(function ($, undefined) { /* * Unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery, largely taken from * the wonderful https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs * * * Released under the MIT license * */ 'use strict'; if ($.web2py !== undefined) { $.error('web2py.js has already been loaded!'); } var FORMDATA_IS_SUPPORTED = typeof(FormData) !== 'undefined'; var animateIn = 'fadeIn'; // var animateIn = 'slideDown'; String.prototype.reverse = function () { return this.split('').reverse().join(''); }; var web2py; $.web2py = web2py = { isUndefined: function (obj) { /* grabbed from underscore.js */ return obj === void 0; }, popup: function (url) { /* popup a window */ var newwindow = window.open(url, 'name', 'height=400,width=600'); if (window.focus) newwindow.focus(); return false; }, collapse: function (id) { /* toggle an element */ $('#' + id).slideToggle(); }, fade: function (id, value) { /*fade something*/ if (value > 0) $('#' + id).hide().fadeIn('slow'); else $('#' + id).show().fadeOut('slow'); }, ajax: function (u, s, t, options) { /*simple ajax function*/ // set options default value options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {}; var query = ''; if (typeof s == 'string') { var d = $(s).serialize(); if (d) { query = d; } } else { var pcs = []; if (s !== null && !web2py.isUndefined(s)) for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var q = $('[name=' + s[i] + ']').serialize(); if (q) { pcs.push(q); } } if (pcs.length > 0) { query = pcs.join('&'); } } // default success action var success_function = function (msg) { if (t) { if (t == ':eval') eval(msg); else if (typeof t == 'string') $('#' + t).html(msg); else t(msg); } }; // declare success actions as array var success = [success_function]; // add user success actions if ($.isArray(options.done)){ success = $.merge(success, options.done); } else { success.push(options.done); } // default jquery ajax options var ajax_options = { type: 'POST', url: u, data: query, success: success }; //remove custom "done" option if exists delete options.done; // merge default ajax options with user custom options for (var attrname in options) { ajax_options[attrname] = options[attrname]; } // call ajax function $.ajax(ajax_options); }, ajax_fields: function (target) { /* *this attaches something to a newly loaded fragment/page * Ideally all events should be bound to the document, so we can avoid calling * this over and over... all will be bound to the document */ /*adds btn class to buttons*/ $('button:not([class^="btn"])', target).addClass('btn'); $( 'form input[type="submit"]:not([class^="btn"]), form input[type="button"]:not([class^="btn"])', target).addClass('btn'); /* javascript for PasswordWidget*/ $('input[type=password][data-w2p_entropy]', target).each(function () { web2py.validate_entropy($(this)); }); /* javascript for ListWidget*/ $('ul.w2p_list', target).each(function () { function pe(ul, e) { var new_line = ml(ul); rel(ul); if ($(e.target).parent().is(':visible')) { /* make sure we didn't delete the element before we insert after */ new_line.insertAfter($(e.target).parent()); } else { /* the line we clicked on was deleted, just add to end of list */ new_line.appendTo(ul); } new_line.find(':text').focus(); return false; } function rl(ul, e) { if ($(ul).children().length > 1) { /* only remove if we have more than 1 item so the list is never empty */ $(e.target).parent().remove(); } } function ml(ul) { /* clone the first field */ var line = $(ul).find('li:first').clone(true); line.find(':text').val(''); return line; } function rel(ul) { /* keep only as many as needed*/ $(ul).find('li').each(function () { var trimmed = $.trim($(this.firstChild).val()); if (trimmed === '') $(this).remove(); else $(this.firstChild).val(trimmed); }); } var ul = this; $(ul).find(':text').after('+ -').keypress( function (e) { return (e.which == 13) ? pe(ul, e) : true; }).next().click(function (e) { pe(ul, e); e.preventDefault(); }).next().click(function (e) { rl(ul, e); e.preventDefault(); }); }); }, ajax_init: function (target) { /*called whenever a fragment gets loaded */ $('.w2p_hidden', target).hide(); web2py.manage_errors(target); web2py.ajax_fields(target); web2py.show_if_handler(target); web2py.component_handler(target); }, /* manage errors in forms */ manage_errors: function (target) { $('div.error', target).hide()[animateIn]('slow'); }, after_ajax: function (xhr) { /* called whenever an ajax request completes */ var command = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-command'); var flash = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-flash'); if (command !