Added: web2py current files
This commit is contained in:
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Normal file
Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python interpreter</pydev_property>
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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The web2py welcome app is licensed under public domain
(except for the css and js files that it includes, which have their own third party licenses).
You can modify this license when you add your own code.
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Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ##########################################################
# ## make sure administrator is on localhost
# ###########################################################
import os
import socket
import datetime
import copy
import gluon.contenttype
import gluon.fileutils
from gluon._compat import iteritems
is_gae = request.env.web2py_runtime_gae or False
# ## critical --- make a copy of the environment
global_env = copy.copy(globals())
global_env['datetime'] = datetime
http_host = request.env.http_host.split(':')[0]
remote_addr = request.env.remote_addr
hosts = (http_host, socket.gethostname(),
'::1', '', '::ffff:')
hosts = (http_host, )
if request.is_https:
elif request.env.trusted_lan_prefix and \
request.is_local = True
elif (remote_addr not in hosts) and (remote_addr != '') and \
(request.function != 'manage'):
raise HTTP(200, T('appadmin is disabled because insecure channel'))
if request.function == 'manage':
if not 'auth' in globals() or not request.args:
redirect(URL(request.controller, 'index'))
manager_action = auth.settings.manager_actions.get(request.args(0), None)
if manager_action is None and request.args(0) == 'auth':
manager_action = dict(role=auth.settings.auth_manager_role,
heading=T('Manage Access Control'),
manager_role = manager_action.get('role', None) if manager_action else None
if not (gluon.fileutils.check_credentials(request) or auth.has_membership(manager_role)):
raise HTTP(403, 'Not authorized')
menu = False
elif (request.application == 'admin' and not session.authorized) or \
(request.application != 'admin' and not gluon.fileutils.check_credentials(request)):
redirect(URL('admin', 'default', 'index',
vars=dict(send=URL(args=request.args, vars=request.vars))))
response.subtitle = T('Database Administration (appadmin)')
menu = True
ignore_rw = True
response.view = 'appadmin.html'
if menu:
|||| = [[T('design'), False, URL('admin', 'default', 'design',
args=[request.application])], [T('db'), False,
URL('index')], [T('state'), False,
URL('state')], [T('cache'), False,
# ##########################################################
# ## auxiliary functions
# ###########################################################
if False and request.tickets_db:
from gluon.restricted import TicketStorage
ts = TicketStorage()
ts._get_table(request.tickets_db, ts.tablename, request.application)
def get_databases(request):
dbs = {}
for (key, value) in global_env.items():
cond = isinstance(value, GQLDB)
cond = isinstance(value, SQLDB)
if cond:
dbs[key] = value
return dbs
databases = get_databases(None)
def eval_in_global_env(text):
exec ('_ret=%s' % text, {}, global_env)
return global_env['_ret']
def get_database(request):
if request.args and request.args[0] in databases:
return eval_in_global_env(request.args[0])
session.flash = T('invalid request')
def get_table(request):
db = get_database(request)
if len(request.args) > 1 and request.args[1] in db.tables:
return (db, request.args[1])
session.flash = T('invalid request')
def get_query(request):
return eval_in_global_env(request.vars.query)
except Exception:
return None
def query_by_table_type(tablename, db, request=request):
keyed = hasattr(db[tablename], '_primarykey')
if keyed:
firstkey = db[tablename][db[tablename]._primarykey[0]]
cond = '>0'
if firstkey.type in ['string', 'text']:
cond = '!=""'
qry = '%s.%s.%s%s' % (
request.args[0], request.args[1],, cond)
qry = '>0' % tuple(request.args[:2])
return qry
# ##########################################################
# ## list all databases and tables
# ###########################################################
def index():
return dict(databases=databases)
# ##########################################################
# ## insert a new record
# ###########################################################
def insert():
(db, table) = get_table(request)
form = SQLFORM(db[table], ignore_rw=ignore_rw)
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
response.flash = T('new record inserted')
return dict(form=form, table=db[table])
# ##########################################################
# ## list all records in table and insert new record
# ###########################################################
def download():
import os
db = get_database(request)
return, db)
def csv():
import gluon.contenttype
response.headers['Content-Type'] = \
db = get_database(request)
query = get_query(request)
if not query:
return None
response.headers['Content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s_%s.csv'\
% tuple(request.vars.query.split('.')[:2])
return str(db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).select())
def import_csv(table, file):
def select():
import re
db = get_database(request)
dbname = request.args[0]
is_imap = db._uri.startswith('imap://')
except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError):
is_imap = False
regex = re.compile(r'(?P<table>\w+)\.(?P<field>\w+)=(?P<value>\d+)')
if len(request.args) > 1 and hasattr(db[request.args[1]], '_primarykey'):
regex = re.compile(r'(?P<table>\w+)\.(?P<field>\w+)=(?P<value>.+)')
if request.vars.query:
match = regex.match(request.vars.query)
if match:
request.vars.query = '%s.%s.%s==%s' % (request.args[0],
query = get_query(request)
if request.vars.start:
start = int(request.vars.start)
start = 0
nrows = 0
step = 100
fields = []
if is_imap:
step = 3
stop = start + step
table = None
rows = []
orderby = request.vars.orderby
if orderby:
orderby = dbname + '.' + orderby
if orderby == session.last_orderby:
if orderby[0] == '~':
orderby = orderby[1:]
orderby = '~' + orderby
session.last_orderby = orderby
form = FORM(TABLE(TR(T('Query:'), '', INPUT(_style='width:400px',
_name='query', _value=request.vars.query or '', _class='form-control',
error_message=T('Cannot be empty')))), TR(T('Update:'),
INPUT(_name='update_check', _type='checkbox',
value=False), INPUT(_style='width:400px',
_name='update_fields', _value=request.vars.update_fields
or '', _class='form-control')), TR(T('Delete:'), INPUT(_name='delete_check',
_class='delete', _type='checkbox', value=False), ''),
TR('', '', INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('Submit'), _class='btn btn-primary'))),
_action=URL(r=request, args=request.args))
tb = None
if form.accepts(request.vars, formname=None):
regex = re.compile(request.args[0] + r'\.(?P<table>\w+)\..+')
match = regex.match(form.vars.query.strip())
if match:
table ='table')
nrows = db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).count()
if form.vars.update_check and form.vars.update_fields:
db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).update(
**eval_in_global_env('dict(%s)' % form.vars.update_fields))
response.flash = T('%s %%{row} updated', nrows)
elif form.vars.delete_check:
db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).delete()
response.flash = T('%s %%{row} deleted', nrows)
nrows = db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).count()
if is_imap:
fields = [db[table][name] for name in
('id', 'uid', 'created', 'to',
'sender', 'subject')]
if orderby:
rows = db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).select(
*fields, limitby=(start, stop),
rows = db(query, ignore_common_filters=True).select(
*fields, limitby=(start, stop))
except Exception as e:
import traceback
tb = traceback.format_exc()
(rows, nrows) = ([], 0)
response.flash = DIV(T('Invalid Query'), PRE(str(e)))
# begin handle upload csv
csv_table = table or request.vars.table
if csv_table:
formcsv = FORM(str(T('or import from csv file')) + ' ',
INPUT(_type='file', _name='csvfile'),
INPUT(_type='hidden', _value=csv_table, _name='table'),
INPUT(_type='submit', _value=T('import'), _class='btn btn-primary'))
formcsv = None
if formcsv and formcsv.process().accepted:
response.flash = T('data uploaded')
except Exception as e:
response.flash = DIV(T('unable to parse csv file'), PRE(str(e)))
# end handle upload csv
return dict(
# ##########################################################
# ## edit delete one record
# ###########################################################
def update():
(db, table) = get_table(request)
keyed = hasattr(db[table], '_primarykey')
record = None
db[table]._common_filter = None
if keyed:
key = [f for f in request.vars if f in db[table]._primarykey]
if key:
record = db(db[table][key[0]] == request.vars[key[
record = db(db[table].id == request.args(
if not record:
qry = query_by_table_type(table, db)
session.flash = T('record does not exist')
redirect(URL('select', args=request.args[:1],
if keyed:
for k in db[table]._primarykey:
db[table][k].writable = False
form = SQLFORM(
db[table], record, deletable=True, delete_label=T('Check to delete'),
ignore_rw=ignore_rw and not keyed,
args=request.args[:1]), upload=URL(r=request,
f='download', args=request.args[:1]))
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
session.flash = T('done!')
qry = query_by_table_type(table, db)
redirect(URL('select', args=request.args[:1],
return dict(form=form, table=db[table])
# ##########################################################
# ## get global variables
# ###########################################################
def state():
return dict()
def ccache():
if is_gae:
form = FORM(
P(TAG.BUTTON(T('Clear CACHE?'), _type='submit', _name='yes', _value='yes')))
form = FORM(
T('Clear CACHE?'), _type='submit', _name='yes', _value='yes')),
T('Clear RAM'), _type='submit', _name='ram', _value='ram')),
T('Clear DISK'), _type='submit', _name='disk', _value='disk')),
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
session.flash = ''
if is_gae:
if request.vars.yes:
session.flash += T('Cache Cleared')
clear_ram = False
clear_disk = False
if request.vars.yes:
clear_ram = clear_disk = True
if request.vars.ram:
clear_ram = True
if request.vars.disk:
clear_disk = True
if clear_ram:
session.flash += T('Ram Cleared')
if clear_disk:
session.flash += T('Disk Cleared')
from pympler.asizeof import asizeof
except ImportError:
asizeof = False
import shelve
import os
import copy
import time
import math
from pydal.contrib import portalocker
ram = {
'entries': 0,
'bytes': 0,
'objects': 0,
'hits': 0,
'misses': 0,
'ratio': 0,
'oldest': time.time(),
'keys': []
disk = copy.copy(ram)
total = copy.copy(ram)
disk['keys'] = []
total['keys'] = []
def GetInHMS(seconds):
hours = math.floor(seconds / 3600)
seconds -= hours * 3600
minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60)
seconds -= minutes * 60
seconds = math.floor(seconds)
return (hours, minutes, seconds)
if is_gae:
gae_stats = cache.ram.client.get_stats()
gae_stats['ratio'] = ((gae_stats['hits'] * 100) /
(gae_stats['hits'] + gae_stats['misses']))
except ZeroDivisionError:
gae_stats['ratio'] = T('?')
gae_stats['oldest'] = GetInHMS(time.time() - gae_stats['oldest_item_age'])
# get ram stats directly from the cache object
ram_stats = cache.ram.stats[request.application]
ram['hits'] = ram_stats['hit_total'] - ram_stats['misses']
ram['misses'] = ram_stats['misses']
ram['ratio'] = ram['hits'] * 100 / ram_stats['hit_total']
except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError):
ram['ratio'] = 0
for key, value in iteritems(
if asizeof:
ram['bytes'] += asizeof(value[1])
ram['objects'] += 1
ram['entries'] += 1
if value[0] < ram['oldest']:
ram['oldest'] = value[0]
ram['keys'].append((key, GetInHMS(time.time() - value[0])))
for key in
value =[key]
if key == 'web2py_cache_statistics' and isinstance(value[1], dict):
disk['hits'] = value[1]['hit_total'] - value[1]['misses']
disk['misses'] = value[1]['misses']
disk['ratio'] = disk['hits'] * 100 / value[1]['hit_total']
except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError):
disk['ratio'] = 0
if asizeof:
disk['bytes'] += asizeof(value[1])
disk['objects'] += 1
disk['entries'] += 1
if value[0] < disk['oldest']:
disk['oldest'] = value[0]
disk['keys'].append((key, GetInHMS(time.time() - value[0])))
ram_keys = list(ram) # ['hits', 'objects', 'ratio', 'entries', 'keys', 'oldest', 'bytes', 'misses']
for key in ram_keys:
total[key] = ram[key] + disk[key]
total['ratio'] = total['hits'] * 100 / (total['hits'] +
except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError):
total['ratio'] = 0
if disk['oldest'] < ram['oldest']:
total['oldest'] = disk['oldest']
total['oldest'] = ram['oldest']
ram['oldest'] = GetInHMS(time.time() - ram['oldest'])
disk['oldest'] = GetInHMS(time.time() - disk['oldest'])
total['oldest'] = GetInHMS(time.time() - total['oldest'])
def key_table(keys):
return TABLE(
TR(TD(B(T('Key'))), TD(B(T('Time in Cache (h:m:s)')))),
*[TR(TD(k[0]), TD('%02d:%02d:%02d' % k[1])) for k in keys],
_style='border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: .5em;'))
if not is_gae:
ram['keys'] = key_table(ram['keys'])
disk['keys'] = key_table(disk['keys'])
total['keys'] = key_table(total['keys'])
return dict(form=form, total=total,
ram=ram, disk=disk, object_stats=asizeof != False)
def table_template(table):
from gluon.html import TR, TD, TABLE, TAG
def FONT(*args, **kwargs):
return TAG.font(*args, **kwargs)
def types(field):
f_type = field.type
if not isinstance(f_type,str):
return ' '
elif f_type == 'string':
return field.length
elif f_type == 'id':
return B('pk')
elif f_type.startswith('reference') or \
return B('fk')
return ' '
# This is horribe HTML but the only one graphiz understands
rows = []
cellpadding = 4
color = '#000000'
bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'
face = 'Helvetica'
face_bold = 'Helvetica Bold'
border = 0
rows.append(TR(TD(FONT(table, _face=face_bold, _color=bgcolor),
_colspan=3, _cellpadding=cellpadding,
_align='center', _bgcolor=color)))
for row in db[table]:
rows.append(TR(TD(FONT(, _color=color, _face=face_bold),
_align='left', _cellpadding=cellpadding,
TD(FONT(row.type, _color=color, _face=face),
_align='left', _cellpadding=cellpadding,
TD(FONT(types(row), _color=color, _face=face),
_align='center', _cellpadding=cellpadding,
return '< %s >' % TABLE(*rows, **dict(_bgcolor=bgcolor, _border=1,
_cellborder=0, _cellspacing=0)
def manage():
tables = manager_action['tables']
if isinstance(tables[0], str):
db = manager_action.get('db', auth.db)
db = globals()[db] if isinstance(db, str) else db
tables = [db[table] for table in tables]
if request.args(0) == 'auth':
auth.table_user()._plural = T('Users')
auth.table_group()._plural = T('Roles')
auth.table_membership()._plural = T('Memberships')
auth.table_permission()._plural = T('Permissions')
if request.extension != 'load':
return dict(heading=manager_action.get('heading',
T('Manage %(action)s') % dict(action=request.args(0).replace('_', ' ').title())),
tablenames=[table._tablename for table in tables],
labels=[table._plural.title() for table in tables])
table = tables[request.args(1, cast=int)]
formname = '%s_grid' % table._tablename
linked_tables = orderby = None
if request.args(0) == 'auth':
auth.table_group()._id.readable = \
auth.table_membership()._id.readable = \
auth.table_permission()._id.readable = False
auth.table_membership().user_id.label = T('User')
auth.table_membership().group_id.label = T('Role')
auth.table_permission().group_id.label = T('Role')
auth.table_permission().name.label = T('Permission')
if table == auth.table_user():
linked_tables = [auth.settings.table_membership_name]
elif table == auth.table_group():
orderby = 'role' if not request.args(3) or '.group_id' not in request.args(3) else None
elif table == auth.table_permission():
orderby = 'group_id'
kwargs = dict(user_signature=True, maxtextlength=1000,
orderby=orderby, linked_tables=linked_tables)
smartgrid_args = manager_action.get('smartgrid_args', {})
kwargs.update(**smartgrid_args.get('DEFAULT', {}))
kwargs.update(**smartgrid_args.get(table._tablename, {}))
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(table, args=request.args[:2], formname=formname, **kwargs)
return grid
def hooks():
import functools
import inspect
list_op = ['_%s_%s' %(h,m) for h in ['before', 'after'] for m in ['insert','update','delete']]
tables = []
with_build_it = False
for db_str in sorted(databases):
db = databases[db_str]
for t in db.tables:
method_hooks = []
for op in list_op:
functions = []
for f in getattr(db[t], op):
if hasattr(f, '__call__'):
if isinstance(f, (functools.partial)):
f = f.func
filename = inspect.getsourcefile(f)
details = {'funcname':f.__name__,
'filename':filename[len(request.folder):] if request.folder in filename else None,
'lineno': inspect.getsourcelines(f)[1]}
if details['filename']: # Built in functions as delete_uploaded_files are not editable
details['url'] = URL(a='admin',c='default',f='edit', args=[request['application'], details['filename']],vars={'lineno':details['lineno']})
if details['filename'] or with_build_it:
# compiled app and windows build don't support code inspection
if len(functions):
method_hooks.append({'name': op, 'functions':functions})
if len(method_hooks):
tables.append({'name': '%s.%s' % (db_str, t), 'slug': IS_SLUG()('%s.%s' % (db_str,t))[0], 'method_hooks':method_hooks})
# Render
ul_main = UL(_class='nav nav-list')
for t in tables:
ul_main.append(A(t['name'], _onclick="collapse('a_%s')" % t['slug']))
ul_t = UL(_class='nav nav-list', _id='a_%s' % t['slug'], _style='display:none')
for op in t['method_hooks']:
ul_t.append(UL([LI(A(f['funcname'], _class='editor_filelink', _href=f['url']if 'url' in f else None, **{'_data-lineno':f['lineno']-1})) for f in op['functions']]))
return ul_main
# ##########################################################
# d3 based model visualizations
# ###########################################################
def d3_graph_model():
''' See from Bruno Rocha
and also the app_admin bg_graph_model function
Create a list of table dicts, called 'nodes'
nodes = []
links = []
for database in databases:
db = eval_in_global_env(database)
for tablename in db.tables:
fields = []
for field in db[tablename]:
f_type = field.type
if not isinstance(f_type, str):
disp = ' '
elif f_type == 'string':
disp = field.length
elif f_type == 'id':
disp = 'PK'
elif f_type.startswith('reference') or \
disp = 'FK'
disp = ' '
fields.append(dict(, type=field.type, disp=disp))
if isinstance(f_type, str) and (
f_type.startswith('reference') or
referenced_table = f_type.split()[1].split('.')[0]
links.append(dict(source=tablename, target = referenced_table))
nodes.append(dict(name=tablename, type='table', fields = fields))
