# bin/robot-server plone.app.discussion.testing.PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_ROBOT_TESTING # $ bin/robot src/plone.app.discussion/src/plone/app/discussion/tests/robot/test_discussion.robot *** Settings *** Resource plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot Library Remote ${PLONE_URL}/RobotRemote Test Setup Open test browser Test Teardown Close all browsers *** Test Cases *** Enable Discussion on Document Given a logged-in Site Administrator and a document When I enable discussion on the document Then I can see a comment form on the document #Post Comment on Document # Given a logged-in Site Administrator # and a document with discussion enabled # When I post a comment # Then I can see the comment below the document #Reply to comment on Document # Given a logged-in Site Administrator # and a document with discussion enabled #Delete Comment # Given a logged-in Site Administrator # and a document with discussion enabled *** Keywords *** # Given a logged-in Site Administrator Enable autologin as Site Administrator a document Create content type=Document id=my-document title=My Document # When I enable discussion on the document Go To ${PLONE_URL}/my-document/edit Wait until page contains Settings Click Link Settings Wait until element is visible name=form.widgets.IAllowDiscussion.allow_discussion:list Select From List name=form.widgets.IAllowDiscussion.allow_discussion:list True Click Button Save # Then I can see a comment form on the document Go To ${PLONE_URL}/my-document/view Wait until page contains My Document Page should contain Add comment Page should contain element id=form-widgets-comment-text