383 lines
12 KiB
383 lines
12 KiB
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: plone.app.discussion\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-04 20:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Timo Stollenwerk <contact@timostollenwerk.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Deutsch <plone-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: de\n"
"Language-Name: Deutsch\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
"Domain: plone.app.discussion\n"
#: ../comment.py:264
msgid "A comment has been posted."
msgstr "Ein Kommentar wurde abgegeben."
#: ../interfaces.py:257
msgid "A comment id unique to this conversation"
msgstr "Eine eindeutige ID des Kommentars"
#: ../browser/comments.py:67
msgid "Add a comment"
msgstr "Kommentar hinzufügen"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:62
msgid "Anonymous Comments"
msgstr "Anonyme Kommentare"
#: ../interfaces.py:282
msgid "Author name (for display)"
msgstr "Name des Autors (wird angezeigt)"
#: ../browser/comments.py:248
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:80
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:76
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "Änderungen gespeichert"
#: ../browser/moderation.py:133
msgid "Comment approved."
msgstr "Kommentar zur Veröffentlichung freigegeben."
#: ../browser/moderation.py:94
msgid "Comment deleted."
msgstr "Kommentar gelöscht"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:63
msgid "Commenter Image"
msgstr "Porträt des Benutzers"
#: ../interfaces.py:252
msgid "Conversation"
msgstr "Diskussion"
#: ../interfaces.py:283
msgid "Creation date"
msgstr "Erstellungsdatum"
#: ../interfaces.py:162
msgid "Date of the most recent comment"
msgstr "Datum des letzten Kommentars"
#: ../vocabularies.py:44
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Ausgeschaltet"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:32
msgid "Discussion settings"
msgstr "Kommentierungseinstellungen"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:82
msgid "Edit cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: ../interfaces.py:269
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:61
msgid "Enable Comments"
msgstr "Kommentare einschalten"
#: ../interfaces.py:260
msgid "Id of comment this comment is in reply to"
msgstr "ID des Kommentars, auf den geantwortet wird."
#: ../interfaces.py:274
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-Typ"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:65
msgid "Moderator Email Notification"
msgstr "Moderator E-Mail Benachrichtigung"
#: ../interfaces.py:284
msgid "Modification date"
msgstr "Änderungsdatum"
#: ../interfaces.py:254
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name"
#: ../interfaces.py:278
msgid "Notify me of new comments via email."
msgstr "E-Mail-Benachrichtigung bei neuen Kommentaren"
#: ./plone.app.discussion/plone/app/discussion/configure.zcml
msgid "Plone Discussions"
msgstr "Plone Diskussionen"
#: ../interfaces.py:247
msgid "Portal type"
msgstr "Artikeltyp"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:69
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"
#: ../interfaces.py:167
msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames)"
msgstr "Liste von Benutzern, die Kommentare abgegeben haben"
#: ../interfaces.py:156
msgid "Total number of comments on this item"
msgstr "Anzahl der Kommentare zu diesem Artikel"
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:67
msgid "User Email Notification"
msgstr "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für Benutzer"
#: ../browser/comments.py:241
msgid "Your comment awaits moderator approval."
msgstr "Ihr Kommentar muss noch vom Moderator freigegeben werden."
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../browser/comments.py:123
msgid "add_comment_button"
msgstr "Kommentieren"
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:68
msgid "bulkactions_delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:65
msgid "bulkactions_publish"
msgstr "Veröffentlichen"
#. Default: "You can add a comment by filling out the form below. Plain text formatting. Web and email addresses are transformed into clickable links."
#: ../browser/comments.py:52
msgid "comment_description_intelligent_text"
msgstr "Sie können einen Kommentar abgeben, indem Sie das untenstehende Formular ausfüllen. Nur Text. Web- und E-Mailadressen werden in anklickbare Links umgewandelt."
#. Default: "Comments are moderated."
#: ../browser/comments.py:58
msgid "comment_description_moderation_enabled"
msgstr "Kommentare werden moderiert."
