
613 lines
18 KiB

export var CardPlugin = CardPlugin || {}
export class CardPluginBase {
apply(context) {
this.context = context
if (this.verify(context)) {
console.log('Plugin ' + this.name + ' was verified successfully.')
return true
} else console.error('Could not verify module ' + this.name + '.')
return false
get name() {
return this.constructor.name
verify(context) {
let funcs = this._getVerificationFunctions(context)
for (let func of funcs) {
if (!func()) return false
return true
_verifyElementsExist(context, ...selectors) {
let missing = []
for (let selector of selectors) {
let requiredElement = context.querySelector(selector)
if (requiredElement == null) {
const valid = missing.length == 0
if (!valid) console.error('Elements were missing: ', missing.join(', '))
return valid
* Appends the Plugin to the context.
* @memberof CardPlugin
append(context) {
'Call of abstract method CardPlugin.prototype.append(context). Plugins need to overwrite the append method!'
_getVerificationFunctions(context) {
return [this._verifyContext.bind(this, context), this._verifyRequirements.bind(this, context)]
_verifyContext(context) {
if (!(context instanceof HTMLElement)) {
console.error('Context is not of type HTML Element.', context)
return false
} else return true
_verifyRequirements(context) {
let requirements = this._collectAllRequirements()
let missing = []
requirements.forEach(module => {
if (context.modules.indexOf(module.name) == -1) {
const valid = missing.length == 0
if (!valid)
"Could not apply module '" +
this.name +
"'. Following modules are required but were missing: " +
else console.log('All requirements were met! Well done!')
return valid
_collectAllRequirements() {
let requirements = []
let klass = this.__proto__
while (klass) {
if (klass.require != null) {
requirements = requirements.concat(klass.require)
klass = klass.__proto__
return requirements
* Called when the card is removed.
* Can be used to cleanup the plugin.
* @memberof CardPluginBase
remove() {}
CardPlugin.LightBox = class LightBox extends CardPluginBase {
constructor(className, style = {}) {
this.className = className
this.style = style
append(context) {
let wrapper = document.createElement('div')
wrapper.className = this.className
zIndex: 1000,
// backgroundColor: "black",
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
display: 'none',
position: 'absolute'
* The Enlargeable Overlay module allows the user to click on the thumbnail image,
* and the images gets enlarged inside the card.
* @class EnlargeableThumbnail
* @extends {CardPlugin}
CardPlugin.EnlargeableThumbnail = class EnlargeableThumbnail extends CardPluginBase {
overlaySelector = null,
{ zoomAnimationDuration = 0.4, fadeAnimationDuration = 0.4, interactionType = 'tap' } = {}
) {
this.wrapperSelector = wrapperSelector
this.overlaySelector = overlaySelector
this.zoomAnimationDuration = zoomAnimationDuration
this.fadeAnimationDuration = fadeAnimationDuration
this.interactionType = interactionType
get require() {
return [CardPlugin.LightBox]
_getVerificationFunctions(context) {
let arr = super._getVerificationFunctions(context)
let funcs = [this._verifyElementsExist.bind(this, context, this.wrapperSelector, this.overlaySelector)]
return arr.concat(funcs)
append(context) {
let source = this._retrieveSource(context)
this.setupEnlargeableThumbnail(context, source)
* Get the preview image.
* It depends on the fact, that the thumbnail image is in the same directory
* @param {*} context
* @returns
* @memberof EnlargeableThumbnail
_retrieveSource(context) {
let img = context.querySelector(this.wrapperSelector + ' img')
let src = img.getAttribute('src')
let parts = src.split('/')
parts.push(parts[parts.length - 1])
let imagePath = parts.join('/') + '.jpg'
return imagePath
setupEnlargeableThumbnail(context, src) {
let wrapper = context.querySelector(this.wrapperSelector)
let overlay = context.querySelector(this.overlaySelector)
let icon = document.createElement('div')
icon.className = 'button corner-button bottom-right icon zoom'
Object.assign(wrapper.style, {
cursor: 'pointer'
InteractionMapper.on(this.interactionType, wrapper, () => {
this.openThumbnailDetail(context, src)
InteractionMapper.on(this.interactionType, overlay, () => {
openThumbnailDetail(context, src) {
let overlay = context.querySelector('.img-overlay')
overlay.innerHTML = ''
let source = context.querySelector(this.wrapperSelector)
let sourceStyle = window.getComputedStyle(source)
let imageWrapper = source.cloneNode(true)
let image = imageWrapper.querySelector('img')
Object.assign(imageWrapper.style, {
maxWidth: 'none',
maxHeight: 'none'
Object.assign(image.style, {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
objectFit: 'cover'
image.onload = () => {
let header = context.querySelector('header')
let headerStlye = window.getComputedStyle(header)
* First the maxFillRatio is considered.
