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<body onload="Doctest.run()">
<h1 class="title">Overlay</h1>
<!-- <a href="../../../" class="Documentation"></a> -->
<p class="description">
The overlayclass creates a convenient way to create and design
complex map overlays.
<canvas id="view" class="center"> </canvas>
let app = new MapApp({
width: 512,
height: 512,
coordsLogging: true
var osmworld = '../assets/maps/osm/0/0/0.png'
let worlOSMData = new MapProjection(new Projection.Mercator())
function setupMap(textures) {
// Create the map!
let map = new ImageMap(
new PIXI.Sprite(textures.get(osmworld)),
// Setup the map in the mapapp.
app.setMap('osm', map)
<script class="doctest" data-collapsible data-collapsed data-title="Overlay Data">
* To create an overlay you just need to create a JSON file.
* The styles defined in the styles are cascading, meaning that
* the styles can be defined on the top level, or directly at the
* single items. If the style is not defined in the item, the top-level style will be used.
* If the top-level style is not defined either, the default style is applied.
* The structure of an overlay file is as follows:
* {
* //COMMENT: Top-Level
* //COMMENT: Frequently used properties are:
* size: 500,
* color: 0xFF00FF,
* fillAlpha:0.5
* icon: 'path/to/icon.png'
* iconColor: 0xFFFFFF,
* "items": [
* //COMMENT: Items are defined in the items array.
* {
* location: {
* //COMMENT: Location must be defined.
* }
* },{
* color: 0xFF0000,
* location: {
* //COMMENT: Location must be defined.
* }
* }
* ]
* }
let exampleOverlayJSON = {
icon: '../../../assets/icons/place.png',
iconColor: "0x35aaea",
iconAnchor: { x: 0.5, y: 1 },
size: 5,
scale: 0.2,
disabledColor: 0x000000,
disabledIconColor: 0xCCCCCC,
disabledScale: 0.5,
color: '0x3FA7EE',
items: [
name: 'Custom Icon',
fontWeight: "bold",
icon: '../../../assets/icons/beenhere.png',
iconColor: 0x00ff00,
iconAlpha: 0.5,
size: 0,
labelVerticalAlignment: "underneath",
label: 'Abidjan',
location: {
x: 5.34947,
y: -4.006472
'Here a custom icon is used. It overrides the icon setting in the global section.'
name: 'Berlin',
label: "enabled",
disabledLabel: "disabled",
location: {
x: 52.52543,
y: 13.385291
'... ist die Bundeshauptstadt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.',
enabled: false
name: 'Canberra',
location: {
x: -35.282025,
y: 149.128648
'... ist die Hauptstadt und achtgrößte Stadt Australiens.'
name: 'Kapstadt',
location: {
x: -33.925448,
y: 18.416962
`This item adjusts it's size according to the map.`
name: 'Moskau',
location: {
x: 55.750892,
y: 37.622799
'... die kosmopolitische Hauptstadt Russlands, liegt im Westen des Landes und wird von der Moskwa durchflossen.'
name: 'Washington, D.C.',
location: {
x: 38.89565,
y: -77.031407
'... ist die Hauptstadt der USA und eine kompakte Stadt am Potomac River, die an die Bundesstaaten Maryland und Virginia grenzt.'
name: 'Rio de Janeiro',
location: {
x: -22.8714,
y: -43.28049
'... ist eine ausgedehnte brasilianische Küstenmetropole. '
name: 'Tokio',
type: "factory",
label: "factory",
location: {
x: 35.696278,
y: 139.731366
'... ist eine Global City in der Kantō-Region im Osten der japanischen Hauptinsel Honshū.'
<script class="doctest" data-collapsible data-title="Overlay">
let overlay = new Overlay(exampleOverlayJSON)
* Textures should be loaded using the app's texture loader.
* With the findTexture method all required Textures within the
* overlays are loaded.
let overlayTextures = overlay.findAllTextures()
let list = [osmworld].concat(overlayTextures)
app.loadTextures(list, textures => texturesLoaded(textures), {
resolutionDependent: false
function texturesLoaded(textures) {
/** When all textures are loaded .... */
//Retrieve all overlay textures.
// Just some Helpers for the Popups.
let popup = null
let cleaner = null
const vanishingTime = 1000
// Factories must return a geographics object.
Overlay.createFactory("factory", (item) => {
// This is applied to every item in the overlay that has
// the type factory'
let geographics = new GeoPoint(item.location)
geographics.drawHandler.add((graphics) => {
graphics.beginFill(item.color, item.fillAlpha)
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 10, 10)
let text = new PIXI.Text(item.name, {fontSize: 5})
return geographics
* The actual PIXI elements are created when the overlay.create() is called.
* This returns an GeoLayer which can be directly put onto the map's Maplayer (or any other GeoLayer).
* INFO: MapLayer and GeoLayer are specialized container for PIXI. They are meant to
* place PIXI Elements according to their world-coordinates (lat/lng position), instead
* of actual pixel values.
let exampleOverlayGeoLayer = overlay.create()
// When placed on the mapLayer, the PIXI Graphic elements, that
// reside inside GeoGraphic Objects are placed automatically at the
// correct coordinates of the map.
// Just a helper function that clears the popups and removes
// a remaining cleaner timeout.
function clearPopup() {
if (popup) {
popup = null
if (cleaner != null) {