
565 lines
24 KiB

* VERSION: 0.7.0
* DATE: 2019-02-07
* UPDATES AND DOCS AT: http://greensock.com
* @license Copyright (c) 2008-2019, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
* SplitText is a Club GreenSock membership benefit; You must have a valid membership to use
* this code without violating the terms of use. Visit http://greensock.com/club/ to sign up or get more details.
* This work is subject to the software agreement that was issued with your membership.
* @author: Jack Doyle, jack@greensock.com
/* eslint-disable */
import { _gsScope, globals } from "gsap/TweenLite.js";
(function(window) {
"use strict";
var _globals = window.GreenSockGlobals || window,
_namespace = function(ns) {
var a = ns.split("."),
p = _globals, i;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
p[a[i]] = p = p[a[i]] || {};
return p;
pkg = _namespace("com.greensock.utils"),
_getText = function(e) {
var type = e.nodeType,
result = "";
if (type === 1 || type === 9 || type === 11) {
if (typeof(e.textContent) === "string") {
return e.textContent;
} else {
for ( e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling ) {
result += _getText(e);
} else if (type === 3 || type === 4) {
return e.nodeValue;
return result;
_doc = _gsScope.document || {},
_computedStyleScope = (typeof(window) !== "undefined" ? window : _doc.defaultView || {getComputedStyle:function() {}}),
_getComputedStyle = function(e) {
return _computedStyleScope.getComputedStyle(e); //to avoid errors in Microsoft Edge, we need to call getComputedStyle() from a specific scope, typically window.
_capsExp = /([A-Z])/g,
_getStyle = function(t, p, cs, str) {
var result;
if ((cs = cs || _getComputedStyle(t, null))) {
t = cs.getPropertyValue(p.replace(_capsExp, "-$1").toLowerCase());
result = (t || cs.length) ? t : cs[p]; //Opera behaves VERY strangely - length is usually 0 and cs[p] is the only way to get accurate results EXCEPT when checking for -o-transform which only works with cs.getPropertyValue()!
} else if (t.currentStyle) {
cs = t.currentStyle;
result = cs[p];
return str ? result : parseInt(result, 10) || 0;
_isArrayLike = function(e) {
return (e.length && e[0] && ((e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType) || (e[0].length && e[0][0]))) ? true : false; //could be an array of jQuery objects too, so accommodate that.
_flattenArray = function(a) {
var result = [],
l = a.length,
i, e, j;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
e = a[i];
if (_isArrayLike(e)) {
j = e.length;
for (j = 0; j < e.length; j++) {
} else {
return result;
//some characters are combining marks (think diacritics/accents in European languages) which involve 2 or 4 characters that combine in the browser to form a single character. Pass in the remaining text and an array of the special characters to search for and if the text starts with one of those special characters, it'll spit back the number of characters to retain (often 2 or 4). Used in the specialChars features that was introduced in 0.6.0.
_findSpecialChars = function(text, chars) {
var i = chars.length,
while (--i > -1) {
s = chars[i];
if (text.substr(0, s.length) === s) {
return s.length;
_stripExp = /(?:\r|\n|\t\t)/g, //find carriage returns, new line feeds and double-tabs.
_multipleSpacesExp = /(?:\s\s+)/g,
_emojiStart = 0xD800,
_emojiEnd = 0xDBFF,
_emojiLowStart = 0xDC00,
_emojiRegionStart = 0x1F1E6,
_emojiRegionEnd = 0x1F1FF,
_emojiModStart = 0x1f3fb,
_emojiModEnd = 0x1f3ff,
_emojiPairCode = function(s) {
return ((s.charCodeAt(0) - _emojiStart) << 10) + (s.charCodeAt(1) - _emojiLowStart) + 0x10000;
_isOldIE = (_doc.all && !_doc.addEventListener),
_divStart = " style='position:relative;display:inline-block;" + (_isOldIE ? "*display:inline;*zoom:1;'" : "'"), //note: we must use both display:inline-block and *display:inline for IE8 and earlier, otherwise it won't flow correctly (and if we only use display:inline, IE won't render most of the property tweens - very odd).
