# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Captcha validator, see captcha.txt for design notes. """ from Acquisition import aq_inner from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import ICaptcha from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionLayer from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from z3c.form import validator from z3c.form.interfaces import IValidator from zope.component import adapts from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from zope.component import queryUtility from zope.interface import implements from zope.interface import Interface from zope.schema.interfaces import IField try: from collective.z3cform.norobots.validator import WrongNorobotsAnswer except ImportError: pass try: from plone.formwidget.captcha.validator import WrongCaptchaCode except ImportError: pass try: from plone.formwidget.recaptcha.validator import WrongCaptchaCode # noqa except ImportError: pass class CaptchaValidator(validator.SimpleFieldValidator): implements(IValidator) adapts(Interface, IDiscussionLayer, Interface, IField, Interface) # Object, Request, Form, Field, Widget, # We adapt the CaptchaValidator class to all form fields (IField) def validate(self, value): super(CaptchaValidator, self).validate(value) registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings, check=False) if settings.captcha in ('captcha', 'recaptcha', 'norobots'): captcha = getMultiAdapter((aq_inner(self.context), self.request), name=settings.captcha) if not captcha.verify(input=value): if settings.captcha == 'norobots': raise WrongNorobotsAnswer else: raise WrongCaptchaCode else: return True # Register Captcha validator for the Captcha field in the ICaptcha Form validator.WidgetValidatorDiscriminators(CaptchaValidator, field=ICaptcha['captcha'])