
1573 lines
46 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
2019-07-30 17:12:17 +02:00
/* globals debugCanvas */
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
import Interface from './interface.js'
import { Points, Polygon, Angle, Elements, LowPassFilter } from './utils.js'
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
import Events from './events.js'
import { InteractionMapper } from './interaction.js'
import { Capabilities } from './capabilities.js'
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
/** This interface allows scatters to delegate tap events to other objects. */
export class ITapDelegate extends Interface {
/** This method must be defined by the delegate. It handles the tap event. */
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
tap(event) {}
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
/** Tells the delegate that it should handle standard click events. */
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
handleClicks() {}
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* A base class for scatter specific events.
* @constructor
* @param {name} String - The name of the event
* @param {target} Object - The target of the event
export class BaseEvent {
constructor(name, target) {
this.name = name
this.target = target
// Event types
const START = 'onStart'
const UPDATE = 'onUpdate'
const END = 'onEnd'
* A scatter event that describes how the scatter has changed.
* @constructor
* @param {target} Object - The target scatter of the event
* @param {optional} Object - Optional parameter
export class ScatterEvent extends BaseEvent {
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
{ translate = { x: 0, y: 0 }, scale = null, rotate = 0, about = null, fast = false, type = null } = {}
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
) {
super('scatterTransformed', { target: target })
this.translate = translate
this.scale = scale
this.rotate = rotate
this.about = about
this.fast = fast
this.type = type
toString() {
return (
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
"Event('scatterTransformed', scale: " + this.scale + ' about: ' + this.about.x + ', ' + this.about.y + ')'
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* A scatter resize event that describes how the scatter has changed.
* @constructor
* @param {target} Object - The target scatter of the event
* @param {optional} Object - Optional parameter
export class ResizeEvent extends BaseEvent {
constructor(target, { width = 0, height = 0 } = {}) {
super('scatterResized', { width: width, height: height })
this.width = width
this.height = height
toString() {
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
return 'Event(scatterResized width: ' + this.width + 'height: ' + this.height + ')'
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* A abstract base class that implements the throwable behavior of a scatter
* object.
* @constructor
2023-07-20 14:38:23 +02:00
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
class RequestFrameThrower {
/** Implemenents the standard throw behavior. */
animateThrow(throwable) {
/*** Calls the animateThrow method in sync with the display link. */
2023-07-20 14:38:23 +02:00
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
class TimeoutThrower {
constructor(delay=20) {
this.throwables = new Set()
this.delay = delay
setTimeout(this.animateStep.bind(this), this.delay)
animateThrow(throwable) {
animateStep() {
let active = [...this.throwables]
for(let throwable of active) {
setTimeout(this.animateStep.bind(this), this.delay)
2023-07-20 14:38:23 +02:00
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
let thrower = new RequestFrameThrower()
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
class Throwable {
movableX = true,
movableY = true,
throwVisibility = 44,
throwDamping = 0.95,
autoThrow = true,
onThrowFinished = null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} = {}) {
this.movableX = movableX
this.movableY = movableY
this.throwVisibility = throwVisibility
this.throwDamping = throwDamping
this.autoThrow = autoThrow
this.velocities = []
this.velocity = null
2023-07-21 12:44:03 +02:00
this.lastframe = null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onThrowFinished = onThrowFinished
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
static defaultThrow() {
thrower = new RequestFrameThrower()
static timeoutThrow() {
thrower = new TimeoutThrower()
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
observeVelocity() {
this.lastframe = performance.now()
addVelocity(delta, buffer = 5) {
let t = performance.now()
let dt = t - this.lastframe
this.lastframe = t
2021-01-05 16:25:55 +01:00
// When number is not set or is zero. Use one instead.