== null) { eval(decodeURIComponent(command)); } if (flash) { web2py.flash(decodeURIComponent(flash)); } }, event_handlers: function () { /* * This is called once for page * Ideally it should bound all the things that are needed * and require no dom manipulations */ var doc = $(document); doc.on('click', '.w2p_flash', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var t = $(this); if (t.css('top') == '0px') t.slideUp('slow'); else t.fadeOut(); }); doc.on('keyup', 'input.integer', function () { var nvalue = this.value.reverse().replace(/[^0-9\-]|\-(?=.)/g, '').reverse(); if (this.value != nvalue) this.value = nvalue; }); doc.on('keyup', 'input.double, input.decimal', function () { var nvalue = this.value.reverse().replace( /[^0-9\-\.,]|[\-](?=.)|[\.,](?=[0-9]*[\.,])/g, '').reverse(); if (this.value != nvalue) this.value = nvalue; }); var confirm_message = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_confirm_message) ? w2p_ajax_confirm_message : 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?'; doc.on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"].delete', function () { if (this.checked) if (!web2py.confirm(confirm_message)) this.checked = false; }); var datetime_format = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_datetime_format) ? w2p_ajax_datetime_format : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'; doc.on('click', 'input.datetime', function () { var tformat = $(this).data('w2p_datetime_format'); var active = $(this).data('w2p_datetime'); var format = !web2py.isUndefined(tformat) ? tformat : datetime_format; if (active === undefined) { Calendar.setup({ inputField: this, ifFormat: format, showsTime: true, timeFormat: '24' }); $(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $(this).data('w2p_datetime', 1); $(this).trigger('click'); } }); var date_format = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_date_format) ? w2p_ajax_date_format : '%Y-%m-%d'; doc.on('click', 'input.date', function () { var tformat = $(this).data('w2p_date_format'); var active = $(this).data('w2p_date'); var format = !web2py.isUndefined(tformat) ? tformat : date_format; if (active === undefined) { Calendar.setup({ inputField: this, ifFormat: format, showsTime: false }); $(this).data('w2p_date', 1); $(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $(this).trigger('click'); } }); doc.on('focus', 'input.time', function () { var active = $(this).data('w2p_time'); if (web2py.isUndefined(active)) { $(this).timeEntry({ spinnerImage: '' }).attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $(this).data('w2p_time', 1); } }); /* help preventing double form submission for normal form (not LOADed) */ $(doc).on('submit', 'form', function (e) { var submit_buttons = $(this).find(web2py.formInputClickSelector); submit_buttons.each(function() { web2py.disableElement($(this)); }) /* safeguard in case the form doesn't trigger a refresh, see https://github.com/web2py/web2py/issues/1100 */ setTimeout(function () { submit_buttons.each(function() { web2py.enableElement($(this)); }); }, 5000); }); doc.ajaxSuccess(function (e, xhr) { var redirect = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-redirect-location'); if (redirect !== null) { if (!redirect.endsWith('#')) { window.location.href = redirect; } else { window.location.reload(); } } /* run this here only if this Ajax request is NOT for a web2py component. */ if (xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content') === null) { web2py.after_ajax(xhr); } }); doc.ajaxError(function (e, xhr, settings, exception) { /*personally I don't like it. *if there's an error it it flashed and can be removed *as any other message *doc.off('click', '.w2p_flash') */ switch (xhr.status) { case 500: web2py.flash(ajax_error_500); } }); }, trap_form: function (action, target) { /* traps any LOADed form */ $('#' + target + ' form').each(function () { var form = $(this); if (form.hasClass('no_trap')) { return; } var w2p_target = $(this).attr('data-w2p_target'); if (web2py.isUndefined(w2p_target) || w2p_target === false) { form.attr('data-w2p_target', target); } else { target = w2p_target; } var url = form.attr('action'); if ((url === '') || (url === '#') || web2py.isUndefined(url)) { /* form has no action. Use component url. */ url = action; } form.submit(function (e) { web2py.disableElement(form.find(web2py.formInputClickSelector)); web2py.hide_flash(); var formData; if (FORMDATA_IS_SUPPORTED) { formData = new FormData(form[0]); // Allows file uploads. } else { formData = form.serialize(); // Fallback for older browsers. } web2py.ajax_page('post', url, formData, target); e.preventDefault(); }); form.on('click', web2py.formInputClickSelector, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var input_name = $(this).attr('name'); if (!web2py.isUndefined(input_name)) { $('').attr('name', input_name) .attr('value', $(this).val()).appendTo(form); } form.trigger('submit'); }); }); }, ajax_page: function (method, action, data, target, element) { /* element is a new parameter, but should be put be put in front */ if (web2py.isUndefined(element)) element = $(document); /* if target is not there, fill it with something that there isn't in the page*/ if (web2py.isUndefined(target) || target === '') target = 'w2p_none'; /* processData and contentType must be set to false when passing a FormData object to jQuery.ajax. */ var isFormData = Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === '[object FormData]'; var contentType = isFormData ? false : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'; if (web2py.fire(element, 'ajax:before', null, target)) { /*test a usecase, should stop here if returns false */ $.ajax({ 'type': method, 'url': action, 'data': data, 'processData': !isFormData, 'contentType': contentType, 'xhr': function() { var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) { if (evt.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = evt.loaded / evt.total; percentComplete = parseInt(percentComplete * 100); web2py.fire(element, 'w2p:uploadProgress', [percentComplete], target); if (percentComplete === 100) { web2py.fire(element, 'w2p:uploadComplete', [], target); } } }, false); return xhr; }, 'beforeSend': function (xhr, settings) { xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-location', document.location); xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-element', target); web2py.fire(element, 'w2p:componentBegin', [xhr, settings], target); return web2py.fire(element, 'ajax:beforeSend', [xhr, settings], target); //test a usecase, should stop here if returns false }, 'success': function (data, status, xhr) { /*bummer for form submissions....the element is not there after complete *because it gets replaced by the new response.... */ web2py.fire(element, 'ajax:success', [data, status, xhr], target); }, 'error': function (xhr, status, error) { /*bummer for form submissions....in addition to the element being not there after *complete because it gets replaced by the new response, standard form *handling just returns the same status code for good and bad *form submissions (i.e. that triggered a validator error) */ web2py.fire(element, 'ajax:error', [xhr, status, error], target); }, 'complete': function (xhr, status) { web2py.fire(element, 'ajax:complete', [xhr, status], target); web2py.updatePage(xhr, target); /* Parse and load the html received */ web2py.trap_form(action, target); web2py.ajax_init('#' + target); web2py.after_ajax(xhr); web2py.fire(element, 'w2p:componentComplete', [xhr, status], target); // Let us know the component is finished loading } }); } }, component: function (action, target, timeout, times, el) { /* element is a new parameter, but should be put in front */ $(function () { var jelement = $('#' + target); var element = jelement.get(0); var statement = 'jQuery("#' + target + '").get(0).reload();'; element.reload = function () { /* Continue if times is Infinity or * the times limit is not reached */ if (element.reload_check()) { web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el); } }; /* Method to check timing limit */ element.reload_check = function () { if (jelement.hasClass('w2p_component_stop')) { clearInterval(this.timing); return false; } if (this.reload_counter == Infinity) { return true; } else { if (!isNaN(this.reload_counter)) { this.reload_counter -= 1; if (this.reload_counter < 0) { if (!this.run_once) { clearInterval(this.timing); return false; } } else { return true; } } } return false; }; if (!isNaN(timeout)) { element.timeout = timeout; element.reload_counter = times; if (times > 1) { /* Multiple or infinite reload * Run first iteration */ web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el); element.run_once = false; element.timing = setInterval(statement, timeout); element.reload_counter -= 1; } else if (times == 1) { /* Run once with timeout */ element.run_once = true; element.setTimeout = setTimeout; element.timing = setTimeout(statement, timeout); } } else { /* run once (no timeout specified) */ element.reload_counter = Infinity; web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el); } }); }, updatePage: function (xhr, target) { var t = $('#' + target); var html = $.parseHTML(xhr.responseText, document, true); var title_elements = $(html).filter('title').add($(html).find('title')); var title = title_elements.last().text(); if (title) { title_elements.remove(); /* Remove any title elements from the response */ document.title = $.trim(title); /* Set the new document title */ } var content = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content'); if (content == 'prepend') t.prepend(xhr.responseText); else if (content == 'append') t.append(xhr.responseText); else if (content != 'hide') t.html(html); }, calc_entropy: function (mystring) { /* calculate a simple entropy for a given string */ var csets = new Array( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', '0123456789', '!@#$\%^&*()', '~`-_=+[]{}\|;:\'",.<>?/', '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); var score = 0, other = {}, seen = {}, lastset = null, mystringlist = mystring.split(''); for (var i = 0; i < mystringlist.length; i++) { /* classify this character */ var c = mystringlist[i], inset = 5; for (var j = 0; j < csets.length; j++) if (csets[j].indexOf(c) != -1) { inset = j; break; } /*calculate effect of character on alphabet size */ if (!(inset in seen)) { seen[inset] = 1; score += csets[inset].length; } else if (!(c in other)) { score += 1; other[c] = 1; } if (inset != lastset) { score += 1; lastset = inset; } } var entropy = mystring.length * Math.log(score) / 0.6931471805599453; return Math.round(entropy * 100) / 100; }, validate_entropy: function (myfield, req_entropy) { if (!web2py.isUndefined(myfield.data('w2p_entropy'))) req_entropy = myfield.data('w2p_entropy'); var validator = function () { var v = (web2py.calc_entropy(myfield.val()) || 0) / req_entropy; var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, rs = function (x) { return Math.round(x * 15).toString(16); }; if (v <= 0.5) { r = 1.0; g = 2.0 * v; } else { r = (1.0 - 2.0 * (Math.max(v, 0) - 0.5)); g = 1.0; } var color = '#' + rs(r) + rs(g) + rs(b); myfield.css('background-color', color); var entropy_callback = myfield.data('entropy_callback'); if (entropy_callback) entropy_callback(v); }; if (!myfield.hasClass('entropy_check')) myfield.on('keyup', validator).on('keydown', validator) .addClass('entropy_check'); }, web2py_websocket: function (url, onmessage, onopen, onclose) { if ('WebSocket' in window) { var ws = new WebSocket(url); ws.onopen = onopen ? onopen : (function () {}); ws.onmessage = onmessage; ws.onclose = onclose ? onclose : (function () {}); return true; /* supported */ } else return false; /* not supported */ }, /* new from here */ /* Form input elements bound by web2py.js */ formInputClickSelector: 'input[type=submit], input[type=image], button[type=submit], button:not([type])', /* Form input elements disabled during form submission */ disableSelector: 'input, button, textarea, select', /* Form input elements re-enabled after form submission */ enableSelector: 'input:disabled, button:disabled, textarea:disabled, select:disabled', /* Triggers an event on an element and returns false if the event result is false */ fire: function (obj, type, data, target) { var event = $.Event(type, { 'containerTarget': $('#' + target)[0] }); obj.trigger(event, data); return event.result !