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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
import Theme from './theme.js'
import Tooltip from './tooltip.js'
* Callback for the slider action onStart.
* @callback onStartCallback
* @param {object} event - The event object.
* @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider).
* Callback for the slider action onUpdate.
* @callback onUpdateCallback
* @param {object} event - The event object.
* @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider).
* Callback for the slider action onComplete.
* @callback onCompleteCallback
* @param {object} event - The event object.
* @param {Slider} slider - A reference to the slider (also this refers to the slider).
* Class that represents a PixiJS Slider.
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* @example
* // Create the app
* const app = new PIXIApp({
* view: canvas,
* width: 900,
* height: 250
* }).setup().run()
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* // Create the slider
* const slider = new Slider({
* x: 10,
* y: 20
* })
* // Add the slider to a DisplayObject
* app.scene.addChild(slider)
* @class
* @extends PIXI.Container
* @see {@link http://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Container.html|PIXI.Container}
* @see {@link https://www.iwm-tuebingen.de/iwmbrowser/lib/pixi/slider.html|DocTest}
export default class Slider extends PIXI.Container {
* Creates an instance of a Slider.
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* @constructor
* @param {object} [opts] - An options object to specify to style and behaviour of the slider.
* @param {number} [opts.id=auto generated] - The id of the slider.
* @param {number} [opts.x=0] - The x position of the slider. Can be also set after creation with slider.x = 0.
* @param {number} [opts.y=0] - The y position of the slider. Can be also set after creation with slider.y = 0.
* @param {string|Theme} [opts.theme=dark] - The theme to use for this slider. Possible values are dark, light, red
* or a Theme object.
* @param {number} [opts.width=250] - The width of the slider.
* @param {number} [opts.height=2] - The height of the slider.
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} [opts.container=window.app|object] - The container where the slider events should be attached to.
* @param {number} [opts.fill=Theme.fill] - The color of the slider background as a hex value.
* @param {number} [opts.fillAlpha=Theme.fillAlpha] - The alpha value of the background.
* @param {number} [opts.stroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value.
* @param {number} [opts.strokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth] - The width of the border in pixel.
* @param {number} [opts.strokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border.
* @param {number} [opts.controlFill=Theme.stroke] - The color of the slider control background as a hex value.
* @param {number} [opts.controlFillAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the background.
* @param {number} [opts.controlStroke=Theme.stroke] - The color of the border as a hex value.
* @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeWidth=Theme.strokeWidth * 0.8] - The width of the border in pixel.
* @param {number} [opts.controlStrokeAlpha=Theme.strokeAlpha] - The alpha value of the border.
* @param {number} [opts.controlRadius=16] - The radius of the slider control.
* @param {boolean} [opts.disabled=false] - Is the slider disabled? When disabled, the slider has a lower alpha value
* and cannot be clicked (interactive is set to false).
* @param {onStartCallback} [opts.onStart] - Executed when the slider control starts to move.
* @param {onUpdateCallback} [opts.onUpdate] - Executed when the slider control is moved.
* @param {onCompleteCallback} [opts.onComplete] - Executed when the slider control was dropped.
* @param {string|object} [opts.tooltip] - A string for the label of the tooltip or an object to configure the tooltip
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* to display.
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* @param {boolean} [opts.visible=true] - Is the slider initially visible (property visible)?
constructor(opts = {}) {
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
const theme = Theme.fromString(opts.theme)
this.theme = theme
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
this.opts = Object.assign(
id: PIXI.utils.uid(),
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 250,
height: 2,
container: null,
fill: theme.fill,
fillAlpha: theme.fillAlpha,
stroke: theme.stroke,
strokeWidth: theme.strokeWidth,
strokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha,
controlFill: theme.fill,
controlFillAlpha: 0.5,
controlStroke: theme.primaryColor,
controlStrokeWidth: 2,
controlStrokeAlpha: theme.strokeAlpha,
controlRadius: 16,
orientation: 'horizontal',
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 0,
disabled: false,
onStart: null,
onUpdate: null,
onComplete: null,
tooltip: null,
visible: true
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.opts.container = this.opts.container || this
// Validation
if (this.opts.height > this.opts.width) {
this.opts.height = this.opts.width
if (this.opts.value < this.opts.min) {
this.opts.value = this.opts.min
if (this.opts.value > this.opts.max) {
this.opts.value = this.opts.max
// Properties
this.id = this.opts.id
this.radius = this.opts.height / 2
this._value = this.opts.value
this._disabled = null
this.sliderObj = null
this.control = null
this.tooltip = null
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this.visible = this.opts.visible
// setup
// layout
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* Creates children and instantiates everything.
