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"""The conversation and replies adapters
The conversation is responsible for storing all comments. It provides a
dict-like API for accessing comments, where keys are integers and values
are IComment objects. It also provides features for finding comments quickly.
The two IReplies adapters - one for the IConversation and one for IComment -
manipulate the same data structures, but provide an API for finding and
manipulating the comments directly in reply to a particular comment or at the
top level of the conversation.
from persistent import Persistent
from zope.interface import implements, implementer
from zope.component import adapts, adapter
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotatable
from BTrees.OIBTree import OIBTree
from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBTree, IISet
from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBTree
from BTrees.LLBTree import LLBTree # TODO: Does this even exist?
except ImportError:
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree as LOBTree
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOSet as LLSet
from Acquisition import Explicit
from import IConversation, IComment, IReplies
class Conversation(Persistent, Explicit):
"""A conversation is a container for all comments on a content object.
It manages internal data structures for comment threading and efficient
comment lookup.
def __init__(self, id="++comments++"): = id
# username -> count of comments; key is removed when count reaches 0
self._commentators = OIBTree()
self._last_comment_date = None
# id -> comment - find comment by id
self._comments = LOBTree()
# id -> IISet (children) - find all children for a given comment. 0 signifies root.
self._children = LOBTree()
def getId(self):
def enabled(self):
return True
def total_comments(self):
return len(self._comments)
def last_comment_date(self):
return self._last_comment_date
def commentators(self):
return set()
def getComments(self, start=0, size=None):
return self._comments.values()
def getThreads(self, start=0, size=None, root=None, depth=None):
return self._comments.values()
def addComment(self, comment):
id = comment.comment_id
if id in self._comments:
id = max(self._comments.keys()) +1
self._comments[id] = comment
comment.comment_id = id
commentator = comment.creator
if not commentator in self._commentators:
self._commentators[commentator] = 0
self._commentators[commentator] += 1
self._last_comment_date = comment.creation_date
reply_to = comment.in_reply_to
if not reply_to in self._children:
self._children[reply_to] = LLSet()
# Dict API
# TODO: Update internal data structures when items added or removed
def conversationAdapterFactory(content):
"""Adapter factory to fetch a conversation from annotations
return None
class ConversationReplies(object):
"""An IReplies adapter for conversations.
This makes it easy to work with top-level comments.
def __init__(self, context):
self.conversation = context
self.root = 0
# TODO: dict interface - generalise to work with any starting point, so
# that the subclassing below works
class CommentReplies(ConversationReplies):
"""An IReplies adapter for comments.
This makes it easy to work with replies to specific comments.
def __init__(self, context):
self.conversation = context.__parent__
self.root = context.comment_id