Removed: Most languages
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ar',
'!langname!': 'Arabic',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} deleted',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} updated',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'نبذة',
'Access Control': 'متحكمات الوصول',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'وصفات أجاكس',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'هل أنت متأكد بحذف هذا الكائن ؟',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'لا يمكن بأن يكون خالي',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'أختر للحذف',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP المستخدم',
'Community': 'المجتمع',
'Components and Plugins': 'العناصر والإضافات',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'متحكم',
'Copyright': 'الحقوق',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'قاعدة البيانات',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'نموذج قاعدة البيانات',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Demo': 'تجربة',
'Deployment Recipes': 'الوصفات المنشورة',
'Description': 'الوصف',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'المستندات',
"Don't know what to do?": 'لا تعلم ماذا ستفعل ؟',
'done!': 'done!',
'Download': 'تحميل',
'E-mail': 'البريد الإلكتروني',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'البريد الإلكتروني والرسالة النصية',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'الأخطاء',
'export as csv file': 'export as csv file',
'FAQ': 'الأسئلة الشائعة',
'First name': 'الأسم الأول',
'Forms and Validators': 'الإستمارات والمدققات',
'Free Applications': 'تطبيقات مجانية',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'المجموعة %(group_id)s قد أنشئت',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'هوية المجموعة',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'المجموعة مخصصة للمستخدم %(id)s',
'Groups': 'مجموعات',
'Hello World': 'مرحباً بالعالم',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'الرئيسية',
'How did you get here?': 'كيف أستطعت الوصول إلى هنا ؟',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'مقدمة',
'Invalid email': 'بريد إلكتروني غير صالح',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'أسم العائلة',
'Layout': 'النسق',
'Live Chat': 'المحادثة الحيّة',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'تم تسجيل الدخول',
'Logged out': 'تم تسجيل الخروج',
'Login': 'تسجيل الدخول',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'تسجيل الخروج',
'Lost Password': 'فقدت كلمة المرور',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'قالب القوائم',
'My Sites': 'موقعي',
'Name': 'الأسم',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'أسم الكائن أو الجدول',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'أمثلة على الأنترنت',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'Origin': 'أصل',
'Other Recipes': 'وصفات أخرى',
'Overview': 'نظرة عامة',
'Password': 'كلمة المرور',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'حقول كلمة المرور لا تتطابق',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'الرجاء إعادة إدخال كلمة المرور',
'Plugins': 'الإضافات',
'Powered by': 'مدعوم بواسطة',
'Preface': 'المدخل',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'الملف الشخصي',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'بايثون',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'أمثلة سريعة',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'وصفات',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'هوية السجل ',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'التسجيل',
'Registration identifier': 'مُعرف التسجيل',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'رمز التسجيل',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'تم التسجيل بنجاح',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'تذكرني ( إلى 30 يوم)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'إعادة ظبط مفتاح كلمة المرور',
'Role': 'دور',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'خدمات',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'أسلوب النمط',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'الدعم',
'Table': 'Table',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'النواة',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'نتاج هذا الملف هو قاموس قًدم بواسطة العارض %s',
'The Views': 'المشاهدات',
'This App': 'هذا التطبيق',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'البصمة الزمنية',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'تويتر',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'المستخدم %(id)s قد سجل دخوله',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'المستخدم %(id)s قد سجل خروجه',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'المستخدم %(id)s مسجل',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'هوية المستخدم',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'تأكيد كلمة المرور',
'Videos': 'الفيديوهات',
'View': 'العرض',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'مرحباً بكم في ويب2 باي !',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'الدالة المسماة %s موجودة في ملف %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'أستطعت تثبيت web2py بنجاح !',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'تستطيع تعديل هذا التطبيق لما يناسب إحتياجك',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': ' ملقد زرت الرابط %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ca',
'!langname!': 'Català',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"actualizi" és una expressió opcional com "camp1=\'nou_valor\'". No es poden actualitzar o eliminar resultats de un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{fila} %%{eliminada}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{fila} %%{actualitzada}',
'%s selected': '%s %%{seleccionat}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Hi ha hagut un error, si us plau [[recarregui %s]] la pàgina',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': "Nombre d'entrades: **%s**",
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': "Control d'Accés",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Receptes AJAX',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'admin inhabilitat, el canal no és segur',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar canvis',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Està segur que vol esborrar aquest objecte?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de dades i taules disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'caché',
'Cache': 'Caché',
'Cache Cleared': 'Caché Netejada',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Claus de la Caché',
'Cannot be empty': 'No pot estar buit',
'Change Password': 'Canviï la Contrasenya',
'Change password': 'Canviï la contrasenya',
'Check to delete': 'Marqui per a eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Netejar Memòrica Cau?',
'Clear DISK': 'Netejar DISC',
'Clear RAM': 'Netejar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': "Cliqui en l'enllaç %(link)s per a reiniciar la seva contrasenya",
'Client IP': 'IP del Client',
'Community': 'Comunitat',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components i Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Sol·licitud en curs',
'Current response': 'Resposta en curs',
'Current session': 'Sessió en curs',
'data uploaded': 'dades pujades',
'Database': 'Base de dades',
'Database %s select': 'selecció a base de dades %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administració de Base de Dades (appadmin)',
'db': 'bdd',
'DB Model': 'Model BDD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demostració',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Receptes de desplegament',
'Description': 'Descripció',
'design': 'diseny',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Claus de Caché en Disc',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disc netejat',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentació',
"Don't know what to do?": 'No sap què fer?',
'done!': '¡fet!',
'Download': 'Descàrregues',
'E-mail': 'Correu electrònic',
'Edit current record': 'Editar el registre actual',
'Email and SMS': 'Correu electrònic i SMS',
'Email sent': 'Correu electrònic enviat',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exportar com fitxer CSV',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Nom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formularis i validadors',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicacions Lliures',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s creat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID de Grup',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup assignat únicament al usuari %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grups',
'Hello World': 'Hola Món',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Inici',
'How did you get here?': 'Com has arribat aquí?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilegis insuficients',
'Internal State': 'Estat Intern',
'Introduction': 'Introducció',
'Invalid email': 'Correo electrónico invàlid',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Inici de sessió invàlida',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta invàlida',
'invalid request': 'sol·licitud invàlida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Reinici de contrasenya invàlid',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clau',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Cognom',
'Layout': 'Diseny de pàgina',
'Live Chat': 'Xat en viu',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Sessió iniciada',
'Logged out': 'Sessió finalitzada',
'Login': 'Inici de sessió',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Inici de sessió inhabilitat pel administrador',
'Logout': 'Fi de sessió',
'Lost Password': 'Contrasenya perdida',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gestionar la Caché',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model "menu"',
'My Sites': 'Els Meus Llocs',
'Name': 'Nombre',
'New password': 'Contrasenya nova',
'New Record': 'Registre nou',
'new record inserted': 'nou registre insertat',
'next %s rows': 'següents %s files',
'No databases in this application': 'No hi ha bases de dades en esta aplicació',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nom del objecte o taula',
'Old password': 'Contrasenya anterior',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Ejemples en línia',
'or import from csv file': 'o importar desde fitxer CSV',
'Origin': 'Origen',
'Other Recipes': 'Altres Receptes',
'Overview': 'Resum',
'Password': 'Contrasenya',
'Password changed': 'Contrasenya cambiada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Els camps de contrasenya no coincideixen',
'Password reset': 'Reinici de contrasenya',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permís',
'Permissions': 'Permisos',
'please input your password again': 'si us plau, entri un altre cop la seva contrasenya',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Aquest lloc utilitza',
'Preface': 'Prefaci',
'previous %s rows': '%s files prèvies',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil actualitzat',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemple Ràpids',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Claus de la Caché en RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Netjeda',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receptes',
'Record': 'Registre',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registre %(id)s creat',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Registre Creat',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'el registre no existe',
'Record id': 'Id de registre',
'Record ID': 'ID de Registre',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': "Registri's",
'Registration identifier': 'Identificador de Registre',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Clau de registre',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registre amb èxit',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': "Recordi'm (durant 30 dies)",
'Request reset password': 'Sol·licitud de restabliment de contrasenya',
'Reset Password key': 'Restaurar Clau de la Contrasenya',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Rols',
'Rows in Table': 'Files a la taula',
'Rows selected': 'Files seleccionades',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Serveis',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Mida de la Caché:',
'state': 'estat',
'Statistics': 'Estadístiques',
'Stylesheet': "Fulla d'estil",
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Suport',
'Table': 'taula',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "consulta" és una condición com "db.tabla1.campo1==\'valor\'". Algo com "db.tabla1.campo1==db.tabla2.campo2" resulta en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'El Nucli',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'El resultat de aquesta funció és un diccionari que és desplegat per la vista %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vistes',
'This App': 'Aquesta Aplicació',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Aquest correu electrònic ja té un compte',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Caché (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Marca de temps',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'no és possible analitzar el fitxer CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualizi:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, i ~(...) para NOT, para crear consultas més complexes.',
'User': 'Usuari',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'El usuari %(id)s està suplantant %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'El usuari %(id)s inicià la sessió',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'El usuari %(id)s finalitzà la sessió',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Contrasenya del usuari %(id)s canviada',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Contrasenya del usuari %(id)s reiniciada',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Actualitzat el perfil del usuari %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuari %(id)s Registrat',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Se ha recuperat el nom de usuari del usuari %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID de Usuari',
'Username': 'Nom de usuari',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nom de usuari',
'Users': 'Usuaris',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Contrasenya',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '¡Benvingut a web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'La qual va cridar la funció %s localitzada en el fitxer %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Treballant ...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vostè està executant web2py amb èxit',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Vostè pot modificar aquesta aplicació i adaptar-la a les seves necessitats',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Vostè va visitar la url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'El seu nom de usuari és: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'cs-cz',
'!langname!': 'čeština',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': 'Kolonka "Upravit" je nepovinný výraz, například "pole1=\'nováhodnota\'". Výsledky databázového JOINu nemůžete mazat ani upravovat.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s smazaných %%{záznam}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s upravených %%{záznam}',
'%s selected': '%s označených',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d.%m.%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'O programu',
'Access Control': 'Řízení přístupu',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recepty s ajaxem',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin je zakázaná bez zabezpečeného spojení',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Opravdu chcete odstranit tento objekt?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostupné databáze a tabulky',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Klíče cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nemůže být prázdné',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Změna hesla',
'Check to delete': 'Označit ke smazání',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vymazat CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vymazat DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Vymazat RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP adresa klienta',
'Community': 'Komunita',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponenty a zásuvné moduly',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontrolér (Controller)',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktuální požadavek',
'Current response': 'Aktuální odpověď',
'Current session': 'Aktuální relace',
'data uploaded': 'data nahrána',
'Database': 'Rozhraní databáze',
'Database %s select': 'databáze %s výběr',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Databázový model',
'Delete:': 'Smazat:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Postupy pro deployment',
'Description': 'Popis',
'design': 'návrh',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Klíče diskové cache',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk smazán',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentace',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Nevíte kudy kam?',
'done!': 'hotovo!',
'Download': 'Stáhnout',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Upravit aktuální záznam',
'Email and SMS': 'Email a SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Chyby',
'export as csv file': 'exportovat do .csv souboru',
'FAQ': 'Často kladené dotazy',
'First name': 'Křestní jméno',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formuláře a validátory',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikace zdarma',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Skupina %(group_id)s vytvořena',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID skupiny',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Skupiny',
'Hello World': 'Ahoj světe',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Domovská stránka',
'How did you get here?': 'Jak jste se sem vlastně dostal?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Vnitřní stav',
'Introduction': 'Úvod',
'Invalid email': 'Neplatný email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Nesprávné heslo',
'Invalid Query': 'Neplatný dotaz',
'invalid request': 'Neplatný požadavek',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Klíč',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Příjmení',
'Layout': 'Rozvržení stránky (layout)',
'Live Chat': 'Online pokec',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Přihlášení proběhlo úspěšně',
'Logged out': 'Odhlášení proběhlo úspěšně',
'Login': 'Přihlásit se',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Odhlásit se',
'Lost Password': 'Zapomněl jste heslo',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model rozbalovací nabídky',
'My Sites': 'Správa aplikací',
'Name': 'Jméno',
'New password': 'Nové heslo',
'New Record': 'Nový záznam',
'new record inserted': 'nový záznam byl založen',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'V této aplikaci nejsou žádné databáze',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objekt či tabulka',
'Old password': 'Původní heslo',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Příklady online',
'or import from csv file': 'nebo importovat z .csv souboru',
'Origin': 'Původ',
'Other Recipes': 'Ostatní zásuvné moduly',
'Overview': 'Přehled',
'Password': 'Heslo',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Hesla se neshodují',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Zásuvné moduly',
'Powered by': 'Poháněno',
'Preface': 'Předmluva',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Dotaz:',
'Quick Examples': 'Krátké příklady',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Klíče RAM Cache',
'Ram Cleared': 'RAM smazána',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Postupy jak na to',
'Record': 'Záznam',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'záznam neexistuje',
'Record id': 'id záznamu',
'Record ID': 'ID záznamu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zaregistrovat se',
'Registration identifier': 'Registrační identifikátor',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registrační klíč',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Zapamatovat na 30 dní',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset registračního klíče',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Záznamy v tabulce',
'Rows selected': 'Záznamů zobrazeno',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Služby',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Velikost cache:',
'state': 'stav',
'Statistics': 'Statistika',
'Stylesheet': 'CSS styly',
'submit': 'odeslat',
'Submit': 'Odeslat',
'Support': 'Podpora',
'Table': 'tabulka',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Dotaz" je podmínka, například "db.tabulka1.pole1==\'hodnota\'". Podmínka "db.tabulka1.pole1==db.tabulka2.pole2" pak vytvoří SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'Jádro (The Core)',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Výstup ze souboru je slovník, který se zobrazil v pohledu %s.',
