866 lines
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from Acquisition import aq_base
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from plone.app.discussion import interfaces
from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IComment
from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IConversation
from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings
from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IReplies
2015-05-03 08:41:56 +02:00
from plone.app.discussion.testing import PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_INTEGRATION_TESTING # noqa
from plone.app.testing import setRoles
from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_ID
from plone.app.vocabularies.types import BAD_TYPES
from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope import interface
from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
from zope.component import createObject
from zope.component import queryUtility
import unittest2 as unittest
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
from plone.dexterity.interfaces import IDexterityContent
class ConversationTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.portal = self.layer['portal']
setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
self.portal.REQUEST, interfaces.IDiscussionLayer)
self.typetool = self.portal.portal_types
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
self.portal_discussion = getToolByName(
# Allow discussion
registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings)
settings.globally_enabled = True
def test_add_comment(self):
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a comment. Note: in real life, we always create comments via the
# factory to allow different factories to be swapped in
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
# Check that the conversation methods return the correct data
self.assertTrue(isinstance(comment.comment_id, long))
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
self.assertEqual(new_id, comment.comment_id)
self.assertEqual(len(list(conversation.getComments())), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(tuple(conversation.getThreads())), 1)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 1)
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
conversation.last_comment_date - datetime.utcnow() <
def test_private_comment(self):
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.author_username = "nobody"
comment.manage_permission("View", roles=tuple())
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(0, conversation.total_comments())
self.assertEqual(None, conversation.last_comment_date)
self.assertEqual(["nobody"], list(conversation.commentators))
self.assertEqual([], list(conversation.public_commentators))
def test_delete_comment(self):
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a comment. Note: in real life, we always create comments via the
# factory to allow different factories to be swapped in
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
# make sure the comment has been added
self.assertEqual(len(list(conversation.getComments())), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(tuple(conversation.getThreads())), 1)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 1)
# delete the comment we just created
del conversation[new_id]
# make sure there is no comment left in the conversation
self.assertEqual(len(list(conversation.getComments())), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(tuple(conversation.getThreads())), 0)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 0)
def test_delete_recursive(self):
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Create a nested comment structure:
# Conversation
# +- Comment 1
# +- Comment 1_1
# | +- Comment 1_1_1
# +- Comment 1_2
# +- Comment 2
# +- Comment 2_1
# Create all comments
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2_1.text = 'Comment text'
# Create the nested comment structure
new_id_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)
new_id_2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)
comment1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1
new_id_1_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1_1)
comment1_1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1_1
comment1_2.in_reply_to = new_id_1
comment2_1.in_reply_to = new_id_2
new_id_2_1 = conversation.addComment(comment2_1)
del conversation[new_id_1]
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
{'comment': comment2, 'depth': 0, 'id': new_id_2},
{'comment': comment2_1, 'depth': 1, 'id': new_id_2_1},
], list(conversation.getThreads()))
def test_delete_comment_when_content_object_is_deleted(self):
# Make sure all comments of a content object are deleted when the
# object itself is deleted.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.text = 'Comment text'
# Delete the content object
# Make sure the comment has been deleted as well
self.assertEqual(len(list(conversation.getComments())), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(tuple(conversation.getThreads())), 0)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 0)
def test_comments_enabled_on_doc_in_subfolder(self):
typetool = self.portal.portal_types
typetool.constructContent('Folder', self.portal, 'folder1')
typetool.constructContent('Document', self.portal.folder1, 'doc2')
folder = self.portal.folder1
folder.allow_discussion = True
folder.allow_discussion = False
doc = self.portal.folder1.doc2
conversation = doc.restrictedTraverse('@@conversation_view')
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
# We have to allow discussion on Document content type, since
# otherwise allow_discussion will always return False
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Document')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
def test_disable_commenting_globally(self):