let number = delta.number ? delta.number : 1
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (dt > 0) {
// Avoid division by zero errors later on
// and consider the number of involved pointers sind addVelocity will be called by the
// onMove events
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let velocity = {
t: t,
dt: dt,
2021-01-05 16:25:55 +01:00
dx: delta.x / number,
dy: delta.y / number
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
while (this.velocities.length > buffer) {
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
addTestVelocity(delta, dt=20, buffer = 5) {
let t = performance.now()
2023-07-21 12:44:03 +02:00
this.lastframe = t
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
let velocity = {
t: t,
dt: dt,
dx: delta.x ,
dy: delta.y
for(let i=0; i<buffer; i++) {
velocity.t += dt
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
meanVelocity(milliseconds = 30) {
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
// this.addVelocity({ x: 0, y: 0, number: 1 })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let sum = { x: 0, y: 0 }
let count = 0
let t = 0
for (let i = this.velocities.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let v = this.velocities[i]
t += v.dt
let nv = { x: v.dx / v.dt, y: v.dy / v.dt }
sum = Points.add(sum, nv)
count += 1
if (t > milliseconds) {
if (count === 0) return sum // empty vector
return Points.multiplyScalar(sum, 1 / count)
killAnimation() {
this.velocity = null
this.velocities = []
2023-07-21 12:44:03 +02:00
this.lastframe = null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
startThrow() {
this.velocity = this.meanVelocity()
if (this.velocity != null) {
// Call next velocity to ansure that specializations
// that use keepOnStage are called
this.velocity = this.nextVelocity(this.velocity)
if (this.autoThrow) this.animateThrow(performance.now())
} else {
_throwDeltaTime() {
let t = performance.now()
let dt = t - this.lastframe
this.lastframe = t
return dt
2023-07-20 14:38:23 +02:00
recurseAnimateThrow() {
2023-07-20 14:38:23 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
animateThrow(time) {
if (this.velocity != null) {
let dt = this._throwDeltaTime()
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// console.log("animateThrow", dt)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let next = this.nextVelocity(this.velocity)
let prevLength = Points.length(this.velocity)
let nextLength = Points.length(next)
if (nextLength > prevLength) {
let factor = nextLength / prevLength
next = Points.multiplyScalar(next, 1 / factor)
// console.log('Prevent acceleration', factor, this.velocity, next)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.velocity = next
let d = Points.multiplyScalar(this.velocity, dt)
if (dt == 0 || this.needsAnimation()) {
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
2023-07-20 11:44:13 +02:00
} else {
if (this.isOutside()) {
2023-07-21 08:36:14 +02:00
2023-07-20 11:44:13 +02:00
if (this.onThrowFinished != null) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
needsAnimation() {
if (this.velocity == null) {
return false
return Points.length(this.velocity) > 0.01
nextVelocity(velocity) {
// Must be overwritten: computes the changed velocity. Implement
// damping, collison detection, etc. here
let next = Points.multiplyScalar(velocity, this.throwDamping)
return {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
x: this.movableX ? next.x : 0,
y: this.movableY ? next.y : 0
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
_move(delta) {
// Overwrite if necessary
onDragComplete() {
// Overwrite if necessary
onDragUpdate(delta) {
// Overwrite if necessary
export class AbstractScatter extends Throwable {
minScale = 0.1,
maxScale = 1.0,
startScale = 1.0,
autoBringToFront = true,
autoThrow = true,
translatable = true,
scalable = true,
rotatable = true,
resizable = false,
movableX = true,
movableY = true,
throwVisibility = 44,
throwDamping = 0.95,
overdoScaling = 1,
mouseZoomFactor = 1.1,
rotationDegrees = null,
rotation = null,
onTransform = null,
interactive = true,
onClose = null,
onThrowFinished = null,
scaleAutoClose = false,
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
scaleCloseThreshold = 0.1,
2019-07-04 16:00:56 +02:00
scaleCloseBuffer = 0.05,
maxRotation = Angle.degree2radian(5),
minInteractionDistance = 0,
useLowPassFilter = false
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} = {}) {
if (rotationDegrees != null && rotation != null) {
throw new Error('Use rotationDegrees or rotation but not both')
} else if (rotation != null) {
rotationDegrees = Angle.radian2degree(rotation)
} else if (rotationDegrees == null) {
rotationDegrees = 0
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
* Closes the card when the minScale is reached and the
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* card is released. Card can be saved by scaling it up again.