'The Views': 'Pohledy (The Views)',
'This App': 'Tato aplikace',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Čas v Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Časové razítko',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'csv soubor nedá sa zpracovat',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Upravit:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Použijte (...)&(...) pro AND, (...)|(...) pro OR a ~(...) pro NOT pro sestavení složitějších dotazů.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Uživatel %(id)s přihlášen',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Uživatel %(id)s odhlášen',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Uživatel %(id)s změnil heslo',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Uživatel %(id)s upravil profil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Uživatel %(id)s se zaregistroval',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Uživatel %(id)s si nachal zaslat přihlašovací jméno',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID uživatele',
'Username': 'Přihlašovací jméno',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Zopakujte heslo',
'Videos': 'Videa',
'View': 'Pohled (View)',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Vítejte ve web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'která zavolala funkci %s v souboru (kontroléru) %s.',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Úspěšně jste spustili web2py.',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Tuto aplikaci si můžete upravit a přizpůsobit ji svým potřebám.',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Navštívili jste stránku %s,',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'es',
'!langname!': 'Español',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"actualice" es una expresión opcional como "campo1=\'nuevo_valor\'". No se puede actualizar o eliminar resultados de un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{fila} %%{eliminada}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{fila} %%{actualizada}',
'%s selected': '%s %%{seleccionado}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**no disponible** (requiere la libreria [[guppy popup]] de Python)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor [[recargar %s]] la página',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**no disponible**``:red (Necesita libreria de Python: [[guppy popup]])',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Acerca de',
'Access Control': 'Control de Acceso',
'admin': 'administrar',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recetas AJAX',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ha ocurrido un error, por favor [[reload %s]] la pagina',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin deshabilitado, el canal no es seguro',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar cambios',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': '¿Está seguro que desea borrar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de datos y tablas disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Compra el libro de web2py',
'cache': 'caché',
'Cache': 'Caché',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Limpiada',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'La Cache contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Cache Keys': 'Llaves de la Caché',
'Cannot be empty': 'No puede estar vacío',
'Change Password': 'Cambie la Contraseña',
'Change password': 'Cambie la contraseña',
'Check to delete': 'Marque para eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': '¿Limpiar CACHÉ?',
'Clear DISK': 'Limpiar DISCO',
'Clear RAM': 'Limpiar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Pulse en el enlace %(link)s para reiniciar su contraseña',
'Client IP': 'IP del Cliente',
'Community': 'Comunidad',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes y Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Solicitud en curso',
'Current response': 'Respuesta en curso',
'Current session': 'Sesión en curso',
'data uploaded': 'datos subidos',
'Database': 'Base de datos',
'Database %s select': 'selección en base de datos %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administración de Base de Datos (appadmin)',
'db': 'bdd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo BDD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demostración',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recetas de despliegue',
'Description': 'Descripción',
'design': 'diseño',
'Design': 'Diseño',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Llaves de Caché en Disco',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disco limpiado',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'El DISCO contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hora(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minuto(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{segundo(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Documentation': 'Documentación',
"Don't know what to do?": '¿No sabe que hacer?',
'done!': '¡hecho!',
'Download': 'Descargas',
'E-mail': 'Correo electrónico',
'Edit current record': 'Edite el registro actual',
'Email and SMS': 'Correo electrónico y SMS',
'Email sent': 'Correo electrónico enviado',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errores',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como archivo CSV',
'FAQ': 'Preguntas frecuentes',
'First name': 'Nombre',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formularios y validadores',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicaciones Libres',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Modelo en Grafo',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s creado',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID de Grupo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grupo asignado únicamente al usuario %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupos',
'Hello World': 'Hola Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Ayudando a web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Inicio',
'How did you get here?': '¿Cómo llegaste aquí?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilegios insuficientes',
'Internal State': 'Estado Interno',
'Introduction': 'Introducción',
'Invalid email': 'Correo electrónico inválido',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Inicio de sesión inválido',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta inválida',
'invalid request': 'Solicitud inválida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Reinicio de contraseña inválido',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Llave',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Apellido',
'Layout': 'Diseño de página',
'Live Chat': 'Chat en vivo',
'Log In': 'Iniciar sesion',
'Logged in': 'Sesión iniciada',
'Logged out': 'Sesión finalizada',
'Login': 'Inicio de sesión',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Inicio de sesión deshabilitado por el administrador',
'Logout': 'Fin de sesión',
'Lost Password': 'Contraseña perdida',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Gestionar %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Gestionar control de acceso',
'Manage Cache': 'Gestionar la Caché',
'Memberships': 'Membresias',
'Menu Model': 'Modelo "menu"',
'My Sites': 'Mis Sitios',
'Name': 'Nombre',
'New password': 'Contraseña nueva',
'New Record': 'Registro nuevo',
'new record inserted': 'nuevo registro insertado',
'next %s rows': 'siguiente %s filas',
'No databases in this application': 'No hay bases de datos en esta aplicación',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Numero de entradas: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nombre del objeto o tabla',
'Old password': 'Contraseña vieja',
'Online book': 'Libro Online',
'Online examples': 'Ejemplos en línea',
'or import from csv file': 'o importar desde archivo CSV',
'Origin': 'Origen',
'Other Recipes': 'Otras Recetas',
'Overview': 'Resumen',
'Password': 'Contraseña',
'Password changed': 'Contraseña cambiada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Los campos de contraseña no coinciden',
'Password reset': 'Reinicio de contraseña',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permiso',
'Permissions': 'Permisos',
'please input your password again': 'por favor introduzca su contraseña otra vez',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Este sitio usa',
'Preface': 'Prefacio',
'previous %s rows': 'fila %s anterior',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil actualizado',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Libreria pygraphviz no encontrada',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Ejemplos Rápidos',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Llaves de la Caché en RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Limpiada',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'La RAM contiene items con **%(hours)02d** %%{hora(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minuto(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{segundo(sec)} de antiguedad.',
'Recipes': 'Recetas',
'Record': 'Registro',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registro %(id)s creado',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Registro Creado',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'el registro no existe',
'Record id': 'Id de registro',
'Record ID': 'ID de Registro',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Regístrese',
'Registration identifier': 'Identificador de Registro',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Llave de registro',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registro con éxito',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Recuérdame (durante 30 días)',
'Request reset password': 'Solicitar reinicio de contraseña',
'Reset Password key': 'Restaurar Llave de la Contraseña',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Filas en la tabla',
'Rows selected': 'Filas seleccionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Guardar modelo como...',
'Services': 'Servicios',
'Sign Up': 'Registrarse',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Tamaño de la Caché:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Estadísticas',
'Stylesheet': 'Hoja de estilo',
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Soporte',
'Table': 'tabla',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "consulta" es una condición como "db.tabla1.campo1==\'valor\'". Algo como "db.tabla1.campo1==db.tabla2.campo2" resulta en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'El Núcleo',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La salida de dicha función es un diccionario que es desplegado por la vista %s',
'The Views': 'Las Vistas',
'This App': 'Esta Aplicación',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Este correo electrónico ya tiene una cuenta',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tiempo en Caché (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Marca de tiempo',
'Traceback': 'Rastrear',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'no es posible analizar el archivo CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualice:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, y ~(...) para NOT, para crear consultas más complejas.',
'User': 'Usuario',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'El usuario %(id)s está suplantando %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'El usuario %(id)s inició la sesión',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'El usuario %(id)s finalizó la sesión',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Contraseña del usuario %(id)s cambiada',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Contraseña del usuario %(id)s reiniciada',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Actualizado el perfil del usuario %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuario %(id)s Registrado',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Se ha recuperado el nombre de usuario del usuario %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID de Usuario',
'Username': 'Nombre de usuario',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nombre de usuario',
'Users': 'Usuarios',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Contraseña',
'Videos': 'Vídeos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '¡Bienvenido a web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'La cual llamó la función %s localizada en el archivo %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Trabajando...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Usted está ejecutando web2py exitosamente',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Usted puede modificar esta aplicación y adaptarla a sus necesidades',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Usted visitó la url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Su nombre de usuario es: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'fr-ca',
'!langname!': 'Français (Canadien)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" est une expression optionnelle comme "champ1=\'nouvellevaleur\'". Vous ne pouvez mettre à jour ou supprimer les résultats d\'un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s lignes supprimées',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s lignes mises à jour',
'%s selected': '%s sélectionné',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'À propos',
'Access Control': "Contrôle d'accès",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recettes Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': "appadmin est désactivée parce que le canal n'est pas sécurisé",
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet objet?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de données et tables disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Ne peut pas être vide',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Cliquez pour supprimer',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vider le CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vider le DISQUE',
'Clear RAM': 'Vider la RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Communauté',
'Components and Plugins': 'Composants et Plugiciels',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Contrôleur',
'Copyright': "Droit d'auteur",
'Current request': 'Demande actuelle',
'Current response': 'Réponse actuelle',
'Current session': 'Session en cours',
'data uploaded': 'données téléchargées',
'Database': 'base de données',
'Database %s select': 'base de données %s selectionnée',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modèle BD',
'Delete:': 'Supprimer:',
'Demo': 'Démo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recettes de déploiement',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disque vidé',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Vous ne savez pas quoi faire?',
'done!': 'fait!',
'Download': 'Téléchargement',
'E-mail': 'Courriel',
'Edit current record': "Modifier l'enregistrement courant",
'Email and SMS': 'Courriel et texto',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erreurs',
'export as csv file': 'exporter sous forme de fichier csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Prénom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulaires et Validateurs',
'Free Applications': 'Applications gratuites',
'Function disabled': 'Fonction désactivée',
'Graph Model': 'Représentation graphique du modèle',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s groupe créé',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID du groupe',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Groupe unique attribué à l'utilisateur %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Groupes',
'Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
'Helping web2py': 'Aider web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'importer',
'Import/Export': 'Importer/Exporter',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'État interne',
'Introduction': 'Présentation',
'Invalid email': 'Courriel invalide',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Requête Invalide',
'invalid request': 'requête invalide',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clé',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nom',
'Layout': 'Mise en page',
'Live Chat': 'Clavardage en direct',
'Log In': 'Connexion',
'Logged in': 'Connecté',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Connexion',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Mot de passe perdu',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gérer le Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu modèle',
'My Sites': 'Mes sites',
'Name': 'Nom',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nouvel enregistrement',
'new record inserted': 'nouvel enregistrement inséré',
'next %s rows': '%s prochaine lignes',
'No databases in this application': "Cette application n'a pas de bases de données",
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objet ou nom de table',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemples en ligne',
'or import from csv file': "ou importer d'un fichier CSV",
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Autres recettes',
'Overview': 'Présentation',
'Password': 'Mot de passe',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': "S'il vous plaît entrer votre mot de passe à nouveau",
'Plugins': 'Plugiciels',
'Powered by': 'Alimenté par',
'Preface': 'Préface',
'previous %s rows': '%s lignes précédentes',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Bibliothèque pygraphviz introuvable',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Requête:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemples Rapides',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vidée',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recettes',
'Record': 'enregistrement',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Enregistrement %(id)s créé',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Enregistrement %(id)s modifié',
'Record Created': 'Enregistrement créé',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': "l'archive n'existe pas",
'Record id': "id de l'enregistrement",
'Record ID': "ID de l'enregistrement",
'Record Updated': 'Enregistrement modifié',
'Register': "S'inscrire",
'Registration identifier': "Identifiant d'inscription",
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': "Clé d'enregistrement",
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Inscription réussie',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Se souvenir de moi (pendant 30 jours)',
'Request reset password': 'Demande de réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Reset Password key': 'Réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Role': 'Rôle',
'Roles': 'Rôles',
'Rows in Table': 'Lignes du tableau',
'Rows selected': 'Lignes sélectionnées',
'Save model as...': 'Enregistrer le modèle sous...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': "S'inscrire",
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Taille de la mémoire cache:',
'state': 'état',
'Statistics': 'Statistiques',
'Stylesheet': 'Feuille de style',
'submit': 'soumettre',
'Submit': 'Soumettre',
'Support': 'Soutien',
'Table': 'tableau',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "query" est une condition comme "db.table1.champ1==\'valeur\'". Quelque chose comme "db.table1.champ1==db.table2.champ2" résulte en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Le noyau',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La sortie de ce fichier est un dictionnaire qui été restitué par la vue %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vues',
'This App': 'Cette Appli',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Horodatage',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': "incapable d'analyser le fichier cvs",
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Mise à jour:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Employez (...)&(...) pour AND, (...)|(...) pour OR, and ~(...) pour NOT afin de construire des requêtes plus complexes.',
'User': 'Utilisateur',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilisateur %(id)s connecté',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilisateur %(id)s enregistré',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilisateur',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Utilisateurs',
'Verify Password': 'Vérifiez le mot de passe',
'Videos': 'Vidéos',
'View': 'Vue',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bienvenue à web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Qui a appelé la fonction %s se trouvant dans le fichier %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Traitement en cours...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vous exécutez avec succès web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': "Vous pouvez modifier cette application et l'adapter à vos besoins",
