
845 lines
31 KiB

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\title{Data organisation for effective research data management}
\author{Nora Wickelmaier}
\date{June 10, 2024}
\begin{frame}{Data request}
\includegraphics[scale = .55]{../figures/email_data_request_2024_01}
\begin{frame}{Data folder for the data requested}
\includegraphics[scale = .6]{../figures/email_data_request_2024_03}
\begin{frame}{What is bad about this data organisation?}
% slido
\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../figures/QR Code for Methodenseminar SS 2024 - Session 3}
\begin{frame}[<+->]{Bad things about this data organisation}
\item Raw and processed data are in the same folder
\item File naming does not sort in a sensible way: Best order would be first
by subject, then by session
\item Data and data scripts are in the same folder
\item Data scripts are not numbered, unclear in what order they need to be
\item There are plot files (PDFs) between the data and code files
\item It is unclear which are the final and processed data files
\item The final data files are not stored in an interoperable format: There
is only an \texttt{.RData} file that (probably) contains the final data
which was used for further analyses
\item There is no documentation whatsoever
\item \dots
\begin{frame}{Topics for this semester}
Date & Topic \\
2024-05-13 & Introduction to data management \\
2024-05-27 & Workflow \\
\only<1>{2024-06-10}\only<2>{\bf 2024-06-10} & \only<1>{Data organisation}\only<2>{\bf Data organisation}\\
2024-06-24 & Data sharing \\
2024-07-08 & Clean coding \\
2024-07-22 & Version control \\
% * different data sources
% * content README file
% * best arrangement of data
% * redundancy
% * anonymizing/pseudonymizing data
\section{Folder organisation}
\begin{frame}[<+->]{Some general rules}
\item One project, one folder
\item Add README file at top level
\item Raw data are in a separate folder (and stay separate!)
\item Have a code folder
\item It is often a good idea to separate your data analysis from papers,
talks, etc. (especially if you want to publish your data)
\item Have designated folders where stuff is written to (e.\,g.,
\texttt{results}, \texttt{figures}, \texttt{processed}, etc.)
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{One possible example!}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node[text width = 3cm] (n2) at (3.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node (n4) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n3) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{Analysis folder}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node[text width = 3cm] (n2) at (3.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node (n4) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n3) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
% second level
\node (o1) at (8.5, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+code+};
\node (o2) at (8.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (o3) at (8.5, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (o4) at (8.5, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (o5) at (8.5, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (n2.east) -- (o1.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o2.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o3.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o4.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o5.west);
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{Analysis folder}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node[text width = 3cm] (n2) at (3.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node (n4) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n3) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
% second level
\node (o1) at (8.5, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+code+};
\node (o2) at (8.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (o3) at (8.5, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (o4) at (8.5, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (o5) at (8.5, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (n2.east) -- (o1.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o2.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o3.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o4.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o5.west);
% third level
\node[text width = 5cm] (p1) at (12, 0) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+01_preprocessing.R+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p2) at (12, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+02_descriptives.R+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p3) at (12, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+03_modeling.R+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p4) at (12, -2.1) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+04_plots.R+};
\path ( -- (p1.west);
\path ( -- (p2.west);
\path ( -- (p3.west);
\path ( -- (p4.west);
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{Analysis folder}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node[text width = 3cm] (n2) at (3.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node (n4) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n3) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
% second level
\node (o1) at (8.5, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+code+};
\node (o2) at (8.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (o3) at (8.5, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (o4) at (8.5, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (o5) at (8.5, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (n2.east) -- (o1.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o2.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o3.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o4.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o5.west);
% third level
\node[text width = 5cm] (p1) at (12, 0) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+subj1_ses01.txt+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p2) at (12, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+subj1_ses02.txt+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p3) at (12, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+subj2_ses01.txt+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p4) at (12, -2.1) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+subj2_ses02.txt+};
\node[text width = 5cm] (p5) at (12, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \dots};
\path ( -- (p1.west);
\path ( -- (p2.west);
\path ( -- (p3.west);
\path ( -- (p4.west);
\path ( -- (p5.west);
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{Analysis folder}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node[text width = 3cm] (n2) at (3.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node (n4) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n3) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
% second level
\node (o1) at (8.5, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+code+};
\node (o2) at (8.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (o3) at (8.5, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (o4) at (8.5, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (o5) at (8.5, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (n2.east) -- (o1.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o2.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o3.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o4.west);
\path (n2.east) -- (o5.west);
% third level
\node[text width = 5cm] (p1) at (12, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file}
\node[text width = 5cm] (p2) at (12, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file}
\node[text width = 5cm] (p3) at (12, -2.1) {\faIcon[regular]{file}
\node[text width = 5cm] (p4) at (12, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file}
\path ( -- (p1.west);
\path ( -- (p2.west);
\path ( -- (p3.west);
\path ( -- (p4.west);
The analysis folder you might want to share on OSF, Github, etc.