this.scaleAutoClose = scaleAutoClose
this.scaleCloseThreshold = scaleCloseThreshold
this.scaleCloseBuffer = scaleCloseBuffer
this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout = null
this.interactive = interactive
this.startRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees
this.startScale = startScale // Needed to reset object
this.minScale = minScale
this.maxScale = maxScale
2019-07-04 16:00:56 +02:00
this.maxRotation = maxRotation
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.overdoScaling = overdoScaling
this.translatable = translatable
if (!translatable) {
this.movableX = false
this.movableY = false
this.scalable = scalable
this.rotatable = rotatable
this.resizable = resizable
this.mouseZoomFactor = mouseZoomFactor
this.autoBringToFront = autoBringToFront
this.useLowPassFilter = useLowPassFilter
this.minInteractionDistance = minInteractionDistance
if (useLowPassFilter) {
this.rotateLPF = new LowPassFilter()
this.zoomLPF = new LowPassFilter()
this.zoomLPF.setup([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.dragging = false
this.onTransform = onTransform != null ? [onTransform] : null
this.onClose = onClose != null ? [onClose] : null
addCloseEventCallback(callback) {
if (this.onClose == null) {
this.onClose = []
addTransformEventCallback(callback) {
if (this.onTransform == null) {
this.onTransform = []
startGesture(interaction) {
if (this.useLowPassFilter) {
this.zoomLPF.setup([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
return true
close() {
_callCloseCallbacks() {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.onClose) {
this.onClose.forEach(callback => callback(this))
_removeCallbacks() {
this.onClose = []
this.onTransform = []
_removeSelfFromScatterContainer() {
2019-07-30 17:12:17 +02:00
// Removes self from container when it's closed.
if (this.container) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
gesture(interaction) {
let delta = interaction.delta()
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (delta != null) {
/* uo: Is this the best place to add velocity? It works with scrollable text in card drawers but
has to be tested */
let rotate = delta.rotate
let zoom = delta.zoom
2019-07-04 16:15:12 +02:00
if (this.maxRotation != null) {
if (Math.abs(rotate) > this.maxRotation) {
rotate = 0
2019-07-04 16:00:56 +02:00
if (this.useLowPassFilter) {
rotate = this.rotateLPF.next(rotate)
zoom = this.zoomLPF.next(zoom)
if (delta.distance < this.minInteractionDistance) {
let ratio = delta.distance / this.minInteractionDistance
rotate *= ratio
2019-07-19 15:30:13 +02:00
let zoomDelta = zoom - 1
zoomDelta *= ratio
zoom = 1 + zoomDelta
this.transform(delta, zoom, rotate, delta.about)
/* uo: This is too late an dangerous. transform sometimes modifies delta
this.addVelocity(delta) // uo: reverted commit fa0256d782dd498c6d3e51321260ca375ca9f855
if (zoom != 1) this.interactionAnchor = delta.about
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
get polygon() {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let w2 = (this.width * this.scale) / 2
let h2 = (this.height * this.scale) / 2
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let center = this.center
let polygon = new Polygon(center)
polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: -h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: -h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: h2 })
return polygon
isOutside() {
let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
if (stagePolygon == null) return false
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let polygon = this.polygon
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
if (polygon == null) return false
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon)
return result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility
recenter() {
// Return a small vector that guarantees that the scatter is moving
// towards the center of the stage
let center = this.center
let target = this.container.center
let delta = Points.subtract(target, center)
return Points.normalize(delta)
nextVelocity(velocity) {
return this.keepOnStage(velocity)
bouncing() {
// Implements the bouncing behavior of the scatter. Moves the scatter
// to the center of the stage if the scatter is outside the stage or
// not within the limits of the throwVisibility.
