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const carlo = require('carlo');
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const urlExists = require('url-exists');
// command line arguments
let path = 'index.html'
process.argv.forEach((value, index, array) => {
if (index === 2) {
path = value
(async () => {
// Launch the browser.
const opts = {}
// Set path to custom chrome
const chrome = `${__dirname}/../chrome/chrome.exe`
if (fse.pathExistsSync(chrome)) {
opts.executablePath = chrome
// Launch app
const app = await carlo.launch(opts)
// Terminate Node.js process on app window closing.
app.on('exit', () => process.exit())
// Tell carlo where your web files are located.
// Check if URL exists
urlExists('https://localhost:8443', async (error, exists) => {
if (exists) {
console.info('Serve files via server')
app.serveOrigin('https://localhost:8443') // Optional
} else {
console.info('Serve files from file system')
// Expose 'env' function in the web environment.
await app.exposeFunction('env', _ => process.env)
// Navigate to the main page of your app.
console.info('Starting carlo with', path)
await app.load(path)