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder organisation}
{Dissemination folder}
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node[text width = 2cm] (top) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+project+};
% first level
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+admin+};
\node (n2) at (4, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+analysis+};
\node[text width = 3.2cm] (n3) at (3.6, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+dissemination+};
\node (n4) at (4, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+material+};
\node (file) at (4, -2.8) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path (top.east) -- (n1.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n2.west);
\path (top.east) -- (n3.west);
\path (top.east) -- (file.west);
% second level
\node (o1) at (8.5, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+paper+};
\node (o2) at (8.5, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+talks+};
\node (o3) at (8.5, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (o4) at (8.5, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (o5) at (8.5, -2.8) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+tables+};
\path (n3.east) -- (o1.west);
\path (n3.east) -- (o2.west);
\path (n3.east) -- (o3.west);
\path (n3.east) -- (o4.west);
\path (n3.east) -- (o5.west);
Having separate folders for figures and tables helps you keep track of them
for your paper and talks
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Figures and tables}
\item Most of us (including me!) are not at a stage where we are
writing our papers or talks as reproducible documents
\item It is still a good idea to create tables and figures in R and keep the
code easily accessible
\item One suggestion
every node/.style = {text width = 4.2cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
% figures
\node (fig) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+figures+};
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+h1_barplot.R+};
\node (n2) at (4, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+h1_barplot.png+};
\path ( -- (n1.west);
\path ( -- (n2.west);
% tables
\node (tab) at (0, -1.5) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+tables+};
\node (o1) at (4, -1.5) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+h1_mean-table.Rmd+};
\node (o2) at (4, -2.2) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+h1_mean-table.docx+};
\path ( -- (o1.west);
\path ( -- (o2.west);
\item I export the data for figures and tables from \texttt{analysis/code}
to \texttt{dissemination/results} so the dissemination folder is
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Several data sources}
\item When you have several different data sources like questionnaires and
eye-tracking data keep them in separate folders
every node/.style = {text width = 4cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node (data) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+eyetracking+};
\node (n2) at (4, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+qualtrics+};
\path ( -- (n1.west);
\path ( -- (n2.west);
\item Process them separately, e.\,g., with
\verb+01a_preprocessing_eyetracking.R+ and
\verb+01b_preprocessing_surveys.R+ and then \verb+02_combine-data.R+
every node/.style = {text width = 5cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node (results) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\node (n1) at (4, 0) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+data_eyetracking.csv+};
\node (n2) at (4, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+data_surveys.csv+};
\node (n3) at (4, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+data_complete.csv+};
\path ( -- (n1.west);
\path ( -- (n2.west);
\path ( -- (n3.west);
\begin{frame}{Toy example with 11 questions}
Thank you everybody for filling out our little toy survey in Qualtrics!
ResponseId & age & sex & data\_sharing\_1 & data\_sharing\_2 \\
R\_225ffqhb7qRaIGO:1 & Min. :24.00 & m : 2 & No :7 & Min. :1.000 \\
R\_2F9fXxf3NedHqZl:1 & 1st Qu.:26.50 & f :11 & Yes:7 & 1st Qu.:1.000 \\
R\_2foYj4iSgaBTkEO:1 & Median :28.00 & d : 1 & & Median :2.000 \\
R\_2J9B4aLaasQ1m81:1 & Mean :29.86 & not indicated: 0 & & Mean :2.214 \\
R\_2P1TMDNlwm0gSIk:1 & 3rd Qu.:30.00 & & & 3rd Qu.:2.000 \\
R\_2pXfOSq8DBImG6R:1 & Max. :43.00 & & & Max. :6.000 \\
(Other) :8 & & & & \\
rdm\_stmnt\_1 & rdm\_stmnt\_2 & rdm\_stmnt\_3 & rdm\_stmnt\_4 & rdm\_stmnt\_5 & career\_level\_1 & career\_level\_2 \\
Min. :2.000 & Min. :2 & Min. :2.000 & Min. :1.000 & Min. :1.000 & Student : 0 & Min. : 1.000 \\
1st Qu.:3.250 & 1st Qu.:4 & 1st Qu.:2.250 & 1st Qu.:1.000 & 1st Qu.:1.000 & PhD student :11 & 1st Qu.: 1.625 \\
Median :4.500 & Median :4 & Median :3.000 & Median :1.000 & Median :1.000 & Postdoc : 1 & Median : 2.500 \\
Mean :4.071 & Mean :4 & Mean :2.857 & Mean :1.143 & Mean :1.143 & Senior researcher: 0 & Mean : 5.964 \\
3rd Qu.:5.000 & 3rd Qu.:5 & 3rd Qu.:3.000 & 3rd Qu.:1.000 & 3rd Qu.:1.000 & Professor : 1 & 3rd Qu.: 4.500 \\
Max. :5.000 & Max. :5 & Max. :5.000 & Max. :2.000 & Max. :2.000 & Other : 1 & Max. :38.000 \\
