2017-06-20 15:16:19 +02:00

560 lines
18 KiB

This is a functional test for the plone.app.discussion comments viewlet.
We use zope.testbrowser to simulate browser interaction in order to show how
the plone.app.discussion commenting works.
Setting up and loggin in
First we have to set up some things and login.
>>> app = layer['app']
>>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser
>>> browser = Browser(app)
>>> browser.handleErrors = False
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic admin:secret')
>>> portal = layer['portal']
>>> portal_url = 'http://nohost/plone'
By default, only HTTP error codes (e.g. 500 Server Side Error) are shown when an
error occurs on the server. To see more details, set handleErrors to False:
>>> browser.handleErrors = False
We also keep another testbrowser handy for testing how tiles are rendered if
you're not logged in::
>>> unprivileged_browser = Browser(app)
>>> browser_member = Browser(app)
>>> browser_user = Browser(app)
>>> browser_reviewer = Browser(app)
Make sure we have a test user from the layer and it uses fancy characters:
>>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
>>> mtool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_membership', None)
>>> jim_fullname = mtool.getMemberById('jim').getProperty('fullname')
>>> jim_fullname
'Jim Fult\xc3\xb8rn'
Enable commenting.
>>> from zope.component import queryUtility
>>> from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
>>> from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings
>>> registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
>>> settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings)
>>> settings.globally_enabled = True
>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.commit()
Create a public page with comments allowed.
>>> browser.open(portal['doc1'].absolute_url() + '/edit')
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.IDublinCore.title').value = "Doc1"
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.IAllowDiscussion.allow_discussion:list').value = ['True']
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> urldoc1 = browser.url
Make sure the document is published:
>>> browser.getLink("Publish").click()
>>> 'Published' in browser.contents
Check that the form has been properly submitted
>>> browser.url
Comment Viewlet
Check that the old comments viewlet does not show up
>>> 'discussion_reply_form' in browser.contents
Check that the comment form/viewlet shows up
>>> 'formfield-form-widgets-in_reply_to' in browser.contents
>>> 'formfield-form-widgets-comment-text' in browser.contents
Post a comment as admin
Login as admin.
>>> from plone.app.testing import setRoles
>>> from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_NAME
>>> setRoles(portal, 'manager', ['Manager'])
Post a comment as admin.
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Comment from admin"
>>> submit = browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment')
>>> submit.click()
Check if comment has been added properly.
>>> '<a href="http://nohost/plone/author/admin">admin</a>' in browser.contents
>>> browser.contents
'...<a href="http://nohost/plone/author/admin">admin</a>...says:...'
>>> "Comment from admin" in browser.contents
Post a comment as user
Login as user (without the 'Member' role).
>>> browser_user.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser_user.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'johndoe'
>>> browser_user.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser_user.getControl(name='submit').click()
Users without the 'Reply to item' permission will not see the comment form,
because they don't have the 'Reply to item' permission. By default, this
permission is only granted to the 'Member' role.
>>> 'form.widgets.text' in browser_user.contents
>>> 'form.buttons.comment' in browser_user.contents
Post a comment as member
Login as user 'jim'.
>>> browser_member.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jim'
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='submit').click()
Post a comment as user jim.
>>> browser_member.open(urldoc1)
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Comment from Jim"
>>> submit = browser_member.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment')
>>> submit.click()
Check if the comment has been added properly.
>>> browser_member.contents
'...<a href="http://nohost/plone/author/jim">Jim Fult\xc3\xb8rn</a>...says:...'
>>> "Comment from Jim" in browser_member.contents
Post a comment as anonymous user
Login and post comment as Anonymous
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> 'Log in to add comments' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Enable anonymous comment
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout')
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'admin'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url+'/@@discussion-controlpanel')
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.anonymous_comments:list').value = 'selected'
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.save').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout')
Now we can post an anonymous comment.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> '<span>Anonymous</span>' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'says' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'This is an anonymous comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Make sure special characters work as well.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> tarek_fullname = "Tarek Ziadé"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.author_name').value = tarek_fullname
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an äüö comment"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> tarek_fullname in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'says' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'This is an äüö comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Reply to an existing comment
Check that there is no existing direct reply to a comment.
>>> 'replyTreeLevel1' in browser.contents
Find a comment id to reply to.
>>> browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> import re
>>> comment_div = re.findall('<div.*?.class="comment.*?>', browser.contents)[0]
>>> id = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', comment_div)[1]
Post a reply to an existing comment.
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.in_reply_to').value = id
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Reply comment"
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
Check that the reply has been posted properly.
>>> 'Reply comment' in browser.contents
>>> 'replyTreeLevel1' in browser.contents
Edit an existing comment
Log in as admin
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser.getControl('Login Name').value = 'admin'
>>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser.getControl('Log in').click()
Use the Plone control panel to enable comment editing.
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/@@overview-controlpanel')
>>> browser.getLink('Discussion').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Enable editing of comments').selected = True
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.save').click()
Extract the edit comment url from the first "edit comment" button
>>> from Products.CMFPlone import __version__
>>> browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> url = __version__[0] == '5' and browser.getLink(url='@@edit-comment').url or browser.getForm(name='edit', index=0).action
>>> '@@edit-comment' in url
Open the edit comment view
>>> browser.open(url)
>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Comment')
>>> ctrl.value
'Comment from admin'
Change and save the comment
>>> ctrl.value = 'Comment from admin / was edited'
>>> browser.getControl('Edit comment').click()
This used to trigger permissions problems in some portlet configurations.