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @private
* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
setup() {
// Container events
const container = this.opts.container
this.on('pointermove', e => {
if (this.control.dragging) {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
const moveX = this.control.event.data.getLocalPosition(
this._value = this.pixelToValue(
moveX - this.control.delta - this.opts.controlRadius
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
let x = this.valueToPixel(this._value) + this.opts.controlRadius
this.control.x = x
if (this.opts.onUpdate) {
this.opts.onUpdate.call(this, e, this)
if (container instanceof Element) {
container.addEventListener('pointerup', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
e => this.onEnd(e),
e => this.onEnd(e),
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
container.addEventListener('pointerout', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
container.addEventListener('mouseup', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
container.addEventListener('mousecancel', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
container.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
container.addEventListener('mouseout', e => this.onEnd(e), false)
} else {
container.interactive = true
container.on('pointerup', e => this.onEnd(e))
container.on('pointercancel', e => this.onEnd(e))
container.on('pointerleave', e => this.onEnd(e))
container.on('pointerout', e => this.onEnd(e))
// Slider
let sliderObj = new PIXI.Graphics()
this.sliderObj = sliderObj
// Control
let control = new PIXI.Graphics()
control.x = this.opts.controlRadius + this.valueToPixel(this.opts.value)
control.y = this.opts.controlRadius
// pointerdown on the control for dragndrop
control.on('pointerdown', e => {
control.event = e
control.delta = e.data.getLocalPosition(this.control).x
control.dragging = true
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if (this.opts.onStart) {
this.opts.onStart.call(this, e, this)
this.control = control
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// interaction
this.sliderObj.on('pointerover', e => {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.sliderObj.on('pointerout', e => {
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 1 })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.sliderObj.on('pointerdown', e => {
this.sliderObj.pointerdowned = true
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.7 })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
// Click on the slider bar
this.sliderObj.on('pointerup', e => {
if (this.sliderObj.pointerdowned) {
this.sliderObj.pointerdowned = false
const position = e.data.getLocalPosition(this.control.parent)
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
this.value = this.pixelToValue(
position.x - this.opts.controlRadius
TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { alpha: 0.83 })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
// disabled
this.disabled = this.opts.disabled
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
// tooltip
if (this.opts.tooltip) {
if (typeof this.opts.tooltip === 'string') {
this.tooltip = new Tooltip({
object: this,
content: this.opts.tooltip
} else {
this.opts.tooltip.object = this
this.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.opts.tooltip)
return this
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* Should be called to refresh the layout of the slider. Can be used after resizing.
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
layout() {
// set position
this.position.set(this.opts.x, this.opts.y)
// draw
return this
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* Draws the slider to the canvas.
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* @private
* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
draw() {
const r = this.radius
const cr = this.opts.controlRadius
const w = this.opts.width
const h = this.opts.height
const x = cr + r
const y = cr + r - h
this.sliderObj.beginFill(0xffffff, 0)
this.sliderObj.drawRect(0, 0, x + w + cr, cr * 2)
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this.sliderObj.beginFill(this.opts.fill, this.opts.fillAlpha)
this.sliderObj.moveTo(x, y)
this.sliderObj.lineTo(x + w, y)
this.sliderObj.arcTo(x + w + r, y, x + w + r, y + r, r)
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this.sliderObj.lineTo(x + w + r, y + r + 1) // BUGFIX: If not specified, there is a small area without a stroke.
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this.sliderObj.arcTo(x + w + r, y + h, x + w, y + h, r)
this.sliderObj.lineTo(x, y + h)
this.sliderObj.arcTo(x - r, y + h, x - r, y + r, r)
this.sliderObj.arcTo(x - r, y, x, y, r)
// Draw control
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this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, cr - 1)
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
this.control.drawCircle(0, 0, cr / 6)
return this
* Executed, when the slider control movement ended.
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* @private
* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
onEnd(e) {
if (this.control.dragging) {
this.control.event = null
this.control.dragging = false
if (this.opts.onComplete) {
this.opts.onComplete.call(this, e, this)
return this
* Calculates the value for a given pixel.
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* @private
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
* @param {number} value
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @returns {number} The calucalted pixel.
valueToPixel(value) {
if (value < this.opts.min) {
value = this.opts.min
} else if (value > this.opts.max) {
value = this.opts.max
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
return (
(this.opts.width * (value - this.opts.min)) /
(this.opts.max - this.opts.min)
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* Calculates the pixel for a given value.
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @private
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
* @param {number} pixel
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* @returns {number} The calucalted value.
pixelToValue(pixel) {
if (pixel < 0) {
pixel = 0
} else if (pixel > this.opts.width) {
pixel = this.opts.width
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
return (
this.opts.min +
((this.opts.max - this.opts.min) * pixel) / this.opts.width
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
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* Gets or sets the value.
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* @member {number}
get value() {
return Math.round(this._value)
set value(value) {
if (value < this.opts.min) {
value = this.opts.min
} else if (value > this.opts.max) {
value = this.opts.max
this._value = value
const x = this.valueToPixel(value) + this.opts.controlRadius
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
TweenLite.to(this.control, this.theme.fast, { x })
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
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* Gets or sets the disabled state. When disabled, the slider cannot be clicked.
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* @member {boolean}
get disabled() {
return this._disabled
set disabled(value) {
this._disabled = value
2019-07-18 12:26:39 +02:00
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
if (this._disabled) {
this.interactive = false
this.sliderObj.interactive = false
this.control.interactive = false
this.control.buttonMode = false
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this.alpha = 0.5
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
} else {
this.interactive = true
this.sliderObj.interactive = true
this.control.interactive = true
this.control.buttonMode = true
this.alpha = 1
* Shows the slider (sets his alpha values to 1).
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* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
show() {
this.opts.strokeAlpha = 1
this.opts.fillAlpha = 1
this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 1
this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 1
return this
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* Hides the slider (sets his alpha values to 1).
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2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
* @return {Slider} A reference to the slider for chaining.
hide() {
this.opts.strokeAlpha = 0
this.opts.fillAlpha = 0
this.opts.controlStrokeAlpha = 0
this.opts.controlFillAlpha = 0
return this