# Create a conversation.
conversation = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
# We have to allow discussion on Document content type, since
# otherwise allow_discussion will always return False
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Document')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
# Check if conversation is enabled now
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
# Disable commenting in the registry
registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings)
settings.globally_enabled = False
# Check if commenting is disabled on the conversation
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
# Enable discussion again
settings.globally_enabled = True
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
def test_allow_discussion_for_news_items(self):
self.typetool.constructContent('News Item', self.portal, 'newsitem')
newsitem = self.portal.newsitem
conversation = newsitem.restrictedTraverse('@@conversation_view')
# We have to allow discussion on Document content type, since
# otherwise allow_discussion will always return False
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'News Item')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
# Check if conversation is enabled now
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
# Disable commenting in the registry
registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings)
settings.globally_enabled = False
# Check if commenting is disabled on the conversation
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
# Enable discussion again
settings.globally_enabled = True
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
def test_disable_commenting_for_content_type(self):
# Create a conversation.
conversation = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
# The Document content type is disabled by default
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
# Allow discussion on Document content type
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Document')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
# Check if conversation is enabled now
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
# Disallow discussion on Document content type
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Document')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
# Check if conversation is enabled now
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
def test_allow_discussion_on_folder(self):
# The ATContentTypes based allow_discussion method did not allow to
# allow discussion on a folder. The dexerity behavior shipped with
# plone.app.contenttypes does not have this restriction any longer.
# Create a folder
self.typetool.constructContent('Folder', self.portal, 'f1')
2013-12-15 12:02:32 +01:00
# Usually we don't create a conversation on a folder
conversation = self.portal.f1.restrictedTraverse('@@conversation_view')
# Allow discussion for the folder
2013-10-10 15:36:18 +02:00
self.portal.f1.allow_discussion = True
# Allow discussion on Folder content type
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Folder')
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
def test_is_discussion_allowed_on_content_object(self):
# Allow discussion on a single content object
# Create a conversation.
conversation = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
# Discussion is disallowed by default
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
# Allow discussion on content object
2013-10-10 15:36:18 +02:00
self.portal.doc1.allow_discussion = True
# Check if discussion is now allowed on the content object
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), True)
2013-10-10 15:36:18 +02:00
self.portal.doc1.allow_discussion = False
self.assertEqual(conversation.enabled(), False)
def test_dict_operations(self):
# test dict operations and acquisition wrapping
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a comment. Note: in real life, we always create comments via the
# factory to allow different factories to be swapped in
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
new_id1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
new_id2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)
# check if get returns a comment object, and None if the key
# can not be found
self.assertEqual(conversation.get(123), None)
# check if keys return the ids of all comments
self.assertEqual(len(conversation.keys()), 2)
self.assertTrue(new_id1 in conversation.keys())
self.assertTrue(new_id2 in conversation.keys())
self.assertFalse(123 in conversation.keys())
# check if items returns (key, comment object) pairs
self.assertEqual(len(conversation.items()), 2)
self.assertTrue((new_id1, comment1) in conversation.items())
self.assertTrue((new_id2, comment2) in conversation.items())
# check if values returns the two comment objects
self.assertEqual(len(conversation.values()), 2)
self.assertTrue(comment1 in conversation.values())
self.assertTrue(comment2 in conversation.values())
# check if comment ids are in iterkeys
self.assertTrue(new_id1 in conversation.iterkeys())
self.assertTrue(new_id2 in conversation.iterkeys())
self.assertFalse(123 in conversation.iterkeys())
# check if comment objects are in itervalues
self.assertTrue(comment1 in conversation.itervalues())
self.assertTrue(comment2 in conversation.itervalues())
# check if iteritems returns (key, comment object) pairs
self.assertTrue((new_id1, comment1) in conversation.iteritems())
self.assertTrue((new_id2, comment2) in conversation.iteritems())
# TODO test acquisition wrapping
#self.assertTrue(aq_base(aq_parent(comment1)) is conversation)
def test_total_comments(self):
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a three comments. Note: in real life, we always create