_cssClassFunc = function(cssClass, tag) {
cssClass = cssClass || "";
var iterate = (cssClass.indexOf("++") !== -1),
num = 1;
if (iterate) {
cssClass = cssClass.split("++").join("");
return function() {
return "<" + tag + _divStart + (cssClass ? " class='" + cssClass + (iterate ? num++ : "") + "'>" : ">");
SplitText = pkg.SplitText = _globals.SplitText = function(element, vars) {
if (typeof(element) === "string") {
element = SplitText.selector(element);
if (!element) {
throw("cannot split a null element.");
this.elements = _isArrayLike(element) ? _flattenArray(element) : [element];
this.chars = [];
this.words = [];
this.lines = [];
this._originals = [];
this.vars = vars || {};
_swapText = function(element, oldText, newText) {
var type = element.nodeType;
if (type === 1 || type === 9 || type === 11) {
for (element = element.firstChild; element; element = element.nextSibling) {
_swapText(element, oldText, newText);
} else if (type === 3 || type === 4) {
element.nodeValue = element.nodeValue.split(oldText).join(newText);
_pushReversed = function(a, merge) {
var i = merge.length;
while (--i > -1) {
_slice = function(a) { //don't use Array.prototype.slice.call(target, 0) because that doesn't work in IE8 with a NodeList that's returned by querySelectorAll()
var b = [],
l = a.length,
for (i = 0; i !== l; b.push(a[i++])) {}
return b;
_isBeforeWordDelimiter = function(e, root, wordDelimiter) {
var next;
while (e && e !== root) {
next = e._next || e.nextSibling;
if (next) {
return next.textContent.charAt(0) === wordDelimiter;
e = e.parentNode || e._parent;
return false;
_deWordify = function(e) {
var children = _slice(e.childNodes),
l = children.length,
i, child;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
child = children[i];
if (child._isSplit) {
} else {
if (i && child.previousSibling.nodeType === 3) {
child.previousSibling.nodeValue += (child.nodeType === 3) ? child.nodeValue : child.firstChild.nodeValue;
} else if (child.nodeType !== 3) {
e.insertBefore(child.firstChild, child);
_setPositionsAfterSplit = function(element, vars, allChars, allWords, allLines, origWidth, origHeight) {
var cs = _getComputedStyle(element),
paddingLeft = _getStyle(element, "paddingLeft", cs),
lineOffsetY = -999,
borderTopAndBottom = _getStyle(element, "borderBottomWidth", cs) + _getStyle(element, "borderTopWidth", cs),
borderLeftAndRight = _getStyle(element, "borderLeftWidth", cs) + _getStyle(element, "borderRightWidth", cs),
padTopAndBottom = _getStyle(element, "paddingTop", cs) + _getStyle(element, "paddingBottom", cs),
padLeftAndRight = _getStyle(element, "paddingLeft", cs) + _getStyle(element, "paddingRight", cs),
lineThreshold = _getStyle(element, "fontSize") * 0.2,
textAlign = _getStyle(element, "textAlign", cs, true),
charArray = [],
wordArray = [],
lineArray = [],
wordDelimiter = vars.wordDelimiter || " ",
tag = vars.tag ? vars.tag : (vars.span ? "span" : "div"),
types = vars.type || vars.split || "chars,words,lines",
lines = (allLines && types.indexOf("lines") !== -1) ? [] : null,
words = (types.indexOf("words") !== -1),
chars = (types.indexOf("chars") !== -1),
absolute = (vars.position === "absolute" || vars.absolute === true),
linesClass = vars.linesClass,
iterateLine = ((linesClass || "").indexOf("++") !== -1),
spaceNodesToRemove = [],
i, j, l, node, nodes, isChild, curLine, addWordSpaces, style, lineNode, lineWidth, offset;
if (iterateLine) {
linesClass = linesClass.split("++").join("");
//copy all the descendant nodes into an array (we can't use a regular nodeList because it's live and we may need to renest things)
j = element.getElementsByTagName("*");
l = j.length;
nodes = [];
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
nodes[i] = j[i];
//for absolute positioning, we need to record the x/y offsets and width/height for every <div>. And even if we're not positioning things absolutely, in order to accommodate lines, we must figure out where the y offset changes so that we can sense where the lines break, and we populate the lines array.
if (lines || absolute) {
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
isChild = (node.parentNode === element);
if (isChild || absolute || (chars && !words)) {
offset = node.offsetTop;
if (lines && isChild && Math.abs(offset - lineOffsetY) > lineThreshold && (node.nodeName !== "BR" || i === 0)) { //we found some rare occasions where a certain character like &#8209; could cause the offsetTop to be off by 1 pixel, so we build in a threshold.
