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Toy data set for the methods seminar on data management SS2024

Responsible person

Nora Wickelmaier Referentin Forschungsmethoden und Forschungsdatenmanagement Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)

Folder structure and naming conventions

|- /code/
|- /data/
    |- /codebook/
    |- /rawdata/
    |- /results/

The code folder contains analysis scripts written in R. The scripts are numbered, indicating the order they should be executed in.

The data folder contains all folders associated with data and its documentation.

The code folder with contains different codebook options and R scripts that create these codebooks. If the codebook is created by an R script, the script and the codebook are named identically, e.g., codebook_01.R and codebook_01.xslx.

The rawdata folder contains the downloads from Qualtrics. In Qualtrics, the variables have been selected and ordered and then downloaded, without the additional columns Qualtrics adds by default. The naming convention for the downloaded files is


No other files than the downloads from qualtrics should go into this folder!

The results folder contains processed data. The scripts in /code/ process the data from /rawdata/ and saves the files containing the processed data to /results/. Data can be exported as CSV files or RData files. If different file formats contain the same data, they should be named identically, e.g., data_rdm-ms-ss2024_cleaned.csv and data_rdm-ms-ss2024_cleaned.RData.