Switched to python for fitting real process mining models; added clustering based on eval criteria in R
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#%% # needed for shortcuts to run properly in VSCode *eyeroll*
import pm4py
from pm4py.algo.evaluation.generalization import algorithm as generalization_evaluator
from pm4py.algo.evaluation.simplicity import algorithm as simplicity_evaluator
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
###### Load data and create event logs ######
dat = pd.read_csv("../data/haum/event_logfiles_glossar_2023-11-03_17-46-28.csv", sep = ";")
dat = dat[dat.date < "2020-03-13"]
# --> only pre corona (before artworks were updated)
event_log = pm4py.format_dataframe(dat, case_id='trace', activity_key='event',
event_log = event_log.rename(columns={'artwork': 'case:artwork'})
#event_log = pm4py.convert_to_event_log(dat_log) # deprecated
start_activities = pm4py.get_start_activities(event_log)
end_activities = pm4py.get_end_activities(event_log)
###### Process Mining - complete data set #####
def eval_pm(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking):
"""Caculate fitness, precision, generalizability, and simplicity for petri net"""
fitness = pm4py.fitness_token_based_replay(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking)
#fitness = pm4py.fitness_alignments(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking)
precisison = pm4py.precision_token_based_replay(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking)
#precision = pm4py.precision_alignments(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking)
generalizability = pm4py.algo.evaluation.generalization.algorithm.apply(data, net, initial_marking, final_marking)
simplicity = pm4py.algo.evaluation.simplicity.algorithm.apply(net)
return [fitness['average_trace_fitness'], precisison, generalizability, simplicity]
## Directly-follows graph
dfg, start_activities, end_activities = pm4py.discover_dfg(event_log)
pm4py.view_dfg(dfg, start_activities, end_activities)
pm4py.save_vis_dfg(dfg, start_activities, end_activities, '../figures/processmaps/dfg_complete.png')
## Heuristics Miner
net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_heuristics(event_log)
h_eval = eval_pm(event_log, net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.view_petri_net(net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.save_vis_petri_net(net, im, fm, "../figures/processmaps/pn_heuristics_complete.png")
# decorated petri net
from pm4py.visualization.petri_net import visualizer as pn_visualizer
parameters = {pn_visualizer.Variants.FREQUENCY.value.Parameters.FORMAT: "png"}
gviz = pn_visualizer.apply(net, im, fm, parameters=parameters, variant=pn_visualizer.Variants.FREQUENCY, log=event_log)
pn_visualizer.save(gviz, "../figures/processmaps/pn_heuristics_complete_decorated.png")
## Alpha Miner
net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_alpha(event_log)
a_eval = eval_pm(event_log, net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.view_petri_net(net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.save_vis_petri_net(net, im, fm, "../figures/processmaps/pn_alpha_complete.png")
## Inductive Miner
net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_inductive(event_log)
i_eval = eval_pm(event_log, net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.view_petri_net(net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.save_vis_petri_net(net, im, fm, "../figures/processmaps/pn_induction_complete.png")
## ILP Miner
net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_ilp(event_log)
ilp_eval = eval_pm(event_log, net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.view_petri_net(net, im, fm)
pm4py.vis.save_vis_petri_net(net, im, fm, "../figures/processmaps/pn_ilp_complete.png")
eval = pd.DataFrame(np.row_stack([h_eval, a_eval, i_eval, ilp_eval]))
eval.columns = ["fitness", "precision", "generalizability", "simplicity"]
eval.index = ["heuristics", "alpha", "inductive", "ilp"]
eval.to_csv("results/eval_all-miners_complete.csv", sep=";")
###### Process Mining - individual artworks ######
net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_heuristics(event_log)
#net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_inductive(event_log)
eval_art = np.empty((len(event_log["case:artwork"].unique()), 4))
for i in range(len(event_log["case:artwork"].unique())):
subdata = pm4py.filter_event_attribute_values(event_log, "case:artwork",
