Cleaned out some commented code, that I do not need anymore
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,17 +14,6 @@
# setwd("C:/Users/nwickelmaier/Nextcloud/Documents/MDS/2023ss/60100_master_thesis/code")
# LogEntry classes:
# TRANSFORM_START: "Transform start" --> "Transformation Start" in Tool
# TRANSFORM_STOP: "Transform stop"
# START_APPLICATION: "Start Application"
# SHOW_APPLICATION: "Show Application"
# SHOW_INFO: "Show Info" --> "Flip Card" in Tool
# SHOW_FRONT: "Show Front"
# SHOW_POPUP: "ShowPopup" --> "Show Popup" in Tool
# HIDE_POPUP: "HidePopup"
# ARTWORK: "Artwork" --> "Show Topic" in Tool
#' # Read data
dat0 <- read.table("../data/rawdata_logfiles_small.csv", sep = ";",
@ -63,11 +52,11 @@ table(table(dat1$eventid))
num_stop <- c(diff(c(0, which(dat1$event == "Transform start"))))
# TODO: Do I still need this?
dat1$eventrep <- rep(num_start, num_start)
dat1$dupl <- duplicated(dat1[, c("event", "eventid")]) # keep first
dat1$dupl <- duplicated(dat1[, c("event", "eventid")], fromLast = TRUE) # keep last
dat1[dat1$eventrep == 10, ]
dat1$dupl <- NULL
dat1$eventrep <- NULL
@ -145,19 +134,8 @@ summary(dat_trans)
#' # Close other events
dat2 <- dat[!dat$event %in% c("Transform start", "Transform stop"), ]
# dat2$x <- NULL
# dat2$y <- NULL
# dat2$scale <- NULL
# dat2$rotation <- NULL
rownames(dat2) <- NULL
# Create event ID for closing events
# num_start <- diff(c(0, which(dat2$event == "Show Front")))
# dat2$trace <- rep(seq_along(num_start), num_start)
# head(dat2[, c("artwork", "event", "trace")], 50)
# --> does not work because of glossar entries... can't sort by artwork
dat2$trace <- NA
last_event <- dat2$event[1]
aws <- unique(dat2$artwork)[unique(dat2$artwork) != "glossar"]
@ -189,9 +167,7 @@ tail(dat2[, c("artwork", "event", "trace")], 50)
rm(aws, i, j, last_event, art)
## Fix glossar entries
### Find artwork for glossar entry
#' ## Fix glossar entries (find corresponding artworks)
glossar_files <- unique(dat2[dat2$artwork == "glossar", "popup"])
@ -278,7 +254,7 @@ for (file in tmp_lut$glossar_file) {
dat2[14110:14130, ]
# TODO: Integrate for loop into for loop above
# TODO: Integrate for-loop into for-loop above
# TODO: For now: Exclude not matched glossar entries
@ -303,7 +279,8 @@ flipCard_wide$event <- "flipCard"
flipCard_wide$duration <- flipCard_wide$time_ms.stop -
# TODO: Check if I still need to enter all of these variables
# --> x, y, scale, rotation?
flipCard_wide$card <- NA
flipCard_wide$popup <- NA
flipCard_wide$x.start <- NA
@ -377,6 +354,7 @@ dat_openTopic <- openTopic_wide[, c("fileid.start", "fileid.stop", "event",
rm(openTopic_wide, num_start)
#' ## close openPopup
dat5 <- subset(df, df$event %in% c("ShowPopup", "HidePopup"))
dat5 <- dat5[order(dat5$artwork, dat5$popup, dat5$date), ]
rownames(dat5) <- NULL
@ -430,8 +408,7 @@ rm(num_start, openPopup_wide)
# TODO: Should card maybe also be filled in for "openPopup"?
#' ## Use `rbind()` instead...
# --> unbeatable in terms of time!
#' ## Merge data sets for different events
dat_all <- rbind(dat_trans, dat_flipCard, dat_openTopic, dat_openPopup)
@ -439,7 +416,8 @@ dat_all <- rbind(dat_trans, dat_flipCard, dat_openTopic, dat_openPopup)
nrow(dat_all) == (nrow(dat_trans) + nrow(dat_flipCard) +
nrow(dat_openTopic) + nrow(dat_openPopup))
# remove all events that do not have a `date.start`
#' ## Remove all events that do not have a `date.start`
dim(dat_all[$date.start), ])
dat_all <- dat_all[!$date.start), ]
# There is only a `date.stop`, when event is not properly closed, see here:
@ -456,7 +434,6 @@ dat[31000:31019,] # this one e.g.
# not interpretable
dat_all[which(dat_all$fileid.start != dat_all$fileid.stop), "duration"] <- NA
# sort by ``
dat_all <- dat_all[order(dat_all$date.start), ]
rownames(dat_all) <- NULL
@ -470,8 +447,6 @@ summary(dat_all) # OK, this actually makes a lot of sense :)
#' ## Create case variable
#dat_all$timediff <- as.numeric(dat_all$date.stop - dat_all$date.start)
dat_all$timediff <- as.numeric(diff(c(dat_all$date.start[1], dat_all$date.start)))
hist(dat_all$timediff[dat_all$timediff < 40], breaks = 50)
@ -507,12 +482,6 @@ dat_all <- dat_all[, c("fileid.start", "fileid.stop", "eventid", "case",
#' ## Add `trace` numbers for `move` events
# when case and artwork are identical and there is only 1 trace value
# --> assign it to all `move` events for that case and artwork
# when case and artwork are identical and there is more than 1 trace value
# --> assign the `trace` value that was right before this `move` event
# (could, of course, also be after)
cases <- unique(dat_all$case)
aws <- unique(dat_all$artwork)[unique(dat_all$artwork) != "glossar"]
max_trace <- max(dat_all$trace, na.rm = TRUE) + 1
@ -545,7 +514,6 @@ for (case in cases) {
max_trace <- max_trace + 1
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
#print(tmp[, c("case", "event", "trace", "artwork")])
out <- rbind(out, tmp)
@ -554,15 +522,7 @@ for (case in cases) {
# TODO: Get rid of the loops
# --> This takes forever...
#head(out[, c("time_ms.start", "case", "trace", "event", "artwork")], 55)
#head(dat_all[dat_all$artwork %in% "501", c("time_ms.start", "case", "trace", "event", "artwork")], 50)
# identical(dat_all[which(!dat_all$eventid %in% out$eventid), ],
# dat_all[dat_all$artwork == "glossar", ])
# --> TRUE
# put glossar events back in
# put glossar events back in --> not relevant anymore
#dat_all <- rbind(out, dat_all[dat_all$artwork == "glossar", ])
out <- out[order(out$date.start), ]
@ -571,25 +531,10 @@ rownames(out) <- NULL
# Make `trace` a consecutive number
out$trace2 <- as.numeric(factor(out$trace, levels = unique(out$trace)))
#head(out[, c("trace", "trace2")], 50)
#' # Export data
write.table(out, "../data/event_logfiles.csv",
sep = ";", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# Is `artwork` my case? Or `artwork` per day? Or `artwork` per some other
# unit??? Maybe look at differences between timestamps separately for
# `artwork`? And identify "new observational unit" this way?
# Definition: (???)
# 1. Touching a new `artwork` corresponds to "observational unit change"
# 2. Time interval of XX min within one `artwork` on the same day
# corresponds to "observational unit change"
# Split data frame in list of data frame which all correspond to one
# artwork
# dat_art <- split(dat, dat$artwork)
# TODO: Write function for closing events
Reference in New Issue
Block a user