let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon
let polygon = this.polygon
let result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon)
if (result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility) {
let cv = this.recenter()
let recentered = false
while (result === false || result.overlap < this.throwVisibility) {
polygon.center.x += cv.x
polygon.center.y += cv.y
result = stagePolygon.intersectsWith(polygon)
recentered = true
return recentered
return false
keepOnStage(velocity, collision = 0.5) {
let stagePolygon = this.containerPolygon
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// UO: since keepOnStage is called in nextVelocity we need to
// ensure a return value
if (!stagePolygon) return { x: 0, y: 0 }
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let polygon = this.polygon
let bounced = this.bouncing()
if (bounced) {
let stage = this.containerBounds
let x = this.center.x
let y = this.center.y
let dx = this.movableX ? velocity.x : 0
let dy = this.movableY ? velocity.y : 0
let factor = this.throwDamping
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// if (recentered) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (x < 0) {
dx = -dx
factor = collision
if (x > stage.width) {
dx = -dx
factor = collision
if (y < 0) {
dy = -dy
factor = collision
if (y > stage.height) {
dy = -dy
factor = collision
// }
return Points.multiplyScalar({ x: dx, y: dy }, factor)
return super.nextVelocity(velocity)
endGesture(interaction) {
_checkAutoClose() {
if (this.scaleAutoClose)
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold - this.scaleCloseBuffer) {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
this.zoom(this.minScale, {
animate: 0.2,
onComplete: this.close.bind(this)
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} else if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) {
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
this.zoom(this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold, {
animate: 0.4
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
rotateDegrees(degrees, anchor) {
let rad = Angle.degree2radian(degrees)
this.rotate(rad, anchor)
rotate(rad, anchor) {
this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 1.0, rad, anchor)
move(d, { animate = 0 } = {}) {
if (this.translatable) {
if (animate > 0) {
let startPos = this.position
TweenLite.to(this, animate, {
x: '+=' + d.x,
y: '+=' + d.y,
/* scale: scale, uo: not defined, why was this here? */
onUpdate: e => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let p = this.position
let dx = p.x - startPos.x
let dy = p.x - startPos.y
this.onMoved(dx, dy)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} else {
this.onMoved(d.x, d.y)
moveTo(p, { animate = 0 } = {}) {
let c = this.origin
let delta = Points.subtract(p, c)
this.move(delta, { animate: animate })
centerAt(p, { animate = 0 } = {}) {
let c = this.center
let delta = Points.subtract(p, c)
this.move(delta, { animate: animate })
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
zoom(scale, { animate = 0, about = null, delay = 0, x = null, y = null, onComplete = null } = {}) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let anchor = about || this.center
if (scale != this.scale) {
if (animate > 0) {
TweenLite.to(this, animate, {
scale: scale,
delay: delay,
onComplete: onComplete,
onUpdate: this.onZoomed.bind(this)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} else {
this.scale = scale
_move(delta) {
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// this.addVelocity(delta) uo: reverted commit fa0256d782dd498c6d3e51321260ca375ca9f855
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.x += this.movableX ? delta.x : 0
this.y += this.movableX ? delta.y : 0
transform(translate, zoom, rotate, anchor) {
let delta = {
x: this.movableX ? translate.x : 0,
y: this.movableY ? translate.y : 0
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.resizable) var vzoom = zoom
if (!this.translatable) delta = { x: 0, y: 0 }
if (!this.rotatable) rotate = 0
if (!this.scalable) zoom = 1.0
if (zoom == 1.0 && rotate == 0) {
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
translate: delta,
scale: this.scale,
rotate: 0,
about: anchor,
fast: false,
type: UPDATE
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let origin = this.rotationOrigin
let beta = Points.angle(origin, anchor)
let distance = Points.distance(origin, anchor)
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
let { scale: newScale, zoom: thresholdedZoom } = this.calculateScale(zoom)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
let newOrigin = Points.arc(anchor, beta + rotate, distance * thresholdedZoom)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let extra = Points.subtract(newOrigin, origin)
2021-02-01 13:40:57 +01:00
const anchorOffset = Points.subtract(anchor, origin)
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// this._move(offset)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.scale = newScale
this.rotation += rotate
2021-02-01 13:54:40 +01:00
let offset = Points.negate(anchorOffset)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
offset = Points.add(offset, extra)
offset = Points.add(offset, translate)
2021-02-01 13:40:57 +01:00
this._move(Points.add(anchorOffset, offset))
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
delta.x += extra.x
delta.y += extra.y
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
translate: delta,
scale: newScale,
rotate: rotate,
about: anchor
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.resizable) {
* For a given zoom, a new scale is calculated, taking
* min and max scale into account.
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @param {number} zoom - The zoom factor, to scale the object with.