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Vous avez visité l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'fr',
'!langname!': 'Français',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" est une expression optionnelle comme "champ1=\'nouvellevaleur\'". Vous ne pouvez mettre à jour ou supprimer les résultats d\'un JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s lignes supprimées',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s lignes mises à jour',
'%s selected': '%s sélectionné',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'À propos',
'Access Control': "Contrôle d'accès",
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Recettes Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': "appadmin est désactivée parce que le canal n'est pas sécurisé",
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet objet?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bases de données et tables disponibles',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Ne peut pas être vide',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Cliquez pour supprimer',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vider le CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vider le DISQUE',
'Clear RAM': 'Vider la RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Communauté',
'Components and Plugins': 'Composants et Plugiciels',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Contrôleur',
'Copyright': "Droit d'auteur",
'Current request': 'Demande actuelle',
'Current response': 'Réponse actuelle',
'Current session': 'Session en cours',
'data uploaded': 'données téléchargées',
'Database': 'base de données',
'Database %s select': 'base de données %s selectionnée',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modèle BD',
'Delete:': 'Supprimer:',
'Demo': 'Démo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recettes de déploiement',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Clés de cache du disque',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disque vidé',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Vous ne savez pas quoi faire?',
'done!': 'fait!',
'Download': 'Téléchargement',
'E-mail': 'Courriel',
'Edit current record': "Modifier l'enregistrement courant",
'Email and SMS': 'Courriel et texto',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erreurs',
'export as csv file': 'exporter sous forme de fichier csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Prénom',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulaires et Validateurs',
'Free Applications': 'Applications gratuites',
'Function disabled': 'Fonction désactivée',
'Graph Model': 'Représentation graphique du modèle',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s groupe créé',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID du groupe',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Groupe unique attribué à l'utilisateur %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Groupes',
'Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
'Helping web2py': 'Aider web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Accueil',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'importer',
'Import/Export': 'Importer/Exporter',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'État interne',
'Introduction': 'Présentation',
'Invalid email': 'Courriel invalide',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Requête Invalide',
'invalid request': 'requête invalide',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Clé',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nom',
'Layout': 'Mise en page',
'Live Chat': 'Clavardage en direct',
'Log In': 'Connexion',
'Logged in': 'Connecté',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Connexion',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Mot de passe perdu',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Gérer le Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu modèle',
'My Sites': 'Mes sites',
'Name': 'Nom',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nouvel enregistrement',
'new record inserted': 'nouvel enregistrement inséré',
'next %s rows': '%s prochaine lignes',
'No databases in this application': "Cette application n'a pas de bases de données",
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Objet ou nom de table',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemples en ligne',
'or import from csv file': "ou importer d'un fichier CSV",
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Autres recettes',
'Overview': 'Présentation',
'Password': 'Mot de passe',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': "S'il vous plaît entrer votre mot de passe à nouveau",
'Plugins': 'Plugiciels',
'Powered by': 'Alimenté par',
'Preface': 'Préface',
'previous %s rows': '%s lignes précédentes',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Bibliothèque pygraphviz introuvable',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Requête:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemples Rapides',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vidée',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recettes',
'Record': 'enregistrement',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Enregistrement %(id)s créé',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Enregistrement %(id)s modifié',
'Record Created': 'Enregistrement créé',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': "l'archive n'existe pas",
'Record id': "id de l'enregistrement",
'Record ID': "ID de l'enregistrement",
'Record Updated': 'Enregistrement modifié',
'Register': "S'inscrire",
'Registration identifier': "Identifiant d'inscription",
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': "Clé d'enregistrement",
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Inscription réussie',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Se souvenir de moi (pendant 30 jours)',
'Request reset password': 'Demande de réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Reset Password key': 'Réinitialiser le mot clé',
'Role': 'Rôle',
'Roles': 'Rôles',
'Rows in Table': 'Lignes du tableau',
'Rows selected': 'Lignes sélectionnées',
'Save model as...': 'Enregistrer le modèle sous...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': "S'inscrire",
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Taille de la mémoire cache:',
'state': 'état',
'Statistics': 'Statistiques',
'Stylesheet': 'Feuille de style',
'submit': 'soumettre',
'Submit': 'Soumettre',
'Support': 'Soutien',
'Table': 'tableau',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La "requête" est une condition comme "db.table1.champ1==\'valeur\'". Quelque chose comme "db.table1.champ1==db.table2.champ2" résulte en un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Le noyau',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'La sortie de ce fichier est un dictionnaire qui été restitué par la vue %s',
'The Views': 'Les Vues',
'This App': 'Cette Appli',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Temps en Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Horodatage',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': "incapable d'analyser le fichier cvs",
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Mise à jour:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Employez (...)&(...) pour AND, (...)|(...) pour OR, and ~(...) pour NOT afin de construire des requêtes plus complexes.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilisateur %(id)s connecté',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilisateur %(id)s enregistré',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilisateur',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Vérifiez le mot de passe',
'Videos': 'Vidéos',
'View': 'Présentation',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bienvenue à web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Qui a appelé la fonction %s se trouvant dans le fichier %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Vous exécutez avec succès web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': "Vous pouvez modifier cette application et l'adapter à vos besoins",
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Vous avez visité l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'hi-in',
'!langname!': 'हिन्दी',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s पंक्तियाँ मिटाएँ',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s पंक्तियाँ अद्यतन',
'%s selected': '%s चुना हुआ',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'अप आडमिन (appadmin) अक्षम है क्योंकि असुरक्षित चैनल',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'उपलब्ध डेटाबेस और तालिका',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'खाली नहीं हो सकता',
'Change Password': 'पासवर्ड बदलें',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'हटाने के लिए चुनें',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'वर्तमान अनुरोध',
'Current response': 'वर्तमान प्रतिक्रिया',
'Current session': 'वर्तमान सेशन',
'data uploaded': 'डाटा अपलोड सम्पन्न ',
'Database': 'डेटाबेस',
'Database %s select': 'डेटाबेस %s चुनी हुई',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'मिटाना:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'रचना करें',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'हो गया!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'वर्तमान रेकॉर्ड संपादित करें ',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'csv फ़ाइल के रूप में निर्यात',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello World',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'आयात / निर्यात',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'आंतरिक स्थिति',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'अमान्य प्रश्न',
'invalid request': 'अवैध अनुरोध',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'लॉग इन',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'लॉग आउट',
'Lost Password': 'पासवर्ड खो गया',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'नया रेकॉर्ड',
'new record inserted': 'नया रेकॉर्ड डाला',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'इस अनुप्रयोग में कोई डेटाबेस नहीं हैं',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'ऑनलाइन उदाहरण के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें',
'or import from csv file': 'या csv फ़ाइल से आयात',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'प्रश्न:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'रिकॉर्ड मौजूद नहीं है',
'Record id': 'रिकॉर्ड पहचानकर्ता (आईडी)',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'पंजीकृत (रजिस्टर) करना ',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'तालिका में पंक्तियाँ ',
'Rows selected': 'चयनित (चुने गये) पंक्तियाँ ',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'स्थिति',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'तालिका',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'csv फ़ाइल पार्स करने में असमर्थ',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'अद्यतन करना:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'hu',
'!langname!': 'Magyar',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s sorok törlődtek',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s sorok frissítődtek',
'%s selected': '%s kiválasztott',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y.%m.%d.',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y.%m.%d. %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'az appadmin a biztonságtalan csatorna miatt letiltva',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Elérhető adatbázisok és táblák',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'gyorsítótár',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nem lehet üres',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Törléshez válaszd ki',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Jelenlegi lekérdezés',
'Current response': 'Jelenlegi válasz',
'Current session': 'Jelenlegi folyamat',
'data uploaded': 'adat feltöltve',
'Database': 'adatbázis',
'Database %s select': 'adatbázis %s kiválasztás',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Töröl:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'kész!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Aktuális bejegyzés szerkesztése',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exportál csv fájlba',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello Világ',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Hibás lekérdezés',
'invalid request': 'hibás kérés',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Szerkezet',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Lost Password',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menü model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Új bejegyzés',
'new record inserted': 'új bejegyzés felvéve',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Nincs adatbázis ebben az alkalmazásban',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'online példákért kattints ide',
'or import from csv file': 'vagy betöltés csv fájlból',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Lekérdezés:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'bejegyzés',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'bejegyzés nem létezik',
'Record id': 'bejegyzés id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Register',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Sorok a táblában',
'Rows selected': 'Kiválasztott sorok',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'állapot',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tábla',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nem lehet a csv fájlt beolvasni',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Frissít:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Nézet',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'id',
'!langname!': 'Indonesian',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} dihapus',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} diperbarui',
'%s selected': '%s dipilih',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Tentang',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Resep Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'AppAdmin dinonaktifkan karena kanal tidak aman',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus ini?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Database dan Tabel yang tersedia',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Tidak boleh kosong',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Ubah kata sandi',
'Check to delete': 'Centang untuk menghapus',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Hapus CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Hapus DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Hapus RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Komunitas',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponen dan Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Hak Cipta',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data diunggah',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Memilih Database %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Hapus:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Keterangan',
'design': 'disain',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Dihapus',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentasi',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan?',
'done!': 'selesai!',
'Download': 'Unduh',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email dikirim',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Kesalahan',
'export as csv file': 'ekspor sebagai file csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikasi Gratis',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grup %(group_id)s dibuat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup unik yang diberikan kepada pengguna %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grup',
'Hello World': 'Halo Dunia',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Halaman Utama',
'How did you get here?': 'Bagaimana kamu bisa di sini?',
'import': 'impor',
'Import/Export': 'Impor/Ekspor',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Pengenalan',
'Invalid email': 'Email tidak benar',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Masuk',
'Logged out': 'Keluar',
'Login': 'Masuk',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Keluar',
'Lost Password': 'Lupa Kata Sandi',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Mengelola Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Situs Saya',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Kata sandi baru',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Tidak ada database dalam aplikasi ini',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Kata sandi lama',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Contoh Online',
'or import from csv file': 'atau impor dari file csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Resep Lainnya',
'Overview': 'Ikhtisar',
'Password': 'Kata sandi',
'Password changed': 'Kata sandi berubah',
"Password fields don't match": 'Kata sandi tidak sama',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'silahkan masukan kata sandi anda lagi',
'Plugins': 'Plugin',
'Powered by': 'Didukung oleh',
'Preface': 'Pendahuluan',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profil diperbarui',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Contoh Cepat',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Dihapus',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Resep',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Daftar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Pendaftaran berhasil',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ingat saya (selama 30 hari)',
'Request reset password': 'Meminta reset kata sandi',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Baris dalam Tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Baris dipilih',
'Save model as...': 'Simpan model sebagai ...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Ukuran cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistik',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Mendukung',
'Table': 'Tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'App Ini',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Waktu di Cache (h: m: s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'tidak mampu mengurai file csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Perbarui:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Pengguna %(id)s Masuk',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Pengguna %(id)s Keluar',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Sandi berubah',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Sandi telah direset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Pengguna %(id)s Profil diperbarui',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Pengguna %(id)s Terdaftar',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifikasi Kata Sandi',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Lihat',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Selamat Datang di web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Anda berhasil menjalankan web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Anda dapat memodifikasi aplikasi ini dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Anda mengunjungi url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'it',
'!langname!': 'Italiano',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" è un\'espressione opzionale come "campo1=\'nuovo valore\'". Non si può fare "update" o "delete" dei risultati di un JOIN ',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s righe ("record") cancellate',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s righe ("record") modificate',
'%s selected': '%s selezionato',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d/%m/%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Numero di entità: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Controllo Accessi',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Amministrazione (appadmin) disabilitata: comunicazione non sicura',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Sicuro di voler cancellare questo oggetto ?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Database e tabelle disponibili',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Non può essere vuoto',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Cambia Password',
'Check to delete': 'Seleziona per cancellare',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Resetta CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Resetta DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Resetta RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componenti and Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Richiesta (request) corrente',
'Current response': 'Risposta (response) corrente',
'Current session': 'Sessione (session) corrente',
'data uploaded': 'dati caricati',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Modello di DB',
'Delete:': 'Cancella:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Descrizione',
'design': 'progetta',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentazione',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Non sai cosa fare?',