== false; }, /* Helper function, needed to provide consistent behavior in IE */ stopEverything: function (e) { $(e.target).trigger('w2p:everythingStopped'); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }, confirm: function (message) { return confirm(message); }, /* replace element's html with the 'data-disable-with' after storing original html * and prevent clicking on it */ disableElement: function (el) { if (!web2py.isUndefined(el.data('w2p_disable'))) { return false; } el.addClass('disabled'); var method = el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'; //method = el.attr('name') ? 'html' : 'val'; var disable_with_message = (!web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_disable_with_message)) ? w2p_ajax_disable_with_message : 'Working...'; /*store enabled state if not already disabled */ if (web2py.isUndefined(el.data('w2p_enable_with'))) { el.data('w2p_enable_with', el[method]()); } /*if you don't want to see "working..." on buttons, replace the following * two lines with this one * el.data('w2p_disable_with', el[method]()); */ if ((el.data('w2p_disable_with') == 'default') || (web2py.isUndefined(el.data( 'w2p_disable_with')))) { el.data('w2p_disable_with', disable_with_message); } /* set to disabled state*/ el[method](el.data('w2p_disable_with')); el.bind('click.w2pDisable', function (e) { /* prevent further clicking*/ return web2py.stopEverything(e); }); }, /* restore element to its original state which was disabled by 'disableElement' above*/ enableElement: function (el) { var method = el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'; if (!web2py.isUndefined(el.data('w2p_enable_with'))) { /* set to old enabled state */ el[method](el.data('w2p_enable_with')); el.removeData('w2p_enable_with'); } el.removeClass('disabled'); el.unbind('click.w2pDisable'); }, /*convenience wrapper, internal use only */ simple_component: function (action, target, element) { web2py.component(action, target, 0, 1, element); }, /*helper for flash messages*/ flash: function (message, status) { var flash = $('.w2p_flash'); web2py.hide_flash(); flash.text(message).addClass(status); if (flash.html()) flash.append(' × ')[animateIn](); }, hide_flash: function () { $('.w2p_flash').fadeOut(0).html(''); }, show_if_handler: function (target) { var triggers = {}; var show_if = function () { var t = $(this); var id = t.attr('id'); t.attr('value', t.val()); for (var k = 0; k < triggers[id].length; k++) { var dep = $('#' + triggers[id][k], target); var tr = $('#' + triggers[id][k] + '__row', target); if (t.is(dep.attr('data-show-if'))) tr[animateIn](); else tr.hide(); } }; $('[data-show-trigger]', target).each(function () { var name = $(this).attr('data-show-trigger'); // The field exists only when creating/editing a row if ($('#' + name).length) { if (!triggers[name]) triggers[name] = []; triggers[name].push($(this).attr('id')); } }); for (var name in triggers) { $('#' + name, target).change(show_if).keyup(show_if); show_if.call($('#' + name, target)); } }, component_handler: function (target) { $('div[data-w2p_remote]', target).each(function () { var remote, times, timeout, target; var el = $(this); remote = el.data('w2p_remote'); times = el.data('w2p_times'); timeout = el.data('w2p_timeout'); target = el.attr('id'); web2py.component(remote, target, timeout, times, $(this)); }); }, a_handler: function (el, e) { e.preventDefault(); var method = el.data('w2p_method'); var action = el.attr('href'); var target = el.data('w2p_target'); var confirm_message = el.data('w2p_confirm'); var pre_call = el.data('w2p_pre_call'); if (!web2py.isUndefined(pre_call)) { eval(pre_call); } if (confirm_message) { if (confirm_message == 'default') { confirm_message = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_confirm_message) ? w2p_ajax_confirm_message : 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?'; } if (!web2py.confirm(confirm_message)) { web2py.stopEverything(e); return; } } if (web2py.isUndefined(target)) { if (method == 'GET') { web2py.ajax_page('get', action, [], '', el); } else if (method == 'POST') { web2py.ajax_page('post', action, [], '', el); } } else { if (method == 