* @returns {object} - Returns an object containing the a value for a valid scale and the corrected zoom factor.
calculateScale(zoom) {
let scale = this.scale * zoom
let minScale = this.minScale / this.overdoScaling
let maxScale = this.maxScale * this.overdoScaling
if (scale < minScale) {
scale = minScale
zoom = scale / this.scale
if (scale > maxScale) {
scale = maxScale
zoom = scale / this.scale
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
if (this.scaleAutoClose) this._updateTransparency()
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
return { zoom, scale }
_updateTransparency() {
if (this.scale < this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) {
let transparency = this.calculateScaleTransparency()
this.element.style.opacity = transparency
} else this.element.style.opacity = 1
calculateScaleTransparency() {
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
let transparency = (this.scale - this.minScale) / this.scaleCloseThreshold
transparency = transparency > 1 ? 1 : transparency < 0 ? 0 : transparency
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
return transparency
resizeAfterTransform(zoom) {
// Overwrite this in subclasses.
validScale(scale) {
scale = Math.max(scale, this.minScale)
scale = Math.min(scale, this.maxScale)
return scale
animateZoomBounce(dt = 1) {
if (this.zoomAnchor != null) {
let zoom = 1
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let amount = Math.min(0.01, (0.3 * dt) / 100000.0)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.scale < this.minScale) zoom = 1 + amount
if (this.scale > this.maxScale) zoom = 1 - amount
if (zoom != 1) {
this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, zoom, 0, this.zoomAnchor)
requestAnimationFrame(dt => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.zoomAnchor = null
checkScaling(about, delay = 0) {
this.zoomAnchor = about
setTimeout(this.animateZoomBounce.bind(this), delay)
onMouseWheel(event) {
if (event.claimedByScatter) {
if (event.claimedByScatter != this) return
this.targetScale = null
let direction = event.detail < 0 || event.wheelDelta > 0
let globalPoint = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }
let centerPoint = this.mapPositionToContainerPoint(globalPoint)
if (event.shiftKey) {
let degrees = direction ? 5 : -5
let rad = Angle.degree2radian(degrees)
return this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, 1.0, rad, centerPoint)
const zoomFactor = this.mouseZoomFactor
let zoom = direction ? zoomFactor : 1 / zoomFactor
this.transform({ x: 0, y: 0 }, zoom, 0, centerPoint)
this.checkScaling(centerPoint, 200)
if (this.scaleAutoClose) {
if (this.scale <= this.minScale + this.scaleCloseThreshold) {
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
if (this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout) clearTimeout(this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.scaleAutoCloseTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 600)
onStart(event, interaction) {
if (this.startGesture(interaction)) {
this.dragging = true
this.interactionAnchor = null
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
translate: { x: 0, y: 0 },
scale: this.scale,
rotate: 0,
about: null,
fast: false,
type: START
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onMove(event, interaction) {
/** As long as mouseout && mouseleave interrupt we cannot be sure that
* dragging remains correct.
if (this.dragging) {
onEnd(event, interaction) {
//console.log('Scatter.onEnd', this.dragging)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (interaction.isFinished()) {
this.dragging = false
for (let key of interaction.ended.keys()) {
if (interaction.isTap(key)) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let point = interaction.ended.get(key)
this.onTap(event, interaction, point)
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
translate: { x: 0, y: 0 },
scale: this.scale,
rotate: 0,
about: null,
fast: false,
type: END
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let about = this.interactionAnchor
if (about != null) {
this.checkScaling(about, 100)
2019-10-02 10:33:57 +02:00
//onTap(event, interaction, point) {}
onTap(event, interaction, point) {
//console.log('AbstractScatter.onTap', this.tapDelegate, interaction)
2019-10-02 10:33:57 +02:00
if (this.tapDelegate) {
this.tapDelegate.tap(event, 'scatter')
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onDragUpdate(delta) {
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
fast: true,
translate: delta,
scale: this.scale,
about: this.currentAbout,
type: null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onDragComplete() {
if (this.onTransform) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
scale: this.scale,
about: this.currentAbout,
fast: false,
type: null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onMoved(dx, dy, about) {
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
translate: { x: dx, y: dy },
about: about,
fast: true,
type: null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onResizing() {
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
scale: this.scale,
fast: false,
type: null
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
onZoomed(about) {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
if (this.scaleAutoClose) this._updateTransparency()
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.onTransform != null) {
let event = new ScatterEvent(this, {
scale: this.scale,
about: about,
fast: false,
type: null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.onTransform.forEach(function(f) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
/** A container for scatter objects, which uses a single InteractionMapper
* for all children. This reduces the number of registered event handlers
* and covers the common use case that multiple objects are scattered
* on the same level.