'done!': 'fatto!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Modifica record corrente',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errori',
'export as csv file': 'esporta come file CSV',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Nome',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID Gruppo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Salve Mondo',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'Come sei arrivato qui?',
'import': 'importa',
'Import/Export': 'Importa/Esporta',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stato interno',
'Introduction': 'Introduzione',
'Invalid email': 'Email non valida',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Login non valido',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Richiesta (query) non valida',
'invalid request': 'richiesta non valida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Chiave',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Cognome',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Loggato',
'Logged out': 'Disconnesso',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Password Smarrita',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Modelli',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'Nuova password',
'New Record': 'Nuovo elemento (record)',
'new record inserted': 'nuovo record inserito',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Nessun database presente in questa applicazione',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Oggeto o nome tabella',
'Old password': 'Vecchia password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Vedere gli esempi',
'or import from csv file': 'oppure importa da file CSV',
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'I campi password non sono uguali',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'perfavore reimmeti la tua password',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profilo',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Richiesta (query):',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'il record non esiste',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registrati',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Chiave di Registazione',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registrazione avvenuta',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ricordami (per 30 giorni)',
'Request reset password': 'Richiedi il reset della password',
'Reset Password key': 'Resetta chiave Password ',
'Role': 'Ruolo',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Righe nella tabella',
'Rows selected': 'Righe selezionate',
'Save model as...': 'Salva modello come...',
'Services': 'Servizi',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stato',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Foglio di stile (stylesheet)',
'submit': 'Inviai',
'Submit': 'Invia',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabella',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'La richiesta (query) è una condizione come ad esempio "db.tabella1.campo1==\'valore\'". Una condizione come "db.tabella1.campo1==db.tabella2.campo2" produce un "JOIN" SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'L\'output del file è un "dictionary" che è stato visualizzato dalla vista %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Ora (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'non riesco a decodificare questo file CSV',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Aggiorna:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Per costruire richieste (query) più complesse si usano (...)&(...) come "e" (AND), (...)|(...) come "o" (OR), e ~(...) come negazione (NOT).',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID Utente',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifica Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Benvenuto in web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'che ha chiamato la funzione %s presente nel file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Stai eseguendo web2py con successo',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Puoi modificare questa applicazione adattandola alle tue necessità',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': "Hai visitato l'URL %s",
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'my-mm',
'!langname!': 'မြန်မာ',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} ဖျက်ပြီးပြီ',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} ပြင်ပြီးပြီ',
'%s selected': '%s ခု ရွေးထားသည်',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'အကြောင်း',
'Access Control': 'အသုံးပြု ခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ ထိန်းချုပ်ရန်',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'စိတ်မချရသော လမ်းကြောင်းမှ ဝင်ရောက်သဖြင့် appadmin ကို အသုံးပြု၍ မရပါ',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'သင် ဒီအရာ ဖျက်ရန် သေချာပါသလား။',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'အသုံးပြုနိုင်သော ဒေတာဘေစ့်များနှင့် ဇယားများ',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'အလွတ် မဖြစ်ရပါ',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'ဖျက်ရန် စစ်ဆေးပါ',
'Clear CACHE?': 'CACHE ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်မှာ ဟုတ်ပါသလား။',
'Clear DISK': 'DISK ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်။',
'Clear RAM': 'RAM ကို ရှင်းလင်းမည်။',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'အသိုင်းအဝိုင်း',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'ကွန်ထရိုလာ',
'Copyright': 'မူပိုင်ခွင့်',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'ဒေတာဘေစ့်',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'ဒေတာဘေစ့် စီမံခန့်ခွဲခြင်း (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Delete:',
'Demo': 'အစမ်း၊ သရုပ်ပြမှုများ',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'ဖော်ပြချက်',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk ရှင်းလင်းပြီးပြီ',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'စာရွက်စာတမ်း အထောက်အကူများ',
"Don't know what to do?": 'ဘာလုပ်ရမည်မသိ ဖြစ်နေပါသလား။',
'done!': 'လုပ်ငန်း ဆောင်ရွက်ပြီးပြီ!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'အီးမေးလ်',
'Edit current record': 'လက်ရှိ မှတ်တမ်းကို ပြင်ရန်',
'Email and SMS': 'အီးမေးလ်နှင့် SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'အမှားများ',
'export as csv file': ' csv file အနေနဲ့ ထုတ်ပေးရန်',
'FAQ': 'ဖြစ်လေ့ရှိသော ပြဿနာများ',
'First name': 'အမည်၏ ပထမဆုံး စာလုံး',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'အခမဲ့ Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'အဖွဲ့များ',
'Hello World': 'မင်္ဂလာပါ ကမ္ဘာကြီး။',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'မူလသို့',
'How did you get here?': 'သင် ဘယ်လို ရောက်လာခဲ့သလဲ။',
'import': 'သွင်းယူရန်',
'Import/Export': 'သွင်းယူရန်/ထုတ်ယူရန်',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'မိတ်ဆက်',
'Invalid email': 'အီးမေးလ် ဖြည့်သွင်းမှုမှားနေသည်',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'မျိုးနွယ်အမည်',
'Layout': 'အပြင်အဆင်',
'Live Chat': 'တိုက်ရိုက် ဆက်သွယ် ပြောကြားရန်',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'ဝင်ရောက်အသုံးပြုရန်',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'ထွက်ရန်',
'Lost Password': 'စကားဝှက် မသိတော့ပါ',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': '%(action)s ကို စီမံရန်',
'Manage Access Control': 'အသုံးပြုခြင်းဆိုင်ရာ ထိန်းချုပ်မှု စီမံခန့်ခွဲရန်',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'အသင်းဝင်များ',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'ကျွန်ုပ်၏ Site များ',
'Name': 'အမည်',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'မှတ်တမ်း အသစ်',
'new record inserted': 'မှတ်တမ်း အသစ် ဖြည့်သွင်းပြီးပြီ',
'next %s rows': 'နောက်အတန်း %s တန်း',
'No databases in this application': 'ဒီ application တွင် မည်သည့် ဒေတာဘေစ့်မှ မရှိပါ',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'အွန်လိုင်း နမူနာများ',
'or import from csv file': 'or import from csv file',
'Origin': 'မူလ အစ',
'Other Recipes': 'အခြား Recipes',
'Overview': 'အပေါ်ယံရှုမြင်ခြင်း',
'Password': 'စကားဝှက်',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'စကားဝှက်များ ကိုက်ညီမှု မရှိပါ',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'ခွင့်ပြုချက်',
'Permissions': 'ခွင့်ပြုချက်များ',
'please input your password again': 'ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ စကားဝှက်ကို ထပ်မံ ဖြည့်သွင်းပေးပါ',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'အားဖြည့်စွမ်းအားပေးသူ',
'Preface': 'နိဒါန်း',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library ကို မတွေ့ပါ',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'အမြန် အသုံးပြုနိုင်သော နမူနာများ',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram ရှင်းလင်းပြီးပြီ',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'မှတ်တမ်း',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'မှတ်တမ်း မရှိပါ',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'မှတ်ပုံတင်ရန်',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'စကားဝှက် အသစ် တောင်းဆိုရန်',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'ရွေးထားသော အတန်းများ',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'ကိန်းဂဏန်း အချက်အလက်များ',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'ပြုလုပ်ပါ',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'အထောက်အပံ့',
'Table': 'ဇယား',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'ဒီ App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'ဒီအီးမေးလ်တွင် အကောင့် ရှိပြီး ဖြစ်ပါသည်',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'အသုံးပြုသူ',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'အသုံးပြုသူများ',
'Verify Password': 'စကားဝှက်ကို အတည်ပြုပါ',
'Videos': 'ဗွီဒီယိုများ',
'View': 'ဗျူး',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'web2py မှ ကြိုဆိုပါသည်။',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'ဆောင်ရွက်နေပါသည် ။ ။ ။',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'သင်သည် web2py ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ လည်ပတ်မောင်းနှင်စေပါသည်။',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'သင် ဒီ application ကို ပြုပြင်မွမ်းမံနိုင်ပါသည်။ ထို့အပြင် သင့်လိုအပ်ချက်များနှင့် ကိုက်ညီစေရန် ပြုလုပ်နိုင်ပါသည်။',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'သင် လည်ပတ်ခဲ့သော URL %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'my',
'!langname!': 'Malay',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} dihapuskan',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} dikemas kini',
'%s selected': '%s dipilih',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Mengenai',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Resipi Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Apakah anda yakin anda mahu memadam ini?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Tidak boleh kosong',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Tukar kata laluan',
'Check to delete': 'Check to delete',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Hapus CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Hapus DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Hapus RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Komuniti',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponen dan Plugin',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Hak Cipta',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data diunggah',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Hapus:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'disain',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Dihapuskan',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentasi',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Tidak tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan?',
'done!': 'selesai!',
'Download': 'Unduh',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Emel dihantar',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Kesalahan',
'export as csv file': 'eksport sebagai file csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikasi Percuma',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Kumpulan %(group_id)s dicipta',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Kumpulan unik yang diberikan kepada pengguna %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Kumpulan',
'Hello World': 'Halo Dunia',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Laman Utama',
'How did you get here?': 'Bagaimana kamu boleh di sini?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Eksport',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Pengenalan',
'Invalid email': 'Emel tidak benar',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Masuk',
'Logged out': 'Keluar',
'Login': 'Masuk',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Keluar',
'Lost Password': 'Lupa Kata Laluan',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Menguruskan Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Laman Saya',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Kata laluan baru',
'New Record': 'New Record',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Kata laluan lama',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Contoh Online',
'or import from csv file': 'atau import dari file csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Resipi Lain',
'Overview': 'Tinjauan',
'Password': 'Kata laluan',
'Password changed': 'Kata laluan berubah',
"Password fields don't match": 'Kata laluan tidak sama',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'sila masukan kata laluan anda lagi',
'Plugins': 'Plugin',
'Powered by': 'Disokong oleh',
'Preface': 'Pendahuluan',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profil dikemaskini',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Contoh Cepat',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Dihapuskan',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Resipi',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Daftar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Pendaftaran berjaya',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ingat saya (selama 30 hari)',
'Request reset password': 'Meminta reset kata laluan',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Baris dipilih',
'Save model as...': 'Simpan model sebagai ...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Saiz cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistik',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Menyokong',
'Table': 'Table',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'App Ini',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Waktu di Cache (h: m: s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'tidak mampu mengurai file csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Kemas kini:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Pengguna %(id)s Masuk',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Pengguna %(id)s Keluar',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Laluan berubah',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Pengguna %(id)s Kata Laluan telah direset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Pengguna %(id)s Profil dikemaskini',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Pengguna %(id)s Didaftarkan',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Pengesahan Kata Laluan',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Lihat',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Selamat Datang di web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Anda berjaya menjalankan web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Anda boleh mengubah suai aplikasi ini dan menyesuaikan dengan keperluan anda',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Anda melawat url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'nl',
'!langname!': 'Nederlands',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s rijen verwijderd',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s rijen geupdate',
'%s selected': '%s geselecteerd',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Over',
'Access Control': 'Toegangscontrole',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recepten',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is uitgezet vanwege een onveilig kanaal',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Weet je zeker dat je dit object wilt verwijderen?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Beschikbare databases en tabellen',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Mag niet leeg zijn',
'Change Password': 'Wijzig wachtwoord',
'Change password': 'Wijzig Wachtwoord',
'Check to delete': 'Vink aan om te verwijderen',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Leeg CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Leeg DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components en Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Huidige request',
'Current response': 'Huidige response',
'Current session': 'Huidige sessie',
'data uploaded': 'data geupload',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Verwijder:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recepten',
'Description': 'Beschrijving',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Geleegd',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentatie',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Weet je niet wat je moet doen?',
'done!': 'gereed!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Bewerk huidig record',
'Email and SMS': 'E-mail en SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'exporteer als csv-bestand',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Voornaam',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulieren en Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Gratis Applicaties',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Groep %(group_id)s gemaakt',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Groep ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Groep is uniek toegekend aan gebruiker %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groepen',
'Hello World': 'Hallo Wereld',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'Hoe ben je hier gekomen?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Interne State',
'Introduction': 'Introductie',
'Invalid email': 'Ongeldig emailadres',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Ongeldig wachtwoord',
'Invalid Query': 'Ongeldige Query',
'invalid request': 'ongeldige request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Achternaam',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Ingelogd',
'Logged out': 'Uitgelogd',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Wachtwoord Kwijt',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Beheer Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'Mijn Sites',
'Name': 'Naam',
'New password': 'Nieuw wachtwoord',
'New Record': 'Nieuw Record',
'new record inserted': 'nieuw record ingevoegd',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Geen database in deze applicatie',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object of tabelnaam',
'Old password': 'Oude wachtwoord',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Online voorbeelden',
'or import from csv file': 'of importeer van csv-bestand',
'Origin': 'Bron',
'Other Recipes': 'Andere Recepten',
'Overview': 'Overzicht',
'Password': 'Wachtwoord',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Wachtwoordvelden komen niet overeen',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'geef alstublieft nogmaals uw wachtwoord',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Inleiding',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profiel',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Query:',
'Quick Examples': 'Snelle Voorbeelden',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Geleegd',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recepten',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record bestaat niet',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registreer',
'Registration identifier': 'Registratie identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registratie sleutel',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registratie succesvol',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Onthoudt mij (voor 30 dagen)',
'Request reset password': 'Vraag een wachtwoord reset aan',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Wachtwoord sleutel',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Rijen in tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Rijen geselecteerd',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Grootte van cache:',
'state': 'state',
'Statistics': 'Statistieken',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'Tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'De "query" is een conditie zoals "db.tabel1.veld1==\'waarde\'". Zoiets als "db.tabel1.veld1==db.tabel2.veld2" resulteert in een SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'De Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'De output van het bestand is een dictionary die gerenderd werd door de view %s',
'The Views': 'De Views',