# d3 v4 allows individual modules to be specified. The complete d3 library is included below.
return dict(databases=databases, nodes=nodes, links=links)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a sample controller
# this file is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- example index page ----
def index():
return dict(u1="Überschrift 1", u2="Überschrift 2")
# ---- API (example) -----
def api_get_user_email():
if not request.env.request_method == 'GET': raise HTTP(403)
return response.json({'status':'success', 'email'})
# ---- Smart Grid (example) -----
@auth.requires_membership('admin') # can only be accessed by members of admin groupd
def grid():
response.view = 'generic.html' # use a generic view
tablename = request.args(0)
if not tablename in db.tables: raise HTTP(403)
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db[tablename], args=[tablename], deletable=False, editable=False)
return dict(grid=grid)
# ---- Embedded wiki (example) ----
def wiki():
auth.wikimenu() # add the wiki to the menu
# ---- Action for login/register/etc (required for auth) -----
def user():
use @auth.requires_login()
@auth.requires_membership('group name')
@auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
to decorate functions that need access control
also notice there is http://..../[app]/appadmin/manage/auth to allow administrator to manage users
return dict(form=auth())
# ---- action to server uploaded static content (required) ---
def download():
allows downloading of uploaded files
return, db)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a sample controller
# this file is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- example index page ----
def index():
return dict(message="Überschrift 1", lala="Überschrift 2")
# ---- API (example) -----
def api_get_user_email():
if not request.env.request_method == 'GET': raise HTTP(403)
return response.json({'status':'success', 'email'})
# ---- Smart Grid (example) -----
@auth.requires_membership('admin') # can only be accessed by members of admin groupd
def grid():
response.view = 'generic.html' # use a generic view
tablename = request.args(0)
if not tablename in db.tables: raise HTTP(403)
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db[tablename], args=[tablename], deletable=False, editable=False)
return dict(grid=grid)
# ---- Embedded wiki (example) ----
def wiki():
auth.wikimenu() # add the wiki to the menu
# ---- Action for login/register/etc (required for auth) -----
def user():
use @auth.requires_login()
@auth.requires_membership('group name')
@auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
to decorate functions that need access control
also notice there is http://..../[app]/appadmin/manage/auth to allow administrator to manage users
return dict(form=auth())
# ---- action to server uploaded static content (required) ---
def download():
allows downloading of uploaded files
return, db)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ar',
'!langname!': 'Arabic',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} deleted',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} updated',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'نبذة',
'Access Control': 'متحكمات الوصول',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'وصفات أجاكس',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'هل أنت متأكد بحذف هذا الكائن ؟',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'لا يمكن بأن يكون خالي',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'أختر للحذف',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP المستخدم',
'Community': 'المجتمع',
'Components and Plugins': 'العناصر والإضافات',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'متحكم',
'Copyright': 'الحقوق',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'قاعدة البيانات',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'نموذج قاعدة البيانات',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Demo': 'تجربة',
'Deployment Recipes': 'الوصفات المنشورة',
'Description': 'الوصف',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'المستندات',
"Don't know what to do?": 'لا تعلم ماذا ستفعل ؟',
'done!': 'done!',
'Download': 'تحميل',
'E-mail': 'البريد الإلكتروني',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'البريد الإلكتروني والرسالة النصية',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'الأخطاء',
'export as csv file': 'export as csv file',
'FAQ': 'الأسئلة الشائعة',
'First name': 'الأسم الأول',
'Forms and Validators': 'الإستمارات والمدققات',
'Free Applications': 'تطبيقات مجانية',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'المجموعة %(group_id)s قد أنشئت',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'هوية المجموعة',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'المجموعة مخصصة للمستخدم %(id)s',
'Groups': 'مجموعات',
'Hello World': 'مرحباً بالعالم',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'الرئيسية',
'How did you get here?': 'كيف أستطعت الوصول إلى هنا ؟',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'مقدمة',
'Invalid email': 'بريد إلكتروني غير صالح',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'أسم العائلة',
'Layout': 'النسق',
'Live Chat': 'المحادثة الحيّة',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'تم تسجيل الدخول',
'Logged out': 'تم تسجيل الخروج',
'Login': 'تسجيل الدخول',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'تسجيل الخروج',
'Lost Password': 'فقدت كلمة المرور',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'قالب القوائم',
'My Sites': 'موقعي',
'Name': 'الأسم',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'أسم الكائن أو الجدول',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'أمثلة على الأنترنت',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'Origin': 'أصل',
'Other Recipes': 'وصفات أخرى',
'Overview': 'نظرة عامة',
'Password': 'كلمة المرور',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'حقول كلمة المرور لا تتطابق',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'الرجاء إعادة إدخال كلمة المرور',
'Plugins': 'الإضافات',
'Powered by': 'مدعوم بواسطة',
'Preface': 'المدخل',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'الملف الشخصي',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'بايثون',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'أمثلة سريعة',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'وصفات',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'هوية السجل ',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'التسجيل',
'Registration identifier': 'مُعرف التسجيل',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'رمز التسجيل',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'تم التسجيل بنجاح',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'تذكرني ( إلى 30 يوم)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'إعادة ظبط مفتاح كلمة المرور',
'Role': 'دور',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'خدمات',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'أسلوب النمط',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'الدعم',
'Table': 'Table',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'النواة',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'نتاج هذا الملف هو قاموس قًدم بواسطة العارض %s',
'The Views': 'المشاهدات',
'This App': 'هذا التطبيق',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'البصمة الزمنية',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'تويتر',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'المستخدم %(id)s قد سجل دخوله',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'المستخدم %(id)s قد سجل خروجه',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'المستخدم %(id)s مسجل',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'هوية المستخدم',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'تأكيد كلمة المرور',
'Videos': 'الفيديوهات',
'View': 'العرض',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'مرحباً بكم في ويب2 باي !',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'الدالة المسماة %s موجودة في ملف %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'أستطعت تثبيت web2py بنجاح !',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'تستطيع تعديل هذا التطبيق لما يناسب إحتياجك',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': ' ملقد زرت الرابط %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ca',
'!langname!': 'Català',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"actualizi" és una expressió opcional com "camp1=\'nou_valor\'". No es poden actualitzar o eliminar resultats de un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{fila} %%{eliminada}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{fila} %%{actualitzada}',
'%s selected': '%s %%{seleccionat}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Hi ha hagut un error, si us plau [[recarregui %s]] la pàgina',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': "Nombre d'entrades: **%s**",
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': "Control d'Accés",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Receptes AJAX',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'admin inhabilitat, el canal no és segur',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar canvis',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Està segur que vol esborrar aquest objecte?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de dades i taules disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'caché',
'Cache': 'Caché',
'Cache Cleared': 'Caché Netejada',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Claus de la Caché',
'Cannot be empty': 'No pot estar buit',
'Change Password': 'Canviï la Contrasenya',
'Change password': 'Canviï la contrasenya',
'Check to delete': 'Marqui per a eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Netejar Memòrica Cau?',
'Clear DISK': 'Netejar DISC',
'Clear RAM': 'Netejar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': "Cliqui en l'enllaç %(link)s per a reiniciar la seva contrasenya",
'Client IP': 'IP del Client',
'Community': 'Comunitat',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components i Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Sol·licitud en curs',
'Current response': 'Resposta en curs',
'Current session': 'Sessió en curs',
'data uploaded': 'dades pujades',
'Database': 'Base de dades',
'Database %s select': 'selecció a base de dades %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administració de Base de Dades (appadmin)',
'db': 'bdd',
'DB Model': 'Model BDD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demostració',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Receptes de desplegament',
'Description': 'Descripció',
'design': 'diseny',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Claus de Caché en Disc',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disc netejat',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentació',
"Don't know what to do?": 'No sap què fer?',
'done!': '¡fet!',
'Download': 'Descàrregues',
'E-mail': 'Correu electrònic',
'Edit current record': 'Editar el registre actual',
'Email and SMS': 'Correu electrònic i SMS',
'Email sent': 'Correu electrònic enviat',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exportar com fitxer CSV',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Nom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formularis i validadors',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicacions Lliures',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s creat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID de Grup',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup assignat únicament al usuari %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grups',
'Hello World': 'Hola Món',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Inici',
'How did you get here?': 'Com has arribat aquí?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilegis insuficients',
'Internal State': 'Estat Intern',
'Introduction': 'Introducció',
'Invalid email': 'Correo electrónico invàlid',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Inici de sessió invàlida',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta invàlida',
'invalid request': 'sol·licitud invàlida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Reinici de contrasenya invàlid',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clau',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Cognom',
'Layout': 'Diseny de pàgina',
'Live Chat': 'Xat en viu',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Sessió iniciada',
'Logged out': 'Sessió finalitzada',
'Login': 'Inici de sessió',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Inici de sessió inhabilitat pel administrador',
'Logout': 'Fi de sessió',
'Lost Password': 'Contrasenya perdida',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gestionar la Caché',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model "menu"',
'My Sites': 'Els Meus Llocs',
'Name': 'Nombre',
'New password': 'Contrasenya nova',
'New Record': 'Registre nou',
'new record inserted': 'nou registre insertat',
'next %s rows': 'següents %s files',
'No databases in this application': 'No hi ha bases de dades en esta aplicació',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nom del objecte o taula',
'Old password': 'Contrasenya anterior',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Ejemples en línia',
'or import from csv file': 'o importar desde fitxer CSV',
'Origin': 'Origen',
'Other Recipes': 'Altres Receptes',
'Overview': 'Resum',
'Password': 'Contrasenya',
'Password changed': 'Contrasenya cambiada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Els camps de contrasenya no coincideixen',
'Password reset': 'Reinici de contrasenya',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permís',
'Permissions': 'Permisos',
'please input your password again': 'si us plau, entri un altre cop la seva contrasenya',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Aquest lloc utilitza',
'Preface': 'Prefaci',
'previous %s rows': '%s files prèvies',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil actualitzat',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemple Ràpids',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Claus de la Caché en RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Netjeda',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receptes',
'Record': 'Registre',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registre %(id)s creat',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Registre Creat',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'el registre no existe',
'Record id': 'Id de registre',
'Record ID': 'ID de Registre',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': "Registri's",
'Registration identifier': 'Identificador de Registre',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Clau de registre',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registre amb èxit',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': "Recordi'm (durant 30 dies)",
'Request reset password': 'Sol·licitud de restabliment de contrasenya',
'Reset Password key': 'Restaurar Clau de la Contrasenya',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Rols',
'Rows in Table': 'Files a la taula',
'Rows selected': 'Files seleccionades',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Serveis',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Mida de la Caché:',
'state': 'estat',
'Statistics': 'Estadístiques',
'Stylesheet': "Fulla d'estil",
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Suport',
'Table': 'taula',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "consulta" és una condición com "db.tabla1.campo1==\'valor\'". Algo com "db.tabla1.campo1==db.tabla2.campo2" resulta en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'El Nucli',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'El resultat de aquesta funció és un diccionari que és desplegat per la vista %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vistes',
'This App': 'Aquesta Aplicació',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Aquest correu electrònic ja té un compte',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Caché (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Marca de temps',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'no és possible analitzar el fitxer CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualizi:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, i ~(...) para NOT, para crear consultas més complexes.',
'User': 'Usuari',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'El usuari %(id)s està suplantant %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'El usuari %(id)s inicià la sessió',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'El usuari %(id)s finalitzà la sessió',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Contrasenya del usuari %(id)s canviada',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Contrasenya del usuari %(id)s reiniciada',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Actualitzat el perfil del usuari %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuari %(id)s Registrat',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Se ha recuperat el nom de usuari del usuari %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID de Usuari',
'Username': 'Nom de usuari',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nom de usuari',
'Users': 'Usuaris',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Contrasenya',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '¡Benvingut a web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'La qual va cridar la funció %s localitzada en el fitxer %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Treballant ...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vostè està executant web2py amb èxit',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Vostè pot modificar aquesta aplicació i adaptar-la a les seves necessitats',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Vostè va visitar la url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'El seu nom de usuari és: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'cs-cz',
'!langname!': 'čeština',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': 'Kolonka "Upravit" je nepovinný výraz, například "pole1=\'nováhodnota\'". Výsledky databázového JOINu nemůžete mazat ani upravovat.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s smazaných %%{záznam}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s upravených %%{záznam}',
'%s selected': '%s označených',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d.%m.%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'O programu',
'Access Control': 'Řízení přístupu',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recepty s ajaxem',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin je zakázaná bez zabezpečeného spojení',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Opravdu chcete odstranit tento objekt?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostupné databáze a tabulky',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Klíče cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nemůže být prázdné',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Změna hesla',
'Check to delete': 'Označit ke smazání',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vymazat CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vymazat DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Vymazat RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP adresa klienta',
'Community': 'Komunita',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponenty a zásuvné moduly',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontrolér (Controller)',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktuální požadavek',
'Current response': 'Aktuální odpověď',
'Current session': 'Aktuální relace',
'data uploaded': 'data nahrána',
'Database': 'Rozhraní databáze',
'Database %s select': 'databáze %s výběr',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Databázový model',
'Delete:': 'Smazat:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Postupy pro deployment',
'Description': 'Popis',
'design': 'návrh',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Klíče diskové cache',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk smazán',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentace',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Nevíte kudy kam?',
'done!': 'hotovo!',
'Download': 'Stáhnout',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Upravit aktuální záznam',
'Email and SMS': 'Email a SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Chyby',
'export as csv file': 'exportovat do .csv souboru',
'FAQ': 'Často kladené dotazy',
'First name': 'Křestní jméno',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formuláře a validátory',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikace zdarma',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Skupina %(group_id)s vytvořena',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID skupiny',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Skupiny',
'Hello World': 'Ahoj světe',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Domovská stránka',
'How did you get here?': 'Jak jste se sem vlastně dostal?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Vnitřní stav',
'Introduction': 'Úvod',
'Invalid email': 'Neplatný email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Nesprávné heslo',
'Invalid Query': 'Neplatný dotaz',
'invalid request': 'Neplatný požadavek',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Klíč',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Příjmení',
'Layout': 'Rozvržení stránky (layout)',
'Live Chat': 'Online pokec',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Přihlášení proběhlo úspěšně',
'Logged out': 'Odhlášení proběhlo úspěšně',
'Login': 'Přihlásit se',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Odhlásit se',
'Lost Password': 'Zapomněl jste heslo',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model rozbalovací nabídky',
'My Sites': 'Správa aplikací',
'Name': 'Jméno',
'New password': 'Nové heslo',
'New Record': 'Nový záznam',
'new record inserted': 'nový záznam byl založen',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'V této aplikaci nejsou žádné databáze',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objekt či tabulka',
'Old password': 'Původní heslo',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Příklady online',
'or import from csv file': 'nebo importovat z .csv souboru',
'Origin': 'Původ',
'Other Recipes': 'Ostatní zásuvné moduly',
'Overview': 'Přehled',
'Password': 'Heslo',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Hesla se neshodují',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Zásuvné moduly',
'Powered by': 'Poháněno',
'Preface': 'Předmluva',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Dotaz:',
'Quick Examples': 'Krátké příklady',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Klíče RAM Cache',
'Ram Cleared': 'RAM smazána',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Postupy jak na to',
'Record': 'Záznam',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'záznam neexistuje',
'Record id': 'id záznamu',
'Record ID': 'ID záznamu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zaregistrovat se',
'Registration identifier': 'Registrační identifikátor',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registrační klíč',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Zapamatovat na 30 dní',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset registračního klíče',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Záznamy v tabulce',
'Rows selected': 'Záznamů zobrazeno',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Služby',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Velikost cache:',
'state': 'stav',
'Statistics': 'Statistika',
'Stylesheet': 'CSS styly',
'submit': 'odeslat',
'Submit': 'Odeslat',
'Support': 'Podpora',
'Table': 'tabulka',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Dotaz" je podmínka, například "db.tabulka1.pole1==\'hodnota\'". Podmínka "db.tabulka1.pole1==db.tabulka2.pole2" pak vytvoří SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'Jádro (The Core)',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Výstup ze souboru je slovník, který se zobrazil v pohledu %s.',
'The Views': 'Pohledy (The Views)',
'This App': 'Tato aplikace',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Čas v Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Časové razítko',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'csv soubor nedá sa zpracovat',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Upravit:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Použijte (...)&(...) pro AND, (...)|(...) pro OR a ~(...) pro NOT pro sestavení složitějších dotazů.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Uživatel %(id)s přihlášen',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Uživatel %(id)s odhlášen',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Uživatel %(id)s změnil heslo',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Uživatel %(id)s upravil profil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Uživatel %(id)s se zaregistroval',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Uživatel %(id)s si nachal zaslat přihlašovací jméno',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID uživatele',
'Username': 'Přihlašovací jméno',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Zopakujte heslo',
'Videos': 'Videa',
'View': 'Pohled (View)',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Vítejte ve web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'která zavolala funkci %s v souboru (kontroléru) %s.',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Úspěšně jste spustili web2py.',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Tuto aplikaci si můžete upravit a přizpůsobit ji svým potřebám.',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Navštívili jste stránku %s,',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'de',
'!langname!': 'Deutsch (DE)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Update" ist ein optionaler Ausdruck wie "feld1=\'newvalue\'". JOIN Ergebnisse können nicht aktualisiert oder gelöscht werden',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d\xa0%H:%M:%S',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} gelöscht',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} aktualisiert',
'%s selected': '%s ausgewählt',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d\xa0MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{Item(Items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{Byte(Bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** Items, **%(bytes)s** %%{Byte(Bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**nicht verfügbar** (benötigt die Python [[guppy popup]] Bibliothek)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d\xa0MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{Item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{Byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{Byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**nicht verfügbar** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Hi ha hagut un error, si us plau [[recarregui %s]] la pàgina',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache geleert enthält Artikel bis zu **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK enthält Artikel bis zu **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Trefferquote:**%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': "Nombre d'entrades: **%s**",
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM enthält Elemente bis zu\xa0**%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**nicht verfügbar**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'Ein neues Passwort wurde per E-Mail an Sie gesendet',
'API Example': 'API Beispiel',
'About': 'Über',
'Access Control': 'Zugangskontrolle',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Rezepte',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte [[laden %s]] Sie die Seite neu',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar canvis',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie dieses Objekt löschen wollen?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentifizierungs code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Verfügbare Datenbanken und Tabellen',
"Buy web2py's book": "web2py's Buch kaufen",
'Cache': 'Zwischenspeicher',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache geleert',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Schlüssel',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache enthält items die bis zu **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} alt sind.',
'Cannot be empty': 'Darf nicht leer sein',
'Change Password': 'Canviï la Contrasenya',
'Change password': 'Canviï la contrasenya',
'Check to delete': 'Auswählen um zu löschen',
'Clear CACHE?': 'CACHE löschen?',
'Clear DISK': 'DISK löschen',
'Clear RAM': 'RAM löschen',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': "Klicke auf den Link %(link)s um das Passwort zurückzusetzen",
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponenten und Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Urheberrechte',
'Current request': 'Derzeitiger Request',
'Current response': 'Derzeitige Response',
'Current session': 'Derzeitige Session',
'DB Model': 'Muster-DB',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK enthält items die bis zu **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} alt sind.',
'Database': 'Datenbank',
'Database %s select': 'Datenbank %s ausgewählt',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Datenbankadministration (appadmin)',
'Delete:': 'Lösche:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Entwicklungsrezepte',
'Description': 'Beschreibung',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Festplatten-Cache-Schlüssel',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk gelöscht',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentation',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Wissen Sie nicht weiter?',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'Correu electrònic',
'Edit current record': 'Diesen Eintrag editieren',
'Email and SMS': 'Email und SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email gesendet',
'Email verification': 'Email-Verifizierung',
'Email verified': 'Email-Verifiziert',
'Errors': 'Fehlermeldungen',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Nom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms und Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Kostenlose Anwendungen',
'Function disabled': 'Funktion deaktiviert',
'Graph Model': 'Muster-Graph',
'Grid Example': 'Rasterbeispiel',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s creat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Gruppe %(group_id)s gelöscht',
'Group ID': 'ID de Grup',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Gruppe eindeutig dem Benutzer zugewiesen %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Gruppen',
'Hello World': 'Hallo Welt',
'Helping web2py': 'web2py helfen',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Trefferquote: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} und **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Startseite',
'How did you get here?': 'Wie sind Sie hier her gelangt?',
'Import/Export': 'Importieren/Exportieren',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Falscher Code. {0} weitere Versuche verbleiben.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilegis insuficients',
'Internal State': 'Innerer Zustand',
'Introduction': 'Einführung',
'Invalid Query': 'Ungültige Query',
'Invalid email': 'Ungültige Email',
'Invalid key': 'Ungültiger Schlüssel',
'Invalid login': 'Ungültige Anmeldung',
'Invalid password': 'Ungültiges Passwort',
'Invalid reset password': 'Ungültiges Passwort zurücksetzen',
'Invalid user': 'Ungültiger Benutzer',
'Invalid username': 'Ungültiger Benutzername',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Einladung um %(site)s zujoinen',
'Key': 'Schlüssel',
'Key verified': 'Schlüssel verifiziert',
'Last name': 'Cognom',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Anmelden',
'Logged in': 'Angemeldet',
'Logged out': 'Abgemeldet',
'Login': 'Anmeldung',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Anmeldung durch einen Administrator gesperrt',
'Logout': 'Abmelden',
'Lost Password': 'Passwort vergessen',
'Lost your password?': 'Passwort verloren?',
'Manage %(action)s': '%(action)s verwalten',
'Manage Access Control': 'Zugangskontrolle verwalten',
'Manage Cache': 'Cache verwalten',
'Memberships': 'Mitgliedschaften',
'Menu Model': 'Menü-Muster',
'My Sites': 'Meine Seiten',
'Name': 'Nombre',
'New Record': 'Neuer Eintrag',
'New password': 'Contrasenya nova',
'No databases in this application': 'Keine Datenbank in dieser Anwendung',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Nummer der Einträge: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objekt oder Tabellenname',
'Old password': 'Altes Passwort',
'Online book': 'Online Buch',
'Online examples': 'Online Beispiele',
'Origin': 'Urprung',
'Other Recipes': 'Andere Rezepte',
'Overview': 'Überblick',
'Password': 'Passwort',
'Password changed': 'Passwort geändert',
"Password fields don't match": 'Passwörter stimmen nicht überein',
'Password reset': 'Passort zurücksetzen',
'Password retrieve': 'Passwort abrufen',
'Permission': 'Erlaubnis',
'Permissions': 'Erlaubnisse',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Unterstützt von',
'Preface': 'Allgemeines',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Profil aktualisiert',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Abfrage:',
'Quick Examples': 'Kurze Beispiele',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache-Schlüssel',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM enthält items die bis zu **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} alt sind.',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram gelöscht',
'Recipes': 'Rezepte',
'Record': 'Eintrag',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registre %(id)s creat',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Eintrag %(id)s gelöscht',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Eintrag %(id)s gelesen',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Eintrag %(id)s aktualisiert',
'Record Created': 'Eintrag erstellt',
'Record Deleted': 'Eintrag gelöscht',
'Record ID': 'ID des Eintrags',
'Record Updated': 'Eintrag Aktualisiert',
'Record id': 'id des Eintrags',
'Register': "Registrieren",
'Registration identifier': 'Kennung für die Registrierung',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Die Registrierung steht noch aus',
'Registration key': 'Registrierungsschlüssel',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registrierung muss überprüft werden',
'Registration successful': 'Registrierung erfolgreich',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': "Erinnere mich (durant 30 dies)",
'Request reset password': 'Passort zurücksetzen',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Rolle',
'Roles': 'Rollen',
'Rows in Table': 'Tabellenreihen',
'Rows selected': 'Reihen ausgewählt',
'Save model as...': 'Speichere Vorlage als...',
'Services': 'Dienste',
'Sign Up': 'Registrieren',
'Sign up': 'Anmelden',
'Size of cache:': 'Cachegröße:',
'Statistics': 'Statistik',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'Submit': 'Absenden',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'Tabelle',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'Die "query" ist eine Bedingung wie "db.tabelle1.feld1==\'wert\'". So etwas wie "db.tabelle1.feld1==db.tabelle2.feld2" resultiert in einem SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'Der Core',
'The Views': 'Die Views',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Die Ausgabe der Datei ist ein "dictionary", welches vom "view" %s gerendert wurde',
'This App': 'Diese App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'Dieser Code wurde per E-Mail an Sie gesendet und ist für die Anmeldung erforderlich.',
'This email already has an account': 'Zu dieser Email gehört bereits ein Account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Zeit im Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Zeitstempel',
'Traceback': 'Zurückverfolgen',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Zweistufiger Login-Authentifizierungscode',
'Unable to send email': 'Email kann nicht gesendet werden',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Benutze (...)&(...) für AND, (...)|(...) für OR, und ~(...) für NOT um komplexere Queries zu erstellen.',
'User': 'Benutzer',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Benutzer %(id)s eingeloggt',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Benutzer %(id)s ausgeloggt',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Benutzer %(id)s Passwort geändert',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Benutzer %(id)s Passwort zurückgesetzt',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'Benutzer %(id)s Passwort abgerufen',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Profil von Benutzer %(id)s aktualisiert',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuari %(id)s Registrat',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Se ha recuperat el nom de usuari del usuari %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'Benutzer %(id)s Bestätigungs-Email gesendet',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'El usuari %(id)s està suplantant %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'Benutzer %(id)s verifizierter Registrierungsschlüssel',
'User ID': 'ID de Usuari',
'Username': 'Nom de usuari',
'Username already taken': 'Benutzername schon vergeben',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nom de usuari',
'Users': 'Benutzer',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Contrasenya',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Ansicht',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Willkommen %(username)s! Klicken Sie auf den Link %(link)s, um Ihre Email zu bestätigen',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Willkommen bei web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Welche die Funktion %s in der Datei %s aufrief',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Beispiel',
'Working...': 'Arbeite...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'web2py wird erfolgreich ausgeführt',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Sie können diese Anwendung verändern und Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'Sie wurden eingeladen,%(site)s beizutreten. Klicken Sie auf %(link)s, um den Vorgang abzuschließen',
'You visited the url %s': 'Sie haben die URL %s besucht',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Ihr Passwort lautet: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Ihr temporärer Login-Code lautet {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'El seu nom de usuari és: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Ihr Benutzername wurde per E-Mail an Sie gesendet',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**nicht verfügbar**``:rot (benötigt die Python [[guppy popup]] Bibliothek)',
'admin': 'admin',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Appadmin ist deaktiviert, wegen der Benutzung eines unsicheren Kanals',