export class DOMScatterContainer {
* @constructor
* @param {DOM node} element - DOM element that receives events
* @param {Bool} stopEvents - Whether events should be stopped or propagated
* @param {Bool} claimEvents - Whether events should be marked as claimed
* if findTarget return as non-null value.
* @param {String} [touchAction=none] - CSS to set touch action style, needed to prevent
* pointer cancel events. Use null if the
* the touch action should not be set.
2019-07-05 14:11:43 +02:00
* @param {DOM node} debugCanvas - Shows debug infos about touches if not null
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
2019-09-19 13:38:24 +02:00
stopEvents = 'auto',
claimEvents = true,
useCapture = true,
capturePointerEvents = true,
touchAction = 'none',
debugCanvas = null
2019-09-19 13:38:24 +02:00
} = {}
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
) {
this.onCapture = null
this.element = element
if (stopEvents === 'auto') {
2019-07-05 09:34:22 +02:00
The events have to be stopped in Safari, otherwise the whole page will be zoomed with
a pinch gesture (preventDefault in method preventPinch). In order to enable the
movement of scatter objects, the touchmove event has to be bound again.
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (Capabilities.isSafari) {
document.addEventListener('touchmove', event => this.preventPinch(event), false)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
stopEvents = false
} else {
stopEvents = true
this.stopEvents = stopEvents
this.claimEvents = claimEvents
if (touchAction !== null) {
Elements.setStyle(element, { touchAction })
this.scatter = new Map()
this.delegate = new InteractionMapper(element, this, {
mouseWheelElement: window
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-05 14:11:43 +02:00
if (debugCanvas !== null) {
requestAnimationFrame(dt => {
this.showTouches(dt, debugCanvas)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
showTouches(dt, canvas) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let resolution = window.devicePixelRatio
let current = this.delegate.interaction.current
let context = canvas.getContext('2d')
let radius = 20 * resolution
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'
context.lineWidth = 2
context.strokeStyle = '#003300'
for (let [key, point] of current.entries()) {
let local = point
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
context.arc(local.x * resolution, local.y * resolution, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
requestAnimationFrame(dt => {
this.showTouches(dt, canvas)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
preventPinch(event) {
event = event.originalEvent || event
if (event.scale !== 1) {
* Removes an element from the scatter.
* @param {Scatter} scatter - Element to remove.
* @memberof DOMScatterContainer
remove(scatter) {
* Adds an element to the ScatterContainer.
* @param {Scatter} scatter - Element to add to the ScatterContainer.
* @memberof DOMScatterContainer
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
add(scatter) {
this.scatter.set(scatter.element, scatter)
capture(event) {
if (this.onCapture) {
return this.onCapture(event)
if (event.target == this.element && this.stopEvents) {
return true
mapPositionToPoint(point) {
return Points.fromPageToNode(this.element, point)
isDescendant(parent, child, clickable = false) {
if (parent == child) return true
let node = child.parentNode
while (node != null) {
if (!clickable && node.onclick) {
return false
if (node == parent) {
return true
node = node.parentNode
return false
findTarget(event, local, global) {
/*** Note that elementFromPoint works with clientX, clientY, not pageX, pageY
The important point is that event should not be used, since the TouchEvent
points are hidden in sub objects.