Check it ain't so.
>>> 'require_login' in browser.url
>>> browser.url.startswith('http://nohost/plone/doc1')
>>> 'Comment from admin / was edited' in browser.contents
Opening the edit comment view, then cancel, does nothing.
>>> url = __version__[0] == '5' and browser.getLink(url='@@edit-comment').url or browser.getForm(name='edit', index=0).action
>>> '@@edit-comment' in url
>>> browser.open(url)
>>> browser.getControl('Cancel').click()
>>> browser.url.startswith('http://nohost/plone/doc1')
Anon cannot edit comments.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> '@@edit-comments' in browser.contents
But Anon can see the edited comment.
>>> 'Comment from admin / was edited' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Deleting existing comments | 'Delete comments' permission
Anonymous cannot delete comments
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> 'form.button.Delete' in unprivileged_browser.contents
A member cannot delete his own comments if he can't review or he isn't a Site Administrator
>>> browser_member.open(urldoc1)
>>> 'form.button.Delete' in browser_member.contents
Admin can delete comments
>>> browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> 'form.button.Delete' in browser.contents
Extract the delete comment url from the first "delete comment" button
>>> browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> form = browser.getForm(name='delete', index=0)
>>> delete_url = form.action
>>> '@@moderate-delete-comment' in delete_url
>>> comment_id = delete_url.split('/')[-2]
Anonymous cannot delete a comment by hitting the delete url directly.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(delete_url)
The comment is still there
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> comment_id in unprivileged_browser.contents
A Member cannot delete even his own comment by hitting the delete url directly.
Extract the member comment id from the admin browser
>>> form = browser.getForm(name='delete', index=2)
>>> delete_url = form.action
>>> '@@moderate-delete-comment' in delete_url
>>> comment_id = delete_url.split('/')[-2]
Now try to hit that url as the member owning that comment.
Work around some possible testbrowser breakage and check the result later.
>>> try:
... browser_member.open(delete_url)
... except:
... pass
The comment is still there
>>> browser_member.open(urldoc1)
>>> comment_id in browser_member.contents
>>> 'Comment from Jim' in browser_member.contents
Now login as user 'reviewer'
>>> browser_reviewer.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser_reviewer.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'reviewer'
>>> browser_reviewer.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser_reviewer.getControl(name='submit').click()
Admin and who have 'Delete comments' permission (reviewers for example), can delete comments
>>> browser_reviewer.open(urldoc1)
>>> form = browser_reviewer.getForm(name='delete', index=0)
>>> '@@moderate-delete-comment' in form.action
>>> comment_id = form.action.split('/')[-2]
Submitting the form runs into a testbrowser notFoundException.
We'll just catch that and check the result later.
>>> try:
... form.submit()
... except:
... pass
Returning to the document we find the deleted comment is indeed gone
>>> browser_reviewer.open(urldoc1)
>>> comment_id in browser_reviewer.contents
Post a comment with comment review workflow enabled
Enable the 'comment review workflow' for comments.
>>> portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(('Discussion Item',), ('comment_review_workflow'),)
>>> portal.portal_workflow.getChainForPortalType('Discussion Item')
We need to commit the transaction, otherwise setting the workflow will not work.
>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.commit()
Post comment as anonymous user.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Comment review workflow comment"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
Make sure the comment has not been published.
>>> 'Comment review workflow comment' not in unprivileged_browser.contents
Make sure the user gets a notification that the comment awaits moderator
>>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Edit the content object after a comment has been posted
Make sure we still can edit the content object after a comment has been posted.
This is a regression test for http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11157
(TypeError: Can't pickle objects in acquisition wrappers).
Login as admin.
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'admin'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
Edit the content object.
>>> from plone.protect.authenticator import _getKeyring
>>> import hmac
>>> from hashlib import sha1 as sha
>>> ring = _getKeyring('foo')
>>> secret = ring.random()
>>> token = hmac.new(secret, 'admin', sha).hexdigest()
>>> browser.open("http://nohost/plone/doc1/edit?_authenticator=" + token)
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.IRichText.text').value = "Lorem ipsum"
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
Make sure the edit was successful.
>>> 'Lorem ipsum' in browser.contents
Require anonymous email
Edit the control panel.
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout')
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'admin'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url+'/@@discussion-controlpanel')
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.anonymous_email_enabled:list').value = 'selected'
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.save').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout')
Post an anonymous comment without setting the email.
>>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1)
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment without email"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> 'Required input is missing' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Try again.
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment with email"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.author_email').value = "email@example.org"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> 'Required input missing' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Email is being validated.
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment with email"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.author_email').value = "abc"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> 'Invalid email address.' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Check again with valid email.
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment with email"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.author_email').value = "email@example.org"
>>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click()
>>> 'Invalid email address.' in unprivileged_browser.contents
>>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in unprivileged_browser.contents
Posting as member should still work. Especially it should not
complain about missing input for an invisible author_email field.
Login as user 'jim'.
>>> browser_member.open(portal_url + '/login_form')
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jim'
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret'
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='submit').click()
Post a comment as user jim.
>>> browser_member.open(urldoc1)
>>> browser_member.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Use the ZODB, Luke!"
>>> submit = browser_member.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment')
>>> submit.click()
Check if there are no validation errors.
>>> 'Required input missing' in browser_member.contents
>>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in browser_member.contents