2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00

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<title>PIXI Tooltip</title>
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The tooltip or infotip or a hint is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a pointer. The user hovers the pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may appear—a small "hover box" with information about the item being hovered over.[1][2] Tooltips do not usually appear on mobile operating systems, because there is no cursor (though tooltips may be displayed when using a mouse).
<p>Let's look at some tooltip examples:</p><br />
<canvas id="canvas" class="interactive"></canvas>
What you should see: Ten colored circles with different tooltips.
<script class="doctest">
const app = new PIXIApp({
view: canvas,
width: 900,
height: 250
const circle1 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle1.drawCircle(50, 50, 40)
const circle2 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle2.drawCircle(150, 50, 40)
const circle3 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle3.drawCircle(250, 50, 40)
const circle4 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle4.drawCircle(350, 50, 40)
const circle5 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle5.drawCircle(450, 50, 40)
const circle6 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle6.drawCircle(50, 150, 40)
const circle7 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle7.drawCircle(150, 150, 40)
const circle8 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle8.drawCircle(250, 150, 40)
const circle9 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle9.drawCircle(350, 150, 40)
const circle10 = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle10.drawCircle(450, 150, 40)
let tooltip1 = new Tooltip({
object: circle1,
container: app.scene,
content: 'Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schwachen.'
let tooltip2 = new Tooltip({
object: circle2,
content: 'Sieh vorwärts, Werner, und nicht hinter dich!'
let tooltip3 = new Tooltip({
object: circle3,
container: app.scene,
padding: 20,
content: 'Es reden und träumen die Menschen viel\nVon bessern künftigen Tagen,\nNach einem glücklichen goldenen Ziel\nSieht man sie rennen und jagen.'
let tooltip4 = new Tooltip({
object: circle4,
container: app.scene,
content: 'Stets ist die Sprache kecker als die Tat.',
textStyle: {fill: 0x5251a3, fontSize: 20},
fill: 0xa64f94,
fillAlpha: .8
let tooltip5 = new Tooltip({
object: circle5,
container: app.scene,
content: 'Hier gilt es, Schütze, deine Kunst zu zeigen:\nDas Ziel ist würdig, und der Preis ist groß.',
fillAlpha: 0,
strokeAlpha: 0,
offsetLeft: -160,
offsetTop: 100,
delay: 3,
textStyle: {fill: 0x5251a3, fontSize: 20, stroke: 0xeeeeee, strokeThickness: 2}
], sprites => {
let sprite1 = sprites.get('./assets/tooltip-1.jpg')
sprite1.scale.set(.33, .33)
let tooltip6 = new Tooltip({
object: circle6,
container: app.scene,
content: sprite1
let sprite2 = sprites.get('./assets/tooltip-2.jpg')
sprite2.scale.set(.33, .33)
let tooltip7 = new Tooltip({
object: circle7,
container: app.scene,
padding: 0,
content: sprite2,
fillAlpha: 0,
strokeAlpha: 0
let tooltip8 = new Tooltip({
object: circle8,
container: app.scene,
padding: 8,
fill: 0xe7bc51,
fillAlpha: .7,
content: 'Es reden und träumen die Menschen viel\nVon bessern künftigen Tagen,\nNach einem glücklichen goldenen Ziel\nSieht man sie rennen und jagen.',
textStyle: {lineHeight: 22, fontSize: 18, fill: ['#843d39','#ae4a4a', '#d7626c'], fontStyle: 'italic'}
let texture1 = PIXI.Texture.fromVideo('./assets/tooltip-3.mp4')
texture1.baseTexture.on('loaded', e => {
let sprite3 = new PIXI.Sprite(texture1)
sprite3.scale.set(.15, .15)
let tooltip9 = new Tooltip({
object: circle9,
container: app.scene,
content: sprite3,
offsetTop: 100,
offsetLeft: 30
let sprite4 = new PIXI.Sprite(texture1)
sprite4.scale.set(.1, .1)
let tooltip10 = new Tooltip({
object: circle10,
container: app.scene,
content: sprite4,
offsetTop: 100,
offsetLeft: -100,
padding: 1
}, {resolutionDependent: false})
app.scene.addChild(circle1, circle2, circle3, circle4, circle5)
app.scene.addChild(circle6, circle7, circle8, circle9, circle10)