# comments via the factory to allow different factories to be
# swapped in
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment3.text = 'Comment text'
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 3)
def test_commentators(self):
# add and remove a few comments to make sure the commentators
# property returns a true set
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 0)
# Add a four comments from three different users
# Note: in real life, we always create
# comments via the factory to allow different factories to be
# swapped in
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1.author_username = "Jim"
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2.author_username = "Joe"
comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment3.text = 'Comment text'
comment3.author_username = "Jack"
new_comment3_id = conversation.addComment(comment3)
comment4 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment4.text = 'Comment text'
comment4.author_username = "Jack"
new_comment4_id = conversation.addComment(comment4)
# check if all commentators are in the commentators list
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 4)
self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertTrue('Jack' in conversation.commentators)
# remove the comment from Jack
del conversation[new_comment3_id]
# check if Jack is still in the commentators list (since
# he had added two comments)
self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertTrue('Jack' in conversation.commentators)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 3)
# remove the second comment from Jack
del conversation[new_comment4_id]
# check if Jack has been removed from the commentators list
self.assertTrue('Jim' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertTrue('Joe' in conversation.commentators)
self.assertFalse('Jack' in conversation.commentators)
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 2)
def test_last_comment_date(self):
# add and remove some comments and check if last_comment_date
# is properly updated
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Add a three comments that are at least one day old
# Note: in real life, we always create
# comments via the factory to allow different factories to be
# swapped in
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1.creation_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(4)
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2.creation_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(2)
new_comment2_id = conversation.addComment(comment2)
comment3 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment3.text = 'Comment text'
comment3.creation_date = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(1)
new_comment3_id = conversation.addComment(comment3)
# check if the latest comment is exactly one day old
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
conversation.last_comment_date < datetime.utcnow() -
timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
conversation.last_comment_date >
datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1, seconds=1)
# remove the latest comment
del conversation[new_comment3_id]
# check if the latest comment has been updated
# the latest comment should be exactly two days old
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
conversation.last_comment_date < datetime.utcnow() -
timedelta(days=1, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
conversation.last_comment_date > datetime.utcnow() -
timedelta(days=2, seconds=1)
# remove the latest comment again
del conversation[new_comment2_id]
# check if the latest comment has been updated
# the latest comment should be exactly four days old
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
conversation.last_comment_date < datetime.utcnow() -
timedelta(days=3, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
conversation.last_comment_date > datetime.utcnow() -
timedelta(days=4, seconds=2)
def test_get_comments_full(self):
def test_get_comments_batched(self):
def test_get_threads(self):
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Create a nested comment structure:
# Conversation
# +- Comment 1
# +- Comment 1_1
# | +- Comment 1_1_1
# +- Comment 1_2
# +- Comment 2
# +- Comment 2_1
# Create all comments
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2_1.text = 'Comment text'
# Create the nested comment structure
new_id_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1)
new_id_2 = conversation.addComment(comment2)
comment1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1
new_id_1_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1_1)
comment1_1_1.in_reply_to = new_id_1_1
new_id_1_1_1 = conversation.addComment(comment1_1_1)
comment1_2.in_reply_to = new_id_1
new_id_1_2 = conversation.addComment(comment1_2)
comment2_1.in_reply_to = new_id_2
new_id_2_1 = conversation.addComment(comment2_1)
# Get threads
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
{'comment': comment1, 'depth': 0, 'id': new_id_1},
{'comment': comment1_1, 'depth': 1, 'id': new_id_1_1},
{'comment': comment1_1_1, 'depth': 2, 'id': new_id_1_1_1},
{'comment': comment1_2, 'depth': 1, 'id': new_id_1_2},
{'comment': comment2, 'depth': 0, 'id': new_id_2},
{'comment': comment2_1, 'depth': 1, 'id': new_id_2_1},
], list(conversation.getThreads()))
def test_get_threads_batched(self):
# TODO: test start, size, root and depth arguments to getThreads()
# - may want to split this into multiple tests
def test_traversal(self):
# make sure we can traverse to conversations and get a URL and path
conversation = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
('', 'plone', 'doc1', '++conversation++default'),
def test_unconvertible_id(self):