* It describes how much the image is allowed to exceed the context element.
const maxFillRatio = 1.5
* The minor side should not exceed the height of the context window.
const maxMinorSize =
context.offsetHeight - 2 * parseInt(headerStlye.paddingTop) - 2 * parseInt(headerStlye.marginTop)
const max = {
width: context.offsetWidth * maxFillRatio,
height: context.offsetHeight * maxFillRatio
let majorSide
let minorSide
const _width = { name: 'width', axis: 'x' }
const _height = { name: 'height', axis: 'y' }
if (image.naturalHeight > image.naturalWidth) {
majorSide = _height
minorSide = _width
} else {
majorSide = _width
minorSide = _height
function capitalize(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)
function getImageSize(side) {
return image['natural' + capitalize(side.name)]
const majorImageSize = getImageSize(majorSide)
// const minorImageSize = getImageSize(minorSide)
let ratio = getImageSize(minorSide) / getImageSize(majorSide)
let size = majorImageSize > max[majorSide.name] ? max[majorSide.name] : majorImageSize
if (size * ratio > maxMinorSize) {
size = maxMinorSize / ratio
let targetDimensions = {
width: 0,
height: 0
let position = Points.fromPageToNode(context, Points.fromNodeToPage(source, { x: 0, y: 0 }))
let targetOffset = {
x: 0,
y: 0
targetDimensions[majorSide.name] = size
targetDimensions[minorSide.name] = size * ratio
targetOffset[majorSide.axis] =
(context['offset' + capitalize(majorSide.name)] - targetDimensions[majorSide.name]) / 2
targetOffset[minorSide.axis] =
(context['offset' + capitalize(minorSide.name)] - targetDimensions[minorSide.name]) / 2
TweenMax.set(imageWrapper, {
left: 0,
top: 0,
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
position: 'absolute',
width: parseInt(sourceStyle.width),
height: parseInt(sourceStyle.height)
TweenMax.set(overlay, {
display: 'flex',
autoAlpha: 0
TweenMax.to(imageWrapper, this.zoomAnimationDuration, {
x: targetOffset.x,
y: targetOffset.y,
width: targetDimensions.width,
height: targetDimensions.height
TweenMax.to(overlay, this.fadeAnimationTime, {
autoAlpha: 1
image.src = src
_replaceIcon(clone) {
let zoomIcon = clone.querySelector('.icon.zoom')
getBorderHeight(style) {
const borderWidth = parseInt(style.borderTopWidth) + parseInt(style.borderBottomWidth)
const padding = parseInt(style.paddingTop) + parseInt(style.paddingBottom)
return parseInt(style.width) + borderWidth + padding
getBorderWidth(style) {
const borderWidth = parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth) + parseInt(style.borderRightWidth)
const padding = parseInt(style.paddingLeft) + parseInt(style.paddingRight)
return parseInt(style.width) + borderWidth + padding
closeThumnailDetail(context) {
let overlay = context.querySelector('.img-overlay')
let timeline = new TimelineLite()
.to(overlay, this.fadeAnimationDuration, {
autoAlpha: 0
.set(overlay, {
display: 'none'
CardPlugin.Ui = class UiPlugin extends CardPluginBase {
constructor(className, parent = null) {
this.parent = parent
this.className = className
_getVerificationFunctions(context) {
let arr = super._getVerificationFunctions(context)
let func = [this._doesParentExist.bind(this, context, this.parent)]
return arr.concat(func)
_doesParentExist(context, parent) {
if (parent == null) return true
let valid = context.querySelector(parent) != null
if (!valid) console.error('Could not find parent on context.', context, parent)
return valid
append(context) {
parent = this.parent == null ? context : context.querySelector(this.parent).appendChild(container)
let container = document.createElement('div')
container.className = this.className
CardPlugin.Speech = class SpeechPlugin extends CardPluginBase {
constructor(parentSelector, className, interactionType = 'tap') {
this.className = className
this.parentSelector = parentSelector
this.interactionType = interactionType
// We directly overwriting the function with a version that has a binded
// reference to itself. Doing so provides an easy and reliable way to remove
// the event listener using this function. - SO
this._domWasChanged = this._domWasChanged.bind(this)
Speech doesn't stop when page is navigated.
