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import unittest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from plone.registry import Registry
from zope.component import createObject
from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_parent, aq_inner
from OFS.Image import Image
from import BAD_TYPES
from Products.CMFCore.FSImage import FSImage
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFPlone.tests import dummy
from Products.PloneTestCase.ptc import PloneTestCase
from import CommentsViewlet
from import IConversation, IComment, IReplies, IDiscussionSettings
from import DiscussionLayer
class CommentsViewletTest(PloneTestCase):
layer = DiscussionLayer
def afterSetUp(self):
typetool = self.portal.portal_types
typetool.constructContent('Document', self.portal, 'doc1')
self.portal_discussion = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_discussion', None)
self.membership_tool = getToolByName(self.folder, 'portal_membership')
self.memberdata = self.portal.portal_memberdata
request =
context = getattr(self.portal, 'doc1')
self.viewlet = CommentsViewlet(context, request, None, None)
def test_format_time(self):
def test_get_commenter_portrait(self):
# Add a user with a member image
self.membership_tool.addMember('jim', 'Jim', ['Member'], [])
self.memberdata._setPortrait(Image(id='jim', file=dummy.File(), title=''), 'jim')
self.assertEqual(self.memberdata._getPortrait('jim').getId(), 'jim')
self.assertEqual(self.memberdata._getPortrait('jim').meta_type, 'Image')
# Add a conversation with a comment
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
conversation = conversation.__of__(self.portal.doc1)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.title = 'Comment 1'
comment.text = 'Comment text'
comment.Creator = 'Jim'
comment.author_username = 'jim'
new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
# Call get_commenter_portrait method of the viewlet
portrait = self.viewlet.get_commenter_portrait('jim')
# Check if the correct member image is returned
self.assert_(isinstance(portrait, Image))
self.assertEquals(portrait.absolute_url(), 'http://nohost/plone/portal_memberdata/portraits/jim')
def test_get_commenter_portrait_without_userimage(self):
# Create a user without a user image
self.membership_tool.addMember('jim', 'Jim', ['Member'], [])
# Add a conversation with a comment
conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1)
conversation = conversation.__of__(self.portal.doc1)
comment = createObject('plone.Comment')
comment.title = 'Comment 1'
comment.text = 'Comment text'
comment.Creator = 'Jim'
comment.author_username = 'jim'
new_id = conversation.addComment(comment)
# Call get_commenter_portrait method of the viewlet
portrait = self.viewlet.get_commenter_portrait('jim')
# Check if the correct default member image is returned
self.assert_(isinstance(portrait, FSImage))
self.assertEquals(portrait.absolute_url(), 'http://nohost/plone/defaultUser.gif')
def test_get_commenter_home(self):
def test_get_commenter_home_without_username(self):
# Create a user without setting a username
def test_is_discussion_allowed(self):
# We currently have four layers of testing if discussion is allowed
# on a particular content object:
# 1) Check if discussion is allowed globally
# 2) Check if discussion is allowed on a particular content type
# 3) If the content object is located in a folder, check if the folder
# has discussion allowed
# 4) Check if discussion is allowed on this particular content object
def test_is_discussion_allowed_globally(self):
def test_is_discussion_allowed_for_content_type(self):
# Check discussion allowed for content types
portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types')
# Get the FTI for some content types
document_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Document')
news_item_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'News Item')
folder_fti = getattr(portal_types, 'Folder')
# By default, discussion is only allowed for Document and News Item
# XXX: allow_discussion always returns False !!!
#self.assertEquals(document_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'), True)
#self.assertEquals(news_item_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'), True)
self.assertEquals(folder_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'), False)
# Disallow discussion for the News Item content types
news_item_fti.manage_changeProperties(allow_discussion = False)
# Allow discussion for the Folder content types
folder_fti.manage_changeProperties(allow_discussion = True)
# Check if discussion for News Item content types is disallowed
self.assertEquals(news_item_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'), False)
# Check if discussion for Folder content types is allowed
self.assertEquals(folder_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'), True)
def test_is_discussion_allowed_for_folder(self):
# Create a folder with two content objects. Change allow_discussion
# and check if the content objects inside the folder are commentable.
def test_is_discussion_allowed_on_content_object(self):
def test_suite():
return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(__name__)