# make sure the conversation view doesn't break when given comment id
# can't be converted to long
conversation = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
self.assertEqual(conversation, None)
def test_parent(self):
# Check that conversation has a content object as parent
# Create a conversation.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
# Check the parent
self.assertEqual(conversation.__parent__.getId(), 'doc1')
def test_discussion_item_not_in_bad_types(self):
self.assertFalse('Discussion Item' in BAD_TYPES)
def test_no_comment(self):
2012-01-14 07:26:01 +01:00
# Make sure no conversation has been created
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
'plone.app.discussion:conversation' not in
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
class ConversationEnabledForDexterityTypesTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.portal = self.layer['portal']
setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
2013-04-17 19:27:30 +02:00
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
def _makeOne(self, *args, **kw):
return self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse('@@conversation_view')
def _globally_enable_discussion(self, value):
registry = queryUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings)
settings.globally_enabled = value
def _enable_discussion_on_portal_type(self, portal_type, allow_discussion):
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, portal_type)
def test_conversation_is_not_enabled_by_default(self):
conversation = self._makeOne(self.portal.doc1)
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
def test_conversation_is_not_enabled_by_default_on_portal_type(self):
conversation = self._makeOne(self.portal.doc1)
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
def test_conversation_needs_to_be_enabled_globally_and_for_type(self):
self._enable_discussion_on_portal_type('Document', True)
conversation = self._makeOne(self.portal.doc1)
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
def test_disable_discussion(self):
self._enable_discussion_on_portal_type('Document', True)
self.portal.doc1.allow_discussion = False
conversation = self._makeOne(self.portal.doc1)
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
def test_enable_discussion(self):
self._enable_discussion_on_portal_type('Document', True)
self.portal.doc1.allow_discussion = True
conversation = self._makeOne(self.portal.doc1)
2012-06-30 10:59:49 +02:00
class RepliesTest(unittest.TestCase):
# test the IReplies adapter on a conversation
def setUp(self):
self.portal = self.layer['portal']
setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])
def test_add_comment(self):
# Add comments to a ConversationReplies adapter
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
replies = IReplies(conversation)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
# check that replies provides the IReplies interface
# Make sure our comment was added
self.assertTrue(new_id in replies)
# Make sure it is also reflected in the conversation
self.assertTrue(new_id in conversation)
self.assertEqual(conversation[new_id].comment_id, new_id)
def test_delete_comment(self):
# Create and remove a comment and check if the replies adapter
# has been updated accordingly
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
replies = IReplies(conversation)
# Add a comment.
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.text = 'Comment text'
new_id = replies.addComment(comment)
# make sure the comment has been added
self.assertEqual(len(replies), 1)
# delete the comment we just created
del replies[new_id]
# make sure there is no comment left in the conversation
self.assertEqual(len(replies), 0)
def test_dict_api(self):
# This test is for the ConversationReplies as well as the
# CommentReplies adapter.
# Ensure all operations use only top-level comments. Add some
# deeper children and ensure that these are not exposed through the
# IReplies dict.
# Create a conversation. In this case we doesn't assign it to an
# object, as we just want to check the Conversation object API.
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
replies = IReplies(conversation)
# Create a nested comment structure:
# Conversation
# +- Comment 1
# +- Comment 1_1
# | +- Comment 1_1_1
# +- Comment 1_2
# +- Comment 2
# +- Comment 2_1
# Create all comments
comment1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_1_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_1_1.text = 'Comment text'
comment1_2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment1_2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2.text = 'Comment text'
comment2_1 = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment2_1.text = 'Comment text'
# Create the nested comment structure
new_id_1 = replies.addComment(comment1)
comment1 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
'++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_1)
replies_to_comment1 = IReplies(comment1)
new_id_2 = replies.addComment(comment2)
comment2 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
'++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_2)
replies_to_comment2 = IReplies(comment2)
new_id_1_1 = replies_to_comment1.addComment(comment1_1)
comment1_1 = self.portal.doc1.restrictedTraverse(
'++conversation++default/%s' % new_id_1_1)
replies_to_comment1_1 = IReplies(comment1_1)
# check that replies only contain the direct comments
# and no comments deeper than 1
2015-02-16 16:35:43 +01:00
self.assertEqual(conversation.total_comments(), 6)
self.assertEqual(len(replies), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment1), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment1_1), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(replies_to_comment2), 1)