
212 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

// Allows browsers to perform doctests.
// Uses the code highlight package from http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io
// if available
var docTestLogMessages = []
Array.prototype.equals = function(array) {
return (
this.length == array.length &&
this.every(function(this_i, i) {
return this_i == array[i]
export default class Doctest {
static assert(value) {
if (!value) {
throw new Error('Assertion violated')
static pprint(obj) {
if (obj === null) return 'null'
let stringified = obj.toString()
if (stringified == '[object Object]') return JSON.stringify(obj)
return stringified
* When dealing with floating point numbers,
* floating point imprecision may occur. Therefore a simple
* equality check is not sufficient.
* The expectPointPrecision method compares two points by calculating their difference
* and accepting the result as far as it is lower than the defined acceptable error.
* @static
* @param {number} a - Number a to test.
* @param {number} b - Number b to test against.
* @param {number} accetableError - Defines the value of how much the two numbers may differ, that the test still passes.
* @memberof Doctest
static expectPointPrecision(pointA, pointB, accetableError = 0.000001) {
if (Math.abs(pointA.x - pointB.x) > accetableError || Math.abs(pointA.y - pointB.y) > accetableError) {
throw new Error(
`Testing difference of Points ${this.pprint(pointA)} and ${this.pprint(
)} exceeded the acceptable error of ${accetableError} (x:${Math.abs(
pointB.x - pointA.x
)}, y: ${Math.abs(pointB.y - pointA.y)}).`
* When dealing with floating point numbers,
* floating point imprecision may occur. Therefore a simple
* equality check is not sufficient.
* The expectPrecise method compares two numbers by calculating their difference
* and accepting the result as far as it is lower than the defined acceptable error.
* @static
* @param {number} a - Number a to test.
* @param {number} b - Number b to test against.
* @param {number} accetableError - Defines the value of how much the two numbers may differ, that the test still passes.
* @memberof Doctest
static expectPrecision(a, b, accetableError = 0.000001) {
let aFloat = parseFloat(a)
let bFloat = parseFloat(b)
if (isNaN(aFloat) || isNaN(bFloat) || Math.abs(bFloat - aFloat) > accetableError) {
throw new Error(
`Testing difference of ${this.pprint(a)} and ${this.pprint(
)} exceeded the acceptable error of ${accetableError} (${Math.abs(bFloat - aFloat)}).`
static expect(expr, value) {
if (this.pprint(expr) != this.pprint(value)) {
//throw new Error("got `" + expr + "` but expected `" + value + "`.")
throw new Error('got `' + this.pprint(expr) + '` but expected `' + this.pprint(value) + '`.')
static expectError(error, message) {
let index = error.toString().indexOf(message)
if (index < 0) {
throw new Error('got `' + message + '` but expected `' + error + '`.')
static expectLog(...messages) {
// if (!docTestLogMessages.equals(messages)) {
docTestLogMessages.forEach((msg, i) => {
if (msg != messages[i]) throw new Error('Unexpected log message: `' + messages[i] + '`.')
// throw new Error('Uups')
static log(message) {
static highlight(code) {
if (typeof hljs == 'undefined') return code
return hljs.highlight('javascript', code)
static stripLeadingLines(code) {
let result = []
let informative = false
for (let line of code.split('\n')) {
if (line.trim().length > 0) {
informative = true
if (informative) result.push(line)
return result.join('\n')
static event(type = 'mouse', { clientX = 0, clientY = 0 } = {}) {
if (type.startsWith('mouse')) {
return new MouseEvent(type, { clientX, clientY })
return { type, clientX, clientY }
static run(replaceExpect = false) {
if (typeof hljs != 'undefined') {
let doctests = document.querySelectorAll('.doctest')
for (let i = 0; i < doctests.length; i++) {
let doctest = doctests[i]
let code = this.stripLeadingLines(doctest.innerHTML)
let text = this.highlight(code)
let container = document.createElement('div')
container.className = 'doctest-wrapper'
let titleParent = container
if (doctest.hasAttribute('data-collapsible')) {
let collapsibleToggle = document.createElement('div')
let icon = document.createElement('i')
icon.className = 'material-icons'
collapsibleToggle.className = 'doctest-collapsible-toggle'
collapsibleToggle.style = 'min-height: 10px;'
titleParent = collapsibleToggle
const collapsedClass = 'collapsed'
function setToggleMode(collapse) {
if (collapse) {
icon.innerText = 'arrow_drop_down'
} else {
icon.innerText = 'arrow_drop_up'
function determineToggleMode() {
collapsibleToggle.addEventListener('click', determineToggleMode)
if (doctest.hasAttribute('data-title')) {
let title = document.createElement('h6')
title.innerText = doctest.getAttribute('data-title')
title.className = 'doctest-section-title'
let pre = document.createElement('pre')
pre.className = 'hljs doctest'
// See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068280/javascript-regex-multiline-flag-doesnt-work
// let re = /Doctest\.expect\(([\s\S]*)[\,\s\S]*([\s\S]*)\)/g
let lines = text.value ? text.value.split('\n') : text.split('\n')
let better = []
for (let line of lines) {
if (replaceExpect && line.trim().startsWith('Doctest.expect(')) {
line = line.replace(/Doctest\.expect\(/, '>>> ').trim()
if (line.endsWith(')') || line.endsWith(',')) {
line = line.slice(0, -1)
pre.innerHTML = better.join('\n') // text.value.replace(re, ">>> $1\n$2")
doctest.parentNode.replaceChild(container, doctest)
// Needed to make Doctest visible in modules
//window.Doctest = Doctest