Played around with clustering
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ dat0$weekdays <- factor(weekdays(dat0$date.start),
dat <- dat0[as.Date(dat0$date.start) < "2020-03-13", ]
dat <- dat[dat$path != 106098, ]
#--------------- (1.2) Extract additional infos for clustering ---------------
datcase <- aggregate(cbind(distance, scaleSize, rotationDegree) ~
@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ time_minmax <- function(subdata) {
# TODO: Export from package mtt
dat_list <- pbapply::pblapply(dat_split, time_minmax)
dat_minmax <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat_list)
@ -180,19 +183,24 @@ heatmap(cor_mat)
dattree <- data.frame(case = datcase$case,
Duration = datcase$duration,
PropItems = datcase$nitems / length(unique(dat$item)),
SearchInfo =
2*(((datcase$nopenPopup / datcase$nopenTopic) *
(datcase$nopenTopic / datcase$nflipCard)) /
((datcase$nopenPopup / datcase$nopenTopic) +
(datcase$nopenTopic / datcase$nflipCard))
PropTopic = datcase$nopenTopic / datcase$nflipCard,
PropPopup = datcase$nopenPopup / datcase$nopenTopic,
# SearchInfo =
# 2*(((datcase$nopenPopup / datcase$nopenTopic) *
# (datcase$nopenTopic / datcase$nflipCard)) /
# ((datcase$nopenPopup / datcase$nopenTopic) +
# (datcase$nopenTopic / datcase$nflipCard))
# ),
PropMoves = datcase$nmove / datcase$length,
PathLinearity = datcase$nitems / datcase$npaths,
Singularity = datcase$npaths / datcase$length
dattree$SearchInfo <- ifelse(dattree$SearchInfo %in% 0, 0.1, dattree$SearchInfo)
dattree$SearchInfo <- ifelse($SearchInfo), 0, dattree$SearchInfo)
#dattree$SearchInfo <- ifelse(dattree$SearchInfo %in% 0, 0.1, dattree$SearchInfo)
#dattree$SearchInfo <- ifelse($SearchInfo), 0, dattree$SearchInfo)
dattree$PropTopic <- ifelse($PropTopic), 0, dattree$PropTopic)
dattree$PropPopup <- ifelse($PropPopup), 0, dattree$PropPopup)
get_centrality <- function(case, data) {
@ -223,6 +231,26 @@ dattree$centr_degree <- centrality[, 1]
dattree$centr_degree_loops <- centrality[, 2]
dattree$centr_between <- centrality[, 3]
## Add average duration per item
dat_split <- split(dat[, c("item", "case", "path", "timeMs.start", "timeMs.stop")], ~ path)
dat_list <- pbapply::pblapply(dat_split, time_minmax)
dat_minmax <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat_list)
tmp <- aggregate(min_time ~ path, dat_minmax, unique)
tmp$max_time <- aggregate(max_time ~ path, dat_minmax, unique, na.action = NULL)$max_time
tmp$duration <- tmp$max_time - tmp$min_time
tmp$case <- aggregate(case ~ path, dat_minmax, unique)$case
dattree$AvDurItem <- aggregate(duration ~ case, tmp, mean)$duration
par(mfrow = c(3,3))
hist(dattree$Duration, breaks = 50, main = "")
hist(dattree$SearchInfo, breaks = 50, main = "")
@ -256,15 +284,21 @@ write.table(dattree,
#--------------- (2) Clustering ---------------
df <- dattree[, c("Duration", "PropItems", "SearchInfo", "PropMoves")]
df <- dattree[, c("AvDurItem", "PropItems", "PropTopic", "PropPopup", "PropMoves")]
#df <- dattree[, c("AvDurItem", "PropItems", "SearchInfo", "PropMoves")]
# TODO: With or without duration? Why is it relevant?
df$Scholar <- ifelse(dattree$Pattern == "Scholar", 1, 0)
df$Star <- ifelse(dattree$Pattern == "Star", 1, 0)
df$Dispersion <- ifelse(dattree$Pattern == "Dispersion", 1, 0)
# scale Duration and min/max SearchInfo
df$Duration <- as.numeric(scale(df$Duration))
df$SearchInfo <- (df$SearchInfo - min(df$SearchInfo)) /
(max(df$SearchInfo) - min(df$SearchInfo))
df$AvDurItem <- as.numeric(scale(df$AvDurItem))
#df$SearchInfo <- (df$SearchInfo - min(df$SearchInfo)) /
# (max(df$SearchInfo) - min(df$SearchInfo))
df$PropTopic <- (df$PropTopic - min(df$PropTopic, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$PropTopic, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$PropTopic, na.rm = TRUE))
df$PropPopup <- (df$PropPopup - min(df$PropPopup, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$PropPopup, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$PropPopup, na.rm = TRUE))
mat <- dist(df)