level="case", retain=True)
#net, im, fm = pm4py.discover_petri_net_heuristics(subdata)
eval_art[i] = eval_pm(subdata, net, im, fm)
eval_art = pd.DataFrame(eval_art)
eval_art.columns = ["fitness", "precision", "generalizability", "simplicity"]
eval_art.index = event_log["case:artwork"].unique()
#eval_art.to_csv("results/eval_heuristics_artworks.csv", sep=";")
eval_art.to_csv("results/eval_inductive_artworks.csv", sep=";")
##### Clustering ######
## KMeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4, max_iter=1000).fit(eval_art)
#from sklearn.manifold import MDS
#coord = pd.DataFrame(MDS(normalized_stress='auto').fit_transform(eval_art))
coord = eval_art
coord["clusters"] = kmeans.labels_
for i in coord.clusters.unique():
#plt.scatter(coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,0], coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,1],
plt.scatter(coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,1], coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,2],
#plt.scatter(coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,2], coord[coord.clusters == i].iloc[:,4],
label = i)
### Scree plot
sse = {}
for k in range(1, 10):
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, max_iter=1000).fit(eval_art[["precision", "generalizability"]])
#data["clusters"] = kmeans.labels_
sse[k] = kmeans.inertia_ # Inertia: Sum of distances of samples to their closest cluster center
plt.plot(list(sse.keys()), list(sse.values()))
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")
# TODO: Redo it for data pre corona, so I do not have artefacts for 504 and 505
# TODO: Create plot with artworks in it:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27800307/adding-a-picture-to-plot-in-r
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
# 00_current_analysis.R
# content: (1) Read evalutation data
# (2) Clustering
# (3) Visualization with pictures
# input: results/eval_heuristics_artworks.csv
# results/eval_all-miners_complete.csv
# output: --
# last mod: 2023-12-08, NW
# setwd("C:/Users/nwickelmaier/Nextcloud/Documents/MDS/2023ss/60100_master_thesis/code")
#--------------- (1) Read evaluation data ---------------
eval_heuristics <- read.table("results/eval_heuristics_artworks.csv", header = TRUE,
sep = ";", row.names = 1)
eval_inductive <- read.table("results/eval_inductive_artworks.csv", header = TRUE,
sep = ";", row.names = 1)
#--------------- (2) Clustering ---------------
# Heuristics Miner
k1 <- kmeans(eval_heuristics, 4)
colors <- c("#3CB4DC", "#78004B", "#91C86E", "#FF6900")
plot(generalizability ~ precision, eval_heuristics, pch = 16, col = colors[k1$cluster])
## Scree plot
ks <- 1:10
sse <- NULL
for (k in ks) sse <- c(sse, kmeans(eval_heuristics, k)$tot.withinss)
plot(sse ~ ks, type = "l")
# Inductive Miner
k2 <- kmeans(eval_inductive, 4)
plot(generalizability ~ precision, eval_inductive, pch = 16, col = colors[k2$cluster])
## Scree plot
ks <- 1:10
sse <- NULL
for (k in ks) sse <- c(sse, kmeans(eval_inductive, k)$tot.withinss)
plot(sse ~ ks, type = "l")
#--------------- (3) Visualization with pictures ---------------
## Heuristics Miner
#pdf("../figures/clustering_heuristics.pdf", height = 8, width = 8, pointsize = 10)
png("../figures/clustering_heuristics.png", units = "in", height = 8, width = 8, pointsize = 10, res = 300)
par(mai = c(.6,.6,.1,.1), mgp = c(2.4, 1, 0))
plot(generalizability ~ precision, eval_heuristics, type = "n", ylim = c(0.845, 0.98))
for (art in as.numeric(rownames(eval_heuristics))) {
art_string <- sprintf("%03d", art)
if (art == 125) {
pic <- readJPEG(paste0("../data/haum/ContentEyevisit/eyevisit_cards_light/",
art_string, "/", art_string, ".jpg"))
} else {
pic <- readPNG(paste0("../data/haum/ContentEyevisit/eyevisit_cards_light/",
art_string, "/", art_string, ".png"))
img <- as.raster(pic[,,1:3])
x <- eval_heuristics[rownames(eval_heuristics) == art, "precision"]
y <- eval_heuristics[rownames(eval_heuristics) == art, "generalizability"]
points(x, y, col = colors[k1$cluster[as.character(art)]], cex = 8, pch = 15)
xleft = x - .002,
xright = x + .002,
ybottom = y - .004,
ytop = y + .004)
## Inductive Miner
plot(generalizability ~ precision, eval_inductive, col = colors[k2$cluster],
cex = 8, pch = 15)
for (art in as.numeric(rownames(eval_inductive))) {
art_string <- sprintf("%03d", art)
if (art == 125) {
pic <- readJPEG(paste0("../data/haum/ContentEyevisit/eyevisit_cards_light/",
