#' --- #' title: "Preprocessing log files" #' author: "Nora Wickelmaier" #' date: "`r Sys.Date()`" #' output: #' html_document: #' toc: true #' toc_float: true #' pdf_document: #' toc: true #' number_sections: true #' geometry: margin = 2.5cm #' --- # setwd("C:/Users/nwickelmaier/Nextcloud/Documents/MDS/2023ss/60100_master_thesis/code") # LogEntry classes: # TRANSFORM_START: "Transform start" --> "Transformation Start" in Tool # TRANSFORM_STOP: "Transform stop" # START_APPLICATION: "Start Application" # SHOW_APPLICATION: "Show Application" # SHOW_INFO: "Show Info" --> "Flip Card" in Tool # SHOW_FRONT: "Show Front" # SHOW_POPUP: "ShowPopup" --> "Show Popup" in Tool # HIDE_POPUP: "HidePopup" # ARTWORK: "Artwork" --> "Show Topic" in Tool #' # Read data dat0 <- read.table("../data/rawdata_logfiles.csv", sep = ";", header = TRUE) dat0$date <- as.POSIXct(dat0$date) # create date object plot(dat0$time_ms[1:3000], type = "l") # what happens here? Why does `time_ms` go down, but not to 0? plot(dat0$time_ms[2500:3000], type = "l") plot(dat0$time_ms[2755:2765], type = "l") # "zoom in" dat0[2755:2765, ] # --> overall time stamp keeps going up... # TODO: How to create a plot that gives the same information based on # `time_ms` und `date`?? plot(time_ms ~ date, dat0[1:5000, ], type = "b") abline(h = 0, col = "red", lty = 3) # Visualize night plot(time_ms ~ date, dat0[1:10000, ], type = "b") # Not all `Start Application` have `time_ms = 0` - why?? dat0[125537:125542, ] dat0[6673501:6673510, ] # --> What's happening here? table(dat0[dat0$event %in% "Start Application", c("event", "date", "time_ms")]$time_ms) # 0 1 15 16 296 2819 2914 3191 5316 6535 # 3131 4 21 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 # --> ??? dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application" & dat0$time_ms == 6535, ] dat0[989313:989317, ] dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application" & dat0$time_ms == 5316, ] dat0[2071078:2071082, ] dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application" & dat0$time_ms == 3191, ] dat0[2851863:2851867, ] dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application" & dat0$time_ms == 16, ] dat0[156382:156386, ] dat0[5566940:5566947, ] # --> pattern is *not* consistent dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application" & dat0$time_ms == 1, ] dat0[125537:125542, ] xtabs( ~ event + as.Date(date), dat0[1:1000, ]) # How many days do we have with up to 8 "Start Applications" table(xtabs( ~ event + as.Date(date), dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application", ])) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 381 657 272 86 37 14 10 2 # --> 8 days without any "Start Application" length(unique(as.Date(dat0$date))) - length(xtabs( ~ event + as.Date(date), dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application", ])) # But only 6 files with 2 "Start Applications" table(xtabs( ~ event + fileid, dat0[dat0$event == "Start Application", ])) # 1 2 # 3198 6 # --> That means we have 36,563 file ids without any "Start Application" #' # Remove irrelevant events #' ## Remove Start Application and Show Application dat <- subset(dat0, !(dat0$event %in% c("Start Application", "Show Application"))) #' ## Remove "button presses" # Sort data frame by artwork and date dat <- dat[order(dat$artwork, dat$date), ] # remove "Transform start" and "Transform stop" following directly each # other, since I do not know how to interpret them as events id_start <- which(dat$event == "Transform start") id_stop <- which(dat$event == "Transform stop") id_rm_start <- id_start[diff(id_start) == 1] id_rm_stop <- id_stop[diff(id_stop) == 1] dat <- dat[-c(id_rm_start, id_rm_stop), ] rownames(dat) <- NULL id_start2 <- which(dat$event == "Transform start") id_stop2 <- which(dat$event == "Transform stop") length(id_start2) - length(id_stop2) # 340 --> "starts too many" # remove "Transform start" and "Transform stop" following directly each # other (but with events in between!) id_start_new <- id_start2 id_stop_new <- id_stop2 for (i in 2:length(id_start_new)) { if (id_start_new[i-1] < id_stop_new[i-1] & id_start_new[i] < id_stop_new[i-1]) { id_start_new <- id_start_new[-(i-1)] } else if (id_start_new[i-1] > id_stop_new[i-1] & id_start_new[i] > id_stop_new[i-1]) { id_stop_new <- id_stop_new[-(i-1)] } } length(id_start2) - length(id_start_new) length(id_stop2) - length(id_stop_new) ids <- data.frame(start = id_start_new, stop = id_stop_new) ids$diff <- ids$stop - ids$start table(ids$diff) # remove "Transform start" and "Transform stop" around other events id_rm_start2 <- id_start2[!(id_start2 %in% id_start_new)] id_rm_stop2 <- id_stop2[!(id_stop2 %in% id_stop_new)] # TODO: It still does not work correctly: dat[64764:64769,] # time_ms event artwork popup x y scale rotation # 64764 473081 Transform start 052 052.xml 1958.65 1505.75 0.8234455 -0.1351998 # 64765 474226 Show Info 052 052.xml NA NA NA NA # 64766 475735 Transform start 052 052.xml 1988.25 1625.25 0.9927645 2.4527958 # 64767 475739 Transform stop 052 052.xml 1988.25 1625.25 0.9927645 2.4527958 # 64768 479326 Artwork 052 052.xml NA NA NA NA # 64769 479751 Transform stop 052 052.xml 1660.90 1883.20 0.8074586 29.0875534 # --> but no idea how to find these cases in an automated way... dat <- dat[-c(id_rm_start2, id_rm_stop2), ] # --> Every start ends with a stop now (but not necessarily the correct one!) dat1 <- dat[order(dat$date, dat$time_ms), ] dat1$time_diff <- c(NA, diff(dat1$time_ms)) boxplot(time_diff ~ as.Date(date), dat1[dat1$time_diff > 1000 & dat1$time_diff < 4000, ]) boxplot(time_ms ~ event, dat1) #' ## Plots counts <- table(as.Date(dat$date), dat$event) lattice::barchart(counts, auto.key = TRUE) start_events <- c("Transform start", "Show Info", "ShowPopup", "Artwork/OpenCard") counts <- table(as.Date(dat$date[dat$event %in% start_events]), dat$event[dat$event %in% start_events]) lattice::barchart(counts, auto.key = TRUE) # TODO: Do I want to "collapse" the data frame in a way, that I only have # one event for each "set", meaning # # * Transform start + Transform stop --> Transform # * Artwork/OpenCard + Artwork/CloseCard --> Show Subcard # * ShowPopup + HidePopup --> Show Popup # * Show Info + Show Front --> Flip Card # (s.o. ;)) # # Then I would have meaningful variables like duration, distance, degree of # rotation, size of scaling, selection of Subcard etc. # This means that I would have to delete all "unclosed" events. # Create a data frame with # case event attributes (can differ for different events) # ?? # Is `artwork` my case? Or `artwork` per day? Or `artwork` per some other # unit??? Maybe look at differences between timestamps separately for # `artwork`? And identify "new observational unit" this way? # # Definition: (???) # 1. Touching a new `artwork` corresponds to "observational unit change" # 2. Time interval of XX min within one `artwork` on the same day # corresponds to "observational unit change" # id activity timestamp # Split data frame in list of data frame which all correspond to one # artwork # dat_art <- split(dat, dat$artwork) ## --> Maybe need it at some point? #' # Problems #' * Opening and closing of events cannot be identified unambiguously; it #' can happen that the wrong tags have been put together (e.g., Transform #' start and Transform stop); therefore, durations etc. are only heuristic #' ## Plots counts <- table(as.Date(dat$date), dat$event) lattice::barchart(counts, auto.key = TRUE) start_events <- c("Transform start", "Show Info", "ShowPopup", "Artwork/OpenCard") counts <- table(as.Date(dat$date[dat$event %in% start_events]), dat$event[dat$event %in% start_events]) lattice::barchart(counts, auto.key = TRUE) # TODO: Ask Phillip what is wrong with `time_ms` # --> Hat er eine Erklärung dafür? #plot(time_ms.stop ~ time_ms.start, dat_trans, type = "b") plot(time_ms.stop ~ time_ms.start, dat_trans, col = rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0.2)) plot(date.stop ~ date.start, dat_trans[1:1000,], type = "b")