Timo Stollenwerk 6d414055bc set correct Type ('Discussion Item') for Comments.
svn path=/; revision=27629
2009-06-22 12:23:19 +00:00

251 lines
9.9 KiB

import unittest
from zope.component import createObject
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
from Products.PloneTestCase.ptc import PloneTestCase
from import DiscussionLayer
from import IComment, IConversation, IReplies
class CommentTest(PloneTestCase):
layer = DiscussionLayer
def afterSetUp(self):
# First we need to create some content.
typetool = self.portal.portal_types
typetool.constructContent('Document', self.portal, 'doc1')
def test_factory(self):
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
def test_id(self):
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.comment_id = 123
self.assertEquals('123', comment1.getId())
self.assertEquals(u'123', comment1.__name__)
def test_title(self):
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.title = "New title"
self.assertEquals("New title", comment1.Title())
def test_creator(self):
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.creator = "Jim"
self.assertEquals("Jim", comment1.Creator())
def test_type(self):
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
self.assertEquals(comment1.Type, 'Discussion Item')
def test_traversal(self):
# make sure comments are traversable, have an id, absolute_url and physical path
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.title = 'Comment 1'
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
new_comment1_id = conversation.addComment(comment1)
comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_comment1_id)
self.assertEquals('Comment 1', comment.title)
self.assertEquals(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_comment1_id)), comment.getPhysicalPath())
self.assertEquals('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_comment1_id), comment.absolute_url())
def test_workflow(self):
self.portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(('Discussion Item',), ('simple_publication_workflow,'))
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
new_comment1_id = conversation.addComment(comment1)
comment = conversation[new_comment1_id]
chain = self.portal.portal_workflow.getChainFor(comment)
self.assertEquals(('simple_publication_workflow',), chain)
# ensure the initial state was entered and recorded
self.assertEquals(1, len(comment.workflow_history['simple_publication_workflow']))
self.assertEquals(None, comment.workflow_history['simple_publication_workflow'][0]['action'])
self.assertEquals('private', self.portal.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(comment, 'review_state'))
def test_fti(self):
# test that we can look up an FTI for Discussion Item
self.assert_("Discussion Item" in self.portal.portal_types.objectIds())
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
fti = self.portal.portal_types.getTypeInfo(comment1)
self.assertEquals('Discussion Item', fti.getTypeInfo(comment1).getId())
def test_view(self):
# make sure that the comment view is there and redirects to the right URL
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Create a comment
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.title = 'Comment 1'
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
# Add comment to the conversation
new_comment1_id = conversation.addComment(comment1)
comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_comment1_id)
# make sure the view is there
self.failUnless(getMultiAdapter((comment,, name='view'))
# TODO: is this correct? Redirect ist 301
class RepliesTest(PloneTestCase):
# test the IReplies adapter on a comment
layer = DiscussionLayer
def afterSetUp(self):
# First we need to create some content.
typetool = self.portal.portal_types
typetool.constructContent('Document', self.portal, 'doc1')
def test_add_comment(self):
# Add comments to a CommentReplies adapter
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a comment to the conversation
replies = IReplies(conversation)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.title = 'Comment 1'
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
# Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
re_comment.title = 'Re: Comment 1'
re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
replies = IReplies(comment)
new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
# check that replies provides the IReplies interface
# Make sure our comment was added
self.failUnless(new_re_id in replies)
# Make sure it is also reflected in the conversation
self.failUnless(new_re_id in conversation)
# Make sure the conversation has the correct comment id
self.assertEquals(conversation[new_re_id].comment_id, new_re_id)
def test_delete_comment(self):
# Add and remove a comment to a CommentReplies adapter
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a comment to the conversation
replies = IReplies(conversation)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.title = 'Comment 1'
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
# Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
re_comment.title = 'Re: Comment 1'
re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
replies = IReplies(comment)
new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
# Remove the reply to the CommentReplies adapter
del replies[new_re_id]
# Make sure there is no comment left in CommentReplies
self.assertEquals(len(replies), 0)
# Make sure the first comment is still in the conversation
self.assertEquals(conversation.total_comments, 1)
def test_traversal(self):
# Create a nested structure of comment replies and check the traversal
# make sure comments are traversable, have an id, absolute_url and physical path
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.title = 'Comment 1'
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
new_comment1_id = conversation.addComment(comment1)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.title = 'Comment 1'
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_id)
# Add a reply to the CommentReplies adapter of the first comment
re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
re_comment.title = 'Re: Comment 1'
re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
replies = IReplies(comment)
new_re_id = replies.addComment(re_comment)
re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_id)
# Add a reply to the reply
re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
re_re_comment.title = 'Re: Re: Comment 1'
re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
replies = IReplies(re_comment)
new_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_comment)
re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_re_id)
# Add a reply to the replies reply
re_re_re_comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
re_re_re_comment.title = 'Re: Re: Comment 1'
re_re_re_comment.text = 'Comment text'
replies = IReplies(re_re_comment)
new_re_re_re_id = replies.addComment(re_re_re_comment)
re_re_re_comment = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('++conversation++default/%s' % new_re_re_re_id)
self.assertEquals(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_id)), comment.getPhysicalPath())
self.assertEquals('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_id), comment.absolute_url())
self.assertEquals(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_re_id)), re_comment.getPhysicalPath())
self.assertEquals('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_re_id), re_comment.absolute_url())
self.assertEquals(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_re_re_id)), re_re_comment.getPhysicalPath())
self.assertEquals('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_re_re_id), re_re_comment.absolute_url())
self.assertEquals(('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default', str(new_re_re_re_id)), re_re_re_comment.getPhysicalPath())
self.assertEquals('http://nohost/plone/doc1/++conversation++default/' + str(new_re_re_re_id), re_re_re_comment.absolute_url())
def test_suite():
return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(__name__)