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The Map class shows a geographical map using a scatter element.
<h2 id="DeepZoomMap">DeepZoomMap</h2>
<p>Usually a DeepZoomMap will be used to display maps. It uses a <a
href="../deepzoom/deepzoom.html">DeepZoomImage</a> to display the map in different resolutions depending on
the zoom factor.</p>
<canvas id="deepZoomCanvas">
<script class="doctest" data-collapsible data-collapsed data-title="Script">
(function () {
// Create the mapapp.
let app = window.DeepZoomMapApp = new MapApp({
view: deepZoomCanvas,
coordsLogging: true,
width: 512,
height: 512
// Load or specify a tilesConfig as required by the DeepZoomImage.
const tilesConfig = {
"tileSize": 256,
"format": "png",
"overlap": 0,
"type": "map",
"height": 1024,
"width": 1024,
"path": "../assets/maps/osm",
"urlTileTemplate": "{path}/{level}/{row}/{column}.{format}"
// Create a projection.
const projection = new Projection.Mercator()
// Create a map data object.
const osmDeepZoomMapProjection = new DeepZoomMapProjection(projection, tilesConfig, { app })
// Create the map
const osmMap = new DeepZoomMap(osmDeepZoomMapProjection, tilesConfig)
// Add the map to the app.
app.addMap("osm", osmMap)
// Run the app when at least one map is set.
<h2 id="imageMap">ImageMap</h2>
<p>Single images can be also used as maps. This can be useful for examples, debugging purposes or other use-cases
when there are no different tiles required or available.</p>
<canvas id="imageMapCanvas">
<script class="doctest" data-collapsible data-collapsed data-title="Script">
(function () {
// Create the mapapp.
let app = window.ImageMapApp = new MapApp({
view: imageMapCanvas,
coordsLogging: true,
width: 512,
height: 512
const mapTexture = "../assets/maps/wikimedia-world-robinson/2000px-BlankMap-World.png"
// The images used by the image map need to be loaded beforehand.
// Therefore this loading step is required.
app.loadSprites([mapTexture], sprites => spritesLoaded(sprites), {
resolutionDependent: false
spritesLoaded = (sprites) => {
// Create a projection.
const projection = new Projection.Robinson(10)
// Create a map data object.
let mapProjection = new MapProjection(projection)
// Create the map
let imageMap = new ImageMap(sprites.get(mapTexture), mapProjection)
// Add the map to the app.
app.addMap("europe", imageMap)
// Run the app when at least one map is set.