& NA's :1 & & & & & \\
% print(xtable::xtable(summary(dat[, 1:5])), include.rownames = FALSE)
% print(xtable::xtable(summary(dat[, 6:12])), include.rownames = FALSE)
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Folder structure for toy example}
{One possible structure!}
every node/.style = {text width = 4.3cm, align = left},
every path/.style = {thick, draw}
\node (ex) at (0, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+example+};
\node (n1) at (3, 0) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+code+};
\node (n2) at (3, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+data+};
\node (n3) at (3, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \};
\path ( -- (n1.west);
\path ( -- (n2.west);
\path ( -- (n3.west);
\node (o1) at (7, 0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+01_preprocessing.R+};
\node (o2) at (7, -0.7) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+codebook+};
\node (o3) at (7, -1.4) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+rawdata+};
\node (o4) at (7, -2.1) {\faIcon{folder} \verb+results+};
\path ( -- (o1.west);
\path ( -- (o2.west);
\path ( -- (o3.west);
\path ( -- (o4.west);
\node (p1) at (11, -0.7) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+codebook_01.R+};
\node (p2) at (11, -1.4) {\faIcon[regular]{file} \verb+codebook_01.xlsx+};
\node (p3) at (11, -2.1) {\dots};
\path ( -- (p1.west);
\path ( -- (p2.west);
\path ( -- (p3.west);
\begin{frame}{Metadata answers questions}
\item {\bf Who} created the data?
\item {\bf Why} was the data created?
\item {\bf When} was the data created?
\item {\bf Where} is the data?
\item {\bf How} was the data created?
\item {\bf What} is the content of the data?
\hfill{\tiny \citet{Wilbrandt2023}}
\dots is data about data.\\
\dots can be \emph{descriptive}, \emph{structural}, or \emph{administrative}.
Contains information on origin and background of data like
\item Who, when, why, how, \dots
\item Used resources
\item Used abbreviations, units, names
\item Licenses
\item \dots
Data can be anything like
\item Book content
\item Pictures or audio files
\item Website content or a blog post
\item Journal paper
\item Research data
\item \dots
\begin{frame}{Metadata examples}
\includegraphics[scale = .31]{../figures/metadata_photo}
\hfill{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{Metadata examples}
\includegraphics[scale = .36]{../figures/metadata_book}
\hfill{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{Metadata examples}
\includegraphics[scale = .27]{../figures/metadata_webpage}
\hfill{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{Metadata examples}
{WORD document}
\includegraphics[scale = .23]{../figures/metadata_word_document}
\hfill{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{Metadata for research data}
\node[font=\Large] (n1) at (0,0) {\bf \color{iwmorange} Study};
\node[font=\large] (i1) at (0,-1) {$\bullet$ Persons};
\node[font=\large] (i2) at (.36,-1.5) {$\bullet$ Background};
\node[font=\large] (i3) at (.03,-2) {$\bullet$ Funding};
\node[font=\large] (i4) at (-.38,-2.5) {$\bullet$ \dots};
\node[draw=iwmorange, thick, fit={(n1) (i1) (i2) (i3) (i4)}, inner sep=10pt] (box) {};
\node[font=\Large] (n2) at (5,0) {\bf \color{iwmorange} Data set};
\node[font=\large] (j1) at (4.3,-1) {$\bullet$ Files};
\node[font=\large] (j2) at (4.57,-1.5) {$\bullet$ Sources};
\node[font=\large] (j3) at (4.65,-2) {$\bullet$ Methods};
\node[font=\large] (j4) at (4.18,-2.5) {$\bullet$ \dots};
\node[draw=iwmorange, thick, fit={(n2) (j1) (j2) (j3) (j4)}, inner sep=10pt] (box) {};
\node[font=\Large] (n3) at (10,0) {\bf \color{iwmorange} Variables};
\node[font=\large] (k1) at (9.7,-1) {$\bullet$ Data type};
\node[font=\large] (k2) at (9.69,-1.5) {$\bullet$ Scale unit};
\node[font=\large] (k3) at (9.85,-2) {$\bullet$ Value range};
\node[font=\large] (k4) at (9.12,-2.5) {$\bullet$ \dots};
\node[draw=iwmorange, thick, fit={(n3) (k1) (k2) (k3) (k4)}, inner sep=10pt] (box) {};
\draw[-latex, thick] (n1) -- (n2);
\draw[-latex, thick] (n2) -- (n3);
\hfill\tiny \url{}
\section{README files}
\begin{frame}{README files}
\item Can be used to give information about all levels in a research
project: study/project, data set, variables; either in one README or in
several ones
\item Should provide a clear and concise description of all relevant details
about data collection, processing, and analysis
\item README files are created for different purposes:
\item to document changes to files or file names within a folder
\item to explain file naming conventions, practices, etc.\ ``in
general'' for future reference
\item to specifically accompany files/data being deposited in a
\item Creating a README file at the beginning of your research process,
and updating it consistently throughout your research, will help you
to compile a final README file when your data is ready for deposit
\item Find a template here:
\hfill\tiny \url{}
\begin{frame}{Study/project}{README on top level}
\item Project name and purpose
\item Funding information (process number!)