let found = document.elementFromPoint(global.x, global.y)
for (let target of this.scatter.values()) {
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
if (target.interactive && this.isDescendant(target.element, found)) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this.stopEvents) Events.stop(event)
if (this.claimEvents) event.claimedByScatter = target
return target
return null
get center() {
let r = this.bounds
let w2 = r.width / 2
let h2 = r.height / 2
return { x: w2, y: h2 }
get bounds() {
return this.element.getBoundingClientRect()
get polygon() {
let r = this.bounds
let w2 = r.width / 2
let h2 = r.height / 2
let center = { x: w2, y: h2 }
let polygon = new Polygon(center)
polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: -h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: -h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: w2, y: h2 })
polygon.addPoint({ x: -w2, y: h2 })
return polygon
export class DOMScatter extends AbstractScatter {
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
startScale = 1.0,
minScale = 0.1,
maxScale = 1.0,
overdoScaling = 1.5,
autoBringToFront = true,
translatable = true,
scalable = true,
rotatable = true,
movableX = true,
movableY = true,
rotationDegrees = null,
rotation = null,
onTransform = null,
transformOrigin = 'center center',
// extras which are in part needed
x = 0,
y = 0,
width = null, // required
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
height = null, // required
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
resizable = false,
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
tapDelegate = null,
triggerSVGClicks = false,
allowClickDistance = 44,
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
verbose = true,
onResize = null,
touchAction = 'none',
throwVisibility = 44,
throwDamping = 0.95,
autoThrow = true,
scaleAutoClose = false,
onClose = null,
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
scaleCloseThreshold = 0.1,
scaleCloseBuffer = 0.05,
useLowPassFilter = false,
maxRotation = Angle.degree2radian(15),
minInteractionDistance = 200
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} = {}
) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (container == null || width == null || height == null) {
throw new Error('Invalid value: null')
element.scatter = this
this.element = element
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.oldX = 0
this.oldY = 0
this.meanX = x
this.meanY = y
this.width = width
this.height = height
this.throwVisibility = Math.min(width, height, throwVisibility)
this.container = container
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
this.tapDelegate = tapDelegate
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.scale = startScale
this.rotationDegrees = this.startRotationDegrees
this.transformOrigin = transformOrigin
this.initialValues = {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
scale: startScale,
rotation: this.startRotationDegrees,
transformOrigin: transformOrigin
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.tapNodes = new Map()
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
// For tweenlite we need initial values in _gsTransform
TweenLite.set(element, this.initialValues)
this.onResize = onResize
this.verbose = verbose
if (touchAction !== null) {
Elements.setStyle(element, { touchAction })
this.resizeButton = null
if (resizable) {
let button = document.createElement('div')
button.style.position = 'absolute'
button.style.right = '0px'
button.style.bottom = '0px'
button.style.width = '50px'
button.style.height = '50px'
button.className = 'interactiveElement'
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
button.addEventListener('pointerdown', e => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
button.addEventListener('pointermove', e => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
button.addEventListener('pointerup', e => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.resizeButton = button
2019-07-12 14:33:15 +02:00
if (tapDelegate) {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
/** Returns geometry data as object. **/
getState() {
return {
scale: this.scale,
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
rotation: this.rotation
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
close() {
let parent = this.element.parentNode
if (parent) parent.removeChild(this.element)
get rotationOrigin() {
return this.center
get x() {
return this._x
get y() {
return this._y
set x(value) {
this._x = value
TweenLite.set(this.element, { x: value })
set y(value) {
this._y = value
TweenLite.set(this.element, { y: value })
get position() {
let transform = this.element._gsTransform
let x = transform.x
let y = transform.y
return { x, y }
get origin() {
let p = this.fromNodeToPage(0, 0)
return Points.fromPageToNode(this.container.element, p)
get bounds() {
let stage = this.container.element.getBoundingClientRect()
let rect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect()
return {
top: rect.top - stage.top,
left: rect.left - stage.left,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
get center() {
let r = this.bounds
let w2 = r.width / 2
let h2 = r.height / 2
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// if (this.resizable) {
// w2 *= this.scale
// h2 *= this.scale
// }
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
var x = r.left + w2
var y = r.top + h2
return { x, y }
set rotation(radians) {
let rad = radians // Angle.normalize(radians)
let degrees = Angle.radian2degree(rad)