'cache': 'zwischenspeicher',
'data uploaded': 'Datei hochgeladen',
'db': 'db',
'design': 'Design',
'done!': 'Fertig!',
'export as csv file': 'als csv Datei exportieren',
'import': 'Importieren',
'invalid request': 'Ungültiger Request',
'new record inserted': 'neuer Eintrag hinzugefügt',
'next %s rows': 'nächste %s Reihen',
'or import from csv file': 'oder von csv Datei importieren',
'please input your password again': 'si us plau, entri un altre cop la seva contrasenya',
'previous %s rows': 'vorherige %s Reihen',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz Bibliothek wurde nicht gefunden',
'record does not exist': 'Eintrag existiert nicht',
'state': 'Status',
'submit': 'Submit',
'unable to parse csv file': 'csv Datei konnte nicht geparst werden',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'en-us',
'!langname!': 'English (US)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} deleted',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} updated',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Cannot be empty',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Check to delete',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'done!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'export as csv file',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello World',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Lost Password',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Online examples',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Register',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'Table',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'es',
'!langname!': 'Español',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"actualice" es una expresión opcional como "campo1=\'nuevo_valor\'". No se puede actualizar o eliminar resultados de un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{fila} %%{eliminada}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{fila} %%{actualizada}',
'%s selected': '%s %%{seleccionado}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**no disponible** (requiere la libreria [[guppy popup]] de Python)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor [[recargar %s]] la página',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**no disponible**``:red (Necesita libreria de Python: [[guppy popup]])',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Acerca de',
'Access Control': 'Control de Acceso',
'admin': 'administrar',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recetas AJAX',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor [[reload %s]] la pagina',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin deshabilitado, el canal no es seguro',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar cambios',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': '¿Está seguro que desea borrar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de datos y tablas disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Compra el libro de web2py',
'cache': 'caché',
'Cache': 'Caché',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Limpiada',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'La Cache contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Cache Keys': 'Llaves de la Caché',
'Cannot be empty': 'No puede estar vacío',
'Change Password': 'Cambie la Contraseña',
'Change password': 'Cambie la contraseña',
'Check to delete': 'Marque para eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': '¿Limpiar CACHÉ?',
'Clear DISK': 'Limpiar DISCO',
'Clear RAM': 'Limpiar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Pulse en el enlace %(link)s para reiniciar su contraseña',
'Client IP': 'IP del Cliente',
'Community': 'Comunidad',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes y Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Solicitud en curso',
'Current response': 'Respuesta en curso',
'Current session': 'Sesión en curso',
'data uploaded': 'datos subidos',
'Database': 'Base de datos',
'Database %s select': 'selección en base de datos %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administración de Base de Datos (appadmin)',
'db': 'bdd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo BDD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demostración',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recetas de despliegue',
'Description': 'Descripción',
'design': 'diseño',
'Design': 'Diseño',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Llaves de Caché en Disco',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disco limpiado',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'El DISCO contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hora(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minuto(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{segundo(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Documentation': 'Documentación',
"Don't know what to do?": '¿No sabe que hacer?',
'done!': '¡hecho!',
'Download': 'Descargas',
'E-mail': 'Correo electrónico',
'Edit current record': 'Edite el registro actual',
'Email and SMS': 'Correo electrónico y SMS',
'Email sent': 'Correo electrónico enviado',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errores',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como archivo CSV',
'FAQ': 'Preguntas frecuentes',
'First name': 'Nombre',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formularios y validadores',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicaciones Libres',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Modelo en Grafo',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s creado',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID de Grupo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grupo asignado únicamente al usuario %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupos',
'Hello World': 'Hola Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Ayudando a web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Inicio',
'How did you get here?': '¿Cómo llegaste aquí?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilegios insuficientes',
'Internal State': 'Estado Interno',
'Introduction': 'Introducción',
'Invalid email': 'Correo electrónico inválido',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Inicio de sesión inválido',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta inválida',
'invalid request': 'Solicitud inválida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Reinicio de contraseña inválido',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Llave',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Apellido',
'Layout': 'Diseño de página',
'Live Chat': 'Chat en vivo',
'Log In': 'Iniciar sesion',
'Logged in': 'Sesión iniciada',
'Logged out': 'Sesión finalizada',
'Login': 'Inicio de sesión',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Inicio de sesión deshabilitado por el administrador',
'Logout': 'Fin de sesión',
'Lost Password': 'Contraseña perdida',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Gestionar %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Gestionar control de acceso',
'Manage Cache': 'Gestionar la Caché',
'Memberships': 'Membresias',
'Menu Model': 'Modelo "menu"',
'My Sites': 'Mis Sitios',
'Name': 'Nombre',
'New password': 'Contraseña nueva',
'New Record': 'Registro nuevo',
'new record inserted': 'nuevo registro insertado',
'next %s rows': 'siguiente %s filas',
'No databases in this application': 'No hay bases de datos en esta aplicación',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Numero de entradas: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nombre del objeto o tabla',
'Old password': 'Contraseña vieja',
'Online book': 'Libro Online',
'Online examples': 'Ejemplos en línea',
'or import from csv file': 'o importar desde archivo CSV',
'Origin': 'Origen',
'Other Recipes': 'Otras Recetas',
'Overview': 'Resumen',
'Password': 'Contraseña',
'Password changed': 'Contraseña cambiada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Los campos de contraseña no coinciden',
'Password reset': 'Reinicio de contraseña',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permiso',
'Permissions': 'Permisos',
'please input your password again': 'por favor introduzca su contraseña otra vez',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Este sitio usa',
'Preface': 'Prefacio',
'previous %s rows': 'fila %s anterior',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil actualizado',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Libreria pygraphviz no encontrada',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Ejemplos Rápidos',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Llaves de la Caché en RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Limpiada',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'La RAM contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hora(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minuto(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{segundo(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Recipes': 'Recetas',
'Record': 'Registro',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registro %(id)s creado',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Registro Creado',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'el registro no existe',
'Record id': 'Id de registro',
'Record ID': 'ID de Registro',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Regístrese',
'Registration identifier': 'Identificador de Registro',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Llave de registro',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registro con éxito',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Recuérdame (durante 30 días)',
'Request reset password': 'Solicitar reinicio de contraseña',
'Reset Password key': 'Restaurar Llave de la Contraseña',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Filas en la tabla',
'Rows selected': 'Filas seleccionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Guardar modelo como...',
'Services': 'Servicios',
'Sign Up': 'Registrarse',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Tamaño de la Caché:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Estadísticas',
'Stylesheet': 'Hoja de estilo',
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Soporte',
'Table': 'tabla',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "consulta" es una condición como "db.tabla1.campo1==\'valor\'". Algo como "db.tabla1.campo1==db.tabla2.campo2" resulta en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'El Núcleo',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La salida de dicha función es un diccionario que es desplegado por la vista %s',
'The Views': 'Las Vistas',
'This App': 'Esta Aplicación',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Este correo electrónico ya tiene una cuenta',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tiempo en Caché (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Marca de tiempo',
'Traceback': 'Rastrear',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'no es posible analizar el archivo CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualice:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, y ~(...) para NOT, para crear consultas más complejas.',
'User': 'Usuario',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'El usuario %(id)s está suplantando %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'El usuario %(id)s inició la sesión',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'El usuario %(id)s finalizó la sesión',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Contraseña del usuario %(id)s cambiada',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Contraseña del usuario %(id)s reiniciada',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Actualizado el perfil del usuario %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuario %(id)s Registrado',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Se ha recuperado el nombre de usuario del usuario %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID de Usuario',
'Username': 'Nombre de usuario',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nombre de usuario',
'Users': 'Usuarios',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Contraseña',
'Videos': 'Vídeos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '¡Bienvenido a web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'La cual llamó la función %s localizada en el archivo %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Trabajando...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Usted está ejecutando web2py exitosamente',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Usted puede modificar esta aplicación y adaptarla a sus necesidades',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Usted visitó la url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Su nombre de usuario es: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'fr-ca',
'!langname!': 'Français (Canadien)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" est une expression optionnelle comme "champ1=\'nouvellevaleur\'". Vous ne pouvez mettre à jour ou supprimer les résultats d\'un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s lignes supprimées',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s lignes mises à jour',
'%s selected': '%s sélectionné',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'À propos',
'Access Control': "Contrôle d'accès",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recettes Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': "appadmin est désactivée parce que le canal n'est pas sécurisé",
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet objet?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de données et tables disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Ne peut pas être vide',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Cliquez pour supprimer',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vider le CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vider le DISQUE',
'Clear RAM': 'Vider la RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Communauté',
'Components and Plugins': 'Composants et Plugiciels',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Contrôleur',
'Copyright': "Droit d'auteur",
'Current request': 'Demande actuelle',
'Current response': 'Réponse actuelle',
'Current session': 'Session en cours',
'data uploaded': 'données téléchargées',
'Database': 'base de données',
'Database %s select': 'base de données %s selectionnée',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modèle BD',
'Delete:': 'Supprimer:',
'Demo': 'Démo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recettes de déploiement',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disque vidé',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Vous ne savez pas quoi faire?',
'done!': 'fait!',
'Download': 'Téléchargement',
'E-mail': 'Courriel',
'Edit current record': "Modifier l'enregistrement courant",
'Email and SMS': 'Courriel et texto',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erreurs',
'export as csv file': 'exporter sous forme de fichier csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Prénom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulaires et Validateurs',
'Free Applications': 'Applications gratuites',
'Function disabled': 'Fonction désactivée',
'Graph Model': 'Représentation graphique du modèle',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s groupe créé',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID du groupe',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Groupe unique attribué à l'utilisateur %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Groupes',
'Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
'Helping web2py': 'Aider web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'importer',
'Import/Export': 'Importer/Exporter',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'État interne',
'Introduction': 'Présentation',
'Invalid email': 'Courriel invalide',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Requête Invalide',
'invalid request': 'requête invalide',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clé',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nom',
'Layout': 'Mise en page',
'Live Chat': 'Clavardage en direct',
'Log In': 'Connexion',
'Logged in': 'Connecté',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Connexion',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Mot de passe perdu',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gérer le Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu modèle',
'My Sites': 'Mes sites',
'Name': 'Nom',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nouvel enregistrement',
'new record inserted': 'nouvel enregistrement inséré',
'next %s rows': '%s prochaine lignes',
'No databases in this application': "Cette application n'a pas de bases de données",
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objet ou nom de table',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemples en ligne',
'or import from csv file': "ou importer d'un fichier CSV",
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Autres recettes',
'Overview': 'Présentation',
'Password': 'Mot de passe',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': "S'il vous plaît entrer votre mot de passe à nouveau",
'Plugins': 'Plugiciels',
'Powered by': 'Alimenté par',
'Preface': 'Préface',
'previous %s rows': '%s lignes précédentes',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Bibliothèque pygraphviz introuvable',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Requête:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemples Rapides',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vidée',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recettes',
'Record': 'enregistrement',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Enregistrement %(id)s créé',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Enregistrement %(id)s modifié',
'Record Created': 'Enregistrement créé',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': "l'archive n'existe pas",
'Record id': "id de l'enregistrement",
'Record ID': "ID de l'enregistrement",
'Record Updated': 'Enregistrement modifié',
'Register': "S'inscrire",
'Registration identifier': "Identifiant d'inscription",
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': "Clé d'enregistrement",
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Inscription réussie',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Se souvenir de moi (pendant 30 jours)',
'Request reset password': 'Demande de réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Reset Password key': 'Réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Role': 'Rôle',
'Roles': 'Rôles',
'Rows in Table': 'Lignes du tableau',
'Rows selected': 'Lignes sélectionnées',
'Save model as...': 'Enregistrer le modèle sous...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': "S'inscrire",
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Taille de la mémoire cache:',
'state': 'état',
'Statistics': 'Statistiques',
'Stylesheet': 'Feuille de style',
'submit': 'soumettre',
'Submit': 'Soumettre',
'Support': 'Soutien',
'Table': 'tableau',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "query" est une condition comme "db.table1.champ1==\'valeur\'". Quelque chose comme "db.table1.champ1==db.table2.champ2" résulte en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Le noyau',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La sortie de ce fichier est un dictionnaire qui été restitué par la vue %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vues',
'This App': 'Cette Appli',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Horodatage',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': "incapable d'analyser le fichier cvs",
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Mise à jour:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Employez (...)&(...) pour AND, (...)|(...) pour OR, and ~(...) pour NOT afin de construire des requêtes plus complexes.',
'User': 'Utilisateur',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilisateur %(id)s connecté',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilisateur %(id)s enregistré',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilisateur',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Utilisateurs',
'Verify Password': 'Vérifiez le mot de passe',
'Videos': 'Vidéos',
'View': 'Vue',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bienvenue à web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Qui a appelé la fonction %s se trouvant dans le fichier %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Traitement en cours...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vous exécutez avec succès web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': "Vous pouvez modifier cette application et l'adapter à vos besoins",
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Vous avez visité l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'fr',
'!langname!': 'Français',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" est une expression optionnelle comme "champ1=\'nouvellevaleur\'". Vous ne pouvez mettre à jour ou supprimer les résultats d\'un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s lignes supprimées',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s lignes mises à jour',
'%s selected': '%s sélectionné',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'À propos',
'Access Control': "Contrôle d'accès",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recettes Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': "appadmin est désactivée parce que le canal n'est pas sécurisé",
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet objet?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de données et tables disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Ne peut pas être vide',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Cliquez pour supprimer',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vider le CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vider le DISQUE',
'Clear RAM': 'Vider la RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Communauté',
'Components and Plugins': 'Composants et Plugiciels',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Contrôleur',
'Copyright': "Droit d'auteur",
'Current request': 'Demande actuelle',
'Current response': 'Réponse actuelle',
'Current session': 'Session en cours',
'data uploaded': 'données téléchargées',
'Database': 'base de données',
'Database %s select': 'base de données %s selectionnée',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modèle BD',
'Delete:': 'Supprimer:',
'Demo': 'Démo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recettes de déploiement',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Clés de cache du disque',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disque vidé',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Vous ne savez pas quoi faire?',
'done!': 'fait!',
'Download': 'Téléchargement',
'E-mail': 'Courriel',
'Edit current record': "Modifier l'enregistrement courant",
'Email and SMS': 'Courriel et texto',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erreurs',
'export as csv file': 'exporter sous forme de fichier csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Prénom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulaires et Validateurs',
'Free Applications': 'Applications gratuites',
'Function disabled': 'Fonction désactivée',
'Graph Model': 'Représentation graphique du modèle',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s groupe créé',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID du groupe',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Groupe unique attribué à l'utilisateur %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Groupes',
'Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
'Helping web2py': 'Aider web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'importer',
'Import/Export': 'Importer/Exporter',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'État interne',
'Introduction': 'Présentation',
'Invalid email': 'Courriel invalide',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Requête Invalide',
'invalid request': 'requête invalide',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clé',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nom',
'Layout': 'Mise en page',
'Live Chat': 'Clavardage en direct',
'Log In': 'Connexion',
'Logged in': 'Connecté',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Connexion',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Mot de passe perdu',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gérer le Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu modèle',
'My Sites': 'Mes sites',
'Name': 'Nom',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nouvel enregistrement',
'new record inserted': 'nouvel enregistrement inséré',
'next %s rows': '%s prochaine lignes',
'No databases in this application': "Cette application n'a pas de bases de données",
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objet ou nom de table',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemples en ligne',
'or import from csv file': "ou importer d'un fichier CSV",
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Autres recettes',
'Overview': 'Présentation',
'Password': 'Mot de passe',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': "S'il vous plaît entrer votre mot de passe à nouveau",
'Plugins': 'Plugiciels',
'Powered by': 'Alimenté par',
'Preface': 'Préface',
'previous %s rows': '%s lignes précédentes',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Bibliothèque pygraphviz introuvable',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Requête:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemples Rapides',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vidée',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recettes',
'Record': 'enregistrement',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Enregistrement %(id)s créé',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Enregistrement %(id)s modifié',
'Record Created': 'Enregistrement créé',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': "l'archive n'existe pas",
'Record id': "id de l'enregistrement",
'Record ID': "ID de l'enregistrement",
'Record Updated': 'Enregistrement modifié',
'Register': "S'inscrire",
'Registration identifier': "Identifiant d'inscription",
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': "Clé d'enregistrement",
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Inscription réussie',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Se souvenir de moi (pendant 30 jours)',
'Request reset password': 'Demande de réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Reset Password key': 'Réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Role': 'Rôle',
'Roles': 'Rôles',
'Rows in Table': 'Lignes du tableau',
'Rows selected': 'Lignes sélectionnées',
'Save model as...': 'Enregistrer le modèle sous...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': "S'inscrire",
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Taille de la mémoire cache:',
'state': 'état',
'Statistics': 'Statistiques',
'Stylesheet': 'Feuille de style',
'submit': 'soumettre',
'Submit': 'Soumettre',
'Support': 'Soutien',
'Table': 'tableau',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "requête" est une condition comme "db.table1.champ1==\'valeur\'". Quelque chose comme "db.table1.champ1==db.table2.champ2" résulte en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Le noyau',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La sortie de ce fichier est un dictionnaire qui été restitué par la vue %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vues',
'This App': 'Cette Appli',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Horodatage',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': "incapable d'analyser le fichier cvs",
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Mise à jour:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Employez (...)&(...) pour AND, (...)|(...) pour OR, and ~(...) pour NOT afin de construire des requêtes plus complexes.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilisateur %(id)s connecté',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilisateur %(id)s enregistré',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilisateur',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Vérifiez le mot de passe',
'Videos': 'Vidéos',
'View': 'Présentation',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bienvenue à web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Qui a appelé la fonction %s se trouvant dans le fichier %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vous exécutez avec succès web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': "Vous pouvez modifier cette application et l'adapter à vos besoins",
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Vous avez visité l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'hi-in',
'!langname!': 'हिन्दी',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s पंक्तियाँ मिटाएँ',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s पंक्तियाँ अद्यतन',
'%s selected': '%s चुना हुआ',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'अप आडमिन (appadmin) अक्षम है क्योंकि असुरक्षित चैनल',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'उपलब्ध डेटाबेस और तालिका',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'खाली नहीं हो सकता',
'Change Password': 'पासवर्ड बदलें',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'हटाने के लिए चुनें',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'वर्तमान अनुरोध',
'Current response': 'वर्तमान प्रतिक्रिया',
'Current session': 'वर्तमान सेशन',
'data uploaded': 'डाटा अपलोड सम्पन्न ',
'Database': 'डेटाबेस',
'Database %s select': 'डेटाबेस %s चुनी हुई',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'मिटाना:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'रचना करें',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'हो गया!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'वर्तमान रेकॉर्ड संपादित करें ',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'csv फ़ाइल के रूप में निर्यात',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello World',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'आयात / निर्यात',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'आंतरिक स्थिति',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'अमान्य प्रश्न',
'invalid request': 'अवैध अनुरोध',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'लॉग इन',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'लॉग आउट',
'Lost Password': 'पासवर्ड खो गया',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'नया रेकॉर्ड',
'new record inserted': 'नया रेकॉर्ड डाला',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'इस अनुप्रयोग में कोई डेटाबेस नहीं हैं',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'ऑनलाइन उदाहरण के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें',
'or import from csv file': 'या csv फ़ाइल से आयात',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'प्रश्न:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'रिकॉर्ड मौजूद नहीं है',
'Record id': 'रिकॉर्ड पहचानकर्ता (आईडी)',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'पंजीकृत (रजिस्टर) करना ',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'तालिका में पंक्तियाँ ',
'Rows selected': 'चयनित (चुने गये) पंक्तियाँ ',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'स्थिति',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'तालिका',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'csv फ़ाइल पार्स करने में असमर्थ',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'अद्यतन करना:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'hu',
'!langname!': 'Magyar',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s sorok törlődtek',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s sorok frissítődtek',
'%s selected': '%s kiválasztott',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y.%m.%d.',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y.%m.%d. %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'az appadmin a biztonságtalan csatorna miatt letiltva',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Elérhető adatbázisok és táblák',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'gyorsítótár',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nem lehet üres',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Törléshez válaszd ki',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Jelenlegi lekérdezés',
'Current response': 'Jelenlegi válasz',
'Current session': 'Jelenlegi folyamat',
'data uploaded': 'adat feltöltve',
'Database': 'adatbázis',
'Database %s select': 'adatbázis %s kiválasztás',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Töröl:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'kész!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Aktuális bejegyzés szerkesztése',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exportál csv fájlba',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello Világ',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Hibás lekérdezés',
'invalid request': 'hibás kérés',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Szerkezet',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Lost Password',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menü model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Új bejegyzés',
'new record inserted': 'új bejegyzés felvéve',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Nincs adatbázis ebben az alkalmazásban',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'online példákért kattints ide',
'or import from csv file': 'vagy betöltés csv fájlból',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Lekérdezés:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'bejegyzés',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'bejegyzés nem létezik',
'Record id': 'bejegyzés id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Register',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Sorok a táblában',
'Rows selected': 'Kiválasztott sorok',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'állapot',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tábla',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nem lehet a csv fájlt beolvasni',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Frissít:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Nézet',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'id',
'!langname!': 'Indonesian',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} dihapus',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} diperbarui',
'%s selected': '%s dipilih',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Tentang',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Resep Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'AppAdmin dinonaktifkan karena kanal tidak aman',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus ini?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Database dan Tabel yang tersedia',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Tidak boleh kosong',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Ubah kata sandi',
'Check to delete': 'Centang untuk menghapus',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Hapus CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Hapus DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Hapus RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Komunitas',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponen dan Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Hak Cipta',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data diunggah',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Memilih Database %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Hapus:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Keterangan',
'design': 'disain',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Dihapus',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentasi',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan?',
'done!': 'selesai!',
'Download': 'Unduh',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email dikirim',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Kesalahan',
'export as csv file': 'ekspor sebagai file csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikasi Gratis',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grup %(group_id)s dibuat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup unik yang diberikan kepada pengguna %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grup',
'Hello World': 'Halo Dunia',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Halaman Utama',
'How did you get here?': 'Bagaimana kamu bisa di sini?',
'import': 'impor',
'Import/Export': 'Impor/Ekspor',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Pengenalan',
'Invalid email': 'Email tidak benar',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Masuk',
'Logged out': 'Keluar',
'Login': 'Masuk',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Keluar',
'Lost Password': 'Lupa Kata Sandi',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Mengelola Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Situs Saya',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Kata sandi baru',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Tidak ada database dalam aplikasi ini',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Kata sandi lama',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Contoh Online',
'or import from csv file': 'atau impor dari file csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Resep Lainnya',
'Overview': 'Ikhtisar',
'Password': 'Kata sandi',
'Password changed': 'Kata sandi berubah',
"Password fields don't match": 'Kata sandi tidak sama',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'silahkan masukan kata sandi anda lagi',
'Plugins': 'Plugin',
'Powered by': 'Didukung oleh',
'Preface': 'Pendahuluan',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profil diperbarui',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Contoh Cepat',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Dihapus',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Resep',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Daftar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Pendaftaran berhasil',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ingat saya (selama 30 hari)',
'Request reset password': 'Meminta reset kata sandi',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Baris dalam Tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Baris dipilih',
'Save model as...': 'Simpan model sebagai ...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Ukuran cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistik',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Mendukung',