art_string, "/", art_string, ".jpg"))
} else {
pic <- readPNG(paste0("../data/haum/ContentEyevisit/eyevisit_cards_light/",
art_string, "/", art_string, ".png"))
img <- as.raster(pic[,,1:3])
x <- eval_inductive[rownames(eval_inductive) == art, "precision"]
y <- eval_inductive[rownames(eval_inductive) == art, "generalizability"]
xleft = x - .001,
xright = x + .001,
ybottom = y - .002,
ytop = y + .002)
#--------------- (4) Read event logs ---------------
dat <- read.table("../data/haum/event_logfiles_glossar_2023-11-03_17-46-28.csv",
sep = ";", header = TRUE)
dat$date <- as.POSIXct(dat$date)
dat$date.start <- as.POSIXct(dat$date.start)
dat$date.stop <- as.POSIXct(dat$date.stop)
dat$artwork <- sprintf("%03d", dat$artwork)
dat$event <- factor(dat$event, levels = c("move", "flipCard", "openTopic", "openPopup"))
dat$weekdays <- factor(weekdays(dat$date.start),
levels = c("Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch",
"Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag",
labels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday",
#--------------- (5) Frequency plot for clusters ---------------
# Only pre Corona
dat <- dat[dat$date < "2020-03-13",]
counts_artwork <- table(dat$artwork)
dat_count <- as.data.frame(counts_artwork)
names(dat_count) <- c("artwork", "freq")
dat_count$cluster <- k1$cluster[order(as.numeric(names(k1$cluster)))]
dat_count$cluster <- factor(dat_count$cluster, levels = c(4, 2, 1, 3), labels = 4:1)
dat_count <- dat_count[order(dat_count$cluster, dat_count$freq, decreasing = TRUE), ]
dat_count$artwork <- factor(dat_count$artwork, levels = unique(dat_count$artwork))
barplot(freq ~ artwork, dat_count, las = 2, ylim = c(0, 60000),
border = "white", ylab = "",
col = c("#FF6900", "#78004B", "#3CB4DC", "#91C86E" )[dat_count$cluster])
# compare to clusters
plot(generalizability ~ precision, eval_heuristics, type = "n", ylim = c(0.845, 0.98))
with(eval_heuristics, text(precision, generalizability,
col = colors[k1$cluster]))
#--------------- (6) DFGs for clusters ---------------
dat$start <- dat$date.start
dat$complete <- dat$date.stop
alog <- activitylog(dat,
case_id = "trace",
activity_id = "event",
resource_id = "artwork",
timestamps = c("start", "complete"))
alog_c1 <- filter_case_condition(alog,
artwork %in% dat_count[dat_count$cluster == 1, "artwork"])
alog_c2 <- filter_case_condition(alog,
artwork %in% dat_count[dat_count$cluster == 2, "artwork"])
alog_c3 <- filter_case_condition(alog,
artwork %in% dat_count[dat_count$cluster == 3, "artwork"])
alog_c4 <- filter_case_condition(alog,
artwork %in% dat_count[dat_count$cluster == 4, "artwork"])
dfg_complete <- process_map(alog,
type_nodes = frequency("absolute", color_scale = "Greys"),
sec_nodes = frequency("relative"),
type_edges = frequency("absolute", color_edges = "#FF6900"),
sec_edges = frequency("relative"),
rankdir = "TB",
render = FALSE)
file_name = "../figures/processmaps/dfg_complete_R.pdf",
file_type = "pdf",
title = "DFG complete")
dfg_c1 <- process_map(alog_c1,
type_nodes = frequency("absolute", color_scale = "Greys"),
sec_nodes = frequency("relative"),
type_edges = frequency("absolute", color_edges = "#FF6900"),
sec_edges = frequency("relative"),
rankdir = "TB",
render = FALSE)
file_name = "../figures/processmaps/dfg_cluster1_R.pdf",
file_type = "pdf",
title = "DFG Cluster 1")
dfg_c2 <- process_map(alog_c2,
type_nodes = frequency("absolute", color_scale = "Greys"),
sec_nodes = frequency("relative"),
type_edges = frequency("absolute", color_edges = "#FF6900"),
sec_edges = frequency("relative"),
rankdir = "TB",
render = FALSE)
file_name = "../figures/processmaps/dfg_cluster2_R.pdf",
file_type = "pdf",
title = "DFG Cluster 2")
dfg_c3 <- process_map(alog_c3,
type_nodes = frequency("absolute", color_scale = "Greys"),
sec_nodes = frequency("relative"),
type_edges = frequency("absolute", color_edges = "#FF6900"),
sec_edges = frequency("relative"),
rankdir = "TB",
render = FALSE)
file_name = "../figures/processmaps/dfg_cluster3_R.pdf",
file_type = "pdf",
title = "DFG Cluster 3")
dfg_c4 <- process_map(alog_c4,
type_nodes = frequency("absolute", color_scale = "Greys"),
sec_nodes = frequency("relative"),
type_edges = frequency("absolute", color_edges = "#FF6900"),
sec_edges = frequency("relative"),
rankdir = "TB",
render = FALSE)
file_name = "../figures/processmaps/dfg_cluster4_R.pdf",
file_type = "pdf",
title = "DFG Cluster 4")
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