\item Ethics approved? LEK number!
\item Person(s) responsible for study conduction
\item One or several studies? Infos about them
\item Time/Duration of project
\item \dots
\begin{frame}{Data set}{README accompanying data set(s)}
\item One or more data sets?
\item Time of data collection
\item Person(s) responsible for data collection
\item File organisation
\item Naming conventions
\item Preprocessing methods
\item Anything that is special about the data set(s)
\item Number of subjects
\item Variables
\item \dots
\begin{frame}{Variables}{README accompanying a specific data set}
\item You can use a README (or text file called \texttt{codebook.txt} or
similar) to document your variables
\item Especially, if you only have a few variables, this is an easy and fast
way to document them
\item If you are working with extensive surveys or questionnaires, it might
be a good time investment to create a more elaborate codebook
\begin{frame}{What information about variables should a codebook include?}
% slido
\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../figures/QR Code for Methodenseminar SS 2024 - Session 3}
\begin{frame}{A codebook should include}
Variable name & Usually some abbreviation like \texttt{pna01} \\
Variable label & Brief description to identify variable \\
Question text & If applicable, exact wording from survey question \\
Values & Values variable can take (e.\,g, 1 to 5) \\
Value labels & If applicable, textual descriptions of the values \\
Statistics & For example, range, mean, standard deviation for
numeric variables; frequencies and percentages for categorical variables \\
Missing data & If applicable, values and labels of missing data \\
Notes & Additional notes, remarks, or comments; for measures or
questions from copyrighted instruments, the notes field can be used to
cite the source \\
\hfill\tiny \url{}
\item There are many different ways to create a codebook
\item It can be a README, some other plain text file, a table (stored as CSV
or XLSX), a WORD document, or PDF
\item For a short questionnaire, it can be sufficient to export it as a PDF
\item Let's walk through a couple of options\dots
\begin{frame}{Option 1 -- Toy example with 11 questions}
{Simple PDF}
Export from Qualtrics\\
\includegraphics[scale = .3]{../figures/codebook_1.png}
\item For a simple questionnaire like this, the exported WORD document
from Qualtrics exported to PDF might be sufficient as a codebook
\item For longer questionnaires, the WORD document can still be a good
starting point to create a more elaborate codebook
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Option 2 -- Toy example with 11 questions}
{Plain text file}
\begin{lstlisting}[language = bash, identifierstyle=\color{iwmgray}]
sex. Please indicate your sex.
-1. m
-2. f
-3. d
-4. not indicated
age. How old are you? Please enter your age in years.
numerical input
data_sharing_1. Have you ever published data in a repository?
-1. No
-2. Yes
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Option 3 -- Toy example with 11 questions}
{Creating a simple codebook in R ``by hand''}
codebook <- data.frame(var_name = names(dat),
var_text = c("Response Id", "Please indicate your sex.",
"How old are you? Please enter your age in years.",
"Sharing data is bad scientific practice",
"What is your current career level?",
"How long have you been working in science (in years)?"))
codebook$type <- sapply(dat, class)
codebook$n <- sapply(dat, length)
codebook$mean <- sapply(dat,
function(x) ifelse(is.numeric(x), mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), NA))
codebook$sd <- sapply(dat, function(x) ifelse(is.numeric(x), sd(x), NA))
openxlsx::write.xlsx(codebook, file = "codebook/codebook_01.xlsx")
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Option 3 -- Toy example with 11 questions}
{Creating a simple codebook in R ``by hand''}
\includegraphics[scale = .6]{../figures/codebook_2.png}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Option 4 -- Toy example with 11 questions}
{Using the codebook package in R}
\item When you export a qualtrics questionnaire as SPSS file and import it
into R using the haven package, you can use RMarkdown to create an
elaborate HTML codebook
\item It works best for classical questionnaire items
\item In our example, the survey is not formatted well enough for the
generated codebook to be completely correct
#' ---
#' title: Codebook for Data Set "RDM MS SS 2024"
#' author: Nora Wickelmaier
#' ---
#+ echo = FALSE
dat <- haven::read_spss("../rawdata/RDM_MS_SS2024_download_2024-06-04.sav")