'Table': 'Tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'App Ini',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Waktu di Cache (h: m: s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'tidak mampu mengurai file csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Perbarui:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Pengguna %(id)s Masuk',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Pengguna %(id)s Keluar',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Sandi berubah',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Sandi telah direset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Pengguna %(id)s Profil diperbarui',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Pengguna %(id)s Terdaftar',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifikasi Kata Sandi',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Lihat',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Selamat Datang di web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Anda berhasil menjalankan web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Anda dapat memodifikasi aplikasi ini dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Anda mengunjungi url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'it',
'!langname!': 'Italiano',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" è un\'espressione opzionale come "campo1=\'nuovo valore\'". Non si può fare "update" o "delete" dei risultati di un JOIN ',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s righe ("record") cancellate',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s righe ("record") modificate',
'%s selected': '%s selezionato',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Numero di entità: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Controllo Accessi',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Amministrazione (appadmin) disabilitata: comunicazione non sicura',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Sicuro di voler cancellare questo oggetto ?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Database e tabelle disponibili',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Non può essere vuoto',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Cambia Password',
'Check to delete': 'Seleziona per cancellare',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Resetta CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Resetta DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Resetta RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componenti and Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Richiesta (request) corrente',
'Current response': 'Risposta (response) corrente',
'Current session': 'Sessione (session) corrente',
'data uploaded': 'dati caricati',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modello di DB',
'Delete:': 'Cancella:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Descrizione',
'design': 'progetta',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentazione',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Non sai cosa fare?',
'done!': 'fatto!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Modifica record corrente',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errori',
'export as csv file': 'esporta come file CSV',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Nome',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID Gruppo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Salve Mondo',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'Come sei arrivato qui?',
'import': 'importa',
'Import/Export': 'Importa/Esporta',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stato interno',
'Introduction': 'Introduzione',
'Invalid email': 'Email non valida',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Login non valido',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Richiesta (query) non valida',
'invalid request': 'richiesta non valida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Chiave',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Cognome',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Loggato',
'Logged out': 'Disconnesso',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Password Smarrita',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Modelli',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'Nuova password',
'New Record': 'Nuovo elemento (record)',
'new record inserted': 'nuovo record inserito',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Nessun database presente in questa applicazione',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Oggeto o nome tabella',
'Old password': 'Vecchia password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Vedere gli esempi',
'or import from csv file': 'oppure importa da file CSV',
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'I campi password non sono uguali',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'perfavore reimmeti la tua password',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profilo',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Richiesta (query):',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'il record non esiste',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registrati',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Chiave di Registazione',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registrazione avvenuta',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ricordami (per 30 giorni)',
'Request reset password': 'Richiedi il reset della password',
'Reset Password key': 'Resetta chiave Password ',
'Role': 'Ruolo',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Righe nella tabella',
'Rows selected': 'Righe selezionate',
'Save model as...': 'Salva modello come...',
'Services': 'Servizi',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stato',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Foglio di stile (stylesheet)',
'submit': 'Inviai',
'Submit': 'Invia',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabella',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La richiesta (query) è una condizione come ad esempio "db.tabella1.campo1==\'valore\'". Una condizione come "db.tabella1.campo1==db.tabella2.campo2" produce un "JOIN" SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'L\'output del file è un "dictionary" che è stato visualizzato dalla vista %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Ora (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'non riesco a decodificare questo file CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Aggiorna:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Per costruire richieste (query) più complesse si usano (...)&(...) come "e" (AND), (...)|(...) come "o" (OR), e ~(...) come negazione (NOT).',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID Utente',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifica Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Benvenuto in web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'che ha chiamato la funzione %s presente nel file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Stai eseguendo web2py con successo',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Puoi modificare questa applicazione adattandola alle tue necessità',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Hai visitato l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'my-mm',
'!langname!': 'မြန်မာ',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} ဖျက်ပြီးပြီ',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} ပြင်ပြီးပြီ',
'%s selected': '%s ခု ရွေးထားသည်',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'အကြောင်း',
'Access Control': 'အသုံးပြု ခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ ထိန်းချုပ်ရန်',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'စိတ်မချရသော လမ်းကြောင်းမှ ဝင်ရောက်သဖြင့် appadmin ကို အသုံးပြု၍ မရပါ',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'သင် ဒီအရာ ဖျက်ရန် သေချာပါသလား။',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'အသုံးပြုနိုင်သော ဒေတာဘေစ့်များနှင့် ဇယားများ',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'အလွတ် မဖြစ်ရပါ',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'ဖျက်ရန် စစ်ဆေးပါ',
'Clear CACHE?': 'CACHE ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်မှာ ဟုတ်ပါသလား။',
'Clear DISK': 'DISK ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်။',
'Clear RAM': 'RAM ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်။',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'အသိုင်းအဝိုင်း',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'ကွန်ထရိုလာ',
'Copyright': 'မူပိုင်ခွင့်',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'ဒေတာဘေစ့်',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'ဒေတာဘေစ့် စီမံခန့်ခွဲခြင်း (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Demo': 'အစမ်း၊ သရုပ်ပြမှုများ',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'ဖော်ပြချက်',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk ရှင်းလင်းပြီးပြီ',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'စာရွက်စာတမ်း အထောက်အကူများ',
"Don't know what to do?": 'ဘာလုပ်ရမည်မသိ ဖြစ်နေပါသလား။',
'done!': 'လုပ်ငန်း ဆောင်ရွက်ပြီးပြီ!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'အီးမေးလ်',
'Edit current record': 'လက်ရှိ မှတ်တမ်းကို ပြင်ရန်',
'Email and SMS': 'အီးမေးလ်နှင့် SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'အမှားများ',
'export as csv file': ' csv file အနေနဲ့ ထုတ်ပေးရန်',
'FAQ': 'ဖြစ်လေ့ရှိသော ပြဿနာများ',
'First name': 'အမည်၏ ပထမဆုံး စာလုံး',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'အခမဲ့ Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'အဖွဲ့များ',
'Hello World': 'မင်္ဂလာပါ ကမ္ဘာကြီး။',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'မူလသို့',
'How did you get here?': 'သင် ဘယ်လို ရောက်လာခဲ့သလဲ။',
'import': 'သွင်းယူရန်',
'Import/Export': 'သွင်းယူရန်/ထုတ်ယူရန်',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'မိတ်ဆက်',
'Invalid email': 'အီးမေးလ် ဖြည့်သွင်းမှုမှားနေသည်',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'မျိုးနွယ်အမည်',
'Layout': 'အပြင်အဆင်',
'Live Chat': 'တိုက်ရိုက် ဆက်သွယ် ပြောကြားရန်',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'ဝင်ရောက်အသုံးပြုရန်',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'ထွက်ရန်',
'Lost Password': 'စကားဝှက် မသိတော့ပါ',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': '%(action)s ကို စီမံရန်',
'Manage Access Control': 'အသုံးပြုခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ ထိန်းချုပ်မှု စီမံခန့်ခွဲရန်',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'အသင်းဝင်များ',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'ကျွန်ုပ်၏ Site များ',
'Name': 'အမည်',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'မှတ်တမ်း အသစ်',
'new record inserted': 'မှတ်တမ်း အသစ် ဖြည့်သွင်းပြီးပြီ',
'next %s rows': 'နောက်အတန်း %s တန်း',
'No databases in this application': 'ဒီ application တွင် မည်သည့် ဒေတာဘေစ့်မှ မရှိပါ',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'အွန်လိုင်း နမူနာများ',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'Origin': 'မူလ အစ',
'Other Recipes': 'အခြား Recipes',
'Overview': 'အပေါ်ယံရှုမြင်ခြင်း',
'Password': 'စကားဝှက်',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'စကားဝှက်များ ကိုက်ညီမှု မရှိပါ',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'ခွင့်ပြုချက်',
'Permissions': 'ခွင့်ပြုချက်များ',
'please input your password again': 'ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ စကားဝှက်ကို ထပ်မံ ဖြည့်သွင်းပေးပါ',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'အားဖြည့်စွမ်းအားပေးသူ',
'Preface': 'နိဒါန်း',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library ကို မတွေ့ပါ',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'အမြန် အသုံးပြုနိုင်သော နမူနာများ',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram ရှင်းလင်းပြီးပြီ',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'မှတ်တမ်း',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'မှတ်တမ်း မရှိပါ',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'စကားဝှက် အသစ် တောင်းဆိုရန်',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'ရွေးထားသော အတန်းများ',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'ကိန်းဂဏန်း အချက်အလက်များ',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'ပြုလုပ်ပါ',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'အထောက်အပံ့',
'Table': 'ဇယား',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'ဒီ App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'ဒီအီးမေးလ်တွင် အကောင့် ရှိပြီး ဖြစ်ပါသည်',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'အသုံးပြုသူ',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'အသုံးပြုသူများ',
'Verify Password': 'စကားဝှက်ကို အတည်ပြုပါ',
'Videos': 'ဗွီဒီယိုများ',
'View': 'ဗျူး',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'web2py မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'ဆောင်ရွက်နေပါသည် ။ ။ ။',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'သင်သည် web2py ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ လည်ပတ်မောင်းနှင်စေပါသည်။',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'သင် ဒီ application ကို ပြုပြင်မွမ်းမံနိုင်ပါသည်။ ထို့အပြင် သင့်လိုအပ်ချက်များနှင့် ကိုက်ညီစေရန် ပြုလုပ်နိုင်ပါသည်။',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'သင် လည်ပတ်ခဲ့သော URL %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'my',
'!langname!': 'Malay',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} dihapuskan',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} dikemas kini',
'%s selected': '%s dipilih',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Mengenai',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Resipi Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Apakah anda yakin anda mahu memadam ini?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Tidak boleh kosong',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Tukar kata laluan',
'Check to delete': 'Check to delete',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Hapus CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Hapus DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Hapus RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Komuniti',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponen dan Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Hak Cipta',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data diunggah',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Hapus:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'disain',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Dihapuskan',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentasi',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Tidak tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan?',
'done!': 'selesai!',
'Download': 'Unduh',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Emel dihantar',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Kesalahan',
'export as csv file': 'eksport sebagai file csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikasi Percuma',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Kumpulan %(group_id)s dicipta',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Kumpulan unik yang diberikan kepada pengguna %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Kumpulan',
'Hello World': 'Halo Dunia',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Laman Utama',
'How did you get here?': 'Bagaimana kamu boleh di sini?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Eksport',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Pengenalan',
'Invalid email': 'Emel tidak benar',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Masuk',
'Logged out': 'Keluar',
'Login': 'Masuk',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Keluar',
'Lost Password': 'Lupa Kata Laluan',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Menguruskan Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Laman Saya',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Kata laluan baru',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Kata laluan lama',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Contoh Online',
'or import from csv file': 'atau import dari file csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Resipi Lain',
'Overview': 'Tinjauan',
'Password': 'Kata laluan',
'Password changed': 'Kata laluan berubah',
"Password fields don't match": 'Kata laluan tidak sama',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'sila masukan kata laluan anda lagi',
'Plugins': 'Plugin',
'Powered by': 'Disokong oleh',
'Preface': 'Pendahuluan',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profil dikemaskini',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Contoh Cepat',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Dihapuskan',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Resipi',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Daftar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Pendaftaran berjaya',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ingat saya (selama 30 hari)',
'Request reset password': 'Meminta reset kata laluan',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Baris dipilih',
'Save model as...': 'Simpan model sebagai ...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Saiz cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistik',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Menyokong',
'Table': 'Table',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'App Ini',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Waktu di Cache (h: m: s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'tidak mampu mengurai file csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Kemas kini:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Pengguna %(id)s Masuk',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Pengguna %(id)s Keluar',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Laluan berubah',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Laluan telah direset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Pengguna %(id)s Profil dikemaskini',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Pengguna %(id)s Didaftarkan',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Pengesahan Kata Laluan',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Lihat',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Selamat Datang di web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Anda berjaya menjalankan web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Anda boleh mengubah suai aplikasi ini dan menyesuaikan dengan keperluan anda',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Anda melawat url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'nl',
'!langname!': 'Nederlands',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s rijen verwijderd',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s rijen geupdate',
'%s selected': '%s geselecteerd',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Over',
'Access Control': 'Toegangscontrole',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recepten',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is uitgezet vanwege een onveilig kanaal',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Weet je zeker dat je dit object wilt verwijderen?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Beschikbare databases en tabellen',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Mag niet leeg zijn',
'Change Password': 'Wijzig wachtwoord',
'Change password': 'Wijzig Wachtwoord',
'Check to delete': 'Vink aan om te verwijderen',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Leeg CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Leeg DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components en Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Huidige request',
'Current response': 'Huidige response',
'Current session': 'Huidige sessie',
'data uploaded': 'data geupload',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Verwijder:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recepten',
'Description': 'Beschrijving',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Geleegd',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentatie',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Weet je niet wat je moet doen?',
'done!': 'gereed!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Bewerk huidig record',
'Email and SMS': 'E-mail en SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exporteer als csv-bestand',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Voornaam',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulieren en Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Gratis Applicaties',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Groep %(group_id)s gemaakt',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Groep ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Groep is uniek toegekend aan gebruiker %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groepen',
'Hello World': 'Hallo Wereld',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'Hoe ben je hier gekomen?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Interne State',
'Introduction': 'Introductie',
'Invalid email': 'Ongeldig emailadres',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Ongeldig wachtwoord',
'Invalid Query': 'Ongeldige Query',
'invalid request': 'ongeldige request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Achternaam',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Ingelogd',
'Logged out': 'Uitgelogd',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Wachtwoord Kwijt',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Beheer Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Mijn Sites',
'Name': 'Naam',
'New password': 'Nieuw wachtwoord',
'New Record': 'Nieuw Record',
'new record inserted': 'nieuw record ingevoegd',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Geen database in deze applicatie',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object of tabelnaam',
'Old password': 'Oude wachtwoord',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Online voorbeelden',
'or import from csv file': 'of importeer van csv-bestand',
'Origin': 'Bron',
'Other Recipes': 'Andere Recepten',
'Overview': 'Overzicht',
'Password': 'Wachtwoord',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Wachtwoordvelden komen niet overeen',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'geef alstublieft nogmaals uw wachtwoord',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Inleiding',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profiel',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Snelle Voorbeelden',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Geleegd',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recepten',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record bestaat niet',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registreer',
'Registration identifier': 'Registratie identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registratie sleutel',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registratie succesvol',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Onthoudt mij (voor 30 dagen)',
'Request reset password': 'Vraag een wachtwoord reset aan',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Wachtwoord sleutel',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rijen in tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Rijen geselecteerd',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Grootte van cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistieken',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'Tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'De "query" is een conditie zoals "db.tabel1.veld1==\'waarde\'". Zoiets als "db.tabel1.veld1==db.tabel2.veld2" resulteert in een SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'De Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'De output van het bestand is een dictionary die gerenderd werd door de view %s',
'The Views': 'De Views',
'This App': 'Deze App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tijd in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'niet mogelijk om csv-bestand te parsen',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Gebruik (...)&(...) voor AND, (...)|(...) voor OR, en ~(...) voor NOT om meer complexe queries te maken.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Wachtwoord van gebruiker %(id)s is veranderd',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Wachtwoord van gebruiker %(id)s is gereset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Profiel van Gebruiker %(id)s geupdate',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Geregistreerd',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifieer Wachtwoord',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welkom bij web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Die functie %s aanriep en zich bevindt in het bestand %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Je draait web2py succesvol',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Je kan deze applicatie aanpassen naar je eigen behoeften',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Je bezocht de url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pl',
'!langname!': 'Polska',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Uaktualnij" jest dodatkowym wyrażeniem postaci "pole1=\'nowawartość\'". Nie możesz uaktualnić lub usunąć wyników z JOIN:',
'%s %%{row} deleted': 'Wierszy usuniętych: %s',
'%s %%{row} updated': 'Wierszy uaktualnionych: %s',
'%s selected': '%s wybranych',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'administracja aplikacji wyłączona z powodu braku bezpiecznego połączenia',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostępne bazy danych i tabele',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nie może być puste',
'Change Password': 'Zmień hasło',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Zaznacz aby usunąć',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP klienta',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontroler',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktualne żądanie',
'Current response': 'Aktualna odpowiedź',
'Current session': 'Aktualna sesja',
'data uploaded': 'dane wysłane',
'Database': 'baza danych',
'Database %s select': 'wybór z bazy danych %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'baza danych',
'DB Model': 'Model bazy danych',
'Delete:': 'Usuń:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Opis',
'design': 'projektuj',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'zrobione!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'Adres e-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edytuj obecny rekord',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'eksportuj jako plik csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Imię',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Funkcja wyłączona',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID grupy',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Witaj Świecie',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Importuj/eksportuj',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stan wewnętrzny',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Błędny adres email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Błędne zapytanie',
'invalid request': 'Błędne żądanie',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nazwisko',
'Layout': 'Układ',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Zaloguj',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Wyloguj',
'Lost Password': 'Przypomnij hasło',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model menu',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nazwa',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nowy rekord',
'new record inserted': 'nowy rekord został wstawiony',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Brak baz danych w tej aplikacji',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Kliknij aby przejść do interaktywnych przykładów',
'or import from csv file': 'lub zaimportuj z pliku csv',
'Origin': 'Źródło',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Hasło',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Pola hasła nie są zgodne ze sobą',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Zasilane przez',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Zapytanie:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'rekord',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'rekord nie istnieje',
'Record id': 'id rekordu',
'Record ID': 'ID rekordu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zarejestruj',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Klucz rejestracji',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Rola',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Wiersze w tabeli',
'Rows selected': 'Wybrane wiersze',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stan',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Arkusz stylów',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Wyślij',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Zapytanie" jest warunkiem postaci "db.tabela1.pole1==\'wartość\'". Takie coś jak "db.tabela1.pole1==db.tabela2.pole2" oznacza SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Znacznik czasu',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nie można sparsować pliku csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Uaktualnij:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Użyj (...)&(...) jako AND, (...)|(...) jako OR oraz ~(...) jako NOT do tworzenia bardziej skomplikowanych zapytań.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Użytkownik %(id)s został zarejestrowany',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID użytkownika',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Potwierdź hasło',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Widok',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'den': ['dny', 'dn\\xc5\\xaf'],
'dnem': ['dny', 'dny'],
'hodina': ['hodiny', 'hodin'],
'hodinou': ['hodinami', 'hodinami'],
'minuta': ['minuty', 'minut'],
'minutou': ['minutami', 'minutami'],
'měsíc': ['m\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadce', 'm\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadc\\xc5\\xaf'],
'měsícem': ['m\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadci', 'm\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadci'],
'rok': ['roky', 'let'],
'rokem': ['roky', 'lety'],
'soubor': ['soubory', 'soubor\\xc5\\xaf'],
'týden': ['t\\xc3\\xbddny', 't\\xc3\\xbddn\\xc5\\xaf'],
'týdnem': ['t\\xc3\\xbddny', 't\\xc3\\xbddny'],
'vteřina': ['vte\\xc5\\x99iny', 'vte\\xc5\\x99in'],
'vteřinou': ['vte\\xc5\\x99inami', 'vte\\xc5\\x99inami'],
'záznam': ['z\\xc3\\xa1znamy', 'z\\xc3\\xa1znam\\xc5\\xaf'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'account': ['accounts'],
'book': ['books'],
'is': ['are'],
'man': ['men'],
'miss': ['misses'],
'person': ['people'],
'quark': ['quarks'],
'shop': ['shops'],
'this': ['these'],
'was': ['were'],
'woman': ['women'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'actualizada': ['actualizadas'],
'eliminada': ['eliminadas'],
'fila': ['filas'],
'seleccionado': ['seleccionados'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'выбрана': ['выбраны','выбрано'],
'год': ['года','лет'],
'день': ['дня', 'дней'],
'запись': ['записи','записей'],
'изменена': ['изменены','изменено'],
'месяц': ['месяца','месяцев'],
'минуту': ['минуты','минут'],
'неделю': ['недели','недель'],
'секунду': ['секунды','секунд'],
'строка': ['строки','строк'],
'удалена': ['удалены','удалено'],
'час': ['часа','часов'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'байт': ['\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xb9\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xb9\\xd1\\x82\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'годину': ['\\xd0\\xb3\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb3\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd'],
'день': ['\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'елемент': ['\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbc\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbc\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x82\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'запис': ['\\xd0\\xb7\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xb8\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb7\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xb8\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'місяць': ['\\xd0\\xbc\\xd1\\x96\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x8f\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd0\\xbc\\xd1\\x96\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x8f\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'поцілювання': ['\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xbe\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xbb\\xd1\\x8e\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8f', '\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xbe\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xbb\\xd1\\x8e\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8c'],
'рядок': ['\\xd1\\x80\\xd1\\x8f\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xba\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x80\\xd1\\x8f\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'рік': ['\\xd1\\x80\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xba\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x80\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'секунду': ['\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x83\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x83\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb4'],
'схибнення': ['\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8f', '\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8c'],
'тиждень': ['\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb6\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb6\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'хвилину': ['\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd'],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pt-br',
'!langname!': 'Português (do Brasil)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" é uma expressão opcional como "campo1=\'novovalor\'". Você não pode atualizar ou apagar os resultados de um JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linha apagadas',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linha atualizadas',
'%s selected': '%s selecionado',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor [[reload %s]] a página',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'Uma nova senha foi enviada por email para você',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': 'Controle de Acesso',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Receitas de Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'Exmplo de API',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Administração desativada porque o canal não é seguro',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar Mudanças',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Você tem certeza que quer apagar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Código de autenticação',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bancos de dados e tabelas disponíveis',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Compre o livro do web2py',
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache limpo',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Chaves de cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Não pode estar vazio',
'Change Password': 'Trocar Senhar',
'Change password': 'Trocar senha',
'Check to delete': 'Marque para apagar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Limpar CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Limpar DISCO',
'Clear RAM': 'Limpar memória RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP do cliente',
'Community': 'Comunidade',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes e Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Requisição atual',
'Current response': 'Resposta atual',
'Current session': 'Sessão atual',
'data uploaded': 'dados enviados',
'Database': 'banco de dados',
'Database %s select': 'Selecionar banco de dados %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administração de Banco de Dados (appadmin)',
'db': 'bd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo BD',
'Delete:': 'Apagar:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Receitas de deploy',
'Description': 'Descrição',
'design': 'projeto',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Chaves do Cache de Disco',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disco Limpo',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentação',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Não sabe o que fazer?',
'done!': 'concluído!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Editar o registro atual',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email enviado',
'Email verification': 'Verificação de email',
'Email verified': 'Email verificado',
'Errors': 'Erros',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como um arquivo csv',
'FAQ': 'Perguntas frequentes',
'First name': 'Nome',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulários e Validadores',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicações gratuitas',
'Function disabled': 'Função desabilitada',
'Graph Model': 'Modelo em Grafo',
'Grid Example': 'Exemplo de Grade',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s criado',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Grupo %(group_id)s excluído',
'Group ID': 'ID do Grupo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Gurpo unicamente atribuído ao usuário %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupos',
'Hello World': 'Olá Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Ajudando web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Principal',
'How did you get here?': 'Como você chegou aqui?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilégios insuficientes',
'Internal State': 'Estado Interno',
'Introduction': 'Introdução',
'Invalid email': 'Email inválido',
'Invalid key': 'Chave inválida',
'Invalid login': 'Login Inválido',
'Invalid password': 'Senha inválida',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta Inválida',
'invalid request': 'requisição inválida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Recriação de senha inválida',
'Invalid user': 'Usuário inválido',
'Invalid username': 'Nome de usuário inválido',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Convite para entrar %(site)s',
'Key': 'Chave',
'Key verified': 'Chave verificada',
'Last name': 'Sobrenome',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Chat ao vivo',
'Log In': 'Entrar',
'Logged in': 'Conectado',
'Logged out': 'Desconectado',
'Login': 'Entrar',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login desabilitado pelo administrador',
'Logout': 'Sair',
'Lost Password': 'Esqueceu sua senha?',
'Lost your password?': 'Esqueceu sua senha?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Gerenciar %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Gerenciar controle de acesso',
'Manage Cache': 'Gerenciar Cache',
'Memberships': 'Grupos',
'Menu Model': 'Modelo de Menu',
'My Sites': 'Meus sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'Nova senha',
'New Record': 'Novo Registro',
'new record inserted': 'novo registro inserido',
'next %s rows': 'próximas %s ´linhas',
'No databases in this application': 'Não há bancos de dados nesta aplicação',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nome do objeto do da tabela',
'Old password': 'Senha antiga',
'Online book': 'Livro online',