'This App': 'Deze App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tijd in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'niet mogelijk om csv-bestand te parsen',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Update:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Gebruik (...)&(...) voor AND, (...)|(...) voor OR, en ~(...) voor NOT om meer complexe queries te maken.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Wachtwoord van gebruiker %(id)s is veranderd',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Wachtwoord van gebruiker %(id)s is gereset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Profiel van Gebruiker %(id)s geupdate',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Gebruiker %(id)s Geregistreerd',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifieer Wachtwoord',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welkom bij web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Die functie %s aanriep en zich bevindt in het bestand %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Je draait web2py succesvol',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Je kan deze applicatie aanpassen naar je eigen behoeften',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Je bezocht de url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pl',
'!langname!': 'Polska',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Uaktualnij" jest dodatkowym wyrażeniem postaci "pole1=\'nowawartość\'". Nie możesz uaktualnić lub usunąć wyników z JOIN:',
'%s %%{row} deleted': 'Wierszy usuniętych: %s',
'%s %%{row} updated': 'Wierszy uaktualnionych: %s',
'%s selected': '%s wybranych',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'administracja aplikacji wyłączona z powodu braku bezpiecznego połączenia',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostępne bazy danych i tabele',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nie może być puste',
'Change Password': 'Zmień hasło',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Zaznacz aby usunąć',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP klienta',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontroler',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktualne żądanie',
'Current response': 'Aktualna odpowiedź',
'Current session': 'Aktualna sesja',
'data uploaded': 'dane wysłane',
'Database': 'baza danych',
'Database %s select': 'wybór z bazy danych %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'baza danych',
'DB Model': 'Model bazy danych',
'Delete:': 'Usuń:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Opis',
'design': 'projektuj',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'zrobione!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'Adres e-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edytuj obecny rekord',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'eksportuj jako plik csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Imię',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Funkcja wyłączona',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID grupy',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Witaj Świecie',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Importuj/eksportuj',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stan wewnętrzny',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Błędny adres email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Błędne zapytanie',
'invalid request': 'Błędne żądanie',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nazwisko',
'Layout': 'Układ',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Zaloguj',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Wyloguj',
'Lost Password': 'Przypomnij hasło',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model menu',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nazwa',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Nowy rekord',
'new record inserted': 'nowy rekord został wstawiony',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Brak baz danych w tej aplikacji',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Kliknij aby przejść do interaktywnych przykładów',
'or import from csv file': 'lub zaimportuj z pliku csv',
'Origin': 'Źródło',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Hasło',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Pola hasła nie są zgodne ze sobą',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Zasilane przez',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Zapytanie:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'rekord',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'rekord nie istnieje',
'Record id': 'id rekordu',
'Record ID': 'ID rekordu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zarejestruj',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Klucz rejestracji',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Remember me (for 30 days)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Rola',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Wiersze w tabeli',
'Rows selected': 'Wybrane wiersze',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stan',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Arkusz stylów',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Wyślij',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Zapytanie" jest warunkiem postaci "db.tabela1.pole1==\'wartość\'". Takie coś jak "db.tabela1.pole1==db.tabela2.pole2" oznacza SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Znacznik czasu',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nie można sparsować pliku csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Uaktualnij:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Użyj (...)&(...) jako AND, (...)|(...) jako OR oraz ~(...) jako NOT do tworzenia bardziej skomplikowanych zapytań.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Użytkownik %(id)s został zarejestrowany',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID użytkownika',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Potwierdź hasło',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Widok',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'den': ['dny', 'dn\\xc5\\xaf'],
'dnem': ['dny', 'dny'],
'hodina': ['hodiny', 'hodin'],
'hodinou': ['hodinami', 'hodinami'],
'minuta': ['minuty', 'minut'],
'minutou': ['minutami', 'minutami'],
'měsíc': ['m\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadce', 'm\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadc\\xc5\\xaf'],
'měsícem': ['m\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadci', 'm\\xc4\\x9bs\\xc3\\xadci'],
'rok': ['roky', 'let'],
'rokem': ['roky', 'lety'],
'soubor': ['soubory', 'soubor\\xc5\\xaf'],
'týden': ['t\\xc3\\xbddny', 't\\xc3\\xbddn\\xc5\\xaf'],
'týdnem': ['t\\xc3\\xbddny', 't\\xc3\\xbddny'],
'vteřina': ['vte\\xc5\\x99iny', 'vte\\xc5\\x99in'],
'vteřinou': ['vte\\xc5\\x99inami', 'vte\\xc5\\x99inami'],
'záznam': ['z\\xc3\\xa1znamy', 'z\\xc3\\xa1znam\\xc5\\xaf'],
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'account': ['accounts'],
'book': ['books'],
'is': ['are'],
'man': ['men'],
'miss': ['misses'],
'person': ['people'],
'quark': ['quarks'],
'shop': ['shops'],
'this': ['these'],
'was': ['were'],
'woman': ['women'],
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'actualizada': ['actualizadas'],
'eliminada': ['eliminadas'],
'fila': ['filas'],
'seleccionado': ['seleccionados'],
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'выбрана': ['выбраны','выбрано'],
'год': ['года','лет'],
'день': ['дня', 'дней'],
'запись': ['записи','записей'],
'изменена': ['изменены','изменено'],
'месяц': ['месяца','месяцев'],
'минуту': ['минуты','минут'],
'неделю': ['недели','недель'],
'секунду': ['секунды','секунд'],
'строка': ['строки','строк'],
'удалена': ['удалены','удалено'],
'час': ['часа','часов'],
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'байт': ['\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xb9\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xb9\\xd1\\x82\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'годину': ['\\xd0\\xb3\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb3\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd'],
'день': ['\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'елемент': ['\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbc\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbc\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x82\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'запис': ['\\xd0\\xb7\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xb8\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd0\\xb7\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xb8\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'місяць': ['\\xd0\\xbc\\xd1\\x96\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x8f\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd0\\xbc\\xd1\\x96\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x8f\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'поцілювання': ['\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xbe\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xbb\\xd1\\x8e\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8f', '\\xd0\\xbf\\xd0\\xbe\\xd1\\x86\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xbb\\xd1\\x8e\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb0\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8c'],
'рядок': ['\\xd1\\x80\\xd1\\x8f\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xba\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x80\\xd1\\x8f\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'рік': ['\\xd1\\x80\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xba\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x80\\xd0\\xbe\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'секунду': ['\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x83\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb4\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x81\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xba\\xd1\\x83\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb4'],
'схибнення': ['\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8f', '\\xd1\\x81\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb1\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb5\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x8c'],
'тиждень': ['\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb6\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96', '\\xd1\\x82\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xb6\\xd0\\xbd\\xd1\\x96\\xd0\\xb2'],
'хвилину': ['\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd\\xd0\\xb8', '\\xd1\\x85\\xd0\\xb2\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbb\\xd0\\xb8\\xd0\\xbd'],
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pt-br',
'!langname!': 'Português (do Brasil)',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" é uma expressão opcional como "campo1=\'novovalor\'". Você não pode atualizar ou apagar os resultados de um JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linha apagadas',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linha atualizadas',
'%s selected': '%s selecionado',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor [[reload %s]] a página',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'Uma nova senha foi enviada por email para você',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': 'Controle de Acesso',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Receitas de Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'Exmplo de API',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Administração desativada porque o canal não é seguro',
'Apply changes': 'Aplicar Mudanças',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Você tem certeza que quer apagar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Código de autenticação',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Bancos de dados e tabelas disponíveis',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Compre o livro do web2py',
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache limpo',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Chaves de cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Não pode estar vazio',
'Change Password': 'Trocar Senhar',
'Change password': 'Trocar senha',
'Check to delete': 'Marque para apagar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Limpar CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Limpar DISCO',
'Clear RAM': 'Limpar memória RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP do cliente',
'Community': 'Comunidade',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes e Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Requisição atual',
'Current response': 'Resposta atual',
'Current session': 'Sessão atual',
'data uploaded': 'dados enviados',
'Database': 'banco de dados',
'Database %s select': 'Selecionar banco de dados %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Administração de Banco de Dados (appadmin)',
'db': 'bd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo BD',
'Delete:': 'Apagar:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Receitas de deploy',
'Description': 'Descrição',
'design': 'projeto',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Chaves do Cache de Disco',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disco Limpo',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentação',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Não sabe o que fazer?',
'done!': 'concluído!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Editar o registro atual',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email enviado',
'Email verification': 'Verificação de email',
'Email verified': 'Email verificado',
'Errors': 'Erros',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como um arquivo csv',
'FAQ': 'Perguntas frequentes',
'First name': 'Nome',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulários e Validadores',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicações gratuitas',
'Function disabled': 'Função desabilitada',
'Graph Model': 'Modelo em Grafo',
'Grid Example': 'Exemplo de Grade',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grupo %(group_id)s criado',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Grupo %(group_id)s excluído',
'Group ID': 'ID do Grupo',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Gurpo unicamente atribuído ao usuário %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupos',
'Hello World': 'Olá Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Ajudando web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Principal',
'How did you get here?': 'Como você chegou aqui?',
'import': 'importar',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Privilégios insuficientes',
'Internal State': 'Estado Interno',
'Introduction': 'Introdução',
'Invalid email': 'Email inválido',
'Invalid key': 'Chave inválida',
'Invalid login': 'Login Inválido',
'Invalid password': 'Senha inválida',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta Inválida',
'invalid request': 'requisição inválida',
'Invalid reset password': 'Recriação de senha inválida',
'Invalid user': 'Usuário inválido',
'Invalid username': 'Nome de usuário inválido',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Convite para entrar %(site)s',
'Key': 'Chave',
'Key verified': 'Chave verificada',
'Last name': 'Sobrenome',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Chat ao vivo',
'Log In': 'Entrar',
'Logged in': 'Conectado',
'Logged out': 'Desconectado',
'Login': 'Entrar',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login desabilitado pelo administrador',
'Logout': 'Sair',
'Lost Password': 'Esqueceu sua senha?',
'Lost your password?': 'Esqueceu sua senha?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Gerenciar %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Gerenciar controle de acesso',
'Manage Cache': 'Gerenciar Cache',
'Memberships': 'Grupos',
'Menu Model': 'Modelo de Menu',
'My Sites': 'Meus sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'Nova senha',
'New Record': 'Novo Registro',
'new record inserted': 'novo registro inserido',
'next %s rows': 'próximas %s ´linhas',
'No databases in this application': 'Não há bancos de dados nesta aplicação',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Número de entradas: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nome do objeto do da tabela',
'Old password': 'Senha antiga',
'Online book': 'Livro online',
'Online examples': 'Exemplos online',
'or import from csv file': 'ou importar de um arquivo csv',
'Origin': 'Origem',
'Other Recipes': 'Outras Receitas',
'Overview': 'Visão Geral',
'Password': 'Senha',
'Password changed': 'Senha trocada',
"Password fields don't match": 'Senhas não conferem',
'Password reset': 'Recriar senha',
'Password retrieve': 'Recuperar senha',
'Permission': 'Permissão',
'Permissions': 'Permissões',
'please input your password again': 'por favor digite a senha novamente',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Desenvolvido com',
'Preface': 'Prefácio',
'previous %s rows': '%s linhas anteriores',
'Profile': 'Perfil',
'Profile updated': 'Perfil atualizado',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'biblioteca pygraphviz não encontrada',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Consulta:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemplos rápidos',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Chaves de Cache RAM ',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Limpa',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receitas',
'Record': 'Registro',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Registro %(id)s criado',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Registro %(id)s excluído',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Registro %(id)s lido',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Registro %(id)s atualizado',
'Record Created': 'Registro Criado',
'Record Deleted': 'Registro Excluído',
'record does not exist': 'registro não existe',
'Record id': 'id do registro',
'Record ID': 'ID do Registro',
'Record Updated': 'Registro Atualizado',
'Register': 'Cadastre-se',
'Registration identifier': 'Idenficador de Cadastro',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Aprovação de cadastro pendente',
'Registration key': 'Chave de cadastro',
'Registration needs verification': 'Cadastro necessita verficação',
'Registration successful': 'Cadastro finalizado',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Mantenha-me logado (por 30 dias)',
'Request reset password': 'Requerer recriação de senha',
'Reset Password key': 'Resetar chave de senha',
'Role': 'Papel',
'Roles': 'Papéis',
'Rows in Table': 'Linhas na tabela',
'Rows selected': 'Linhas selecionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Salvar modelo como...',
'Services': 'Serviço',
'Sign Up': 'Cadastrar',
'Sign up': 'Cadastrar',
'Size of cache:': 'Tamanho do cache:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Estatísticas',
'Stylesheet': 'Folha de estilo',
'submit': 'enviar',
'Submit': 'Enviar',
'Support': 'Suporte',
'Table': 'Tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'Uma "consulta" é uma condição como "db.tabela1.campo1==\'valor\'". Expressões como "db.tabela1.campo1==db.tabela2.campo2" resultam em um JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'A saída do arquivo é um dicionário que foi apresentado pela visão %s',
'The Views': 'As views',
'This App': 'Esta aplicação',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Este email já tem uma conta',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Tempo em Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Código de Autenticação de Login em Dois Fatores',
'unable to parse csv file': 'não foi possível analisar arquivo csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Não foi possível enviar email',
'Update:': 'Atualizar:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Use (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, e ~(...) para NOT para construir consultas mais complexas.',
'User': 'Usuário',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Usuário %(id)s entrou',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Usuário %(id)s saiu',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Usuário %(id)s trocou a senha',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Usuário %(id)s recirar a senha',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'Usuário %(id)s Recuperou a senha',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Usuário %(id)s Atualizou perfil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Usuário %(id)s Cadastrou-se',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'Usuário %(id)s Recuperou nome de usuário',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'Usuário %(id)s Email de verificação enviado',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'Usuário %(id)s chave de cadastro verificada',
'User ID': 'ID do Usuário',
'Username': 'Nome de Usuário',
'Username already taken': 'Nome de usuário já existe',
'Username retrieve': 'Recuperar nome de usuário',
'Users': 'Usuários',
'Verify Password': 'Verificar Senha',
'Videos': 'Vídeos',
'View': 'Visualização',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bem-vindo ao web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Que chamou a função %s localizada no arquivo %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Exmplo de Wiki',