# TODO: Do I need to scale all variables?
@ -284,15 +318,10 @@ c5 <- cophenetic(h5)
# Correlations
cor(mat, c1)
# 0.8854558
cor(mat, c2)
# 0.883313
cor(mat, c3)
# 0.5368663
cor(mat, c4)
# 0.725247
cor(mat, c5)
# 0.3895215
@ -304,59 +333,99 @@ plot(rev(hc$height)[1:100], type = "b", pch = 16, cex = .5)
k <- 4
grp <- cutree(hc, k = k)
df$grp <- grp
grp_hclust <- cutree(hc, k = k)
fviz_cluster(list(data = df, cluster = grp),
fviz_cluster(list(data = df, cluster = grp_hclust),
palette = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E", "black"),
ellipse.type = "convex",
show.clust.cent = FALSE,
ggtheme = theme_bw())
table(dattree[grp_hclust == 1, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_hclust == 2, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_hclust == 3, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_hclust == 4, "Pattern"])
# Look at 3d plot to see if clusters are actually separate
pc <- prcomp(df)
coor <-$x[, c(1, 2, 3)])
coor$grp <- df$grp
rgl::plot3d(coor, col = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E", "black")[coor$grp])
rgl::plot3d(coor, col = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E")[grp_hclust])
dattree$grp <- grp
table(dattree[dattree$grp == 1, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[dattree$grp == 2, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[dattree$grp == 3, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[dattree$grp == 4, "Pattern"])
aggregate(cbind(Duration, PropItems, SearchInfo, PropMoves, PathLinearity,
Singularity, centr_degree, centr_degree_loops,
centr_between) ~ grp, dattree, mean)
centr_between) ~ grp_hclust, dattree, mean)
aggregate(cbind(Duration, PropItems, SearchInfo, PropMoves, Dispersion,
Scholar, Star) ~ grp, df, mean)
aggregate(cbind(duration, distance, scaleSize, rotationDegree, length,
nmove, nflipCard, nopenTopic, nopenPopup) ~ grp_hclust, datcase,
### DBSCAN clustering
d1 <- dbscan(df, eps = .5, minPts = 9)
hullplot(df, d1)
grp_db <- d1$cluster
kNNdistplot(df, k = 6)
abline(h = 0.5, col = "red")
fviz_cluster(list(data = df[grp_db != 0, ], cluster = grp_db[grp_db != 0]),
palette = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E"),
ellipse.type = "convex",
show.clust.cent = FALSE,
ggtheme = theme_bw())
rgl::plot3d(coor, col = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E")[grp_db + 1])
aggregate(. ~ grp_db, df, mean)
table(dattree[grp_db == 0, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_db == 1, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_db == 2, "Pattern"])
table(dattree[grp_db == 3, "Pattern"])
### K-Means clustering
k1 <- kmeans(df, 4)
grp_km <- k1$cluster
fviz_cluster(list(data = df, cluster = grp_km),
palette = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E"),
ellipse.type = "convex",
show.clust.cent = FALSE,
ggtheme = theme_bw())
rgl::plot3d(coor, col = c("#78004B", "#FF6900", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E")[grp_km])
### Look at selected cases ###########################################
tmp <- dat
tmp <- res
tmp$start <- tmp$date.start
tmp$complete <- tmp$date.stop
alog <- activitylog(tmp[tmp$case == 3448, ],
alog <- activitylog(tmp[tmp$case == 30855, ],
case_id = "case",
activity_id = "item",
resource_id = "path",
timestamps = c("start", "complete"))
res <- merge(dat, dattree[, c("case", "grp")], by = "case", all.x = TRUE)
res <- res[order(res$fileId.start, res$date.start, res$timeMs.start), ]
xtabs( ~ item + grp, res)
aggregate(event ~ grp, res, table)
@ -376,24 +445,74 @@ write.table(res,
quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE)
save(res, mat, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, datcase, dattree, df,
file = "results/haum/tmp_user-navigation.RData")
#--------------- (3) Fit tree ---------------
dattree$Duration_scaled <- scale(dattree$Duration)
dattree$grp <- factor(dattree$grp)
dattree$Pattern <- factor(dattree$Pattern)
## dbscan
c1 <- rpart(grp ~ Duration + PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves +
dattree_db <- dattree[grp_db != 0, ]
dattree_db$grp <- factor(grp_db[grp_db != 0])
dattree_db$Pattern <- factor(dattree_db$Pattern)
c1 <- rpart(grp ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves +
Pattern, data = dattree_db, method = "class")
c1 <- rpart(grp_db ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + PropTopic + PropPopup + PropMoves +
Pattern, data = dattree, method = "class")
c1a <- rpart(grp_db ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves +
Pattern, data = dattree, method = "class")
c2 <- rpart(grp ~ PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves + Pattern,
data = dattree_db, method = "class")
# with conditional tree function
c3 <- ctree(as.factor(grp_db) ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + PropTopic + PropPopup +
PropMoves + as.factor(Pattern), data = dattree, alpha = 1)
cluster <- as.factor(grp_db[grp_db != 0])
c4 <- ctree(cluster ~ nmove + nflipCard + nopenTopic + nopenPopup,
data = datcase[grp_db != 0, ], alpha = .001)
c5 <- ctree(cluster ~ duration,
data = datcase[grp_db != 0, ], alpha = .001)
## hclust
c1 <- rpart(as.factor(grp_hclust) ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves +
Pattern, data = dattree, method = "class")
c2 <- rpart(grp ~ PropItems + SearchInfo + PropMoves + Pattern,
data = dattree, method = "class")
c3 <- ctree(as.factor(grp_hclust) ~ AvDurItem + PropItems + SearchInfo +
PropMoves + as.factor(Pattern), data = dattree, alpha = 0)
c4 <- ctree(as.factor(grp_hclust) ~ nmove + nflipCard + nopenTopic + nopenPopup,
data = datcase, alpha = .001)
#--------------- (4) Investigate variants ---------------
Reference in New Issue
Block a user