'Online examples': 'Exemplos online',
'or import from csv file': 'ou importar de um arquivo csv',
'Origin': 'Origem',
'Other Recipes': 'Outras Receitas',
'Overview': 'Visão Geral',
'Password': 'Senha',
'Password changed': 'Senha trocada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Senhas não conferem',
'Password reset': 'Recriar senha',
'Password retrieve': 'Recuperar senha',
'Permission': 'Permissão',
'Permissions': 'Permissões',
'please input your password again': 'por favor digite a senha novamente',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Desenvolvido com',
'Preface': 'Prefácio',
'previous %s rows': '%s linhas anteriores',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil atualizado',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'biblioteca pygraphviz não encontrada',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemplos rápidos',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Chaves de Cache RAM ',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Limpa',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receitas',
'Record': 'Registro',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registro %(id)s criado',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Registro %(id)s excluído',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Registro %(id)s lido',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Registro %(id)s atualizado',
'Record Created': 'Registro Criado',
'Record Deleted': 'Registro Excluído',
'record does not exist': 'registro não existe',
'Record id': 'id do registro',
'Record ID': 'ID do Registro',
'Record Updated': 'Registro Atualizado',
'Register': 'Cadastre-se',
'Registration identifier': 'Idenficador de Cadastro',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Aprovação de cadastro pendente',
'Registration key': 'Chave de cadastro',
'Registration needs verification': 'Cadastro necessita verficação',
'Registration successful': 'Cadastro finalizado',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Mantenha-me logado (por 30 dias)',
'Request reset password': 'Requerer recriação de senha',
'Reset Password key': 'Resetar chave de senha',
'Role': 'Papel',
'Roles': 'Papéis',
'Rows in Table': 'Linhas na tabela',
'Rows selected': 'Linhas selecionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Salvar modelo como...',
'Services': 'Serviço',
'Sign Up': 'Cadastrar',
'Sign up': 'Cadastrar',
'Size of cache:': 'Tamanho do cache:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Estatísticas',
'Stylesheet': 'Folha de estilo',
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Suporte',
'Table': 'Tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'Uma "consulta" é uma condição como "db.tabela1.campo1==\'valor\'". Expressões como "db.tabela1.campo1==db.tabela2.campo2" resultam em um JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'A saída do arquivo é um dicionário que foi apresentado pela visão %s',
'The Views': 'As views',
'This App': 'Esta aplicação',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Este email já tem uma conta',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tempo em Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Código de Autenticação de Login em Dois Fatores',
'unable to parse csv file': 'não foi possível analisar arquivo csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Não foi possível enviar email',
'Update:': 'Atualizar:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, e ~(...) para NOT para construir consultas mais complexas.',
'User': 'Usuário',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Usuário %(id)s entrou',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Usuário %(id)s saiu',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Usuário %(id)s trocou a senha',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Usuário %(id)s recirar a senha',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'Usuário %(id)s Recuperou a senha',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Usuário %(id)s Atualizou perfil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuário %(id)s Cadastrou-se',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Usuário %(id)s Recuperou nome de usuário',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'Usuário %(id)s Email de verificação enviado',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'Usuário %(id)s chave de cadastro verificada',
'User ID': 'ID do Usuário',
'Username': 'Nome de Usuário',
'Username already taken': 'Nome de usuário já existe',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nome de usuário',
'Users': 'Usuários',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Senha',
'Videos': 'Vídeos',
'View': 'Visualização',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bem-vindo ao web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Que chamou a função %s localizada no arquivo %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Exmplo de Wiki',
'Working...': 'Trabalhando...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Você está executando o web2py com sucesso',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Você pode modificar esta aplicação e adaptá-la às suas necessidades',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Você acessou a url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Sua senha é: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Seu código temporário de login é {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Seu nome de usuário é: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Seu nome de usuário foi enviado por email para você',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pt',
'!langname!': 'Português',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" é uma expressão opcional como "field1=\'newvalue\'". Não pode actualizar ou eliminar os resultados de um JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linhas eliminadas',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linhas actualizadas',
'%s selected': '%s seleccionado(s)',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': 'Controle de acesso',
'admin': 'administrador',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Formulas Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor [[recarregue %s]] a página',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin está desactivada pois o canal é inseguro',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Tem a certeza que quer deletar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'bases de dados e tabelas disponíveis',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Comprar Livros web2py',
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Limpo',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'não pode ser vazio',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'seleccione para eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'apagar CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'apagar DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'apagar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Comunidade',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes e Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Direitos de Autor',
'Current request': 'Pedido Corrente',
'Current response': 'Resposta Corrente',
'Current session': 'Sessão Corrente',
'data uploaded': 'Informação enviada',
'Database': 'base de dados',
'Database %s select': 'selecção de base de dados %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Base de Dados da Administração (appadmin)',
'db': 'bd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo de BD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentação',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Não sabe o que fazer?',
'done!': 'concluído!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edição de registo currente',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erros',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como ficheiro csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Olá Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Estado interno',
'Introduction': 'Introdução',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta Inválida',
'invalid request': 'Pedido Inválido',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Esboço',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Perdeu a Senha',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu do Modelo',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Novo Registo',
'new record inserted': 'novo registo inserido',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Não há bases de dados nesta aplicação',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Livro Online',
'Online examples': 'Exemplos online',
'or import from csv file': 'ou importe a partir de ficheiro csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Suportado por',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Interrogação:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receitas',
'Record': 'registo',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'registo inexistente',
'Record id': 'id de registo',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Lembrar de mim (por 30 dias)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Linhas numa tabela',
'Rows selected': 'Linhas seleccionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Registar-se',
'Sign up': 'Registar-se',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Folha de estilo',
'submit': 'submeter',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'A "query" é uma condição do tipo "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Algo como "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" resultaria num SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'não foi possível carregar ficheiro csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualização:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Utilize (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, e ~(...) para NOT para construir interrogações mais complexas.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bem-vindo(a) ao web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ro',
'!langname!': 'Română',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" (actualizează) este o expresie opțională precum "câmp1=\'valoare_nouă\'". Nu puteți actualiza sau șterge rezultatele unui JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linii șterse',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linii actualizate',
'%s selected': '%s selectat(e)',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Despre',
'Access Control': 'Control acces',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Rețete Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin dezactivat deoarece conexiunea nu e sigură',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Sigur ștergeți acest obiect?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Baze de date și tabele disponibile',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Chei cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nu poate fi vid',
'Change Password': 'Schimbare parolă',
'Change password': 'Schimbare parolă',
'Check to delete': 'Coșați pentru a șterge',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Comunitate',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componente și plugin-uri',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlor',
'Copyright': 'Drepturi de autor',
'Current request': 'Cerere curentă',
'Current response': 'Răspuns curent',
'Current session': 'Sesiune curentă',
'data uploaded': 'date încărcate',
'Database': 'bază de date',
'Database %s select': 'selectare bază de date %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Model bază de date',
'Delete:': 'Șterge:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Rețete de instalare',
'Description': 'Descriere',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Chei cache de disc',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentație',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Nu știți ce să faceți?',
'done!': 'gata!',
'Download': 'Descărcare',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Editare înregistrare curentă',
'Email and SMS': 'E-mail și SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erori',
'export as csv file': 'exportă ca fișier csv',
'FAQ': 'Întrebări frecvente',
'First name': 'Prenume',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulare și validatori',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicații gratuite',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grup %(group_id)s creat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID grup',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup asociat în mod unic utilizatorului %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupuri',
'Hello World': 'Salutare lume',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Acasă',
'How did you get here?': 'Cum ați ajuns aici?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stare internă',
'Introduction': 'Introducere',
'Invalid email': 'E-mail invalid',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Parolă invalidă',
'Invalid Query': 'Interogare invalidă',
'invalid request': 'cerere invalidă',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nume',
'Layout': 'Șablon',
'Live Chat': 'Chat live',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logat',
'Logged out': 'Delogat',
'Login': 'Autentificare',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Ieșire',
'Lost Password': 'Parolă pierdută',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model meniu',
'My Sites': 'Site-urile mele',
'Name': 'Nume',
'New password': 'Parola nouă',
'New Record': 'Înregistrare nouă',
'new record inserted': 'înregistrare nouă adăugată',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Aplicație fără bază de date',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Obiect sau nume de tabel',
'Old password': 'Parola veche',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemple online',
'or import from csv file': 'sau importă din fișier csv',
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Alte rețete',
'Overview': 'Prezentare de ansamblu',
'Password': 'Parola',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Câmpurile de parolă nu se potrivesc',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'introduceți parola din nou',
'Plugins': 'Plugin-uri',
'Powered by': 'Pus în mișcare de',
'Preface': 'Prefață',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Interogare:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemple rapide',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Chei cache RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Rețete',
'Record': 'înregistrare',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'înregistrare inexistentă',
'Record id': 'id înregistrare',
'Record ID': 'ID înregistrare',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Înregistrare',
'Registration identifier': 'Identificator de autentificare',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Cheie înregistrare',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Autentificare reușită',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ține-mă minte (timp de 30 de zile)',
'Request reset password': 'Cerere resetare parolă',
'Reset Password key': 'Cheie restare parolă',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Linii în tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Linii selectate',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Servicii',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stare',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Foaie de stiluri',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Înregistrează',
'Support': 'Suport',
'Table': 'tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Interogarea (query)" este o condiție de tipul "db.tabel1.câmp1==\'valoare\'". Ceva de genul "db.tabel1.câmp1==db.tabel2.câmp2" generează un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Nucleul',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Fișierul produce un dicționar care a fost prelucrat de vederea %s',
'The Views': 'Vederile',
'This App': 'Această aplicație',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Moment în timp (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'imposibil de analizat fișierul csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualizare:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Folosiți (...)&(...) pentru AND, (...)|(...) pentru OR, și ~(...) pentru NOT, pentru a crea interogări complexe.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilizator %(id)s autentificat',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Utilizator %(id)s delogat',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Parola utilizatorului %(id)s a fost schimbată',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Resetare parola utilizator %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Profil utilizator %(id)s actualizat',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilizator %(id)s înregistrat',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilizator',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifică parola',
'Videos': 'Video-uri',
'View': 'Vedere',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bun venit la web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Care a apelat funcția %s prezentă în fișierul %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Rulați cu succes web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Puteți modifica și adapta aplicația nevoilor dvs.',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Ați vizitat adresa %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ru',
'!langname!': 'Русский',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Изменить" - необязательное выражение вида "field1=\'новое значение\'". Результаты операции JOIN нельзя изменить или удалить.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%%{!удалена[0]} %s %%{строка[0]}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%%{!изменена[0]} %s %%{строка[0]}',
'%s selected': '%%{!выбрана[0]} %s %%{запись[0]}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот объект?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Базы данных и таблицы',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Пустое значение недопустимо',
'Change Password': 'Смените пароль',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Удалить',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Текущий запрос',
'Current response': 'Текущий ответ',
'Current session': 'Текущая сессия',
'data uploaded': 'данные загружены',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'выбор базы данных %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'БД',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Удалить:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Описание',
'design': 'дизайн',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'готово!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Редактировать текущую запись',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'экспорт в csv-файл',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Имя',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Заработало!',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Импорт/экспорт',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Внутренне состояние',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Неверный email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Неверный логин',
'Invalid password': 'Неверный пароль',
'Invalid Query': 'Неверный запрос',
'invalid request': 'неверный запрос',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Фамилия',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Вход выполнен',
'Logged out': 'Выход выполнен',
'Login': 'Вход',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Выход',
'Lost Password': 'Забыли пароль?',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Новый пароль',
'New Record': 'Новая запись',
'new record inserted': 'новая запись добавлена',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'В приложении нет баз данных',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Старый пароль',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'примеры он-лайн',
'or import from csv file': 'или импорт из csv-файла',
'Origin': 'Происхождение',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Пароль',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Пароли не совпадают',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Запрос:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'запись не найдена',
'Record id': 'id записи',
'Record ID': 'ID записи',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Зарегистрироваться',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Ключ регистрации',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Запомнить меня (на 30 дней)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Сбросить ключ пароля',
'Role': 'Роль',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Строк в таблице',
'Rows selected': 'Выделено строк',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'состояние',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Отправить',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'таблица',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Запрос" - это условие вида "db.table1.field1==\'значение\'". Выражение вида "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" формирует SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Отметка времени',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'нечитаемый csv-файл',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Изменить:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Для построение сложных запросов используйте операторы "И": (...)&(...), "ИЛИ": (...)|(...), "НЕ": ~(...).',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Пользователь %(id)s вошёл',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Пользователь %(id)s вышел',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Пользователь %(id)s сменил пароль',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Пользователь %(id)s обновил профиль',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Пользователь %(id)s зарегистрировался',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID пользователя',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Повторите пароль',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'sk',
'!langname!': 'Slovenský',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" je voliteľný výraz ako "field1=\'newvalue\'". Nemôžete upravovať alebo zmazať výsledky JOINu',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s zmazaných záznamov',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s upravených záznamov',
'%s selected': '%s označených',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d.%m.%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'O nás',
'Access Control': 'Kontrola prístupu',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax recepty',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin je zakázaný bez zabezpečeného spojenia',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tento objekt?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostupné databázy a tabuľky',
"Buy web2py's book": "Kúpte si web2py's knihu",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache vymazané',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache kľúče',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nemôže byť prázdne',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Označiť na zmazanie',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vyčistiť CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vyčistiť DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Vyčistiť RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'komunita',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponenty a pluginy',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontrolér',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktuálna požiadavka',
'Current response': 'Aktuálna odpoveď',
'Current session': 'Aktuálne sedenie',
'data uploaded': 'údaje naplnené',
'Database': 'Databáza',
'Database %s select': 'Databáza %s výber',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Správa databázy (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Zmazať:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recepty pre nasadenie',
'Description': 'Popis',
'design': 'návrh',
'Design': 'Návrh',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk vyčistený',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentácia',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Neviete, čo robiť?',
'done!': 'hotovo!',
'Download': 'Stiahnuť',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Upraviť aktuálny záznam',
'Email and SMS': 'Email a SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Chyby',
'export as csv file': 'exportovať do csv súboru',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Krstné meno',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formuláre a schvalovače',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikácie zadarmo',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Model grafu',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID skupiny',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Skupiny',
'Hello World': 'Ahoj svet',
'Helping web2py': 'Pomáhať web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Domov',
'How did you get here?': 'Ako ste sa sem dostali?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Vnútorný stav',
'Introduction': 'Úvod',
'Invalid email': 'Neplatný email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Nesprávne heslo',
'Invalid Query': 'Neplatná otázka',
'invalid request': 'Neplatná požiadavka',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Kľúč',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Priezvisko',
'Layout': 'Usporiadanie',
'Live Chat': 'Živý Chat',
'Log In': 'Prihlásiť sa',
'Logged in': 'Prihlásený',
'Logged out': 'Odhlásený',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Stratené heslo?',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Spravovať %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Spravovať kontrolu prístupu',
'Manage Cache': 'Spravovať cache',
'Memberships': 'Členstvá',
'Menu Model': 'Model menu',
'My Sites': 'Moje stránky',
'Name': 'Meno',
'New password': 'Nové heslo',
'New Record': 'Nový záznam',
'new record inserted': 'nový záznam bol vložený',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'V tejto aplikácii nie sú databázy',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Staré heslo',
'Online book': 'Online kniha',
'Online examples': 'online príklady',
'or import from csv file': 'alebo naimportovať z csv súboru',
'Origin': 'Pôvod',
'Other Recipes': 'Ostatné recepty',
'Overview': 'Náhľad',
'Password': 'Heslo',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Povolenie',
'Permissions': 'Povolenia',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Pluginy',
'Powered by': 'Beží na',
'Preface': 'Predslov',
'previous %s rows': 'predchádzajúce %s riadky',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'knižnica pygraphviz nenájdená',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Otázka:',
'Quick Examples': 'Rýchle príklady',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM cache kľúče',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vyčistená',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recepty',
'Record': 'Záznam',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'záznam neexistuje',
'Record id': 'id záznamu',
'Record ID': 'ID záznamu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zaregistrovať sa',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registračný kľúč',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Zapamätaj si ma (na 30 dní)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Nastaviť registračný kľúč',
'Role': 'Rola',
'Roles': 'Role',
'Rows in Table': 'Riadkov v tabuľke',
'Rows selected': 'Označených riadkov',
'Save model as...': 'Uložiť model ako...',
'Services': 'Služby',
'Sign Up': 'Prihlásiť sa',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Veľkosť cache:',
'state': 'stav',
'Statistics': 'Štatistiky',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'odoslať',
'Submit': 'Odoslať',
'Support': 'Podpora',
'Table': 'Tabuľka',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"query" je podmienka ako "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Niečo ako "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" má za výsledok SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'Jadro',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Výstup zo súboru je slovník, ktorý bol vykreslený v zobrazení %s',
'The Views': 'Zobrazenia',
'This App': 'Táto aplikácia',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Čas v cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Časová pečiatka',
'Traceback': 'Vystopovať',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nedá sa načítať csv súbor',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Upraviť:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Použite (...)&(...) pre AND, (...)|(...) pre OR a ~(...) pre NOT na poskladanie komplexnejších otázok.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Používateľ %(id)s prihlásený',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Používateľ %(id)s odhlásený',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Používateľ %(id)s zmenil heslo',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Používateľ %(id)s upravil profil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Používateľ %(id)s sa zaregistroval',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID používateľa',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Používatelia',
'Verify Password': 'Zopakujte heslo',
'Videos': 'Videá',
'View': 'Zobraziť',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Vitajte vo web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Ktorý zavolal funkciu %s nachádzajúci sa v súbore %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Pracuje...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Úspešne ste spustili web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Môžete upraviť túto aplikáciu a prispôsobiť ju svojim potrebám',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Navštívili ste URL %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'tr',
'!langname!': 'Türkçe',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"güncelle" ("update") "field1=\'yenideğer\'" gibi isteğe bağlı bir ifadedir. JON sonucu güncelleyemez veya silemzsiniz.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} deleted',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} updated',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Bir hata oluştu, lütfen sayfayı [[yenileyin yükleyin %s]] ',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Hakkında',
'Access Control': 'Erişim Denetimi',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Tarifleri',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Değişiklikleri uygula',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Bu nesneyi silmek istediğinden emin misin?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Kullanılabilir Varitabanları ve Tablolar',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'zula',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Boş bırakılamaz',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Parolayı değiştir',
'Check to delete': 'Silmek için denetle',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'İstemci IP',
'Community': 'Topluluk',
'Components and Plugins': 'Bileşenler ve Eklentiler',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Denetçi',
'Copyright': 'Telif',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'Veritabanı',
'Database %s select': '%s veritabanı seç',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Veritabanı Yönetimi (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Modeli',
'Delete:': 'Sil:',
'Demo': 'Tanıtım',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Yayınlama tarifleri',
'Description': 'Açıklama',
'design': 'tasarım',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Kitap',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Neleri nasıl yapacağını bilmiyor musun?',
'done!': 'done!',
'Download': 'İndir',
'E-mail': 'E-posta',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'E-posta ve kısa mesaj (SMS)',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Hatalar',
'export as csv file': 'csv dosyası olarak dışa aktar',
'FAQ': 'SSS',
'First name': 'Ad',
'Forms and Validators': 'Biçimler ve Doğrulayıcılar',
'Free Applications': 'Ücretsiz uygulamalar',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Grafik Modeli',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s takımı oluşturuldu',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Takım ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup özgün olarak %(id)s kullanıcılara atandı',
'Groups': 'Gruplar',
'Hello World': 'Merhaba Dünya',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Anasayfa',
'How did you get here?': 'Bu sayfayı görüntüleme uğruna neler mi oldu?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Dışa/İçe Aktar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Giriş',
'Invalid email': 'Yanlış eposta',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Soyad',
'Layout': 'Şablon',
'Live Chat': 'Canlı Sohbet',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Giriş yapıldı',
'Logged out': 'Çıkış yapıldı',
'Login': 'Giriş',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Terket',
'Lost Password': 'Şifremi unuttum',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model Menü',
'My Sites': 'Sitelerim',
'Name': 'İsim',
'New password': 'Yeni parola',
'New Record': 'Yeni Kayıt',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nesne ya da tablo adı',
'Old password': 'Eski parola',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Canlı örnekler',
'or import from csv file': 'veya csv dosyasından içe aktar',
'Origin': 'Asıl',
'Other Recipes': 'Diğer Tarifler',
'Overview': 'Göz gezdir',
'Password': 'Parola',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Parolalar uyuşmuyor',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'lütfen parolanızı tekrar girin',
'Plugins': 'Eklentiler',
'Powered by': 'Yazılım Temeli',
'Preface': 'Önzös',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Sorgu:',
'Quick Examples': 'Hızlı Örnekler',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Tarifeler',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Kayıt ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Kayıt ol',
'Registration identifier': 'Kayıt belirleyicisi',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Kayıt anahtarı',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Kayıt başarılı',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Beni hatırla (30 gün)',
'Request reset password': 'Parolanı sıfırla',
'Reset Password key': 'Parola anahtarını sıfırla',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Tablodaki Satırlar',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Save model as...': 'Modeli farklı kaydet...',
'Services': 'Hizmetler',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'durum',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stil Şablonu',
'submit': 'gönder',
'Submit': 'Gönder',
'Support': 'Destek',
'Table': 'Tablo',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"sorgulama" "db.table1.field1==\'değer\'" şeklinde bir durumu ifade eder. SQL birleştirmede (JOIN) "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" şeklindedir.',
'The Core': 'Çekirdek',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Son olarak fonksiyonların vs. işlenip %s dosyasıyla tasarıma yedirilmesiyle sayfayı görüntüledin',
'The Views': 'Görünümler',
'This App': 'Bu Uygulama',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Bu e-postaya ait bir hesap zaten var',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Zaman damgası',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Güncelle:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Karmaşık sorgularda Ve (AND) için (...)&(...) kullanın, Veya (OR) için (...)|(...) kullanın ve DEĞİL (NOT) için ~(...) kullanın. ',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '%(id)s Giriş yaptı',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': '%(id)s çıkış yaptı',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Kullanıc %(id)s Parolasını sıfırla',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '%(id)s Kayıt oldu',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'Kullanıcı ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Parolanı Onayla',
'Videos': 'Videolar',
'View': 'Görünüm',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': "web2py'ye hoşgeldiniz!",
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Bu ziyaretle %s fonksiyonunu %s dosyasından çağırmış oldun ',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Çalışıyor...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'web2py çatısını çalıştırmayı başardın',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Artık uygulamayı istediğin gibi düzenleyebilirsin!',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': '%s adresini ziyaret ettin',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'uk',
'!langname!': 'Українська',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Оновити" це додатковий вираз, такий, як "field1=\'нове_значення\'". Ви не можете змінювати або вилучати дані об\'єднаних таблиць.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': 'Вилучено %s %%{рядок}',
'%s %%{row} updated': 'Змінено %s %%{рядок}',
'%s selected': 'Вибрано %s %%{запис}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y/%m/%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**``%.0d``:red МБ**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{елемент(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{байт(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Сталась помилка, будь-ласка [[перевантажте %s]] сторінку',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в ДИСКОВОМУ КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Оцінка поцілювання: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{поцілювання(hits)} та **%(misses)s** %%{схибнення(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Кількість входжень: ``**%s**``:red',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в ОЗП-КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Про додаток',
'Access Control': 'Контроль доступу',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Рецепти для Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'використовується незахищенний канал (HTTP). Appadmin вимкнено',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': "Ви впевнені, що хочете вилучити цей об'єкт?",
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Доступні бази даних та таблиці',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'кеш',
'Cache': 'Кеш',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Ключі кешу',
'Cannot be empty': 'Порожнє значення неприпустиме',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Змінити пароль',
'Check to delete': 'Позначити для вилучення',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Очистити ВЕСЬ кеш?',