curLine = [];
lineOffsetY = offset;
if (absolute) { //record offset x and y, as well as width and height so that we can access them later for positioning. Grabbing them at once ensures we don't trigger a browser paint & we maximize performance.
node._x = node.offsetLeft;
node._y = offset;
node._w = node.offsetWidth;
node._h = node.offsetHeight;
if (lines) {
if ((node._isSplit && isChild) || (!chars && isChild) || (words && isChild) || (!words && node.parentNode.parentNode === element && !node.parentNode._isSplit)) {
node._x -= paddingLeft;
if (_isBeforeWordDelimiter(node, element, wordDelimiter)) {
node._wordEnd = true;
if (node.nodeName === "BR" && ((node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName === "BR") || i === 0)) { //two consecutive <br> tags signify a new [empty] line. Also, if the entire block of content STARTS with a <br>, add a line.
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
node = nodes[i];
isChild = (node.parentNode === element);
if (node.nodeName === "BR") {
if (lines || absolute) {
if (node.parentNode) {
nodes.splice(i--, 1);
} else if (!words) {
if (absolute) {
style = node.style;
if (!words && !isChild) {
node._x += node.parentNode._x;
node._y += node.parentNode._y;
style.left = node._x + "px";
style.top = node._y + "px";
style.position = "absolute";
style.display = "block";
//if we don't set the width/height, things collapse in older versions of IE and the origin for transforms is thrown off in all browsers.
style.width = (node._w + 1) + "px"; //IE is 1px short sometimes. Avoid wrapping
style.height = node._h + "px";
if (!words && chars) {
//we always start out wrapping words in their own <div> so that line breaks happen correctly, but here we'll remove those <div> tags if necessary and renest the characters directly into the element rather than inside the word <div>
if (node._isSplit) {
node._next = node.nextSibling;
node.parentNode.appendChild(node); //put it at the end to keep the order correct.
} else if (node.parentNode._isSplit) {
node._parent = node.parentNode;
if (!node.previousSibling && node.firstChild) {
node.firstChild._isFirst = true;
if (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.textContent === " " && !node.nextSibling.nextSibling) { //if the last node inside a nested element is just a space (like T<span>nested </span>), remove it otherwise it'll get placed in the wrong order. Don't remove it right away, though, because we need to sense when words/characters are before a space like _isBeforeWordDelimiter(). Removing it now would make that a false negative.
node._next = (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling._isFirst) ? null : node.nextSibling;
nodes.splice(i--, 1);
} else if (!isChild) {
offset = (!node.nextSibling && _isBeforeWordDelimiter(node.parentNode, element, wordDelimiter)); //if this is the last letter in the word (and we're not breaking by lines and not positioning things absolutely), we need to add a space afterwards so that the characters don't just mash together
if (node.parentNode._parent) {
if (offset) {
node.parentNode.appendChild(_doc.createTextNode(" "));
if (tag === "span") {
node.style.display = "inline"; //so that word breaks are honored properly.
} else if (node.parentNode._isSplit && !node._isSplit && node.innerHTML !== "") {
} else if (chars && !node._isSplit) {
if (tag === "span") {
node.style.display = "inline";
i = spaceNodesToRemove.length;
while (--i > -1) {
if (lines) {
//the next 7 lines just give us the line width in the most reliable way and figure out the left offset (if position isn't relative or absolute). We must set the width along with text-align to ensure everything works properly for various alignments.
if (absolute) {
lineNode = _doc.createElement(tag);
lineWidth = lineNode.offsetWidth + "px";
offset = (lineNode.offsetParent === element) ? 0 : element.offsetLeft;
style = element.style.cssText;
element.style.cssText = "display:none;"; //to improve performance, set display:none on the element so that the browser doesn't have to worry about reflowing or rendering while we're renesting things. We'll revert the cssText later.
