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/** Report capabilities with guaranteed values.
export class Capabilities {
/** Returns the browser userAgent.
@return {string}
static get userAgent() {
return navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown Agent'
/** Tests whether the app is running on a mobile device.
Implemented as a readonly attribute.
@return {boolean}
static get isMobile() {
return /Mobi/.test(navigator.userAgent)
/** Tests whether the app is running on a iOS device.
Implemented as a readonly attribute.
@return {boolean}
static get isIOS() {
return /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream
/** Tests whether the app is running in a Safari environment.
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944460/detect-safari-browser
Implemented as a readonly attribute.
@return {boolean}
static get isSafari() {
return (
navigator.vendor &&
navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple') > -1 &&
navigator.userAgent &&
* Distincts if the app is running inside electron or not.
* source: https://github.com/cheton/is-electron
static get isElectron() {
// Renderer process
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.process === 'object' && window.process.type === 'renderer') {
return true
// Main process
if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && !!process.versions.electron) {
return true
// Detect the user agent when the `nodeIntegration` option is set to true
if (
typeof navigator === 'object' &&
typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string' &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') >= 0
) {
return true
return false
/** Returns the display resolution. Necessary for retina displays.
@return {number}
static get devicePixelRatio() {
return window.devicePixelRatio || 1
/** Returns true if the device is a multi-touch table. This method is currently not universal usable and not sure!
@return {boolean}
static get isMultiTouchTable() {
return (
Capabilities.devicePixelRatio > 2 &&
Capabilities.isMobile === false &&
/** Returns true if mouse events are supported
@return {boolean}
static supportsMouseEvents() {
return typeof window.MouseEvent != 'undefined'
/** Returns true if touch events are supported
@return {boolean}
static supportsTouchEvents() {
return typeof window.TouchEvent != 'undefined'
/** Returns true if pointer events are supported
@return {boolean}
static supportsPointerEvents() {
return typeof window.PointerEvent != 'undefined'
/** Returns true if DOM templates are supported
@return {boolean}
static supportsTemplate() {
return 'content' in document.createElement('template')
/** Basic tests for Capabilities.
export class CapabilitiesTests {
static testConfirm() {
let bool = confirm('Please confirm')
document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = bool ? 'Confirmed' : 'Not confirmed'
static testPrompt() {
let person = prompt('Please enter your name', 'Harry Potter')
if (person != null) {
demo.innerHTML = 'Hello ' + person + '! How are you today?'
static testUserAgent() {
let agent = 'User-agent: ' + Capabilities.userAgent
user_agent.innerHTML = agent
static testDevicePixelRatio() {
let value = 'Device Pixel Ratio: ' + Capabilities.devicePixelRatio
device_pixel_ratio.innerHTML = value
static testMultiTouchTable() {
let value = 'Is the device a multi-touch table? ' + Capabilities.isMultiTouchTable
multi_touch_table.innerHTML = value
static testSupportedEvents() {
let events = []
if (Capabilities.supportsMouseEvents()) {
if (Capabilities.supportsTouchEvents()) {
if (Capabilities.supportsPointerEvents()) {
supported_events.innerHTML = 'Supported Events: ' + events.join(', ')
static testAll() {
/* Optional global variables, needed in DocTests. */
window.Capabilities = Capabilities
window.CapabilitiesTests = CapabilitiesTests