If the comment tree had just one top level comment the whole tree was removed by the JS code if just one comment in the tree was deleted. These comments were (correctly) not removed from the ZODB.
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232 lines
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* jQuery functions for the plone.app.discussion comment viewlet and form.
(function ($) {
// This unnamed function allows us to use $ inside of a block of code
// without permanently overwriting $.
// http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries
* Create a reply-to-comment form right beneath the form that is passed to
* the function. We do this by copying the regular comment form and
* adding a hidden in_reply_to field to the form.
$.createReplyForm = function (comment_div) {
var comment_id = comment_div.attr("id");
var reply_button = comment_div.find(".reply-to-comment-button");
/* Clone the reply div at the end of the page template that contains
* the regular comment form.
var reply_div = $("#commenting").clone(true);
/* Remove the ReCaptcha JS code before appending the form. If not
* removed, this causes problems
/* Insert the cloned comment form right after the reply button of the
* current comment.
reply_div.appendTo(comment_div).css("display", "none");
/* Remove id="reply" attribute, since we use it to uniquely
the main reply form. */
/* Hide the reply button (only hide, because we may want to show it
* again if the user hits the cancel button).
$(reply_button).css("display", "none");
/* Fetch the reply form inside the reply div */
var reply_form = reply_div.find("form");
/* Populate the hidden 'in_reply_to' field with the correct comment
id */
/* Add a remove-reply-to-comment Javascript function to remove the
form */
var cancel_reply_button = reply_div.find(".cancelreplytocomment");
cancel_reply_button.attr("id", comment_id);
/* Show the cancel buttons. */
.css("display", "inline");
/* Show the reply layer with a slide down effect */
/* Show the cancel button in the reply-to-comment form */
cancel_reply_button.css("display", "inline");
* Remove all error messages and field values from the form that is passed
* to the function.
$.clearForm = function (form_div) {
form_div.find("input[type='text']").attr("value", "");
form_div.find("textarea").attr("value", "");
/* XXX: Clean all additional form extender fields. */
* Window Load Function: Executes when complete page is fully loaded,
* including all frames,
$(window).load(function () {
* If the user has hit the reply button of a reply-to-comment form
* (form was submitted with a value for the "in_reply_to" field in the
* request), create a reply-to-comment form right under this comment.
var post_comment_div = $("#commenting");
var in_reply_to_field =
if (in_reply_to_field.val() !== "") {
var current_reply_id = "#" + in_reply_to_field.val();
var current_reply_to_div = $(".discussion").find(current_reply_id);
* If the user hits the "reply" button of an existing comment, create a
* reply form right beneath this comment.
$(".reply-to-comment-button").bind("click", function (e) {
var comment_div = $(this).parents().filter(".comment");
* If the user hits the "clear" button of an open reply-to-comment form,
* remove the form and show the "reply" button again.
$("#commenting #form-buttons-cancel").bind("click", function (e) {
var reply_to_comment_button = $(this).
/* Find the reply-to-comment form and hide and remove it again. */
$.reply_to_comment_form = $(this).parents().filter(".reply");
$.reply_to_comment_form.slideUp("slow", function () {
/* Show the reply-to-comment button again. */
reply_to_comment_button.css("display", "inline");
* Publish a single comment.
$("input[name='form.button.PublishComment']").live('click', function () {
var trigger = this;
var form = $(this).parents("form");
var data = $(form).serialize();
var form_url = $(form).attr("action");
type: "GET",
url: form_url,
data: "workflow_action=publish",
context: trigger,
success: function (msg) {
// remove button (trigger object can't be directly removed)
error: function (msg) {
return true;
return false;
* Delete a comment and its answers.
$("input[name='form.button.DeleteComment']").live('click', function () {
var trigger = this;
var form = $(this).parents("form");
var data = $(form).serialize();
var form_url = $(form).attr("action");
type: 'POST',
url: form_url,
context: $(trigger).parents(".comment"),
success: function (data) {
var comment = $(this);
var clss = comment.attr('class');
// remove replies
var treelevel = parseInt(clss[clss.indexOf('replyTreeLevel') + 'replyTreeLevel'.length], 10);
// selector for all the following elements of lower level
var selector = ".replyTreeLevel" + treelevel;
for (var i = 0; i < treelevel; i++) {
selector += ", .replyTreeLevel" + i;
comment.nextUntil(selector).each(function () {
$(this).fadeOut('fast', function () {
// remove comment
$(this).fadeOut('fast', function () {
error: function (req, error) {
return true;
return false;
* By default, hide the reply and the cancel button for the regular add
* comment form.
.css("display", "none");
.css("display", "none");
* By default, show the reply button only when Javascript is enabled.
* Otherwise hide it, since the reply functions only work with JS
* enabled.
$(".reply-to-comment-button").css("display" , "inline");