Therefore we do it manually here.
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
// Binding the function beforehand ensures, that the end function is always the same.
this._end = this._end.bind(this)
this.utterance.addEventListener('end', event => {
get require() {
return [CardPlugin.Ui]
subcardChanged(closed) {
if (this.cardActive) {
get cardActive() {
return this.activeUtterance == this.utterance
_updateText(ignoreSubcard = false) {
let node = this.context
let subcard = node.querySelector('.mainview > .subcard')
if (ignoreSubcard) {
if (subcard != null) {
let clone = node.cloneNode(true)
let clonedSubcard = clone.querySelector('.mainview > .subcard')
node = clone
} else {
if (subcard) {
let clone = subcard.cloneNode(true)
clone.querySelectorAll('figure').forEach(figure => {
node = clone
let id = this.context.getAttribute('data-id')
let src = this.context.getAttribute('data-source')
let subcardSource = null
if (subcard != null) {
subcardSource = subcard.getAttribute('data-source')
if (!window.speechSynthesis.speaking) {
Logging.log(`Started speech on card: id:${id} - source: ${src} - subcard: ${subcardSource}`)
} else if (this.cardActive && this._sameText(node)) {
Logging.log(`Stopped speech on card: id:${id} - source: ${src} - subcard: ${subcardSource}`)
} else {
Logging.log(`Updated Text on card: id:${id} - source: ${src} - subcard: ${subcardSource}`)
.then(() => {
_sameText(node) {
return this.utterance.text == this._cleanupText(node)
_setupUtterance() {
this.utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance()
this.utterance.lang = 'de-DE'
get require() {
return [CardPlugin.Ui]
remove() {
this.button = null
this.context.removeEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', this._domWasChanged)
append(context) {
let container = context.querySelector(this.parentSelector)
this.button = document.createElement('div')
this.button.className = 'icon button ' + this.className
InteractionMapper.on(this.interactionType, this.button, () => {
context.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', this._domWasChanged)
* Don't remember why this was required - SO 20-11-2019
_domWasChanged(event) {
if (event.target == this.context) this._stopThisSpeechIfPlaying()
* Stops the module if it is set in the context.
_stopThisSpeechIfPlaying() {
if (this.context == null || this.context['lastSpeechNode'] == window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginNode']) {
_isSameNode(node) {
return this.currentText == node.textContent
speak() {
* This is a little bit ugly, but imho the most elegant of all dirty solutions.
5ht * Within the plugins we have no knowledge of other cards and such. But must differentiate the
* clicks by their corresponding owner. The SpeechUtterance just takes a text and has no knowledge
* about the node that is currently read to the user.
* This means, that we can identify same text, but not differentiate same text on different nodes.
* To account for that, we add the node to the speechSynthesis object (#benefitsOfJavaScript) and
* have access to the node, by - let's say - expanding the functionality of the SpeechSynthesis object.
* SO -17.07.19
async _stop() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (this.activeUtterance) {
this.activeUtterance.addEventListener('end', resolve, {
once: true
get activeUtterance() {
return window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginUtterance']
_end() {
window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginNode'] = null
window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginUtterance'] = null
_start(node) {
window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginUtterance'] = this.utterance
window.speechSynthesis['speechPluginNode'] = node
this.context['lastSpeechNode'] = node
let cleanText = this._cleanupText(node)
this.utterance.text = cleanText
closed() {}
_cleanupText(node) {
let text = node.textContent
text = this._removeShy(text)
return text
_removeShy(text) {
return text.replace(/\u00AD/g, '')
_activateButton() {
if (this.button) this.button.classList.add('active')
_deactivateButton() {
if (this.button) this.button.classList.remove('active')