'Working...': 'Trabalhando...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Você está executando o web2py com sucesso',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Você pode modificar esta aplicação e adaptá-la às suas necessidades',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Você acessou a url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Sua senha é: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Seu código temporário de login é {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Seu nome de usuário é: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Seu nome de usuário foi enviado por email para você',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'pt',
'!langname!': 'Português',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" é uma expressão opcional como "field1=\'newvalue\'". Não pode actualizar ou eliminar os resultados de um JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linhas eliminadas',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linhas actualizadas',
'%s selected': '%s seleccionado(s)',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Sobre',
'Access Control': 'Controle de acesso',
'admin': 'administrador',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Formulas Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Ocorreu um erro, por favor [[recarregue %s]] a página',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin está desactivada pois o canal é inseguro',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Tem a certeza que quer deletar este objeto?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'bases de dados e tabelas disponíveis',
"Buy web2py's book": 'Comprar Livros web2py',
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Limpo',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'não pode ser vazio',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'seleccione para eliminar',
'Clear CACHE?': 'apagar CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'apagar DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'apagar RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Comunidade',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componentes e Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlador',
'Copyright': 'Direitos de Autor',
'Current request': 'Pedido Corrente',
'Current response': 'Resposta Corrente',
'Current session': 'Sessão Corrente',
'data uploaded': 'Informação enviada',
'Database': 'base de dados',
'Database %s select': 'selecção de base de dados %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Base de Dados da Administração (appadmin)',
'db': 'bd',
'DB Model': 'Modelo de BD',
'Delete:': 'Eliminar:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Description',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentação',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Não sabe o que fazer?',
'done!': 'concluído!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Edição de registo currente',
'Email and SMS': 'Email e SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erros',
'export as csv file': 'exportar como ficheiro csv',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'First name',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Olá Mundo',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Importar/Exportar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Estado interno',
'Introduction': 'Introdução',
'Invalid email': 'Invalid email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Consulta Inválida',
'invalid request': 'Pedido Inválido',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Last name',
'Layout': 'Esboço',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Perdeu a Senha',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu do Modelo',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Nome',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': 'Novo Registo',
'new record inserted': 'novo registo inserido',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Não há bases de dados nesta aplicação',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Livro Online',
'Online examples': 'Exemplos online',
'or import from csv file': 'ou importe a partir de ficheiro csv',
'Origin': 'Origin',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Password',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Suportado por',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Interrogação:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Receitas',
'Record': 'registo',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'registo inexistente',
'Record id': 'id de registo',
'Record ID': 'Record ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Registar',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registration key',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Lembrar de mim (por 30 dias)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Reset Password key',
'Role': 'Role',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Linhas numa tabela',
'Rows selected': 'Linhas seleccionadas',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Registar-se',
'Sign up': 'Registar-se',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'estado',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Folha de estilo',
'submit': 'submeter',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'tabela',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': 'A "query" é uma condição do tipo "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Algo como "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" resultaria num SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Timestamp',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'não foi possível carregar ficheiro csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualização:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Utilize (...)&(...) para AND, (...)|(...) para OR, e ~(...) para NOT para construir interrogações mais complexas.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'User %(id)s Logged-in',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'User %(id)s Registered',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'User ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verify Password',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'Vista',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bem-vindo(a) ao web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ro',
'!langname!': 'Română',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" (actualizează) este o expresie opțională precum "câmp1=\'valoare_nouă\'". Nu puteți actualiza sau șterge rezultatele unui JOIN',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s linii șterse',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s linii actualizate',
'%s selected': '%s selectat(e)',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Despre',
'Access Control': 'Control acces',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Rețete Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin dezactivat deoarece conexiunea nu e sigură',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Sigur ștergeți acest obiect?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Baze de date și tabele disponibile',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Chei cache',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nu poate fi vid',
'Change Password': 'Schimbare parolă',
'Change password': 'Schimbare parolă',
'Check to delete': 'Coșați pentru a șterge',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP client',
'Community': 'Comunitate',
'Components and Plugins': 'Componente și plugin-uri',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controlor',
'Copyright': 'Drepturi de autor',
'Current request': 'Cerere curentă',
'Current response': 'Răspuns curent',
'Current session': 'Sesiune curentă',
'data uploaded': 'date încărcate',
'Database': 'bază de date',
'Database %s select': 'selectare bază de date %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Model bază de date',
'Delete:': 'Șterge:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Rețete de instalare',
'Description': 'Descriere',
'design': 'design',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Chei cache de disc',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentație',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Nu știți ce să faceți?',
'done!': 'gata!',
'Download': 'Descărcare',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Editare înregistrare curentă',
'Email and SMS': 'E-mail și SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Erori',
'export as csv file': 'exportă ca fișier csv',
'FAQ': 'Întrebări frecvente',
'First name': 'Prenume',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formulare și validatori',
'Free Applications': 'Aplicații gratuite',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Grup %(group_id)s creat',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID grup',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup asociat în mod unic utilizatorului %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Grupuri',
'Hello World': 'Salutare lume',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Acasă',
'How did you get here?': 'Cum ați ajuns aici?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Stare internă',
'Introduction': 'Introducere',
'Invalid email': 'E-mail invalid',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Parolă invalidă',
'Invalid Query': 'Interogare invalidă',
'invalid request': 'cerere invalidă',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Nume',
'Layout': 'Șablon',
'Live Chat': 'Chat live',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logat',
'Logged out': 'Delogat',
'Login': 'Autentificare',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Ieșire',
'Lost Password': 'Parolă pierdută',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model meniu',
'My Sites': 'Site-urile mele',
'Name': 'Nume',
'New password': 'Parola nouă',
'New Record': 'Înregistrare nouă',
'new record inserted': 'înregistrare nouă adăugată',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Aplicație fără bază de date',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Obiect sau nume de tabel',
'Old password': 'Parola veche',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Exemple online',
'or import from csv file': 'sau importă din fișier csv',
'Origin': 'Origine',
'Other Recipes': 'Alte rețete',
'Overview': 'Prezentare de ansamblu',
'Password': 'Parola',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Câmpurile de parolă nu se potrivesc',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'introduceți parola din nou',
'Plugins': 'Plugin-uri',
'Powered by': 'Pus în mișcare de',
'Preface': 'Prefață',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Interogare:',
'Quick Examples': 'Exemple rapide',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Chei cache RAM',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Rețete',
'Record': 'înregistrare',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'înregistrare inexistentă',
'Record id': 'id înregistrare',
'Record ID': 'ID înregistrare',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Înregistrare',
'Registration identifier': 'Identificator de autentificare',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Cheie înregistrare',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Autentificare reușită',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Ține-mă minte (timp de 30 de zile)',
'Request reset password': 'Cerere resetare parolă',
'Reset Password key': 'Cheie restare parolă',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Linii în tabel',
'Rows selected': 'Linii selectate',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Servicii',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'stare',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Foaie de stiluri',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Înregistrează',
'Support': 'Suport',
'Table': 'tabel',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Interogarea (query)" este o condiție de tipul "db.tabel1.câmp1==\'valoare\'". Ceva de genul "db.tabel1.câmp1==db.tabel2.câmp2" generează un JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'Nucleul',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Fișierul produce un dicționar care a fost prelucrat de vederea %s',
'The Views': 'Vederile',
'This App': 'Această aplicație',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Moment în timp (timestamp)',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'imposibil de analizat fișierul csv',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Actualizare:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Folosiți (...)&(...) pentru AND, (...)|(...) pentru OR, și ~(...) pentru NOT, pentru a crea interogări complexe.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Utilizator %(id)s autentificat',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Utilizator %(id)s delogat',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Parola utilizatorului %(id)s a fost schimbată',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Resetare parola utilizator %(id)s',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Profil utilizator %(id)s actualizat',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Utilizator %(id)s înregistrat',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID utilizator',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Verifică parola',
'Videos': 'Video-uri',
'View': 'Vedere',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Bun venit la web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Care a apelat funcția %s prezentă în fișierul %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Rulați cu succes web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Puteți modifica și adapta aplicația nevoilor dvs.',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Ați vizitat adresa %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'ru',
'!langname!': 'Русский',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Изменить" - необязательное выражение вида "field1=\'новое значение\'". Результаты операции JOIN нельзя изменить или удалить.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%%{!удалена[0]} %s %%{строка[0]}',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%%{!изменена[0]} %s %%{строка[0]}',
'%s selected': '%%{!выбрана[0]} %s %%{запись[0]}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'About',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить этот объект?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Базы данных и таблицы',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Пустое значение недопустимо',
'Change Password': 'Смените пароль',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Удалить',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Controller',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Текущий запрос',
'Current response': 'Текущий ответ',
'Current session': 'Текущая сессия',
'data uploaded': 'данные загружены',
'Database': 'Database',
'Database %s select': 'выбор базы данных %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'БД',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Удалить:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': 'Описание',
'design': 'дизайн',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': 'готово!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Редактировать текущую запись',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': 'экспорт в csv-файл',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Имя',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Group ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Заработало!',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Импорт/экспорт',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Внутренне состояние',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': 'Неверный email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Неверный логин',
'Invalid password': 'Неверный пароль',
'Invalid Query': 'Неверный запрос',
'invalid request': 'неверный запрос',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Фамилия',
'Layout': 'Layout',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Вход выполнен',
'Logged out': 'Выход выполнен',
'Login': 'Вход',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Выход',
'Lost Password': 'Забыли пароль?',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Menu Model',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': 'Name',
'New password': 'Новый пароль',
'New Record': 'Новая запись',
'new record inserted': 'новая запись добавлена',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'В приложении нет баз данных',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Старый пароль',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'примеры он-лайн',
'or import from csv file': 'или импорт из csv-файла',
'Origin': 'Происхождение',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': 'Пароль',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Пароли не совпадают',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': 'Powered by',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Запрос:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'запись не найдена',
'Record id': 'id записи',
'Record ID': 'ID записи',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Зарегистрироваться',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Ключ регистрации',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Запомнить меня (на 30 дней)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Сбросить ключ пароля',
'Role': 'Роль',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Строк в таблице',
'Rows selected': 'Выделено строк',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'состояние',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': 'Отправить',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': 'таблица',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Запрос" - это условие вида "db.table1.field1==\'значение\'". Выражение вида "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" формирует SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Отметка времени',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'нечитаемый csv-файл',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Изменить:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Для построение сложных запросов используйте операторы "И": (...)&(...), "ИЛИ": (...)|(...), "НЕ": ~(...).',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Пользователь %(id)s вошёл',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Пользователь %(id)s вышел',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Пользователь %(id)s сменил пароль',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Пользователь %(id)s обновил профиль',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Пользователь %(id)s зарегистрировался',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID пользователя',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Повторите пароль',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': 'View',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'sk',
'!langname!': 'Slovenský',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" je voliteľný výraz ako "field1=\'newvalue\'". Nemôžete upravovať alebo zmazať výsledky JOINu',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s zmazaných záznamov',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s upravených záznamov',
'%s selected': '%s označených',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d.%m.%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'O nás',
'Access Control': 'Kontrola prístupu',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax recepty',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin je zakázaný bez zabezpečeného spojenia',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať tento objekt?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Dostupné databázy a tabuľky',
"Buy web2py's book": "Kúpte si web2py's knihu",
'cache': 'cache',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache vymazané',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache kľúče',
'Cannot be empty': 'Nemôže byť prázdne',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': 'Označiť na zmazanie',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Vyčistiť CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Vyčistiť DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Vyčistiť RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'Client IP',
'Community': 'komunita',
'Components and Plugins': 'Komponenty a pluginy',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Kontrolér',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Current request': 'Aktuálna požiadavka',
'Current response': 'Aktuálna odpoveď',
'Current session': 'Aktuálne sedenie',
'data uploaded': 'údaje naplnené',
'Database': 'Databáza',
'Database %s select': 'Databáza %s výber',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Správa databázy (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Model',
'Delete:': 'Zmazať:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Recepty pre nasadenie',
'Description': 'Popis',
