Class: Badge


Class that represents a PixiJS Badge.

new Badge (opts)

Creates an instance of a Badge.

Name Type Description
opts object optional

An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the badge.

Name Type Default Description
minWidth number 0 optional

The minimum width of the badge.

minHeight number 0 optional

The minimum height of the badge.

padding number Theme.padding / 2 optional

The inner spacing of the badge.

tooltip string | object optional

A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip to display.

// Create the app
const app = new PIXIApp({
    view: canvas,
    width: 900,
    height: 250

// Add an DisplayObject to the app
const circle = new PIXI.Graphics()
circle.drawCircle(50, 50, 40)

const badge1 = new Badge({
    object: circle,
    container: app.scene,
    content: 'Das Gesetz ist der Freund des Schwachen.'



content string | number | PIXI.DisplayObject inherited overrides

Sets or gets the content. The getter always returns an PIXI.DisplayObject. The setter can receive a string, a number or a PIXI.DisplayObject.

Sets or gets the header. The getter always returns a PIXI.Text object. The setter can receive a string, a number or a PIXI.Text object.


Hides the popup (sets his alpha values to 0).

Name Type Description
cb callback optional

Executed when hide animation was completed.

Type Description
AbstractPopup A reference to the popup for chaining.

Should be called to refresh the layout of the badge. Can be used after resizing.

Type Description
Badge A reference to the badge for chaining.

Shows the popup (sets his alpha values to 1).

Name Type Description
cb callback optional

Executed when show animation was completed.

Type Description
AbstractPopup A reference to the popup for chaining.