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\title{Good habits and best practices for effective research data
\author{Nora Wickelmaier}
\date{May 13, 2024}
``In the beginning, creating a new habit is more critical than actually
achieving a goal.''
Six ideas for building the habits you want
\item Start your habit change process by building awareness
\item All change begins with making choices
\item Attach a new habit or behavior to something you already do regularly
\item Gain clarity about what you want to do and how you will do it
\item Start with a simple step
\item Remember the ``why''
\flushright{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{What habits would help with good data management?}
\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../figures/QR Code for Methodenseminar SS 2024 - Session 1}
\begin{frame}{The ``why''}
\includegraphics[width = .85\textwidth]{../figures/snafu}
\begin{frame}{The ``why''}
Reproducibility vs.\ replicability:
& & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Data}} \\
& & \cellcolor{gray}\textbf{\color{white}Same} &
\cellcolor{gray}\textbf{\color{white}Different} \\
\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Analysis}} &
& \only<2>{\bf \color{red}}Reproducible & Replicable \\
& \cellcolor{gray}\textbf{\color{white}Different} & Robust & Generalizable \\
Ethical research standards:
\includegraphics[scale = .4]{../figures/2021-06-16_icon_intranet_fair2}
\flushright{\tiny \url{}}
\begin{frame}{What are possible barriers for good data management?}
\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../figures/QR Code for Methodenseminar SS 2024 - Session 1}
\item Skills for doing reproducible research are not taught in
a systematic way
\item Supervisors are often not doing it
\item Incentive system does not encourage to spend time on making
research reproducible (yet!)
\item Takes time
\item Takes time
\item Requires additional skills
\item Learning these skills is often full of frustrating experiences
\section[Example]{Personal example}
\includegraphics[scale = 0.55]{../figures/datenanfrage_phd_thesis}
\begin{frame}[<+->]{The situation}
\item I actually published the data of my first experiment in an R
\item BUT: He probably wants the data of my second experiment\dots
\includegraphics[scale = .03]{../figures/seenoevil_monkey}
\item First try:\\
\includegraphics[scale = .5]{../figures/phd_data1}
This does not look good\dots There's not even the actual folder with
the final data. WTF?
\item Remembering that I probably moved that to my ``postdoc folder''
-- but this is not on my work computer, since it is so big\dots OK, I
will check that at home tonight\dots
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Getting closer}
\item Puh, all the data are on my home computer (only copy,
\includegraphics[scale = .37]{../figures/phd_data2}
\item But not really organized\dots\\
\includegraphics[scale = .18]{../figures/phd_data3}
\item I check my analysis files and am pretty sure that the files
\texttt{vp0[1-4]\_finaldata.txt} are the ones I used in the analysis
in my diss
\item Checking the files again, I discover that the luminances of my
stimuli are not in these files -- only the stimulus names I used in
the experiment, something like \texttt{stim\_1\_7} (pretty
informative, huh?)
\item The stimulus files are also in the folder, the one for
\texttt{stim\_1\_7} looks like this\\
\includegraphics[scale = .1]{../figures/phd_data4}\\
(BTW, I investigated the perception of black and white colors in my
\begin{frame}{I finally answered this}
\includegraphics[scale = .55]{../figures/phd_data5}
\item Go to \url{}
and download the data and additional material
\item Are you able to understand what needs to be done in order to
use this data based on the information provided?
\item Write down the steps that need to be taken in order to make
these data reusable
\item What kind of skills do we need in order to perform these steps?
\begin{frame}[fragile]{What I wish I could have answered}
All the data and analyses for my dissertation can be
found here:
Let me know if you need anything else.
Best wishes,
\begin{frame}[<+->]{What barriers stopped me from doing this?}
\item Back then, I did not even consider to publish my data
\item (I only published the data for the first experiment so I had some
data in my R package)
\item Back then, I only wrapped up stuff before switching research
topics for my postdoc phase
\item However, I took some time to clean up the files, which allowed me
to answer the request within one day
\item I had most of the skills I needed, but nobody who emphasized how
important it might be to make the data and analysis scripts available
and reproducible
\section{Upcoming sessions}
\begin{frame}{What topics would you like to cover this semester?}
\includegraphics[width = 5cm]{../figures/QR Code for Methodenseminar SS 2024 - Session 1}
\begin{frame}{Next week: Workflows}
\item Read \citet{Lowndes2017} -- it's eye opening and kinda funny (and
\item Read \citet{Kathawalla2021} -- at least the sections on project
workflow (p.~4) and sharing data (p.~6)
\item Consider your current research data management and think about
what your current workflow is:
\item What is going well?
\item What could be improved?
\item What could be the benefits of an improved workflow in this
\begin{frame}[<+->]{Habit building: Get started today}
%\item Start your 30 Days of Data Management Habits:
\item Are you ten finger typing, yet? (If not, this is definitely
something that will improve all of your workflows)
\item Clean out the folders in your current project; rename the
%\item Look up note taking and try out some software
\item Organize your literature folder
\item Think about smart usage of cloud storage (there are many
different options at the IWM, there should be one that suits you --
are you using the one that suits you best?)
\item Next time you want to e-mail a document, think about a better
way to share it
\item Use R Markdown to write your next preregistration
\item Start reading a book on R and data analysis
\item Use Git for your next data analysis