#. Default: "You can add a comment by filling out the form below. Plain text formatting."
#: ../browser/comments.py:47
msgid "comment_description_plain_text"
msgstr "Sie können einen Kommentar abgeben, indem Sie das untenstehende Formular ausfüllen. Nur Text."
#. Default: "${creator} on ${content}"
#: ../comment.py:46
msgid "comment_title"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Action"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:85
msgid "heading_action"
msgstr "Aktion"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:84
msgid "heading_comment"
msgstr "Kommentar"
#. Default: "Commenter"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:81
msgid "heading_commenter"
msgstr "Autor"
#. Default: "Date"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:82
msgid "heading_date"
msgstr "Datum"
#. Default: "In Response To"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:83
msgid "heading_in_reponse_to"
msgstr "Kommentar zu"
#. Default: "Moderate comments"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:24
msgid "heading_moderate_comments"
msgstr "Kommentare moderieren"
#. Default: "If selected, anonymous users are able to post comments without loggin in. It is highly recommended to use a captcha solution to prevent spam if this setting is enabled."
#: ../interfaces.py:38
msgid "help_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren, können anonyme Benutzer Kommentare abgeben. Es ist empfehlenswert, dann auch Captchas zu aktivieren."
#. Default: "Use this setting to enable or disable Captcha validation for comments. Install plone.formwidget.captcha, plone.formwidget.recaptcha, collective.akismet, or collective.z3cform.norobots if there are no options available."
#: ../interfaces.py:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "help_captcha"
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren, wird mit Hilfe der Captcha-Validierung überprüft, ob die Kommentare von einem echten Benutzer oder von einem automatisierten Skript stammen. Falls Sie die Option nicht einschalten können, fehlt evtl. ein benötigtes Programmmodul. Stellen Sie sicher, dass entweder plone.formwidget.captcha oder plone.formwidget.recaptcha installiert ist."
#. Default: "Some discussion related settings are not located in the Discussion Control Panel.\nTo enable comments for a specific content type, go to the Types Control Panel of this type and choose \"Allow comments\".\nTo enable the moderation workflow for comments, go to the Types Control Panel, choose \"Comment\" and set workflow to \"Comment Review Workflow\"."
#: ../browser/controlpanel.py:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "help_discussion_settings_editform"
msgstr ""
"Einige Kommentierungseinstellungen müssen an anderer Stelle vorgenommen werden. Um die Kommentierung einzelner Artikeltypen einzuschalten, gehen Sie in der 'Plone-Konfiguration' zu 'Artikeltypen', wählen Sie den gewünschten Artikeltyp aus und schalten Sie die Option 'Kommentieren erlauben' ein.\n"
"Um die Moderation von Kommentaren zu aktivieren, wählen Sie den Artikeltyp 'Kommentar' aus und wählen Sie als neuen Arbeitsablauf 'Arbeitsablauf für moderierte Kommentare'."
#. Default: "If selected, users are able to post comments on the site. Though, you have to enable comments for specific content types, folders or content objects before users will be able to post comments."
#: ../interfaces.py:26
#, fuzzy
msgid "help_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren, können Artikel generell kommentiert werden."
#. Default: "If selected, comments will enter a 'Pending' state in which they are invisible to the public. A user with the 'Review comments' permission ('Reviewer' or 'Manager') can approve comments to make them visible to the public. If you want to enable a custom comment workflow, you have to go to the types control panel."
#: ../interfaces.py:50
msgid "help_moderation_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Address to which moderator notifications will be sent."
#: ../interfaces.py:118
msgid "help_moderator_email"
msgstr "E-Mail Adresse an welche die Moderatoren-Benachrichtigungen gesendet werden."
#. Default: "If selected, the moderator is notified if a comment needs attention. The moderator email address can be found in the 'Mail settings' control panel (Site 'From' address)"
#: ../interfaces.py:107
msgid "help_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "If selected, an image of the user is shown next to the comment."
