86 lines
2.4 KiB
86 lines
2.4 KiB
Version: 1.1.0
Run qunit tests using JS Test Driver
This provides almost the same api as qunit.
Tests must run sychronously, which means no use of stop and start methods.
You can use jsUnit Clock object to deal with timeouts and intervals:
The qunit #main DOM element is not included. If you need to do any DOM manipulation
you need to set it up and tear it down in each test.
(function() {
if(!(window.equiv)) {
throw new Error("QUnitAdapter.js - Unable to find equiv function. Ensure you have added equiv.js to the load section of your jsTestDriver.conf");
var QUnitTestCase;
window.module = function(name, lifecycle) {
QUnitTestCase = TestCase(name);
QUnitTestCase.prototype.lifecycle = lifecycle || {};
window.test = function(name, expected, test) {
QUnitTestCase.prototype['test ' + name] = function() {
if(this.lifecycle.setup) {
if(expected.constructor === Number) {
} else {
test = expected;
if(this.lifecycle.teardown) {
window.expect = function(count) {
window.ok = function(actual, msg) {
assertTrue(msg ? msg : '', !!actual);
window.equals = function(a, b, msg) {
assertEqual(msg ? msg : '', b, a);
window.start = window.stop = function() {
fail('start and stop methods are not available when using JS Test Driver.\n' +
'Use jsUnit Clock object to deal with timeouts and intervals:\n' +
window.same = function(a, b, msg) {
assertTrue(msg ? msg : '', window.equiv(b, a));
window.reset = function() {
fail('reset method is not available when using JS Test Driver');
window.isLocal = function() {
return false;
window.QUnit = {
equiv: window.equiv,
ok: window.ok
module('Default Module');