//we can't use element.innerHTML = "" because that causes IE to literally delete all the nodes and their content even though we've stored them in an array! So we must loop through the children and remove them.
while (element.firstChild) {
addWordSpaces = (wordDelimiter === " " && (!absolute || (!words && !chars)));
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
curLine = lines[i];
lineNode = _doc.createElement(tag);
lineNode.style.cssText = "display:block;text-align:" + textAlign + ";position:" + (absolute ? "absolute;" : "relative;");
if (linesClass) {
lineNode.className = linesClass + (iterateLine ? i+1 : "");
l = curLine.length;
for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
if (curLine[j].nodeName !== "BR") {
node = curLine[j];
if (addWordSpaces && node._wordEnd) {
lineNode.appendChild(_doc.createTextNode(" "));
if (absolute) {
if (j === 0) {
lineNode.style.top = (node._y) + "px";
lineNode.style.left = (paddingLeft + offset) + "px";
node.style.top = "0px";
if (offset) {
node.style.left = (node._x - offset) + "px";
if (l === 0) { //if there are no nodes in the line (typically meaning there were two consecutive <br> tags, just add a non-breaking space so that things display properly.
lineNode.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
} else if (!words && !chars) {
_swapText(lineNode, String.fromCharCode(160), " ");
if (absolute) {
lineNode.style.width = lineWidth;
lineNode.style.height = node._h + "px";
element.style.cssText = style;
//if everything shifts to being position:absolute, the container can collapse in terms of height or width, so fix that here.
if (absolute) {
if (origHeight > element.clientHeight) {
element.style.height = (origHeight - padTopAndBottom) + "px";
if (element.clientHeight < origHeight) { //IE8 and earlier use a different box model - we must include padding and borders
element.style.height = (origHeight + borderTopAndBottom)+ "px";
if (origWidth > element.clientWidth) {
element.style.width = (origWidth - padLeftAndRight) + "px";
if (element.clientWidth < origWidth) { //IE8 and earlier use a different box model - we must include padding and borders
element.style.width = (origWidth + borderLeftAndRight)+ "px";
_pushReversed(allChars, charArray);
if (words) {
_pushReversed(allWords, wordArray);
_pushReversed(allLines, lineArray);
_splitRawText = function(element, vars, wordStart, charStart) {
var tag = vars.tag ? vars.tag : (vars.span ? "span" : "div"),
types = vars.type || vars.split || "chars,words,lines",
//words = (types.indexOf("words") !== -1),
chars = (types.indexOf("chars") !== -1),
absolute = (vars.position === "absolute" || vars.absolute === true),
wordDelimiter = vars.wordDelimiter || " ",
space = wordDelimiter !== " " ? "" : (absolute ? "&#173; " : " "),
wordEnd = "</" + tag + ">",
wordIsOpen = true,
specialChars = vars.specialChars ? (typeof(vars.specialChars) === "function" ? vars.specialChars : _findSpecialChars) : null, //specialChars can be an array or a function. For performance reasons, we always set this local "specialChars" to a function to which we pass the remaining text and whatever the original vars.specialChars was so that if it's an array, it works with the _findSpecialChars() function.
text, splitText, i, j, l, character, hasTagStart, emojiPair1, emojiPair2, testResult,
container = _doc.createElement("div"),
parent = element.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(container, element);
container.textContent = element.nodeValue;
element = container;
text = _getText(element);
hasTagStart = text.indexOf("<") !== -1;
if (vars.reduceWhiteSpace !== false) {
text = text.replace(_multipleSpacesExp, " ").replace(_stripExp, "");
if (hasTagStart) {
text = text.split("<").join("{{LT}}"); //we can't leave "<" in the string, or when we set the innerHTML, it can be interpreted as a node
l = text.length;
splitText = ((text.charAt(0) === " ") ? space : "") + wordStart();
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
character = text.charAt(i);
if (specialChars && (testResult = specialChars(text.substr(i), vars.specialChars))) { // look for any specialChars that were declared. Remember, they can be passed in like {specialChars:["मी", "पा", "है"]} or a function could be defined instead. Either way, the function should return the number of characters that should be grouped together for this "character".