'Clear DISK': 'Очистити ДИСКОВИЙ кеш',
'Clear RAM': "Очистити кеш В ПАМ'ЯТІ",
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP клієнта',
'Community': 'Спільнота',
'Components and Plugins': 'Компоненти та втулки',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Контролер',
'Copyright': 'Правовласник',
'Current request': 'Поточний запит (current request)',
'Current response': 'Поточна відповідь (current response)',
'Current session': 'Поточна сесія (current session)',
'data uploaded': 'дані завантажено',
'Database': 'База даних',
'Database %s select': 'Вибірка з бази даних %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Адміністрування Бази Даних (appadmin)',
'db': 'база даних',
'DB Model': 'Модель БД',
'Delete:': 'Вилучити:',
'Demo': 'Демо',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Способи розгортання',
'Description': 'Опис',
'design': 'налаштування',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Ключі дискового кешу',
'Disk Cleared': 'Дисковий кеш очищено',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Документація',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Не знаєте що робити далі?',
'done!': 'зроблено!',
'Download': 'Завантажити',
'E-mail': 'Ел.пошта',
'Edit current record': 'Редагувати поточний запис',
'Email and SMS': 'Ел.пошта та SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Помилки',
'export as csv file': 'експортувати як файл csv',
'FAQ': 'ЧаПи (FAQ)',
'First name': "Ім'я",
'Forms and Validators': 'Форми та коректність даних',
'Free Applications': 'Вільні додатки',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Графова Модель',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Групу %(group_id)s створено',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Ідентифікатор групи',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Група унікально зв'язана з користувачем %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Групи',
'Hello World': 'Привіт, світ!',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Початок',
'How did you get here?': 'Як цього було досягнуто?',
'import': 'Імпортувати',
'Import/Export': 'Імпорт/Експорт',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Внутрішній стан',
'Introduction': 'Введення',
'Invalid email': 'Невірна адреса ел.пошти',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': "Невірне ім'я користувача",
'Invalid password': 'Невірний пароль',
'Invalid Query': 'Помилковий запит',
'invalid request': 'хибний запит',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Ключ',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Прізвище',
'Layout': 'Макет (Layout)',
'Live Chat': 'Чат',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Вхід здійснено',
'Logged out': 'Вихід здійснено',
'Login': 'Вхід',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Вихід',
'Lost Password': 'Забули пароль',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Управління кешем',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Модель меню',
'My Sites': 'Сайт (усі додатки)',
'Name': "Ім'я",
'New password': 'Новий пароль',
'New Record': 'Новий запис',
'new record inserted': 'новий рядок додано',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Даний додаток не використовує базу даних',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': "Об'єкт або назва таблиці",
'Old password': 'Старий пароль',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Зразковий демо-сайт',
'or import from csv file': 'або імпортувати з csv-файлу',
'Origin': 'Походження',
'Other Recipes': 'Інші рецепти',
'Overview': 'Огляд',
'Password': 'Пароль',
'Password changed': 'Пароль змінено',
"Password fields don't match": 'Пароль не співпав',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'Будь-ласка введіть пароль ще раз',
'Plugins': 'Втулки (Plugins)',
'Powered by': 'Працює на',
'Preface': 'Передмова',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Параметри',
'Profile updated': 'Параметри змінено',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Бібліотека pygraphviz не знайдена (не встановлена)',
'Python': 'Мова Python',
'Query:': 'Запит:',
'Quick Examples': 'Швидкі приклади',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Ключі ОЗП-кешу',
'Ram Cleared': 'ОЗП-кеш очищено',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Рецепти',
'Record': 'запис',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Запис %(id)s змінено',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'запису не існує',
'Record id': 'ід. запису',
'Record ID': 'Ід.запису',
'Record Updated': 'Запис змінено',
'Register': 'Реєстрація',
'Registration identifier': 'Реєстраційний ідентифікатор',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Реєстраційний ключ',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Реєстрація пройшла успішно',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': "Запам'ятати мене (на 30 днів)",
'Request reset password': 'Запит на зміну пароля',
'Reset Password key': 'Ключ скидання пароля',
'Role': 'Роль',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Рядки в таблиці',
'Rows selected': 'Відмічено рядків',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Сервіс',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Розмір кешу:',
'state': 'стан',
'Statistics': 'Статистика',
'Stylesheet': 'CSS-стилі',
'submit': 'застосувати',
'Submit': 'Застосувати',
'Support': 'Підтримка',
'Table': 'Таблиця',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Запит" це умова, на зразок "db.table1.field1==\'значення\'". Вираз "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" повертає результат об\'єднання (SQL JOIN) таблиць.',
'The Core': 'Ядро',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Результат функції - словник пар (назва=значення) було відображено з допомогою відображення (view) %s',
'The Views': 'Відображення (Views)',
'This App': 'Цей додаток',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Вказана адреса ел.пошти вже зареєстрована',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Час знаходження в кеші (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Відмітка часу',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Твіттер',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'не вдається розібрати csv-файл',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Оновити:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Для створення складних запитів використовуйте (...)&(...) замість AND, (...)|(...) замість OR, та ~(...) замість NOT.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Користувач %(id)s увійшов',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Користувач %(id)s вийшов',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Користувач %(id)s змінив свій пароль',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Користувач %(id)s скинув пароль',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Параметри користувача %(id)s змінено',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Користувач %(id)s зареєструвався',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'Ід.користувача',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Повторити пароль',
'Videos': 'Відео',
'View': 'Відображення (View)',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Ласкаво просимо до web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Управління передалось функції %s, яка розташована у файлі %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Працюємо...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Ви успішно запустили web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Ви можете модифікувати цей додаток і адаптувати його до своїх потреб',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Ви відвідали наступну адресу: %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-cn',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" 应为选择表达式, 格式如 "field1=\'value\'". 但是对 JOIN 的结果不可以使用 update 或者 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已删除 %s 笔',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 笔',
'%s selected': '%s 已选择',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '关于',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '管理界面在非安全通道下被禁用',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': '确定要删除该对象么?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的数据库和数据表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '高速缓存',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '修改密码',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾以示删除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客户端网址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版权所有',
'Current request': '当前网络要求(request)',
'Current response': '当前网络响应(response)',
'Current session': '当前网络连接信息(session)',
'data uploaded': '数据已上传',
'Database': '数据库',
'Database %s select': '已选择 %s 数据库',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '数据库模型',
'Delete:': '删除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '设计',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': '下载',
'E-mail': '电子邮件',
'Edit current record': '编辑当前记录',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以CSV格式导出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群组编号',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello World',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '导入/导出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部状态',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不符合电子邮件格式',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '无效的查询请求',
'invalid request': '网络要求无效',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '网页布局',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登录',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '忘记密码',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '菜单模型(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新记录',
'new record inserted': '已插入新记录',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '该应用程序不含数据库',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '点击进入在线例子',
'or import from csv file': '或导入CSV文件',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': '概览',
'Password': '密码',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密码不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基于下列技术构建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查询:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '记录',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '记录不存在',
'Record id': '记录编号',
'Record ID': '记录编号',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '注册',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '注册密钥',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '记住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重置密码',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在数据表里的记录',
'Rows selected': '笔记录被选择',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '状态',
'Statistics': '统计数据',
'Stylesheet': '网页样式表',
'submit': '提交',
'Submit': '提交',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '数据表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"query"应是类似 "db.table1.field1==\'value\'" 的条件表达式. "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2"的形式则代表执行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': '视图',
'This App': '该应用',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '时间戳',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '无法解析CSV文件',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式可得到更复杂的条件表达式, (...)&(...) 代表必须都满足, (...)|(...) 代表其一, ~(...)则代表否.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '用户 %(id)s 已登录',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '用户 %(id)s 已注册',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '用户编号',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '验证密码',
'Videos': '视频',
'View': '查看',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '欢迎使用 web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': '您已成功运行 web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': '请根据您的需要修改本程序',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-cn',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"更新" 是選擇性的條件式, 格式就像 "欄位1=\'值\'". 但是 JOIN 的資料不可以使用 update 或是 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已刪除 %s 筆',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 筆',
'%s selected': '%s 已選擇',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '關於',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '因為來自非安全通道,管理介面關閉',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的資料庫和資料表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '快取記憶體',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '變更密碼',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾代表刪除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客戶端網址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版權所有',
'Current request': '目前網路資料要求(request)',
'Current response': '目前網路資料回應(response)',
'Current session': '目前網路連線資訊(session)',
'data uploaded': '資料已上傳',
'Database': '資料庫',
'Database %s select': '已選擇 %s 資料庫',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '資料庫模組',
'Delete:': '刪除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '設計',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': '電子郵件',
'Edit current record': '編輯當前紀錄',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以逗號分隔檔(csv)格式匯出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群組編號',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': '嗨! 世界',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '匯入/匯出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部狀態',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不合法的電子郵件',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '不合法的查詢',
'invalid request': '不合法的網路要求(request)',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '網頁配置',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登入',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '密碼遺忘',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '選單模組(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新紀錄',
'new record inserted': '已插入新紀錄',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '這應用程式不含資料庫',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '點此處進入線上範例',
'or import from csv file': '或是從逗號分隔檔(CSV)匯入',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': '密碼',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密碼欄不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基於以下技術構建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查詢:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '紀錄',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '紀錄不存在',
'Record id': '紀錄編號',
'Record ID': '紀錄編號',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '註冊',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '註冊金鑰',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '記住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重設密碼',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在資料表裏的資料',
'Rows selected': '筆資料被選擇',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '狀態',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': '網頁風格檔',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': '傳送',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '資料表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"查詢"是一個像 "db.表1.欄位1==\'值\'" 的條件式. 以"db.表1.欄位1==db.表2.欄位2"方式則相當於執行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '時間標記',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '無法解析逗號分隔檔(csv)',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式來組合更複雜的條件式, (...)&(...) 代表同時存在的條件, (...)|(...) 代表擇一的條件, ~(...)則代表反向條件.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '使用者 %(id)s 已登入',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '使用者 %(id)s 已註冊',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '使用者編號',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '驗證密碼',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': '視圖',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-tw',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"更新" 是選擇性的條件式, 格式就像 "欄位1=\'值\'". 但是 JOIN 的資料不可以使用 update 或是 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已刪除 %s 筆',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 筆',
'%s selected': '%s 已選擇',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '關於',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '因為來自非安全通道,管理介面關閉',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的資料庫和資料表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '快取記憶體',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '變更密碼',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾代表刪除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客戶端網址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版權所有',
'Current request': '目前網路資料要求(request)',
'Current response': '目前網路資料回應(response)',
'Current session': '目前網路連線資訊(session)',
'data uploaded': '資料已上傳',
'Database': '資料庫',
'Database %s select': '已選擇 %s 資料庫',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '資料庫模組',
'Delete:': '刪除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '設計',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': '電子郵件',
'Edit current record': '編輯當前紀錄',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以逗號分隔檔(csv)格式匯出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群組編號',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': '嗨! 世界',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '匯入/匯出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部狀態',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不合法的電子郵件',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '不合法的查詢',
'invalid request': '不合法的網路要求(request)',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '網頁配置',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登入',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '密碼遺忘',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '選單模組(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新紀錄',
'new record inserted': '已插入新紀錄',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '這應用程式不含資料庫',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '點此處進入線上範例',
'or import from csv file': '或是從逗號分隔檔(CSV)匯入',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': '密碼',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密碼欄不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基於以下技術構建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查詢:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '紀錄',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '紀錄不存在',
'Record id': '紀錄編號',
'Record ID': '紀錄編號',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '註冊',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '註冊金鑰',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '記住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重設密碼',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在資料表裏的資料',
'Rows selected': '筆資料被選擇',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '狀態',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': '網頁風格檔',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': '傳送',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '資料表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"查詢"是一個像 "db.表1.欄位1==\'值\'" 的條件式. 以"db.表1.欄位1==db.表2.欄位2"方式則相當於執行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '時間標記',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '無法解析逗號分隔檔(csv)',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式來組合更複雜的條件式, (...)&(...) 代表同時存在的條件, (...)|(...) 代表擇一的條件, ~(...)則代表反向條件.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '使用者 %(id)s 已登入',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '使用者 %(id)s 已註冊',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '使用者編號',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '驗證密碼',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': '視圖',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AppConfig configuration made easy. Look inside private/appconfig.ini
# Auth is for authenticaiton and access control
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig
from import Auth
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
# File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if request.global_settings.web2py_version < "2.15.5":
raise HTTP(500, "Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests to
# be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# request.requires_https()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# once in production, remove reload=True to gain full speed
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
configuration = AppConfig(reload=True)
if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
db = DAL(configuration.get('db.uri'),
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect to Google BigTable (optional 'google:datastore://namespace')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
db = DAL('google:datastore+ndb')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# store sessions and tickets there
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
session.connect(request, response, db=db)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
# from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
# from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
# session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost
# none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.generic_patterns = []
if request.is_local and not configuration.get('app.production'):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# choose a style for forms
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.formstyle = 'bootstrap4_inline'
response.form_label_separator = ''
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (optional) optimize handling of static files
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
# response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (optional) static assets folder versioning
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# response.static_version = '0.0.0'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here is sample code if you need for
# - email capabilities
# - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
# - authorization (role based authorization)
# - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
# - old style crud actions
# (more options discussed in gluon/
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# host names must be a list of allowed host names (glob syntax allowed)
auth = Auth(db, host_names=configuration.get('host.names'))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create all tables needed by auth, maybe add a list of extra fields
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = []
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure email
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mail = auth.settings.mailer
mail.settings.server = 'logging' if request.is_local else configuration.get('smtp.server')
mail.settings.sender = configuration.get('smtp.sender')
mail.settings.login = configuration.get('smtp.login')
mail.settings.tls = configuration.get('smtp.tls') or False
mail.settings.ssl = configuration.get('smtp.ssl') or False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure auth policy
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False
auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|||| = configuration.get('')
response.meta.description = configuration.get('app.description')
response.meta.keywords = configuration.get('app.keywords')
response.meta.generator = configuration.get('app.generator')
response.show_toolbar = configuration.get('app.toolbar')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# your id
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.google_analytics_id = configuration.get('google.analytics_id')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# maybe use the scheduler
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if configuration.get('scheduler.enabled'):
from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(db, heartbeat=configuration.get('scheduler.heartbeat'))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define your tables below (or better in another model file) for example
# >>> db.define_table('mytable', Field('myfield', 'string'))
# Fields can be 'string','text','password','integer','double','boolean'
# 'date','time','datetime','blob','upload', 'reference TABLENAME'
# There is an implicit 'id integer autoincrement' field
# Consult manual for more options, validators, etc.
# More API examples for controllers:
# >>> db.mytable.insert(myfield='value')
# >>> rows = db(db.mytable.myfield == 'value').select(db.mytable.ALL)
# >>> for row in rows: print, row.myfield
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# after defining tables, uncomment below to enable auditing
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# auth.enable_record_versioning(db)
db = DAL("sqlite://storage.sqlite")
Field('title', unique=True),
Field('file', 'upload'),
format = '%(title)s')
Field('image_id', 'reference image'),
Field('body', 'text'))
db.image.title.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.image.title)
|||| = IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(title)s')
|||| = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
|||| = IS_EMAIL()
|||| = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
|||| = = False
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AppConfig configuration made easy. Look inside private/appconfig.ini
# Auth is for authenticaiton and access control
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from gluon.contrib.appconfig import AppConfig
from import Auth
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This scaffolding model makes your app work on Google App Engine too
# File is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if request.global_settings.web2py_version < "2.15.5":
raise HTTP(500, "Requires web2py 2.15.5 or newer")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if SSL/HTTPS is properly configured and you want all HTTP requests to
# be redirected to HTTPS, uncomment the line below:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# request.requires_https()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# once in production, remove reload=True to gain full speed
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
configuration = AppConfig(reload=True)
if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
db = DAL(configuration.get('db.uri'),
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect to Google BigTable (optional 'google:datastore://namespace')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
db = DAL('google:datastore+ndb')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# store sessions and tickets there
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
session.connect(request, response, db=db)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# or store session in Memcache, Redis, etc.
# from gluon.contrib.memdb import MEMDB
# from google.appengine.api.memcache import Client
# session.connect(request, response, db = MEMDB(Client()))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# by default give a view/generic.extension to all actions from localhost
# none otherwise. a pattern can be 'controller/function.extension'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.generic_patterns = []
if request.is_local and not configuration.get('app.production'):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# choose a style for forms
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.formstyle = 'bootstrap4_inline'
response.form_label_separator = ''
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (optional) optimize handling of static files
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# response.optimize_css = 'concat,minify,inline'
# response.optimize_js = 'concat,minify,inline'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (optional) static assets folder versioning
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# response.static_version = '0.0.0'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here is sample code if you need for
# - email capabilities
# - authentication (registration, login, logout, ... )
# - authorization (role based authorization)
# - services (xml, csv, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amf, rss)
# - old style crud actions
# (more options discussed in gluon/
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# host names must be a list of allowed host names (glob syntax allowed)
auth = Auth(db, host_names=configuration.get('host.names'))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create all tables needed by auth, maybe add a list of extra fields
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user'] = []
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure email
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
mail = auth.settings.mailer
mail.settings.server = 'logging' if request.is_local else configuration.get('smtp.server')
mail.settings.sender = configuration.get('smtp.sender')
mail.settings.login = configuration.get('smtp.login')
mail.settings.tls = configuration.get('smtp.tls') or False
mail.settings.ssl = configuration.get('smtp.ssl') or False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# configure auth policy
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = False
auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|||| = configuration.get('')
response.meta.description = configuration.get('app.description')
response.meta.keywords = configuration.get('app.keywords')
response.meta.generator = configuration.get('app.generator')
response.show_toolbar = configuration.get('app.toolbar')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# your id
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
response.google_analytics_id = configuration.get('google.analytics_id')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# maybe use the scheduler
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if configuration.get('scheduler.enabled'):
from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler
scheduler = Scheduler(db, heartbeat=configuration.get('scheduler.heartbeat'))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define your tables below (or better in another model file) for example
# >>> db.define_table('mytable', Field('myfield', 'string'))
# Fields can be 'string','text','password','integer','double','boolean'
# 'date','time','datetime','blob','upload', 'reference TABLENAME'
# There is an implicit 'id integer autoincrement' field
# Consult manual for more options, validators, etc.
# More API examples for controllers:
# >>> db.mytable.insert(myfield='value')
# >>> rows = db(db.mytable.myfield == 'value').select(db.mytable.ALL)
# >>> for row in rows: print, row.myfield
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# after defining tables, uncomment below to enable auditing
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# auth.enable_record_versioning(db)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# this file is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this is the main application menu add/remove items as required
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|||| = [
(T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), [])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# provide shortcuts for development. you can remove everything below in production
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not configuration.get('app.production'):
_app = request.application
|||| += [
(T('My Sites'), False, URL('admin', 'default', 'site')),
(T('This App'), False, '#', [
(T('Design'), False, URL('admin', 'default', 'design/%s' % _app)),
(T('Controller'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/controllers/' % (_app, request.controller))),
(T('View'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/views/%s' % (_app, response.view))),
(T('DB Model'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/models/' % _app)),
(T('Menu Model'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/models/' % _app)),
(T('Config.ini'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/private/appconfig.ini' % _app)),
(T('Layout'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/views/layout.html' % _app)),
(T('Stylesheet'), False,
'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/static/css/web2py-bootstrap3.css' % _app)),
(T('Database'), False, URL(_app, 'appadmin', 'index')),
(T('Errors'), False, URL(
'admin', 'default', 'errors/' + _app)),
(T('About'), False, URL(
'admin', 'default', 'about/' + _app)),
('', False, '#', [
(T('Download'), False,
(T('Support'), False,
(T('Demo'), False, ''),
(T('Quick Examples'), False,
(T('FAQ'), False, ''),
(T('Videos'), False,
(T('Free Applications'),
False, ''),
(T('Plugins'), False, ''),
(T('Recipes'), False, ''),
(T('Documentation'), False, '#', [
(T('Online book'), False, ''),
(T('Preface'), False,
(T('Introduction'), False,
(T('Python'), False,
(T('Overview'), False,
(T('The Core'), False,
(T('The Views'), False,
(T('Database'), False,
(T('Forms and Validators'), False,
(T('Email and SMS'), False,
(T('Access Control'), False,
(T('Services'), False,
(T('Ajax Recipes'), False,
(T('Components and Plugins'), False,
(T('Deployment Recipes'), False,
(T('Other Recipes'), False,
(T('Helping web2py'), False,
(T("Buy web2py's book"), False,
(T('Community'), False, None, [
(T('Groups'), False,
(T('Twitter'), False, ''),
(T('Live Chat'), False,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
; App configuration
name = Welcome
author = Your Name <>
description = a cool new app
keywords = web2py, python, framework
generator = Web2py Web Framework
production = false
toolbar = false
; Host configuration
names = localhost:*,*, *:*, *
; db configuration
uri = sqlite://storage.sqlite
migrate = true
pool_size = 10
; smtp address and credentials
server =
sender =
login = username:password
tls = true
ssl = true
enabled = false
heartbeat = 1
analytics_id =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[2021-09-30 11:19:22] START
[2021-09-30 11:30:15] EDIT transcription/views/default/index.html: -7
[2021-09-30 12:09:49] EDIT transcription/controllers/ -1
[2021-09-30 12:12:03] EDIT transcription/controllers/ 0
[2021-09-30 12:13:13] EDIT transcription/views/default/index.html: -33
[2021-09-30 12:15:38] EDIT transcription/controllers/ 0
[2021-09-30 12:16:14] EDIT transcription/views/default/index.html: 1
[2021-09-30 12:16:35] EDIT transcription/views/default/index.html: 0
[2021-09-30 12:17:04] EDIT transcription/controllers/ 0
[2021-09-30 20:05:21] EDIT transcription/models/ -38
[2021-09-30 20:06:50] EDIT transcription/models/ 38
[2021-09-30 20:07:51] EDIT transcription/models/ 16
[2021-09-30 20:11:28] EDIT transcription/models/ -16
[2021-09-30 20:11:51] EDIT transcription/models/ 16
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an app-specific example router
# This simple router is used for setting languages from app/languages directory
# as a part of the application path: app/<lang>/controller/function
# Language from or 'en' (if the file is not found) is used as
# a default_language
# See <web2py-root-dir>/examples/ for parameter's detail
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To enable this route file you must do the steps:
# 1. rename <web2py-root-dir>/examples/ to
# 2. rename this APP/ to APP/ (where APP - is your application directory)
# 3. restart web2py (or reload routes in web2py admin interface)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from gluon.fileutils import abspath
from gluon.languages import read_possible_languages
possible_languages = read_possible_languages(abspath('applications', app))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE! app - is an application based router's parameter with name of an application. E.g.'welcome'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
routers = {
app: dict(
languages=[lang for lang in possible_languages if lang != 'default']
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE! To change language in your application using these rules add this line in one of your models files:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if request.uri_language: T.force(request.uri_language)
Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
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<html><body><h1>Temporarily down for maintenance</h1></body></html>
Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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#CP_hourcont{z-index:2000;padding:0;position:absolute;border:1px dashed #666;background-color:#eee;display:none;}#CP_minutecont{z-index:2000;background-color:#ddd;padding:1px;position:absolute;width:45px;display:none;}.floatleft{float:left;}.CP_hour{z-index:2000;padding:1px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer;width:35px;}.CP_minute{z-index:2000;padding:1px;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9px;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer;width:auto;}.CP_over{background-color:#fff;z-index:2000}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
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padding-bottom: 2px;
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width: 20%;
display: inline;
height: 32px;
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/* form submit block */
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/* for backward compatbility with pre-font-awesome */
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padding-top: 10px;
float: right;
.web2py_table_selectable_actions input {
padding: 5px 7px;
margin-right: 10px;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
/** these MUST stay **/
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/** end **/
/* Sticky footer begin */
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padding:20px 0 50px 0;
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/* Sticky footer end */
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border-top:1px #DEDEDE solid;
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/* background:<fill here for header image>; */
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fieldset legend {text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bold; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; background:#f1f1f1}
/* fix ie problem with menu */
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td.w2p_fl {text-align:left}
td.w2p_fl, td.w2p_fw {padding-right:7px}
td.w2p_fl,td.w2p_fc {padding-top:4px}
div.w2p_export_menu {margin:5px 0}
div.w2p_export_menu a, div.w2p_wiki_tags a, div.w2p_cloud a {margin-left:5px; padding:2px 5px; background-color:#f1f1f1; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px;}
/* tr#submit_record__row {border-top:1px solid #E5E5E5} */
#submit_record__row td {padding-top:.5em}
/* Fix */
#auth_user_remember__row label {display:inline}
#web2py_user_form td {vertical-align:top}
/*********** web2py specific ***********/
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div.w2p_flash #closeflash{color:inherit; float:right; margin-left:15px;}
.ie-lte7 div.flash #closeflash
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#navbar {float:right; padding:5px; /* same as superfish */}
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padding:.5em 1em;
border:1px solid #ddd;
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.copyright {float:left}
#poweredBy {float:right}
* The default style for SQLFORM.grid even using jquery-iu or another ui framework
* will look better with the declarations below
* if needed to remove base.css consider keeping these following lines in some css file.