#: ../interfaces.py:97
msgid "help_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren, wird das Porträt des kommentierenden Benutzers neben dem Kommentar angezeigt."
#. Default: "Use this setting to choose if the comment text should be transformed in any way. You can choose between 'Plain text' and 'Intelligent text'. 'Intelligent text' converts plain text into HTML where line breaks and indentation is preserved, and web and email addresses are made into clickable links."
#: ../interfaces.py:66
msgid "help_text_transform"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "If selected, users can choose to be notified of new comments by email."
#: ../interfaces.py:127
msgid "help_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Anonymous"
#: ../comment.py:156
msgid "label_anonymous"
msgstr "Anonymer Benutzer"
#. Default: "Enable anonymous comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:36
msgid "label_anonymous_comments"
msgstr "Anonyme Kommentare"
#. Default: "Apply"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:71
msgid "label_apply"
msgstr "Anwenden"
#. Default: "Captcha"
#: ../interfaces.py:80
msgid "label_captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"
#. Default: "Comment"
#: ../interfaces.py:275
msgid "label_comment"
msgstr "Kommentar"
#. Default: "Commenting has been disabled."
#: ../browser/comments.pt:130
msgid "label_commenting_disabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Delete"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:130
msgid "label_delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#. Default: "Globally enable comments"
#: ../interfaces.py:24
msgid "label_globally_enabled"
msgstr "Kommentierungsfunktion generell einschalten"
#. Default: "Enable comment moderation"
#: ../interfaces.py:48
msgid "label_moderation_enabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Moderator Email Address"
#: ../interfaces.py:117
msgid "label_moderator_email"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Enable moderator email notification"
#: ../interfaces.py:105
msgid "label_moderator_notification_enabled"
msgstr "Email-Benachrichtigungen für Moderatoren aktivieren"
#. Default: "Approve"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:121
msgid "label_publish"
msgstr "Veröffentlichen"
#. Default: "says:"
#: ../browser/comments.pt:74
msgid "label_says"
msgstr "sagt"
#. Default: "Show commenter image"
#: ../interfaces.py:95
msgid "label_show_commenter_image"
msgstr "Zeige das Portrait des Kommentators"
#. Default: "show full comment text"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:114
msgid "label_show_full_comment_text"
msgstr "Den vollständigen Kommentar anzeigen"
#. Default: "Subject"
#: ../interfaces.py:271
msgid "label_subject"
msgstr "Betreff"
#. Default: "Comment text transform"
#: ../interfaces.py:64
msgid "label_text_transform"
msgstr "Text transformationen"
#. Default: "Enable user email notification"
#: ../interfaces.py:125
msgid "label_user_notification_enabled"
msgstr "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für Benutzer aktivieren"
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n"
#: ../comment.py:50
msgid "mail_notification_message"
msgstr "Ein Kommentar zu '${title}' wurde hier abgegeben: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n"
#. Default: "A comment on '${title}' has been posted here: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nApprove comment:\n${link_approve}\n\nDelete comment:\n${link_delete}\n"
#: ../comment.py:58
msgid "mail_notification_message_moderator"
msgstr "Ein Kommentar zu '${title}' wurde hier abgegeben: ${link}\n\n---\n${text}\n---\n\nKommentar zur Veröffentlichung freigeben:\n${link_approve}\n\nKommentar löschen:\n${link_delete}\n"
#. Default: "enable the 'Comment Review Workflow' for the Comment content type"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_enable_comment_workflow"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "Moderation workflow is disabled. You have to ${enable_comment_workflow} before you can moderate comments here."
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:33
msgid "message_moderation_disabled"
msgstr ""
#. Default: "No comments to moderate."
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:43
msgid "message_nothing_to_moderate"
msgstr "Es müssen keine Kommentare moderiert werden."
#. Default: "Bulk Actions"
#: ../browser/moderation.pt:64
msgid "title_bulkactions"
msgstr "Sammelbearbeitung"