85 lines
2.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

*** Settings ***
Resource plone/app/robotframework/saucelabs.robot
Resource plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot
Library Remote ${PLONE_URL}/RobotRemote
Test Setup Run Keywords Plone test setup
Test Teardown Run keywords Plone test teardown
*** Test Cases ***
Add a Comment to a Document and bulk delete it
Given a logged-in Site Administrator
and workflow multiple enabled
and a document with discussion enabled
When I add a comment and delete it
Then I can not see the comment below the document
Last history entry is shown
Given a logged-in Site Administrator
and workflow multiple enabled
and a document with discussion enabled
When I add a comment
Then I can see the last history entry in moderation view
*** Keywords ***
# Given
a logged-in Site Administrator
Enable autologin as Site Administrator
a document
Create content type=Document id=my-document title=My Document
a document with discussion enabled
a document
I enable discussion on the document
# When
I enable discussion on the document
Go To ${PLONE_URL}/my-document/edit
Wait until page contains Settings
Click Link Settings
Wait until element is visible name=form.widgets.IAllowDiscussion.allow_discussion:list
Select From List By Value name=form.widgets.IAllowDiscussion.allow_discussion:list True
Click Button Save
I add a comment
Wait until page contains element id=form-widgets-comment-text
Input Text id=form-widgets-comment-text This is a comment
Click Button Comment
I add a comment and delete it
Wait until page contains element id=form-widgets-comment-text
Input Text id=form-widgets-comment-text This is a comment
Click Button Comment
Go To ${PLONE_URL}/@@moderate-comments?review_state=all
2019-12-10 16:15:43 +01:00
Wait until page contains element
Select from list by value xpath://select[@name=''] delete
Select Checkbox name=check_all
Click Button Apply
2019-12-10 16:15:43 +01:00
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain This is a comment
workflow multiple enabled
Go To ${PLONE_URL}/@@content-controlpanel?type_id=Discussion%20Item&new_workflow=comment_review_workflow
Click Button Save
# Then
I can not see the comment below the document
Go To ${PLONE_URL}/my-document/view
2019-12-10 16:15:43 +01:00
Wait until page contains My Document
Page should not contain This is a comment
I can see the last history entry in moderation view
Go To ${PLONE_URL}/@@moderate-comments?review_state=all
Wait until page contains element
Page should contain Create