character = text.substr(i, testResult || 1);
splitText += (chars && character !== " ") ? charStart() + character + "</" + tag + ">" : character;
i += testResult - 1;
} else if (character === wordDelimiter && text.charAt(i-1) !== wordDelimiter && i) {
splitText += wordIsOpen ? wordEnd : "";
wordIsOpen = false;
while (text.charAt(i + 1) === wordDelimiter) { //skip over empty spaces (to avoid making them words)
splitText += space;
if (i === l-1) {
splitText += space;
} else if (text.charAt(i + 1) !== ")") {
splitText += space + wordStart();
wordIsOpen = true;
} else if (character === "{" && text.substr(i, 6) === "{{LT}}") {
splitText += chars ? charStart() + "{{LT}}" + "</" + tag + ">" : "{{LT}}";
i += 5;
} else if ((character.charCodeAt(0) >= _emojiStart && character.charCodeAt(0) <= _emojiEnd) || (text.charCodeAt(i+1) >= 0xFE00 && text.charCodeAt(i+1) <= 0xFE0F)) { //special emoji characters use 2 or 4 unicode characters that we must keep together.
emojiPair1 = _emojiPairCode(text.substr(i, 2));
emojiPair2 = _emojiPairCode(text.substr(i + 2, 2));
j = ((emojiPair1 >= _emojiRegionStart && emojiPair1 <= _emojiRegionEnd && emojiPair2 >= _emojiRegionStart && emojiPair2 <= _emojiRegionEnd) || (emojiPair2 >= _emojiModStart && emojiPair2 <= _emojiModEnd)) ? 4 : 2;
splitText += (chars && character !== " ") ? charStart() + text.substr(i, j) + "</" + tag + ">" : text.substr(i, j);
i += j - 1;
} else {
splitText += (chars && character !== " ") ? charStart() + character + "</" + tag + ">" : character;
element.outerHTML = splitText + (wordIsOpen ? wordEnd : "");
if (hasTagStart) {
_swapText(parent, "{{LT}}", "<"); //note: don't perform this on "element" because that gets replaced with all new elements when we set element.outerHTML.
_split = function(element, vars, wordStart, charStart) {
var children = _slice(element.childNodes),
l = children.length,
absolute = (vars.position === "absolute" || vars.absolute === true),
i, child;
if (element.nodeType !== 3 || l > 1) {
vars.absolute = false;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
child = children[i];
if (child.nodeType !== 3 || /\S+/.test(child.nodeValue)) {
if (absolute && child.nodeType !== 3 && _getStyle(child, "display", null, true) === "inline") { //if there's a child node that's display:inline, switch it to inline-block so that absolute positioning works properly (most browsers don't report offsetTop/offsetLeft properly inside a <span> for example)
child.style.display = "inline-block";
child.style.position = "relative";
child._isSplit = true;
_split(child, vars, wordStart, charStart); //don't split lines on child elements
vars.absolute = absolute;
element._isSplit = true;
_splitRawText(element, vars, wordStart, charStart);
p = SplitText.prototype;
p.split = function(vars) {
if (this.isSplit) {
this.vars = vars = vars || this.vars;
this._originals.length = this.chars.length = this.words.length = this.lines.length = 0;
var i = this.elements.length,
tag = vars.tag ? vars.tag : (vars.span ? "span" : "div"),
wordStart = _cssClassFunc(vars.wordsClass, tag),
charStart = _cssClassFunc(vars.charsClass, tag),
origHeight, origWidth, e;
//we split in reversed order so that if/when we position:absolute elements, they don't affect the position of the ones after them in the document flow (shifting them up as they're taken out of the document flow).
while (--i > -1) {
e = this.elements[i];
this._originals[i] = e.innerHTML;
origHeight = e.clientHeight;
origWidth = e.clientWidth;
_split(e, vars, wordStart, charStart);
_setPositionsAfterSplit(e, vars, this.chars, this.words, this.lines, origWidth, origHeight);
this.isSplit = true;
return this;
p.revert = function() {
if (!this._originals) {
throw("revert() call wasn't scoped properly.");
var i = this._originals.length;
while (--i > -1) {
this.elements[i].innerHTML = this._originals[i];
this.chars = [];
this.words = [];
this.lines = [];
this.isSplit = false;
return this;
SplitText.selector = window.$ || window.jQuery || function(e) {
var selector = window.$ || window.jQuery;
if (selector) {
SplitText.selector = selector;
return selector(e);
return (typeof(document) === "undefined") ? e : (document.querySelectorAll ? document.querySelectorAll(e) : document.getElementById((e.charAt(0) === "#") ? e.substr(1) : e));
SplitText.version = "0.7.0";
export var SplitText = globals.SplitText;
export { SplitText as default };