${enable_comment_workflow} しなければなりません。"
#. Default: "No comments to moderate."
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:43
msgid "message_nothing_to_moderate"
msgstr "モデレートするコメントはありません"
#. Default: "Bulk Actions"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:64
msgid "title_bulkactions"
msgstr "一括アクション"