TweenLite.set(this.element, { rotation: degrees })
this._rotation = rad
set rotationDegrees(degrees) {
let deg = degrees // Angle.normalizeDegree(degrees)
TweenLite.set(this.element, { rotation: deg })
this._rotation = Angle.degree2radian(deg)
get rotation() {
return this._rotation
get rotationDegrees() {
return this._rotation
set scale(scale) {
TweenLite.set(this.element, {
scale: scale,
transformOrigin: this.transformOrigin
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this._scale = scale
get scale() {
return this._scale
get containerBounds() {
return this.container.bounds
get containerPolygon() {
return this.container.polygon
mapPositionToContainerPoint(point) {
return this.container.mapPositionToPoint(point)
capture(event) {
return true
reset() {
TweenLite.set(this.element, this.initialValues)
hide() {
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0.1, {
display: 'none',
onComplete: e => {
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
show() {
TweenLite.set(this.element, { display: 'block' })
showAt(p, rotationDegrees) {
TweenLite.set(this.element, {
display: 'block',
x: p.x,
y: p.y,
rotation: rotationDegrees,
transformOrigin: this.transformOrigin
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
bringToFront() {
// this.element.parentNode.appendChild(this.element)
// uo: On Chome and Electon appendChild leads to flicker
TweenLite.set(this.element, { zIndex: DOMScatter.zIndex++ })
isDescendant(parent, child) {
let node = child.parentNode
while (node != null) {
if (node == parent) {
return true
node = node.parentNode
return false
fromPageToNode(x, y) {
return Points.fromPageToNode(this.element, { x, y })
fromNodeToPage(x, y) {
return Points.fromNodeToPage(this.element, { x, y })
_move(delta) {
// UO: We need to keep TweenLite's _gsTransform and the private
// _x and _y attributes aligned
let x = this.element._gsTransform.x
let y = this.element._gsTransform.y
if (this.movableX) {
x += delta.x
if (this.movableY) {
y += delta.y
this._x = x
this._y = y
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
// this.addVelocity({ x: delta.x, y: delta.y }) uo: reverted commit fa0256d782dd498c6d3e51321260ca375ca9f855
2021-01-05 16:25:55 +01:00
TweenLite.set(this.element, { x, y })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
resizeAfterTransform(zoom) {
if (this.onResize) {
let w = this.width * this.scale
let h = this.height * this.scale
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let event = new ResizeEvent(this, { width: w, height: h })
startResize(e) {
let event = new CustomEvent('resizeStarted')
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let oldPostition = {
x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.element.style.transformOrigin = '0% 0%'
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let newPostition = {
x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let offset = Points.subtract(oldPostition, newPostition)
this.oldX = e.clientX
this.oldY = e.clientY
e.target.setAttribute('resizing', 'true')
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { left: '+=' + offset.x + 'px' } })
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { top: '+=' + offset.y + 'px' } })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
resize(e) {
let rotation = Angle.radian2degree(this.rotation)
rotation = (rotation + 360) % 360
let event = new CustomEvent('resized')
if (e.target.getAttribute('resizing') == 'true') {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let deltaX = e.clientX - this.oldX
let deltaY = e.clientY - this.oldY
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2))
let phi = Angle.radian2degree(Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY))
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
phi = (phi + 630) % 360
let rot = (rotation + 90 + 630) % 360
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let diffAngle = (0 + rot + 360) % 360
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let phiCorrected = (phi + diffAngle + 360) % 360
let resizeW = r * Math.cos(Angle.degree2radian(phiCorrected))
let resizeH = -r * Math.sin(Angle.degree2radian(phiCorrected))
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
if (
2019-07-30 16:56:29 +02:00
(this.element.offsetWidth + resizeW) / this.scale > (this.width * 0.5) / this.scale &&
(this.element.offsetHeight + resizeH) / this.scale > (this.height * 0.3) / this.scale
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, {
width: this.element.offsetWidth + resizeW / this.scale,
height: this.element.offsetHeight + resizeH / this.scale
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.oldX = e.clientX
this.oldY = e.clientY
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
stopResize(e) {
let event = new CustomEvent('resizeEnded')
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let oldPostition = {
x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
this.element.style.transformOrigin = '50% 50%'
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
let newPostition = {
x: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let offset = Points.subtract(oldPostition, newPostition)
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { left: '+=' + offset.x + 'px' } })
TweenLite.to(this.element, 0, { css: { top: '+=' + offset.y + 'px' } })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
e.target.setAttribute('resizing', 'false')
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2022-10-04 10:51:35 +02:00
DOMScatter.zIndex = 1000