/* .web2py_table {border:1px solid #ccc} */
.web2py_paginator {}
.web2py_grid {width:100%}
.web2py_grid table {width:100%}
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.web2py_grid .web2py_form td {vertical-align: top;}
.web2py_grid thead th,.web2py_grid tfoot td {
padding:10px 5px 10px 5px;
.web2py_grid tr.odd {background-color:#F9F9F9}
.web2py_grid tr:hover {background-color:#F5F5F5}
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font-family:'lucida grande',tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFFFFF;
white-space:nowrap; overflow:visible; cursor:pointer;
border:1px solid #CACACA;
-webkit-border-radius:2px; -moz-border-radius:2px;
-webkit-background-clip:padding-box; border-radius:2px;
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.web2py_console form {
width: 100%;
display: inline;
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 0 0 0 5px;
.web2py_console form select {
.web2py_search_actions {
.web2py_grid .row_buttons {
.web2py_grid .row_buttons a {
.web2py_search_actions {
.web2py_grid .row_buttons a,
.web2py_paginator ul li a,
.web2py_search_actions a,
.web2py_console input[type=submit],
.web2py_console input[type=button],
.web2py_console button {
margin-right:2px; display:inline-block;
padding:3px 5px 3px 5px;
.web2py_counter {
/*Fix firefox problem*/
.web2py_table {clear:both; display:block}
.web2py_paginator {
.web2py_paginator ul {
.web2py_paginator ul li {
.web2py_paginator .current {
.web2py_breadcrumbs ul {
li.w2p_grid_breadcrumb_elem {
.web2py_console form { vertical-align: middle; }
.web2py_console input, .web2py_console select,
.web2py_console a { margin: 2px; }
#wiki_page_body {
width: 600px;
height: auto;
min-height: 400px;
/* fix some IE problems */
.ie-lte7 .topbar .container {z-index:2}
.ie-lte8 div.w2p_flash{ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#222222', endColorstr='#000000', GradientType=0 ); }
.ie-lte8 div.w2p_flash:hover {filter:alpha(opacity=25);}
.ie9 #w2p_query_panel {padding-bottom:2px}
.web2py_console .form-control {width: 20%; display: inline;}
.web2py_console #w2p_keywords {width: 50%;}
.web2py_search_actions a, .web2py_console input[type=submit], .web2py_console input[type=button], .web2py_console button { padding: 6px 12px; }
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Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 991 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 198 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 323 B |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
(function($, undefined) {
$.web2py.ajax_fields = function(target) {
*this attaches something to a newly loaded fragment/page
* Ideally all events should be bound to the document, so we can avoid calling
* this over and over... all will be bound to the document
/*adds btn class to buttons*/
$('button:not([class^="btn"])', target).addClass('btn btn-default');
$("p.w2p-autocomplete-widget input").addClass('form-control');
$('form input[type="submit"]:not([class^="btn"]), form input[type="button"]:not([class^="btn"])', target).addClass('btn btn-default');
/* javascript for PasswordWidget*/
$('input[type=password][data-w2p_entropy]', target).each(function() {
/* javascript for ListWidget*/
$('ul.w2p_list', target).each(function() {
function pe(ul, e) {
var new_line = ml(ul);
if ($('li').is(':visible')) {
/* make sure we didn't delete the element before we insert after */
} else {
/* the line we clicked on was deleted, just add to end of list */
return false;
function rl(ul, e) {
if ($(ul).find('li').length > 1) {
/* only remove if we have more than 1 item so the list is never empty */
function ml(ul) {
/* clone the first field */
var line = $(ul).find("li:first").clone(true);
return line;
function rel(ul) {
/* keep only as many as needed*/
$(ul).find("li").each(function() {
var trimmed = $.trim($(this).find(":text").val());
if (trimmed == '') $(this).remove();
else $(this).find(":text").val(trimmed);
var ul = this;
$(ul).find(":text").addClass('form-control').wrap("<div class='input-group'></div>").after('<div class="input-group-append"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i></div> <div class="input-group-append"><i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i></div>').keypress(function(e) {
return (e.which == 13) ? pe(ul, e) : true;
}).next().click(function(e) {
pe(ul, e);
}).next().click(function(e) {
rl(ul, e);
$(function() {
$(".nav ul.dropdown-menu").each(function() {
var toggle = jQuery(this).parent();
if (toggle.parent().hasClass("nav")) {
toggle.attr("data-w2pmenulevel", "l0");
.append('<span class="caret"> </span>')
.attr("data-toggle", "dropdown");
} else {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
(function ($, undefined) {
* Unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery, largely taken from
* the wonderful
* Released under the MIT license
'use strict';
if ($.web2py !== undefined) {
$.error('web2py.js has already been loaded!');
var FORMDATA_IS_SUPPORTED = typeof(FormData) !== 'undefined';
var animateIn = 'fadeIn';
// var animateIn = 'slideDown';
String.prototype.reverse = function () {
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
var web2py;
$.web2py = web2py = {
isUndefined: function (obj) {
/* grabbed from underscore.js */
return obj === void 0;
popup: function (url) {
/* popup a window */
var newwindow =, 'name', 'height=400,width=600');
if (window.focus) newwindow.focus();
return false;
collapse: function (id) {
/* toggle an element */
$('#' + id).slideToggle();
fade: function (id, value) {
/*fade something*/
if (value > 0) $('#' + id).hide().fadeIn('slow');
else $('#' + id).show().fadeOut('slow');
ajax: function (u, s, t, options) {
/*simple ajax function*/
// set options default value
options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {};
var query = '';
if (typeof s == 'string') {
var d = $(s).serialize();
if (d) {
query = d;
} else {
var pcs = [];
if (s !== null && !web2py.isUndefined(s))
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var q = $('[name=' + s[i] + ']').serialize();
if (q) {
if (pcs.length > 0) {
query = pcs.join('&');
// default success action
var success_function = function (msg) {
if (t) {
if (t == ':eval') eval(msg);
else if (typeof t == 'string') $('#' + t).html(msg);
else t(msg);
// declare success actions as array
var success = [success_function];
// add user success actions
if ($.isArray(options.done)){
success = $.merge(success, options.done);
} else {
// default jquery ajax options
var ajax_options = {
type: 'POST',
url: u,
data: query,
success: success
//remove custom "done" option if exists
delete options.done;
// merge default ajax options with user custom options
for (var attrname in options) {
ajax_options[attrname] = options[attrname];
// call ajax function
ajax_fields: function (target) {
*this attaches something to a newly loaded fragment/page
* Ideally all events should be bound to the document, so we can avoid calling
* this over and over... all will be bound to the document
/*adds btn class to buttons*/
$('button:not([class^="btn"])', target).addClass('btn');
'form input[type="submit"]:not([class^="btn"]), form input[type="button"]:not([class^="btn"])',
/* javascript for PasswordWidget*/
$('input[type=password][data-w2p_entropy]', target).each(function () {
/* javascript for ListWidget*/
$('ul.w2p_list', target).each(function () {
function pe(ul, e) {
var new_line = ml(ul);
if ($(':visible')) {
/* make sure we didn't delete the element before we insert after */
} else {
/* the line we clicked on was deleted, just add to end of list */
return false;
function rl(ul, e) {
if ($(ul).children().length > 1) {
/* only remove if we have more than 1 item so the list is never empty */
function ml(ul) {
/* clone the first field */
var line = $(ul).find('li:first').clone(true);
return line;
function rel(ul) {
/* keep only as many as needed*/
$(ul).find('li').each(function () {
var trimmed = $.trim($(this.firstChild).val());
if (trimmed === '') $(this).remove();
else $(this.firstChild).val(trimmed);
var ul = this;
$(ul).find(':text').after('<a href="#">+</a> <a href="#">-</a>').keypress(
function (e) {
return (e.which == 13) ? pe(ul, e) : true;
}).next().click(function (e) {
pe(ul, e);
}).next().click(function (e) {
rl(ul, e);
ajax_init: function (target) {
/*called whenever a fragment gets loaded */
$('.w2p_hidden', target).hide();
/* manage errors in forms */
manage_errors: function (target) {
$('div.error', target).hide()[animateIn]('slow');
after_ajax: function (xhr) {
/* called whenever an ajax request completes */
var command = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-command');
var flash = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-flash');
if (command !== null) {
if (flash) {
event_handlers: function () {
* This is called once for page
* Ideally it should bound all the things that are needed
* and require no dom manipulations
var doc = $(document);
doc.on('click', '.w2p_flash', function (event) {
var t = $(this);
if (t.css('top') == '0px') t.slideUp('slow');
else t.fadeOut();
doc.on('keyup', 'input.integer', function () {
var nvalue = this.value.reverse().replace(/[^0-9\-]|\-(?=.)/g, '').reverse();
if (this.value != nvalue) this.value = nvalue;
doc.on('keyup', 'input.double, input.decimal', function () {
var nvalue = this.value.reverse().replace(
/[^0-9\-\.,]|[\-](?=.)|[\.,](?=[0-9]*[\.,])/g, '').reverse();
if (this.value != nvalue) this.value = nvalue;
var confirm_message = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_confirm_message) ? w2p_ajax_confirm_message :
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?';
doc.on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"].delete', function () {
if (this.checked)
if (!web2py.confirm(confirm_message)) this.checked = false;
var datetime_format = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_datetime_format) ? w2p_ajax_datetime_format :
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
doc.on('click', 'input.datetime', function () {
var tformat = $(this).data('w2p_datetime_format');
var active = $(this).data('w2p_datetime');
var format = !web2py.isUndefined(tformat) ? tformat : datetime_format;
if (active === undefined) {
inputField: this,
ifFormat: format,
showsTime: true,
timeFormat: '24'
$(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
$(this).data('w2p_datetime', 1);
var date_format = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_date_format) ? w2p_ajax_date_format : '%Y-%m-%d';
doc.on('click', '', function () {
var tformat = $(this).data('w2p_date_format');
var active = $(this).data('w2p_date');
var format = !web2py.isUndefined(tformat) ? tformat : date_format;
if (active === undefined) {
inputField: this,
ifFormat: format,
showsTime: false
$(this).data('w2p_date', 1);
$(this).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
doc.on('focus', 'input.time', function () {
var active = $(this).data('w2p_time');
if (web2py.isUndefined(active)) {
spinnerImage: ''
}).attr('autocomplete', 'off');
$(this).data('w2p_time', 1);
/* help preventing double form submission for normal form (not LOADed) */
$(doc).on('submit', 'form', function (e) {
var submit_buttons = $(this).find(web2py.formInputClickSelector);
submit_buttons.each(function() {
/* safeguard in case the form doesn't trigger a refresh,
see */
setTimeout(function () {
submit_buttons.each(function() {
}, 5000);
doc.ajaxSuccess(function (e, xhr) {
var redirect = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-redirect-location');
if (redirect !== null) {
if (!redirect.endsWith('#')) {
window.location.href = redirect;
} else {
/* run this here only if this Ajax request is NOT for a web2py component. */
if (xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content') === null) {
doc.ajaxError(function (e, xhr, settings, exception) {
/*personally I don't like it.
*if there's an error it it flashed and can be removed
*as any other message
*'click', '.w2p_flash')
switch (xhr.status) {
case 500:
trap_form: function (action, target) {
/* traps any LOADed form */
$('#' + target + ' form').each(function () {
var form = $(this);
if (form.hasClass('no_trap')) {
var w2p_target = $(this).attr('data-w2p_target');
if (web2py.isUndefined(w2p_target) || w2p_target === false) {
form.attr('data-w2p_target', target);
} else {
target = w2p_target;
var url = form.attr('action');
if ((url === '') || (url === '#') || web2py.isUndefined(url)) {
/* form has no action. Use component url. */
url = action;
form.submit(function (e) {
var formData;
formData = new FormData(form[0]); // Allows file uploads.
} else {
formData = form.serialize(); // Fallback for older browsers.
web2py.ajax_page('post', url, formData, target);
form.on('click', web2py.formInputClickSelector, function (e) {
var input_name = $(this).attr('name');
if (!web2py.isUndefined(input_name)) {
$('<input type="hidden" />').attr('name', input_name)
.attr('value', $(this).val()).appendTo(form);
ajax_page: function (method, action, data, target, element) {
/* element is a new parameter, but should be put be put in front */
if (web2py.isUndefined(element)) element = $(document);
/* if target is not there, fill it with something that there isn't in the page*/
if (web2py.isUndefined(target) || target === '') target = 'w2p_none';
/* processData and contentType must be set to false when passing a FormData
object to jQuery.ajax. */
var isFormData = === '[object FormData]';
var contentType = isFormData ? false : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';
if (, 'ajax:before', null, target)) { /*test a usecase, should stop here if returns false */
'type': method,
'url': action,
'data': data,
'processData': !isFormData,
'contentType': contentType,
'xhr': function() {
var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) {
if (evt.lengthComputable) {
var percentComplete = evt.loaded /;
percentComplete = parseInt(percentComplete * 100);
||||, 'w2p:uploadProgress', [percentComplete], target);
if (percentComplete === 100) {
||||, 'w2p:uploadComplete', [], target);
}, false);
return xhr;
'beforeSend': function (xhr, settings) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-location', document.location);
xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-element', target);
||||, 'w2p:componentBegin', [xhr, settings], target);
return, 'ajax:beforeSend', [xhr, settings], target); //test a usecase, should stop here if returns false
'success': function (data, status, xhr) {
/*bummer for form submissions....the element is not there after complete
*because it gets replaced by the new response....
||||, 'ajax:success', [data, status, xhr], target);
'error': function (xhr, status, error) {
/*bummer for form addition to the element being not there after
*complete because it gets replaced by the new response, standard form
*handling just returns the same status code for good and bad
*form submissions (i.e. that triggered a validator error)
||||, 'ajax:error', [xhr, status, error], target);
'complete': function (xhr, status) {
||||, 'ajax:complete', [xhr, status], target);
web2py.updatePage(xhr, target); /* Parse and load the html received */
web2py.trap_form(action, target);
web2py.ajax_init('#' + target);
||||, 'w2p:componentComplete', [xhr, status], target); // Let us know the component is finished loading
component: function (action, target, timeout, times, el) {
/* element is a new parameter, but should be put in front */
$(function () {
var jelement = $('#' + target);
var element = jelement.get(0);
var statement = 'jQuery("#' + target + '").get(0).reload();';
element.reload = function () {
/* Continue if times is Infinity or
* the times limit is not reached
if (element.reload_check()) {
web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el);
/* Method to check timing limit */
element.reload_check = function () {
if (jelement.hasClass('w2p_component_stop')) {
return false;
if (this.reload_counter == Infinity) {
return true;
} else {
if (!isNaN(this.reload_counter)) {
this.reload_counter -= 1;
if (this.reload_counter < 0) {
if (!this.run_once) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
if (!isNaN(timeout)) {
element.timeout = timeout;
element.reload_counter = times;
if (times > 1) {
/* Multiple or infinite reload
* Run first iteration
web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el);
element.run_once = false;
element.timing = setInterval(statement, timeout);
element.reload_counter -= 1;
} else if (times == 1) {
/* Run once with timeout */
element.run_once = true;
element.setTimeout = setTimeout;
element.timing = setTimeout(statement, timeout);
} else {
/* run once (no timeout specified) */
element.reload_counter = Infinity;
web2py.ajax_page('get', action, null, target, el);
updatePage: function (xhr, target) {
var t = $('#' + target);
var html = $.parseHTML(xhr.responseText, document, true);
var title_elements = $(html).filter('title').add($(html).find('title'));
var title = title_elements.last().text();
if (title) {
title_elements.remove(); /* Remove any title elements from the response */
document.title = $.trim(title); /* Set the new document title */
var content = xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content');
if (content == 'prepend') t.prepend(xhr.responseText);
else if (content == 'append') t.append(xhr.responseText);
else if (content != 'hide') t.html(html);
calc_entropy: function (mystring) {
/* calculate a simple entropy for a given string */
var csets = new Array(
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
'0123456789', '!@#$\%^&*()', '~`-_=+[]{}\|;:\'",.<>?/',
var score = 0,
other = {},
seen = {},
lastset = null,
mystringlist = mystring.split('');
for (var i = 0; i < mystringlist.length; i++) { /* classify this character */
var c = mystringlist[i],
inset = 5;
for (var j = 0; j < csets.length; j++)
if (csets[j].indexOf(c) != -1) {
inset = j;
/*calculate effect of character on alphabet size */
if (!(inset in seen)) {
seen[inset] = 1;
score += csets[inset].length;
} else if (!(c in other)) {
score += 1;
other[c] = 1;
if (inset != lastset) {
score += 1;
lastset = inset;
var entropy = mystring.length * Math.log(score) / 0.6931471805599453;
return Math.round(entropy * 100) / 100;
validate_entropy: function (myfield, req_entropy) {
if (!web2py.isUndefined('w2p_entropy'))) req_entropy ='w2p_entropy');
var validator = function () {
var v = (web2py.calc_entropy(myfield.val()) || 0) / req_entropy;
var r = 0,
g = 0,
b = 0,
rs = function (x) {
return Math.round(x * 15).toString(16);
if (v <= 0.5) {
r = 1.0;
g = 2.0 * v;
} else {
r = (1.0 - 2.0 * (Math.max(v, 0) - 0.5));
g = 1.0;
var color = '#' + rs(r) + rs(g) + rs(b);
myfield.css('background-color', color);
var entropy_callback ='entropy_callback');
if (entropy_callback) entropy_callback(v);
if (!myfield.hasClass('entropy_check')) myfield.on('keyup', validator).on('keydown', validator)
web2py_websocket: function (url, onmessage, onopen, onclose) {
if ('WebSocket' in window) {
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.onopen = onopen ? onopen : (function () {});
ws.onmessage = onmessage;
ws.onclose = onclose ? onclose : (function () {});
return true; /* supported */
} else return false; /* not supported */
/* new from here */
/* Form input elements bound by web2py.js */
formInputClickSelector: 'input[type=submit], input[type=image], button[type=submit], button:not([type])',
/* Form input elements disabled during form submission */
disableSelector: 'input, button, textarea, select',
/* Form input elements re-enabled after form submission */
enableSelector: 'input:disabled, button:disabled, textarea:disabled, select:disabled',
/* Triggers an event on an element and returns false if the event result is false */
fire: function (obj, type, data, target) {
var event = $.Event(type, {
'containerTarget': $('#' + target)[0]
obj.trigger(event, data);
return event.result !== false;
/* Helper function, needed to provide consistent behavior in IE */
stopEverything: function (e) {
return false;
confirm: function (message) {
return confirm(message);
/* replace element's html with the 'data-disable-with' after storing original html
* and prevent clicking on it */
disableElement: function (el) {
if (!web2py.isUndefined('w2p_disable'))) {
return false;
var method ='input') ? 'val' : 'html';
//method = el.attr('name') ? 'html' : 'val';
var disable_with_message = (!web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_disable_with_message)) ?
