2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
<!doctype html>
< html lang = "en" >
< head >
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=utf-8" >
< title > PIXI Text< / title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../3rdparty/highlight/styles/default.css" >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "../../css/doctest.css" >
< script src = "../3rdparty/highlight/highlight.pack.js" > < / script >
2019-05-22 16:03:19 +02:00
< script src = "../../dist/iwmlib.3rdparty.js" > < / script >
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
2019-05-22 16:03:19 +02:00
< script src = "../../dist/iwmlib.js" > < / script >
< script src = "../../dist/iwmlib.pixi.js" > < / script >
2019-05-24 14:38:03 +02:00
< script src = "../3rdparty/d3.min.js" > < / script >
2019-03-21 09:57:27 +01:00
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< body onload = "Doctest.run()" >
< h1 > Text< / h1 >
< p >
The tooltip or infotip or a hint is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a pointer. The user hovers the pointer over an item, without clicking it, and a tooltip may appear—a small "hover box" with information about the item being hovered over.[1][2] Tooltips do not usually appear on mobile operating systems, because there is no cursor (though tooltips may be displayed when using a mouse).
< / p >
< p > Let's look at some tooltip examples:< / p > < br / >
< canvas id = "canvas" class = "interactive" > < / canvas >
< p >
What you should see: Ten colored circles with different tooltips.
< / p >
< script class = "doctest" >
const app = new PIXIApp({
view: canvas,
width: 900,
height: 500,
transparent: false,
backgroundColor: 0x2c2d2b
const container = new PIXI.Graphics()
container.beginFill(0x58595b, 1)
container.drawRect(0, 0, 700, 300)
container.pivot.set(container.width / 2, container.height / 2)
container.position.set(450, 250)
const sixthWidth = container.width / 6
const halfHeight = container.height / 2
], sprites => {
// PIXI.Text
const text = new PIXI.Text('Bibliothek\nStuttgart', {fontSize: 50})
text.x = sixthWidth
text.y = halfHeight
text.pivot.set(text.width / 2, text.height / 2)
// PIXI.extras.BitmapText
const bitmapText = new PIXI.extras.BitmapText('Bibliothek\nStuttgart', {
font: '50px Arial',
align: 'left'
bitmapText.x = sixthWidth * 3
bitmapText.y = halfHeight
bitmapText.pivot.set(bitmapText.width / 2, bitmapText.height / 2)
// PIXI.Sprite
const sprite = sprites.get('./assets/stuttgart-library.jpg')
sprite.scale.set(.05, .05)
sprite.x = sixthWidth * 5
sprite.y = halfHeight
sprite.anchor.set(.5, .5)
// Scale
const scaleContainer = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 50, 100]).range([.05, 1, 50])
const scaleTexts = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 50, 100]).range([.1, 1, 10])
const scaleSprite = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 50, 100]).range([.005, .05, .5])
// Sliders
const sliderContainer = new Slider({
value: 50,
width: 500,
tooltip: 'Scale Container',
container: app.view,
onUpdate: function() {
const value = scaleContainer(this.value)
container.scale.set(value, value)
sliderContainer.x = app.size.width / 2 - sliderContainer.width / 2
sliderContainer.y = 10
const sliderContainerAll = new Slider({
value: 50,
width: 500,
tooltip: 'Scale Container All',
container: app.view,
onUpdate: function() {
const value = scaleContainer(this.value)
container.scale.set(value, value)
text.scale.set(1 / value, 1 / value)
bitmapText.scale.set(1 / value, 1 / value)
sliderContainerAll.x = app.size.width / 2 - sliderContainerAll.width / 2
sliderContainerAll.y = 55
const sliderText = new Slider({
value: 50,
tooltip: 'Scale PIXI.Text',
container: app.view,
onUpdate: function() {
const value = scaleTexts(this.value)
text.scale.set(value, value)
sliderText.x = app.size.width / 6 - sliderText.width / 2
sliderText.y = app.size.height - 10 - sliderText.height
const sliderBitmapText = new Slider({
value: 50,
tooltip: 'Scale PIXI.extras.BitmapText',
container: app.view,
onUpdate: function() {
const value = scaleTexts(this.value)
bitmapText.scale.set(value, value)
sliderBitmapText.x = app.size.width / 6 * 3 - sliderBitmapText.width / 2
sliderBitmapText.y = app.size.height - 10 - sliderBitmapText.height
const sliderSprite = new Slider({
value: 50,
tooltip: 'Scale PIXI.Sprite',
container: app.view,
onUpdate: function() {
const value = scaleSprite(this.value)
sprite.scale.set(value, value)
sliderSprite.x = app.size.width / 6 * 5 - sliderSprite.width / 2
sliderSprite.y = app.size.height - 10 - sliderSprite.height
}, {resolutionDependent: false})
< / script >
< / body >