'design': 'návrh',
'Design': 'Návrh',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk vyčistený',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Dokumentácia',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Neviete, čo robiť?',
'done!': 'hotovo!',
'Download': 'Stiahnuť',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit current record': 'Upraviť aktuálny záznam',
'Email and SMS': 'Email a SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Chyby',
'export as csv file': 'exportovať do csv súboru',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': 'Krstné meno',
'Forms and Validators': 'Formuláre a schvalovače',
'Free Applications': 'Aplikácie zadarmo',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Model grafu',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'ID skupiny',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Skupiny',
'Hello World': 'Ahoj svet',
'Helping web2py': 'Pomáhať web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Domov',
'How did you get here?': 'Ako ste sa sem dostali?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Import/Export',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Vnútorný stav',
'Introduction': 'Úvod',
'Invalid email': 'Neplatný email',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Nesprávne heslo',
'Invalid Query': 'Neplatná otázka',
'invalid request': 'Neplatná požiadavka',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Kľúč',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Priezvisko',
'Layout': 'Usporiadanie',
'Live Chat': 'Živý Chat',
'Log In': 'Prihlásiť sa',
'Logged in': 'Prihlásený',
'Logged out': 'Odhlásený',
'Login': 'Login',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Logout',
'Lost Password': 'Stratené heslo?',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Spravovať %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Spravovať kontrolu prístupu',
'Manage Cache': 'Spravovať cache',
'Memberships': 'Členstvá',
'Menu Model': 'Model menu',
'My Sites': 'Moje stránky',
'Name': 'Meno',
'New password': 'Nové heslo',
'New Record': 'Nový záznam',
'new record inserted': 'nový záznam bol vložený',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'V tejto aplikácii nie sú databázy',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Staré heslo',
'Online book': 'Online kniha',
'Online examples': 'online príklady',
'or import from csv file': 'alebo naimportovať z csv súboru',
'Origin': 'Pôvod',
'Other Recipes': 'Ostatné recepty',
'Overview': 'Náhľad',
'Password': 'Heslo',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": "Password fields don't match",
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Povolenie',
'Permissions': 'Povolenia',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Pluginy',
'Powered by': 'Beží na',
'Preface': 'Predslov',
'previous %s rows': 'predchádzajúce %s riadky',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'knižnica pygraphviz nenájdená',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Otázka:',
'Quick Examples': 'Rýchle príklady',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM cache kľúče',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram vyčistená',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recepty',
'Record': 'Záznam',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'záznam neexistuje',
'Record id': 'id záznamu',
'Record ID': 'ID záznamu',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Zaregistrovať sa',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Registračný kľúč',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Zapamätaj si ma (na 30 dní)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': 'Nastaviť registračný kľúč',
'Role': 'Rola',
'Roles': 'Role',
'Rows in Table': 'Riadkov v tabuľke',
'Rows selected': 'Označených riadkov',
'Save model as...': 'Uložiť model ako...',
'Services': 'Služby',
'Sign Up': 'Prihlásiť sa',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Veľkosť cache:',
'state': 'stav',
'Statistics': 'Štatistiky',
'Stylesheet': 'Stylesheet',
'submit': 'odoslať',
'Submit': 'Odoslať',
'Support': 'Podpora',
'Table': 'Tabuľka',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"query" je podmienka ako "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Niečo ako "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" má za výsledok SQL JOIN.',
'The Core': 'Jadro',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Výstup zo súboru je slovník, ktorý bol vykreslený v zobrazení %s',
'The Views': 'Zobrazenia',
'This App': 'Táto aplikácia',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Čas v cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Časová pečiatka',
'Traceback': 'Vystopovať',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'nedá sa načítať csv súbor',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Upraviť:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Použite (...)&(...) pre AND, (...)|(...) pre OR a ~(...) pre NOT na poskladanie komplexnejších otázok.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Používateľ %(id)s prihlásený',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Používateľ %(id)s odhlásený',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Používateľ %(id)s zmenil heslo',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Používateľ %(id)s upravil profil',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Používateľ %(id)s sa zaregistroval',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'ID používateľa',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Používatelia',
'Verify Password': 'Zopakujte heslo',
'Videos': 'Videá',
'View': 'Zobraziť',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Vitajte vo web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Ktorý zavolal funkciu %s nachádzajúci sa v súbore %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Pracuje...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Úspešne ste spustili web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Môžete upraviť túto aplikáciu a prispôsobiť ju svojim potrebám',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Navštívili ste URL %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'tr',
'!langname!': 'Türkçe',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"güncelle" ("update") "field1=\'yenideğer\'" gibi isteğe bağlı bir ifadedir. JON sonucu güncelleyemez veya silemzsiniz.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s %%{row} deleted',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s %%{row} updated',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%d-%m-%Y',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Bir hata oluştu, lütfen sayfayı [[yenileyin yükleyin %s]] ',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Hakkında',
'Access Control': 'Erişim Denetimi',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Tarifleri',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel',
'Apply changes': 'Değişiklikleri uygula',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Bu nesneyi silmek istediğinden emin misin?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Kullanılabilir Varitabanları ve Tablolar',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'zula',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': 'Boş bırakılamaz',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Parolayı değiştir',
'Check to delete': 'Silmek için denetle',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'İstemci IP',
'Community': 'Topluluk',
'Components and Plugins': 'Bileşenler ve Eklentiler',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Denetçi',
'Copyright': 'Telif',
'Current request': 'Current request',
'Current response': 'Current response',
'Current session': 'Current session',
'data uploaded': 'data uploaded',
'Database': 'Veritabanı',
'Database %s select': '%s veritabanı seç',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Veritabanı Yönetimi (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'DB Modeli',
'Delete:': 'Sil:',
'Demo': 'Tanıtım',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Yayınlama tarifleri',
'Description': 'Açıklama',
'design': 'tasarım',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Kitap',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Neleri nasıl yapacağını bilmiyor musun?',
'done!': 'done!',
'Download': 'İndir',
'E-mail': 'E-posta',
'Edit current record': 'Edit current record',
'Email and SMS': 'E-posta ve kısa mesaj (SMS)',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Hatalar',
'export as csv file': 'csv dosyası olarak dışa aktar',
'FAQ': 'SSS',
'First name': 'Ad',
'Forms and Validators': 'Biçimler ve Doğrulayıcılar',
'Free Applications': 'Ücretsiz uygulamalar',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Grafik Modeli',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': '%(group_id)s takımı oluşturuldu',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Takım ID',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Grup özgün olarak %(id)s kullanıcılara atandı',
'Groups': 'Gruplar',
'Hello World': 'Merhaba Dünya',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Anasayfa',
'How did you get here?': 'Bu sayfayı görüntüleme uğruna neler mi oldu?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Dışa/İçe Aktar',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Internal State',
'Introduction': 'Giriş',
'Invalid email': 'Yanlış eposta',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': 'Invalid Query',
'invalid request': 'invalid request',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Soyad',
'Layout': 'Şablon',
'Live Chat': 'Canlı Sohbet',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Giriş yapıldı',
'Logged out': 'Çıkış yapıldı',
'Login': 'Giriş',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Terket',
'Lost Password': 'Şifremi unuttum',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model Menü',
'My Sites': 'Sitelerim',
'Name': 'İsim',
'New password': 'Yeni parola',
'New Record': 'Yeni Kayıt',
'new record inserted': 'new record inserted',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'No databases in this application',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Nesne ya da tablo adı',
'Old password': 'Eski parola',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Canlı örnekler',
'or import from csv file': 'veya csv dosyasından içe aktar',
'Origin': 'Asıl',
'Other Recipes': 'Diğer Tarifler',
'Overview': 'Göz gezdir',
'Password': 'Parola',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": 'Parolalar uyuşmuyor',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'lütfen parolanızı tekrar girin',
'Plugins': 'Eklentiler',
'Powered by': 'Yazılım Temeli',
'Preface': 'Önzös',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profil',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': 'Sorgu:',
'Quick Examples': 'Hızlı Örnekler',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Tarifeler',
'Record': 'Record',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'record does not exist',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'Record ID': 'Kayıt ID',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': 'Kayıt ol',
'Registration identifier': 'Kayıt belirleyicisi',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Kayıt anahtarı',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Kayıt başarılı',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': 'Beni hatırla (30 gün)',
'Request reset password': 'Parolanı sıfırla',
'Reset Password key': 'Parola anahtarını sıfırla',
'Role': 'Rol',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Tablodaki Satırlar',
'Rows selected': 'Rows selected',
'Save model as...': 'Modeli farklı kaydet...',
'Services': 'Hizmetler',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': 'durum',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': 'Stil Şablonu',
'submit': 'gönder',
'Submit': 'Gönder',
'Support': 'Destek',
'Table': 'Tablo',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"sorgulama" "db.table1.field1==\'değer\'" şeklinde bir durumu ifade eder. SQL birleştirmede (JOIN) "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" şeklindedir.',
'The Core': 'Çekirdek',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Son olarak fonksiyonların vs. işlenip %s dosyasıyla tasarıma yedirilmesiyle sayfayı görüntüledin',
'The Views': 'Görünümler',
'This App': 'Bu Uygulama',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Bu e-postaya ait bir hesap zaten var',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Zaman damgası',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'unable to parse csv file',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Güncelle:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Karmaşık sorgularda Ve (AND) için (...)&(...) kullanın, Veya (OR) için (...)|(...) kullanın ve DEĞİL (NOT) için ~(...) kullanın. ',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '%(id)s Giriş yaptı',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': '%(id)s çıkış yaptı',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Kullanıc %(id)s Parolasını sıfırla',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '%(id)s Kayıt oldu',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'Kullanıcı ID',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Parolanı Onayla',
'Videos': 'Videolar',
'View': 'Görünüm',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': "web2py'ye hoşgeldiniz!",
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Bu ziyaretle %s fonksiyonunu %s dosyasından çağırmış oldun ',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Çalışıyor...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'web2py çatısını çalıştırmayı başardın',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Artık uygulamayı istediğin gibi düzenleyebilirsin!',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': '%s adresini ziyaret ettin',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'uk',
'!langname!': 'Українська',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Оновити" це додатковий вираз, такий, як "field1=\'нове_значення\'". Ви не можете змінювати або вилучати дані об\'єднаних таблиць.',
'%s %%{row} deleted': 'Вилучено %s %%{рядок}',
'%s %%{row} updated': 'Змінено %s %%{рядок}',
'%s selected': 'Вибрано %s %%{запис}',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y/%m/%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**``%.0d``:red МБ**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{елемент(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{байт(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'Сталась помилка, будь-ласка [[перевантажте %s]] сторінку',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в ДИСКОВОМУ КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Оцінка поцілювання: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{поцілювання(hits)} та **%(misses)s** %%{схибнення(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Кількість входжень: ``**%s**``:red',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': "Час життя об'єктів в ОЗП-КЕШІ сягає **%(hours)02d** %%{годину(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{хвилину(min)} та **%(sec)02d** %%{секунду(sec)}.",
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': 'Про додаток',
'Access Control': 'Контроль доступу',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Рецепти для Ajax',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'використовується незахищенний канал (HTTP). Appadmin вимкнено',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': "Ви впевнені, що хочете вилучити цей об'єкт?",
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Доступні бази даних та таблиці',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': 'кеш',
'Cache': 'Кеш',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Ключі кешу',
'Cannot be empty': 'Порожнє значення неприпустиме',
'Change Password': 'Change Password',
'Change password': 'Змінити пароль',
'Check to delete': 'Позначити для вилучення',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Очистити ВЕСЬ кеш?',
'Clear DISK': 'Очистити ДИСКОВИЙ кеш',
'Clear RAM': "Очистити кеш В ПАМ'ЯТІ",
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': 'IP клієнта',
'Community': 'Спільнота',
'Components and Plugins': 'Компоненти та втулки',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': 'Контролер',
'Copyright': 'Правовласник',
'Current request': 'Поточний запит (current request)',
'Current response': 'Поточна відповідь (current response)',
'Current session': 'Поточна сесія (current session)',
'data uploaded': 'дані завантажено',
'Database': 'База даних',
'Database %s select': 'Вибірка з бази даних %s',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Адміністрування Бази Даних (appadmin)',
'db': 'база даних',
'DB Model': 'Модель БД',
'Delete:': 'Вилучити:',
'Demo': 'Демо',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Способи розгортання',
'Description': 'Опис',
'design': 'налаштування',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Ключі дискового кешу',
'Disk Cleared': 'Дисковий кеш очищено',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Документація',
"Don't know what to do?": 'Не знаєте що робити далі?',
'done!': 'зроблено!',
'Download': 'Завантажити',
'E-mail': 'Ел.пошта',
'Edit current record': 'Редагувати поточний запис',
'Email and SMS': 'Ел.пошта та SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Помилки',
'export as csv file': 'експортувати як файл csv',
'FAQ': 'ЧаПи (FAQ)',
'First name': "Ім'я",
'Forms and Validators': 'Форми та коректність даних',
'Free Applications': 'Вільні додатки',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Графова Модель',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Групу %(group_id)s створено',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': 'Ідентифікатор групи',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': "Група унікально зв'язана з користувачем %(id)s",
'Groups': 'Групи',
'Hello World': 'Привіт, світ!',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Початок',
'How did you get here?': 'Як цього було досягнуто?',
'import': 'Імпортувати',
'Import/Export': 'Імпорт/Експорт',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': 'Внутрішній стан',
'Introduction': 'Введення',
'Invalid email': 'Невірна адреса ел.пошти',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': "Невірне ім'я користувача",
'Invalid password': 'Невірний пароль',
'Invalid Query': 'Помилковий запит',
'invalid request': 'хибний запит',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Ключ',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': 'Прізвище',
'Layout': 'Макет (Layout)',
'Live Chat': 'Чат',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Вхід здійснено',
'Logged out': 'Вихід здійснено',
'Login': 'Вхід',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': 'Вихід',
'Lost Password': 'Забули пароль',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Управління кешем',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Модель меню',
'My Sites': 'Сайт (усі додатки)',
'Name': "Ім'я",
'New password': 'Новий пароль',
'New Record': 'Новий запис',
'new record inserted': 'новий рядок додано',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': 'Даний додаток не використовує базу даних',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': "Об'єкт або назва таблиці",
'Old password': 'Старий пароль',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': 'Зразковий демо-сайт',
'or import from csv file': 'або імпортувати з csv-файлу',
'Origin': 'Походження',
'Other Recipes': 'Інші рецепти',
'Overview': 'Огляд',
'Password': 'Пароль',
'Password changed': 'Пароль змінено',
"Password fields don't match": 'Пароль не співпав',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'Будь-ласка введіть пароль ще раз',
'Plugins': 'Втулки (Plugins)',
'Powered by': 'Працює на',
'Preface': 'Передмова',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Параметри',
'Profile updated': 'Параметри змінено',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'Бібліотека pygraphviz не знайдена (не встановлена)',
'Python': 'Мова Python',
'Query:': 'Запит:',
'Quick Examples': 'Швидкі приклади',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'Ключі ОЗП-кешу',
'Ram Cleared': 'ОЗП-кеш очищено',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Рецепти',
'Record': 'запис',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Запис %(id)s змінено',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': 'запису не існує',
'Record id': 'ід. запису',
'Record ID': 'Ід.запису',
'Record Updated': 'Запис змінено',
'Register': 'Реєстрація',
'Registration identifier': 'Реєстраційний ідентифікатор',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': 'Реєстраційний ключ',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Реєстрація пройшла успішно',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': "Запам'ятати мене (на 30 днів)",
'Request reset password': 'Запит на зміну пароля',
'Reset Password key': 'Ключ скидання пароля',
'Role': 'Роль',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': 'Рядки в таблиці',
'Rows selected': 'Відмічено рядків',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Сервіс',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Розмір кешу:',