'GET') { web2py.ajax_page('get', action, [], target, el); } else if (method == 'POST') { web2py.ajax_page('post', action, [], target, el); } } }, a_handlers: function () { var el = $(document); el.on('click', 'a[data-w2p_method]', function (e) { web2py.a_handler($(this), e); }); /* removal of element should happen only on success */ el.on('ajax:success', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_remove]', function () { var el = $(this); var toremove = el.data('w2p_remove'); if (!web2py.isUndefined(toremove)) { toremove = el.closest(toremove); if (!toremove.length) { /*this enables removal of whatever selector if a closest is not found */ toremove = $(toremove); } toremove.remove(); } }); el.on('ajax:beforeSend', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_disable_with]', function () { web2py.disableElement($(this)); }); /*re-enable click on completion*/ el.on('ajax:complete', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_disable_with]', function () { web2py.enableElement($(this)); }); }, /* Disables form elements: - Does not disable elements with 'data-w2p_disable' attribute - Caches element value in 'w2p_enable_with' data store - Replaces element text with value of 'data-w2p_disable_with' attribute - Sets disabled property to true */ disableFormElements: function (form) { form.find(web2py.disableSelector).each(function () { var element = $(this), method = element.is('button') ? 'html' : 'val'; var disable_with = element.data('w2p_disable_with'); var disable = element.data('w2p_disable'); if (!web2py.isUndefined(disable)) { return false; } if (!element.is(':file')) { // Altering file input values is not allowed. if (web2py.isUndefined(disable_with)) { element.data('w2p_disable_with', element[method]()); } if (web2py.isUndefined(element.data('w2p_enable_with'))) { element.data('w2p_enable_with', element[method]()); } element[method](element.data('w2p_disable_with')); } element.prop('disabled', true); }); }, /* Re-enables disabled form elements: - Replaces element text with cached value from 'w2p_enable_with' data store (created in `disableFormElements`) - Sets disabled property to false */ enableFormElements: function (form) { form.find(web2py.enableSelector).each(function () { var element = $(this), method = element.is('button') ? 'html' : 'val'; if (element.data('w2p_enable_with')) { element[method](element.data('w2p_enable_with')); element.removeData('w2p_enable_with'); } element.prop('disabled', false); }); }, form_handlers: function () { var el = $(document); el.on('ajax:beforeSend', 'form[data-w2p_target]', function () { web2py.disableFormElements($(this)); }); el.on('ajax:complete', 'form[data-w2p_target]', function () { web2py.enableFormElements($(this)); }); }, /* Invalidate and force reload of a web2py component */ invalidate: function (target) { $('div[data-w2p_remote]', target).each(function () { var el = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')).get(0); if (!web2py.isUndefined(el.timing)) { // Block triggering regular routines clearInterval(el.timing); } }); $.web2py.component_handler(target); }, main_hook: function () { var flash = $('.w2p_flash'); flash.hide(); if (flash.html()) web2py.flash(flash.html()); web2py.ajax_init(document); web2py.event_handlers(); web2py.a_handlers(); web2py.form_handlers(); } }; /*end of functions */ /*main hook*/ $(function () { web2py.main_hook(); }); })(jQuery); /* compatibility code - start */ ajax = jQuery.web2py.ajax; web2py_component = jQuery.web2py.component; web2py_websocket = jQuery.web2py.web2py_websocket; web2py_ajax_page = jQuery.web2py.ajax_page; /*needed for IS_STRONG(entropy)*/ web2py_validate_entropy = jQuery.web2py.validate_entropy; /*needed for crud.search and SQLFORM.grid's search*/ web2py_ajax_fields = jQuery.web2py.ajax_fields; /*used for LOAD(ajax=False)*/ web2py_trap_form = jQuery.web2py.trap_form; /*undocumented - rare*/ popup = jQuery.web2py.popup; collapse = jQuery.web2py.collapse; fade = jQuery.web2py.fade; /* internals - shouldn't be needed web2py_ajax_init = jQuery.web2py.ajax_init; web2py_event_handlers = jQuery.web2py.event_handlers; web2py_trap_link = jQuery.web2py.trap_link; web2py_calc_entropy = jQuery.web2py.calc_entropy; */ /* compatibility code - end*/