w2p_ajax_disable_with_message : 'Working...';
/*store enabled state if not already disabled */
if (web2py.isUndefined('w2p_enable_with'))) {
||||'w2p_enable_with', el[method]());
/*if you don't want to see "working..." on buttons, replace the following
* two lines with this one
*'w2p_disable_with', el[method]());
if (('w2p_disable_with') == 'default') || (web2py.isUndefined(
'w2p_disable_with')))) {
||||'w2p_disable_with', disable_with_message);
/* set to disabled state*/
el.bind('click.w2pDisable', function (e) { /* prevent further clicking*/
return web2py.stopEverything(e);
/* restore element to its original state which was disabled by 'disableElement' above*/
enableElement: function (el) {
var method ='input') ? 'val' : 'html';
if (!web2py.isUndefined('w2p_enable_with'))) {
/* set to old enabled state */
/*convenience wrapper, internal use only */
simple_component: function (action, target, element) {
web2py.component(action, target, 0, 1, element);
/*helper for flash messages*/
flash: function (message, status) {
var flash = $('.w2p_flash');
if (flash.html()) flash.append('<span id="closeflash"> × </span>')[animateIn]();
hide_flash: function () {
show_if_handler: function (target) {
var triggers = {};
var show_if = function () {
var t = $(this);
var id = t.attr('id');
t.attr('value', t.val());
for (var k = 0; k < triggers[id].length; k++) {
var dep = $('#' + triggers[id][k], target);
var tr = $('#' + triggers[id][k] + '__row', target);
if ('data-show-if'))) tr[animateIn]();
else tr.hide();
$('[data-show-trigger]', target).each(function () {
var name = $(this).attr('data-show-trigger');
// The field exists only when creating/editing a row
if ($('#' + name).length) {
if (!triggers[name]) triggers[name] = [];
for (var name in triggers) {
$('#' + name, target).change(show_if).keyup(show_if);
||||$('#' + name, target));
component_handler: function (target) {
$('div[data-w2p_remote]', target).each(function () {
var remote, times, timeout, target;
var el = $(this);
remote ='w2p_remote');
times ='w2p_times');
timeout ='w2p_timeout');
target = el.attr('id');
web2py.component(remote, target, timeout, times, $(this));
a_handler: function (el, e) {
var method ='w2p_method');
var action = el.attr('href');
var target ='w2p_target');
var confirm_message ='w2p_confirm');
var pre_call ='w2p_pre_call');
if (!web2py.isUndefined(pre_call)) {
if (confirm_message) {
if (confirm_message == 'default') {
confirm_message = !web2py.isUndefined(w2p_ajax_confirm_message) ?
w2p_ajax_confirm_message : 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?';
if (!web2py.confirm(confirm_message)) {
if (web2py.isUndefined(target)) {
if (method == 'GET') {
web2py.ajax_page('get', action, [], '', el);
} else if (method == 'POST') {
web2py.ajax_page('post', action, [], '', el);
} else {
if (method == 'GET') {
web2py.ajax_page('get', action, [], target, el);
} else if (method == 'POST') {
web2py.ajax_page('post', action, [], target, el);
a_handlers: function () {
var el = $(document);
el.on('click', 'a[data-w2p_method]', function (e) {
web2py.a_handler($(this), e);
/* removal of element should happen only on success */
el.on('ajax:success', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_remove]', function () {
var el = $(this);
var toremove ='w2p_remove');
if (!web2py.isUndefined(toremove)) {
toremove = el.closest(toremove);
if (!toremove.length) {
/*this enables removal of whatever selector if a closest is not found */
toremove = $(toremove);
el.on('ajax:beforeSend', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_disable_with]', function () {
/*re-enable click on completion*/
el.on('ajax:complete', 'a[data-w2p_method][data-w2p_disable_with]', function () {
/* Disables form elements:
- Does not disable elements with 'data-w2p_disable' attribute
- Caches element value in 'w2p_enable_with' data store
- Replaces element text with value of 'data-w2p_disable_with' attribute
- Sets disabled property to true
disableFormElements: function (form) {
form.find(web2py.disableSelector).each(function () {
var element = $(this),
method ='button') ? 'html' : 'val';
var disable_with ='w2p_disable_with');
var disable ='w2p_disable');
if (!web2py.isUndefined(disable)) {
return false;
if (!':file')) { // Altering file input values is not allowed.
if (web2py.isUndefined(disable_with)) {
||||'w2p_disable_with', element[method]());
if (web2py.isUndefined('w2p_enable_with'))) {
||||'w2p_enable_with', element[method]());
element.prop('disabled', true);
/* Re-enables disabled form elements:
- Replaces element text with cached value from 'w2p_enable_with' data store (created in `disableFormElements`)
- Sets disabled property to false
enableFormElements: function (form) {
form.find(web2py.enableSelector).each(function () {
var element = $(this),
method ='button') ? 'html' : 'val';
if ('w2p_enable_with')) {
element.prop('disabled', false);
form_handlers: function () {
var el = $(document);
el.on('ajax:beforeSend', 'form[data-w2p_target]', function () {
el.on('ajax:complete', 'form[data-w2p_target]', function () {
/* Invalidate and force reload of a web2py component
invalidate: function (target) {
$('div[data-w2p_remote]', target).each(function () {
var el = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')).get(0);
if (!web2py.isUndefined(el.timing)) { // Block triggering regular routines
main_hook: function () {
var flash = $('.w2p_flash');
if (flash.html()) web2py.flash(flash.html());
/*end of functions */
/*main hook*/
$(function () {
/* compatibility code - start */
ajax = jQuery.web2py.ajax;
web2py_component = jQuery.web2py.component;
web2py_websocket = jQuery.web2py.web2py_websocket;
web2py_ajax_page = jQuery.web2py.ajax_page;
/*needed for IS_STRONG(entropy)*/
web2py_validate_entropy = jQuery.web2py.validate_entropy;
/*needed for and SQLFORM.grid's search*/
web2py_ajax_fields = jQuery.web2py.ajax_fields;
/*used for LOAD(ajax=False)*/
web2py_trap_form = jQuery.web2py.trap_form;
/*undocumented - rare*/
popup = jQuery.web2py.popup;
collapse = jQuery.web2py.collapse;
fade = jQuery.web2py.fade;
/* internals - shouldn't be needed
web2py_ajax_init = jQuery.web2py.ajax_init;
web2py_event_handlers = jQuery.web2py.event_handlers;
web2py_trap_link = jQuery.web2py.trap_link;
web2py_calc_entropy = jQuery.web2py.calc_entropy;
/* compatibility code - end*/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
jQuery("table.sortable tbody tr").mouseover( function() {
jQuery(this).addClass("highlight"); }).mouseout( function() {
jQuery(this).removeClass("highlight"); });
jQuery('table.sortable tbody tr:odd').addClass('odd');
jQuery('table.sortable tbody tr:even').addClass('even');
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{if request.function=='index':}}
<h2>{{=T("Available Databases and Tables")}}</h2>
{{if not databases:}}{{=T("No databases in this application")}}{{pass}}
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab">
<li class="nav-item"><a href="#alltables" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link active">Tables</a></li>
<li class="nav-item"><a href="#hooks" data-toggle="tab" class="nav-link">Hooks</a></li>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="alltables">
<table class="table table-striped">
{{for db in sorted(databases):}}
{{for table in databases[db].tables:}}
{{if hasattr(tbl,'_primarykey'):}}
{{if tbl._primarykey:}}
{{if firstkey.type in ['string','text']:}}
<th style="font-size: 1.75em;">
» {{=A("%s.%s" % (db,table),_href=URL('select',args=[db],vars=dict(query=qry)))}}
{{=A(str(T('New Record')),_href=URL('insert',args=[db,table]),_class="btn btn-primary")}}
<div class="tab-pane" id="hooks">
{{=LOAD('appadmin', 'hooks', ajax=True)}}
{{elif request.function=='select':}}
<h2>{{=XML(str(T("Database %s select"))%A(request.args[0],_href=URL('index'))) }}
{{if tb:}}
{{if table:}}
{{=A(str(T('New Record')),_href=URL('insert',args=[request.args[0],table]),_class="btn btn-primary", _role="button")}}<br/><br/>
<hr />
<h3>{{=T("Rows in Table")}}</h3><br/>
<h3>{{=T("Rows selected")}}</h3><br/>
<p class="text-muted">{{=T('The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.')}}<br/>
{{=T('Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.')}}<br/>
{{=T('"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN')}}</p>
<h4>{{=T("%s selected", nrows)}}</h4>
{{if start>0:}}{{=A(T('previous %s rows') % step,_href=URL('select',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(start=start-step)),_class="btn btn-primary")}}{{pass}}
{{if stop<nrows:}}{{=A(T('next %s rows') % step,_href=URL('select',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(start=start+step)),_class="btn btn-primary")}}{{pass}}
{{if rows:}}
<div style="overflow:auto; width:80%;">
{{linkto = lambda f, t, r: URL('update', args=[request.args[0], r, f]) if f else "#"}}
{{=SQLTABLE(rows,linkto,upload,orderby=True,query=query,_class='table table-striped table-bordered sortable')}}
<hr />
<a href="{{=URL('csv',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(query=query))}}" class="btn btn-primary">{{=T("export as csv file")}}</a>
{{=formcsv or ''}}
{{elif request.function=='insert':}}
<h2>{{=T("Database")}} {{=A(request.args[0],_href=URL('index'))}}
{{if hasattr(table,'_primarykey'):}}
{{cond = table[fieldname].type in ['string','text'] and '!=""' or '>0'}}
{{=T("Table")}} {{=A(tablename,_href=URL('select',args=dbname,vars=dict(query='%s.%s.%s%s'%(dbname,tablename,fieldname,cond))))}}
{{=T("Table")}} {{=A(request.args[1],_href=URL('select',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(query='>0'%tuple(request.args[:2]))))}}
<h3>{{=T("New Record")}}</h3><br/>
{{elif request.function=='update':}}
<h2>{{=T("Database")}} {{=A(request.args[0],_href=URL('index'))}}
{{if hasattr(table,'_primarykey'):}}
{{cond = table[fieldname].type in ['string','text'] and '!=""' or '>0'}}
{{=T("Table")}} {{=A(tablename,_href=URL('select',args=dbname,vars=dict(query='%s.%s.%s%s'%(dbname,tablename,fieldname,cond))))}}
{{=T("Record")}} {{=A('%s=%s'%request.vars.items()[0],_href=URL('update',args=request.args[:2],vars=request.vars))}}
{{=T("Table")}} {{=A(request.args[1],_href=URL('select',args=request.args[0],vars=dict(query='>0'%tuple(request.args[:2]))))}}
{{=T("Record id")}} {{=A(request.args[2],_href=URL('update',args=request.args[:3]))}}
<h3>{{=T("Edit current record")}}</h3><br/><br/>{{=form}}
{{elif request.function=='state':}}
<h2>{{=T("Internal State")}}</h2>
<h3>{{=T("Current request")}}</h3>
<br/><h3>{{=T("Current response")}}</h3>
<br/><h3>{{=T("Current session")}}</h3>
{{elif request.function == 'ccache':}}
<div class="list">
<div class="list-header">
<div class="content">
<p>{{=T.M("Number of entries: **%s**", total['entries'])}}</p>
{{if total['entries'] > 0:}}
<p>{{=T.M("Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})",
dict( ratio=total['ratio'], hits=total['hits'], misses=total['misses']))}}
{{=T("Size of cache:")}}
{{if object_stats:}}
{{=T.M("**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}", dict(items=total['objects'], bytes=total['bytes']))}}
{{if total['bytes'] > 524287:}}
{{=T.M("(**%.0d MB**)", total['bytes'] / 1048576)}}
{{=T.M("**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)")}}
{{=T.M("Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.",
dict(hours=total['oldest'][0], min=total['oldest'][1], sec=total['oldest'][2]))}}
{{=BUTTON(T('Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#all_keys").toggle().toggleClass( "w2p_hidden" );')}}
<div class="w2p_hidden" id="all_keys">
<br />
<p>{{=T.M("Number of entries: **%s**", ram['entries'])}}</p>
{{if ram['entries'] > 0:}}
<p>{{=T.M("Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})",
dict( ratio=ram['ratio'], hits=ram['hits'], misses=ram['misses']))}}
{{=T("Size of cache:")}}
{{if object_stats:}}
{{=T.M("**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}", dict(items=ram['objects'], bytes=ram['bytes']))}}
{{if ram['bytes'] > 524287:}}
{{=T.M("(**%.0d MB**)", ram['bytes'] / 10485576)}}
{{=T.M("``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)")}}
{{=T.M("RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.",
dict(hours=ram['oldest'][0], min=ram['oldest'][1], sec=ram['oldest'][2]))}}
{{=BUTTON(T('RAM Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#ram_keys").toggle().toggleClass( "w2p_hidden" );')}}
<div class="w2p_hidden" id="ram_keys">
<br />
<p>{{=T.M("Number of entries: **%s**", disk['entries'])}}</p>
{{if disk['entries'] > 0:}}
{{=T.M("Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})",
dict(ratio=disk['ratio'], hits=disk['hits'], misses=disk['misses']))}}
{{=T("Size of cache:")}}
{{if object_stats:}}
{{=T.M("**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}", dict( items=disk['objects'], bytes=disk['bytes']))}}
{{if disk['bytes'] > 524287:}}
{{=T.M("(**%.0d MB**)", disk['bytes'] / 1048576)}}
{{=T.M("``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)")}}
{{=T.M("DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.",
dict(hours=disk['oldest'][0], min=disk['oldest'][1], sec=disk['oldest'][2]))}}
{{=BUTTON(T('Disk Cache Keys'), _onclick='jQuery("#disk_keys").toggle().toggleClass( "w2p_hidden" );')}}
<div class="w2p_hidden" id="disk_keys">
<br />
<div class="list-header">
<h3>{{=T("Manage Cache")}}</h3>
<div class="content">
<div class="clear"></div>
{{if request.function=='d3_graph_model':}}
<h2>{{=T("Graph Model")}}</h2>
{{if not databases:}}
{{=T("No databases in this application")}}
<div id="vis"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('admin','static','css/d3_graph.css')}}"/>
// Define the d3 input data
{{from gluon.serializers import json }}
var nodes = {{=XML(json(nodes))}};
var links = {{=XML(json(links))}};
{{if request.function == 'manage':}}
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
{{for k, tablename in enumerate(tablenames):}}
<li{{=XML(' class="active"') if k == 0 else ''}}>
<a href="#table-{{=tablename}}" data-toggle="tab">{{=labels[k]}}</a>
<div class="tab-content">
{{for k, tablename in enumerate(tablenames):}}
<div class="tab-pane{{=XML(' active') if k == 0 else ''}}" id="table-{{=tablename}}">
{{=LOAD(f='manage.load', args=[request.args(0), k], ajax=True)}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<div class="row">
<div id="web2py_user_form" class="col-lg-6" style="background-color:white; margin: 0 auto 5px auto; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #a1a1a1; border-radius:5px;padding: 20px">
{{=T('Sign Up') if request.args(0) == 'register' else T('Log In') if request.args(0) == 'login' else T(request.args(0).replace('_',' ').title())}}
{{if request.args(0)=='login' and not 'register' in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
<a href="{{=URL('user/register')}}">{{=T('Register')}}</a>
{{if request.args(0)=='login' and not 'retrieve_password' in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
<a href="{{=URL('user/retrieve_password')}}">{{=T('Lost your password?')}}</a>
{{if request.args(0)=='register':}}
<a href="{{=URL('user/login')}}">{{=T('Login')}}</a>
{{block page_js}}
jQuery("#web2py_user_form input:visible:enabled:first").focus();
{{if request.args(0)=='register':}}
{{elif request.args(0)=='change_password':}}
{{end page_js}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
def controller():
return {"": db().select(db.thing.ALL)}
And then visit that controller with a .csv extention name
}}{{if len(response._vars)==1:}}{{
# Not yet find a Python 2/3 compatible StringIO pattern,
# we avoid this solution
# Here we buffer the entire csv file instead (it is your controller's job to limit the volume anyway),
# based on:
content = response._vars[next(iter(response._vars))]
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/'
response.write(str(content), escape=False)
Can't render this file because it contains an unexpected character in line 1 and column 3.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
You should not modify this file.
It is used as default when a view is not provided for your controllers
<h2>{{=' '.join(x.capitalize() for x in request.function.split('_'))}}</h2>
{{if len(response._vars)==1:}}
{{elif len(response._vars)>1:}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# response._vars contains the dictionary returned by the controller action
# Assuming something like:
# db.define_table('event',
# Field('title'),
# Field('start_datetime','datetime'),
# Field('stop_datetime','datetime'))
# events = db(db.event).select()
# Aor this to work the action must return something like
# dict(events=events, title='title',link=URL('action'),timeshift=0)
from gluon.serializers import ics}}{{=XML(ics(**response._vars))}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
{{from gluon.serializers import json}}{{=XML(json(response._vars))}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# response._vars contains the dictionary returned by the controller action
# security check! This file is an example for a jsonp view.
# it is not safe to use as a generic.jsonp because of security implications.
if response.view == 'generic.jsonp':
raise HTTP(501,'generic.jsonp disabled for security reasons')
from gluon.serializers import json
result = "%s(%s)" % (request.vars['callback'], json(response._vars))
response.write(result, escape=False)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/jsonp'
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise HTTP(405, 'JSON serialization error')
except ImportError:
raise HTTP(405, 'JSON not available')
raise HTTP(405, 'JSON error')
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# License: Public Domain
# Author: Iceberg at 21cn dot com
With this generic.load file, you can use same function to serve two purposes.
= regular action
- ajax callback (when called with .load)
Example modified from
def index():
return dict(
part1='hello world',
def auxiliary():
if form.accepts(request.vars):
response.flash = 'ok'
return dict(message="Hello %s" %
return dict(form=form)
- no need to set response.headers['web2py-response-flash']
- no need to return a string
even if the function is called via ajax.
'''}}{{if len(response._vars)==1:}}{{=response._vars[next(iter(response._vars))]}}{{else:}}{{=BEAUTIFY(response._vars)}}{{pass}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
this is an example of usage of google map
the web2py action should be something like:
def map():
return dict(
center_latitude = 41.878,
center_longitude = -87.629,
scale = 7,
maker = lambda point: A(,_href='...')
points = db(db.point).select() where a points have latitute and longitude
the corresponding views/defaut/map.html should be something like:
\{\{extend 'layout.html'\}\}
<center>\{\{include ''\}\}</center>
<script src="{{=googlemap_key}}" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
map.setCenter(new GLatLng({{=center_latitude}},
{{=center_longitude}}), {{=scale}});
// Create a base icon for all of our markers that specifies the
// shadow, icon dimensions, etc.
var baseIcon = new GIcon();
baseIcon.shadow = "";
baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 14);
var blueIcon = new GIcon();
blueIcon.image = "";
blueIcon.shadow = "";
blueIcon.iconSize = new GSize(37, 34);
blueIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
blueIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
blueIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
blueIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 14);
function createMarker(point, i, message) {
// Set up our GMarkerOptions object
if(i==0) markerOptions = { icon:blueIcon };
else markerOptions= {}
var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
return marker;
{{for point in points:}}{{if point.latitude and point.longitude:}}
var point = new GLatLng({{=point.latitude}},{{=point.longitude}});
map.addOverlay(createMarker(point, 0,
<div id="map" style="width: 800px; height: 500px"></div>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import os
from gluon.contrib.generics import pdf_from_html
filename = '%s/%s.html' % (request.controller,request.function)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(request.folder,'views',filename)):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# response._vars contains the dictionary returned by the controller action
# for this to work the action must return something like
# dict(title=...,link=...,description=...,created_on='...',items=...)
# items is a list of dictionaries each with title, link, description, pub_date.
from gluon.serializers import rss}}{{=XML(rss(response._vars))}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
{{from gluon.serializers import xml}}{{=XML(xml(response._vars,quote=False))}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="{{=T.accepted_language or 'en'}}"> <!--<![endif]-->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<!-- -->
<!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine
(even in intranet) & Chrome Frame
Remove this if you use the .htaccess -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge{{=not request.is_local and ',chrome=1' or ''}}">
<!-- Mobile Viewport Fix
|||| &
device-width: Occupy full width of the screen in its current orientation
initial-scale = 1.0 retains dimensions instead of zooming out if page height > device height
user-scalable = yes allows the user to zoom in -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>{{=response.title or request.application}}</title>
<!-- -->
<meta name="application-name" content="{{=request.application}}">
<!-- Speaking of Google, don't forget to set your site up:
|||| -->
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="">
<!-- include stylesheets -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('static','css/bootstrap.min.css')}}"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('static','css/web2py-bootstrap4.css')}}"/>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{=URL('static','images/favicon.ico')}}" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="{{=URL('static','images/favicon.png')}}">
<!-- All JavaScript at the bottom, except for Modernizr which enables
HTML5 elements & feature detects -->
<script src="{{=URL('static','js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js')}}"></script>
<!-- Favicons -->
{{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}} <!-- this includes jquery.js, calendar.js/.css and web2py.js -->
{{block head}}{{end}}
<div class="w2p_flash alert alert-dismissable">{{=response.flash or ''}}</div>
<!-- Navbar ======================================= -->
<nav class="navbar navbar-light navbar-expand-md bg-faded bg-dark navbar-dark justify-content-center">
<a href="" class="navbar-brand d-flex w-50 mr-auto">web2py</a>
<button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNavDropdown" aria-controls="navbarNavDropdown" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse w-100" id="navbarNavDropdown">
<ul class="navbar-nav w-100 justify-content-center">
{{for _item in or []:}}
{{if len(_item)<4 or not _item[3]:}}
<li class="nav-item {{if _item[1]:}}active{{pass}}">
<a class="nav-link" href="{{=_item[2]}}">{{=_item[0]}}</a>
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="{{=_item[2]}}" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">{{=_item[0]}}</a>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
{{for _subitem in _item[3]:}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=_subitem[2]}}">{{=_subitem[0]}}</a>
<form class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">
<input class="form-control mr-sm-2" type="text" placeholder="Search">
{{if 'auth' in globals():}}
<ul class="nav navbar-nav ml-auto w-100 justify-content-end">
<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
{{if auth.user:}}{{=auth.user.first_name}}{{else:}}LOGIN{{pass}}
<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
{{if auth.user:}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/profile')}}">{{=T('Profile')}}</a>
{{if 'change_password' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/change_password')}}">{{=T('Change Password')}}</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/logout')}}">{{=T('Logout')}}</a>
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/login')}}">{{=T('Login')}}</a>
{{if 'register' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/register')}}">{{=T('Sign up')}}</a>
{{if 'retrieve_password' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/retrieve_password')}}">{{=T('Lost Password')}}</a>
<!-- Masthead ===================================== -->
{{block header}}
<!-- Main ========================================= -->
<!-- Begin page content -->
<div class="container-fluid main-container">
{{=response.toolbar() if response.show_toolbar else ''}}
{{block footer}} <!-- this is default footer -->
<footer class="footer container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="copyright pull-left">{{=T('Copyright')}} © {{}}</div>
<div id="poweredBy" class="pull-right">
{{=T('Powered by')}}
<a href="">web2py</a>
<!-- The javascript =============================== -->
<script src="{{=URL('static','js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{=URL('static','js/web2py-bootstrap4.js')}}"></script>
{{block page_js}}{{end page_js}}
{{if response.google_analytics_id:}}
<!-- Analytics ==================================== -->
<script src="{{=URL('static','js/analytics.min.js')}}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
'Google Analytics':{trackingId:'{{=response.google_analytics_id}}'}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
// These variables are used by the web2py_ajax_init function in web2py_ajax.js (which is loaded below).
w2p_ajax_confirm_message = T('Are you sure you want to delete this object?'),
w2p_ajax_disable_with_message = T('Working...'),
w2p_ajax_date_format = T('%Y-%m-%d'),
w2p_ajax_datetime_format = T('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
ajax_error_500 = T.M('An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page') % URL(args=request.args, vars=request.get_vars)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user