'state': 'стан',
'Statistics': 'Статистика',
'Stylesheet': 'CSS-стилі',
'submit': 'застосувати',
'Submit': 'Застосувати',
'Support': 'Підтримка',
'Table': 'Таблиця',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"Запит" це умова, на зразок "db.table1.field1==\'значення\'". Вираз "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" повертає результат об\'єднання (SQL JOIN) таблиць.',
'The Core': 'Ядро',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'Результат функції - словник пар (назва=значення) було відображено з допомогою відображення (view) %s',
'The Views': 'Відображення (Views)',
'This App': 'Цей додаток',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'Вказана адреса ел.пошти вже зареєстрована',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Час знаходження в кеші (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Відмітка часу',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Твіттер',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': 'не вдається розібрати csv-файл',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': 'Оновити:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Для створення складних запитів використовуйте (...)&(...) замість AND, (...)|(...) замість OR, та ~(...) замість NOT.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': 'Користувач %(id)s увійшов',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'Користувач %(id)s вийшов',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'Користувач %(id)s змінив свій пароль',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'Користувач %(id)s скинув пароль',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'Параметри користувача %(id)s змінено',
'User %(id)s Registered': 'Користувач %(id)s зареєструвався',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': 'Ід.користувача',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': 'Повторити пароль',
'Videos': 'Відео',
'View': 'Відображення (View)',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Ласкаво просимо до web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Управління передалось функції %s, яка розташована у файлі %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Працюємо...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Ви успішно запустили web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Ви можете модифікувати цей додаток і адаптувати його до своїх потреб',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'Ви відвідали наступну адресу: %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-cn',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"update" 应为选择表达式, 格式如 "field1=\'value\'". 但是对 JOIN 的结果不可以使用 update 或者 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已删除 %s 笔',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 笔',
'%s selected': '%s 已选择',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '关于',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '管理界面在非安全通道下被禁用',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': '确定要删除该对象么?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的数据库和数据表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '高速缓存',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '修改密码',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾以示删除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客户端网址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版权所有',
'Current request': '当前网络要求(request)',
'Current response': '当前网络响应(response)',
'Current session': '当前网络连接信息(session)',
'data uploaded': '数据已上传',
'Database': '数据库',
'Database %s select': '已选择 %s 数据库',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '数据库模型',
'Delete:': '删除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '设计',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': '下载',
'E-mail': '电子邮件',
'Edit current record': '编辑当前记录',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以CSV格式导出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群组编号',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': 'Hello World',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '导入/导出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部状态',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不符合电子邮件格式',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '无效的查询请求',
'invalid request': '网络要求无效',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '网页布局',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登录',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '忘记密码',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '菜单模型(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新记录',
'new record inserted': '已插入新记录',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '该应用程序不含数据库',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '点击进入在线例子',
'or import from csv file': '或导入CSV文件',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': '概览',
'Password': '密码',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密码不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基于下列技术构建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查询:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '记录',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '记录不存在',
'Record id': '记录编号',
'Record ID': '记录编号',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '注册',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '注册密钥',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '记住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重置密码',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在数据表里的记录',
'Rows selected': '笔记录被选择',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '状态',
'Statistics': '统计数据',
'Stylesheet': '网页样式表',
'submit': '提交',
'Submit': '提交',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '数据表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"query"应是类似 "db.table1.field1==\'value\'" 的条件表达式. "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2"的形式则代表执行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': '视图',
'This App': '该应用',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '时间戳',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '无法解析CSV文件',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式可得到更复杂的条件表达式, (...)&(...) 代表必须都满足, (...)|(...) 代表其一, ~(...)则代表否.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '用户 %(id)s 已登录',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '用户 %(id)s 已注册',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '用户编号',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '验证密码',
'Videos': '视频',
'View': '查看',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': '欢迎使用 web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': '您已成功运行 web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': '请根据您的需要修改本程序',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-cn',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"更新" 是選擇性的條件式, 格式就像 "欄位1=\'值\'". 但是 JOIN 的資料不可以使用 update 或是 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已刪除 %s 筆',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 筆',
'%s selected': '%s 已選擇',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '關於',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '因為來自非安全通道,管理介面關閉',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的資料庫和資料表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '快取記憶體',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '變更密碼',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾代表刪除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客戶端網址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版權所有',
'Current request': '目前網路資料要求(request)',
'Current response': '目前網路資料回應(response)',
'Current session': '目前網路連線資訊(session)',
'data uploaded': '資料已上傳',
'Database': '資料庫',
'Database %s select': '已選擇 %s 資料庫',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '資料庫模組',
'Delete:': '刪除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '設計',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': '電子郵件',
'Edit current record': '編輯當前紀錄',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以逗號分隔檔(csv)格式匯出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群組編號',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': '嗨! 世界',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '匯入/匯出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部狀態',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不合法的電子郵件',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '不合法的查詢',
'invalid request': '不合法的網路要求(request)',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '網頁配置',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登入',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '密碼遺忘',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '選單模組(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新紀錄',
'new record inserted': '已插入新紀錄',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '這應用程式不含資料庫',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '點此處進入線上範例',
'or import from csv file': '或是從逗號分隔檔(CSV)匯入',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': '密碼',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密碼欄不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基於以下技術構建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查詢:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '紀錄',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '紀錄不存在',
'Record id': '紀錄編號',
'Record ID': '紀錄編號',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '註冊',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '註冊金鑰',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '記住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重設密碼',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在資料表裏的資料',
'Rows selected': '筆資料被選擇',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '狀態',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': '網頁風格檔',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': '傳送',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '資料表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"查詢"是一個像 "db.表1.欄位1==\'值\'" 的條件式. 以"db.表1.欄位1==db.表2.欄位2"方式則相當於執行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '時間標記',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '無法解析逗號分隔檔(csv)',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式來組合更複雜的條件式, (...)&(...) 代表同時存在的條件, (...)|(...) 代表擇一的條件, ~(...)則代表反向條件.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '使用者 %(id)s 已登入',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '使用者 %(id)s 已註冊',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '使用者編號',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '驗證密碼',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': '視圖',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'zh-tw',
'!langname!': '中文',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"更新" 是選擇性的條件式, 格式就像 "欄位1=\'值\'". 但是 JOIN 的資料不可以使用 update 或是 delete"',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '已刪除 %s 筆',
'%s %%{row} updated': '已更新 %s 筆',
'%s selected': '%s 已選擇',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01(**%.0d MB**)': '(**%.0d MB**)',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** %%{item(items)}, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}': '**%(items)s** items, **%(bytes)s** %%{byte(bytes)}',
'@markmin\x01**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '**not available** (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[Pympler popup]] library)',
'@markmin\x01An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'@markmin\x01Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'@markmin\x01Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'@markmin\x01Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'@markmin\x01RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)': '``**not available**``:red (requires the Python [[guppy popup]] library)',
'A new password was emailed to you': 'A new password was emailed to you',
'About': '關於',
'Access Control': 'Access Control',
'admin': 'admin',
'Ajax Recipes': 'Ajax Recipes',
'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page': 'An error occured, please [[reload %s]] the page',
'API Example': 'API Example',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': '因為來自非安全通道,管理介面關閉',
'Apply changes': 'Apply changes',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Are you sure you want to delete this object?',
'Authentication code': 'Authentication code',
'Available Databases and Tables': '可提供的資料庫和資料表',
"Buy web2py's book": "Buy web2py's book",
'cache': '快取記憶體',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'Cache contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'Cannot be empty': '不可空白',
'Change Password': '變更密碼',
'Change password': 'Change password',
'Check to delete': '打勾代表刪除',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password': 'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password',
'Client IP': '客戶端網址(IP)',
'Community': 'Community',
'Components and Plugins': 'Components and Plugins',
'Config.ini': 'Config.ini',
'Controller': '控件',
'Copyright': '版權所有',
'Current request': '目前網路資料要求(request)',
'Current response': '目前網路資料回應(response)',
'Current session': '目前網路連線資訊(session)',
'data uploaded': '資料已上傳',
'Database': '資料庫',
'Database %s select': '已選擇 %s 資料庫',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': '資料庫模組',
'Delete:': '刪除:',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deployment Recipes': 'Deployment Recipes',
'Description': '描述',
'design': '設計',
'Design': 'Design',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'DISK contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Documentation': 'Documentation',
"Don't know what to do?": "Don't know what to do?",
'done!': '完成!',
'Download': 'Download',
'E-mail': '電子郵件',
'Edit current record': '編輯當前紀錄',
'Email and SMS': 'Email and SMS',
'Email sent': 'Email sent',
'Email verification': 'Email verification',
'Email verified': 'Email verified',
'Errors': 'Errors',
'export as csv file': '以逗號分隔檔(csv)格式匯出',
'FAQ': 'FAQ',
'First name': '名',
'Forms and Validators': 'Forms and Validators',
'Free Applications': 'Free Applications',
'Function disabled': 'Function disabled',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Grid Example': 'Grid Example',
'Group %(group_id)s created': 'Group %(group_id)s created',
'Group %(group_id)s deleted': 'Group %(group_id)s deleted',
'Group ID': '群組編號',
'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s': 'Group uniquely assigned to user %(id)s',
'Groups': 'Groups',
'Hello World': '嗨! 世界',
'Helping web2py': 'Helping web2py',
'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})': 'Hit Ratio: **%(ratio)s%%** (**%(hits)s** %%{hit(hits)} and **%(misses)s** %%{miss(misses)})',
'Home': 'Home',
'How did you get here?': 'How did you get here?',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': '匯入/匯出',
'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.': 'Incorrect code. {0} more attempt(s) remaining.',
'Insufficient privileges': 'Insufficient privileges',
'Internal State': '內部狀態',
'Introduction': 'Introduction',
'Invalid email': '不合法的電子郵件',
'Invalid key': 'Invalid key',
'Invalid login': 'Invalid login',
'Invalid password': 'Invalid password',
'Invalid Query': '不合法的查詢',
'invalid request': '不合法的網路要求(request)',
'Invalid reset password': 'Invalid reset password',
'Invalid user': 'Invalid user',
'Invalid username': 'Invalid username',
'Invitation to join %(site)s': 'Invitation to join %(site)s',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key verified': 'Key verified',
'Last name': '姓',
'Layout': '網頁配置',
'Live Chat': 'Live Chat',
'Log In': 'Log In',
'Logged in': 'Logged in',
'Logged out': 'Logged out',
'Login': '登入',
'Login disabled by administrator': 'Login disabled by administrator',
'Logout': '登出',
'Lost Password': '密碼遺忘',
'Lost your password?': 'Lost your password?',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': '選單模組(menu)',
'My Sites': 'My Sites',
'Name': '名字',
'New password': 'New password',
'New Record': '新紀錄',
'new record inserted': '已插入新紀錄',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'No databases in this application': '這應用程式不含資料庫',
'Number of entries: **%s**': 'Number of entries: **%s**',
'Object or table name': 'Object or table name',
'Old password': 'Old password',
'Online book': 'Online book',
'Online examples': '點此處進入線上範例',
'or import from csv file': '或是從逗號分隔檔(CSV)匯入',
'Origin': '原文',
'Other Recipes': 'Other Recipes',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Password': '密碼',
'Password changed': 'Password changed',
"Password fields don't match": '密碼欄不匹配',
'Password reset': 'Password reset',
'Password retrieve': 'Password retrieve',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'please input your password again': 'please input your password again',
'Plugins': 'Plugins',
'Powered by': '基於以下技術構建:',
'Preface': 'Preface',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'Profile': 'Profile',
'Profile updated': 'Profile updated',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'Python': 'Python',
'Query:': '查詢:',
'Quick Examples': 'Quick Examples',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.': 'RAM contains items up to **%(hours)02d** %%{hour(hours)} **%(min)02d** %%{minute(min)} **%(sec)02d** %%{second(sec)} old.',
'Recipes': 'Recipes',
'Record': '紀錄',
'Record %(id)s created': 'Record %(id)s created',
'Record %(id)s deleted': 'Record %(id)s deleted',
'Record %(id)s read': 'Record %(id)s read',
'Record %(id)s updated': 'Record %(id)s updated',
'Record Created': 'Record Created',
'Record Deleted': 'Record Deleted',
'record does not exist': '紀錄不存在',
'Record id': '紀錄編號',
'Record ID': '紀錄編號',
'Record Updated': 'Record Updated',
'Register': '註冊',
'Registration identifier': 'Registration identifier',
'Registration is pending approval': 'Registration is pending approval',
'Registration key': '註冊金鑰',
'Registration needs verification': 'Registration needs verification',
'Registration successful': 'Registration successful',
'Remember me (for 30 days)': '記住我(30 天)',
'Request reset password': 'Request reset password',
'Reset Password key': '重設密碼',
'Role': '角色',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in Table': '在資料表裏的資料',
'Rows selected': '筆資料被選擇',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Services': 'Services',
'Sign Up': 'Sign Up',
'Sign up': 'Sign up',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'state': '狀態',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Stylesheet': '網頁風格檔',
'submit': 'submit',
'Submit': '傳送',
'Support': 'Support',
'Table': '資料表',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"查詢"是一個像 "db.表1.欄位1==\'值\'" 的條件式. 以"db.表1.欄位1==db.表2.欄位2"方式則相當於執行 JOIN SQL.',
'The Core': 'The Core',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s': 'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view %s',
'The Views': 'The Views',
'This App': 'This App',
'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.': 'This code was emailed to you and is required for login.',
'This email already has an account': 'This email already has an account',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': '時間標記',
'Traceback': 'Traceback',
'Twitter': 'Twitter',
'Two-step Login Authentication Code': 'Two-step Login Authentication Code',
'unable to parse csv file': '無法解析逗號分隔檔(csv)',
'Unable to send email': 'Unable to send email',
'Update:': '更新:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': '使用下列方式來組合更複雜的條件式, (...)&(...) 代表同時存在的條件, (...)|(...) 代表擇一的條件, ~(...)則代表反向條件.',
'User': 'User',
'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s': 'User %(id)s is impersonating %(other_id)s',
'User %(id)s Logged-in': '使用者 %(id)s 已登入',
'User %(id)s Logged-out': 'User %(id)s Logged-out',
'User %(id)s Password changed': 'User %(id)s Password changed',
'User %(id)s Password reset': 'User %(id)s Password reset',
'User %(id)s Password retrieved': 'User %(id)s Password retrieved',
'User %(id)s Profile updated': 'User %(id)s Profile updated',
'User %(id)s Registered': '使用者 %(id)s 已註冊',
'User %(id)s Username retrieved': 'User %(id)s Username retrieved',
'User %(id)s Verification email sent': 'User %(id)s Verification email sent',
'User %(id)s verified registration key': 'User %(id)s verified registration key',
'User ID': '使用者編號',
'Username': 'Username',
'Username already taken': 'Username already taken',
'Username retrieve': 'Username retrieve',
'Users': 'Users',
'Verify Password': '驗證密碼',
'Videos': 'Videos',
'View': '視圖',
'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email': 'Welcome %(username)s! Click on the link %(link)s to verify your email',
'Welcome to web2py!': 'Welcome to web2py!',
'Which called the function %s located in the file %s': 'Which called the function %s located in the file %s',
'Wiki Example': 'Wiki Example',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'You are successfully running web2py',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs',
'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process': 'You have been invited to join %(site)s, click %(link)s to complete the process',
'You visited the url %s': 'You visited the url %s',
'Your password is: %(password)s': 'Your password is: %(password)s',
'Your temporary login code is {0}': 'Your temporary login code is {0}',
'Your username is: %(username)s': 'Your username is: %(username)s',
'Your username was emailed to you': 'Your username was emailed to you',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user