from ..interfaces import IConversation from ..testing import PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_INTEGRATION_TESTING from Acquisition import aq_base from persistent.list import PersistentList from import setRoles from import TEST_USER_ID from plone.base.interfaces import IMailSchema from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from Products.MailHost.interfaces import IMailHost from Products.MailHost.MailHost import _mungeHeaders from Products.MailHost.MailHost import MailBase from zope.component import createObject from zope.component import getSiteManager from zope.component import getUtility from zope.component import queryUtility import unittest class MockMailHost(MailBase): """A MailHost that collects messages instead of sending them.""" def __init__(self, id): self.reset() def reset(self): self.messages = PersistentList() def _send(self, mfrom, mto, messageText, immediate=False): """Send the message""" self.messages.append(messageText) def send( self, messageText, mto=None, mfrom=None, subject=None, encode=None, immediate=False, charset=None, msg_type=None, ): """send *messageText* modified by the other parameters. *messageText* can either be an ``email.message.Message`` or a string. Note that Products.MailHost 4.10 had changes here. """ msg, mto, mfrom = _mungeHeaders( messageText, mto, mfrom, subject, charset, msg_type, encode ) self.messages.append(msg) class TestUserNotificationUnit(unittest.TestCase): layer = PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_INTEGRATION_TESTING def setUp(self): self.portal = self.layer["portal"] setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ["Manager"]) # Set up a mock mailhost self.portal._original_MailHost = self.portal.MailHost self.portal.MailHost = mailhost = MockMailHost("MailHost") sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal) sm.unregisterUtility(provided=IMailHost) sm.registerUtility(mailhost, provided=IMailHost) # We need to fake a valid mail setup registry = getUtility(IRegistry) mail_settings = registry.forInterface(IMailSchema, prefix="plone") mail_settings.email_from_address = "portal@plone.test" self.mailhost = self.portal.MailHost # Enable user notification setting registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) registry[ "" + ".user_notification_enabled" ] = True # Archetypes content types store data as utf-8 encoded strings # The missing u in front of a string is therefor not missing self.portal.doc1.title = "Kölle Alaaf" # What is 'Fasching'? self.conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1) def beforeTearDown(self): self.portal.MailHost = self.portal._original_MailHost sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal) sm.unregisterUtility(provided=IMailHost) sm.registerUtility(aq_base(self.portal._original_MailHost), provided=IMailHost) def test_notify_user(self): # Add a comment with user notification enabled. Add another comment # and make sure an email is send to the user of the first comment. comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" self.conversation.addComment(comment) comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment_id = self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 1) self.assertTrue(self.mailhost.messages[0]) msg = self.mailhost.messages[0] msg = msg.decode("utf-8") self.assertIn("To: john@plone.test", msg) self.assertIn("From: portal@plone.test", msg) # We expect the headers to be properly header encoded (7-bit): self.assertIn("Subject: =?utf-8?q?A_comment_has_been_posted=2E?=", msg) # The output should be encoded in a reasonable manner # (in this case quoted-printable). # Depending on which Python version and which Products.MailHost version, # you may get lines separated by '\n' or '\r\n' in here. msg = msg.replace("\r\n", "\n") self.assertIn('A comment on "K=C3=B6lle Alaaf" has been posted here:', msg) self.assertIn(f"http://nohost/plone/d=\noc1/view#{comment_id}", msg) self.assertIn("Comment text", msg) self.assertNotIn("Approve comment", msg) self.assertNotIn("Delete comment", msg) def test_do_not_notify_user_when_notification_is_disabled(self): registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) registry[ "" + "user_notification_enabled" ] = False comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" self.conversation.addComment(comment) comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0) def test_do_not_notify_user_when_email_address_is_given(self): comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True self.conversation.addComment(comment) comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0) def test_do_not_notify_user_when_no_sender_is_available(self): # Set sender mail address to none and make sure no email is send to # the moderator. registry = getUtility(IRegistry) mail_settings = registry.forInterface(IMailSchema, prefix="plone") mail_settings.email_from_address = None comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" self.conversation.addComment(comment) comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0) def test_notify_only_once(self): # When a user has added two comments in a conversation and has # both times requested email notification, do not send him two # emails when another comment has been added. comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" self.conversation.addComment(comment) comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.user_notification = True comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" self.conversation.addComment(comment) # Note that we might want to get rid of this message, as the # new comment is added by the same user. self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 1) self.mailhost.reset() self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0) class TestModeratorNotificationUnit(unittest.TestCase): layer = PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_INTEGRATION_TESTING def setUp(self): self.portal = self.layer["portal"] setRoles(self.portal, TEST_USER_ID, ["Manager"]) # Set up a mock mailhost self.portal._original_MailHost = self.portal.MailHost self.portal.MailHost = mailhost = MockMailHost("MailHost") sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal) sm.unregisterUtility(provided=IMailHost) sm.registerUtility(mailhost, provided=IMailHost) # We need to fake a valid mail setup registry = getUtility(IRegistry) mail_settings = registry.forInterface(IMailSchema, prefix="plone") mail_settings.email_from_address = "portal@plone.test" self.mailhost = self.portal.MailHost # Enable comment moderation self.portal.portal_types["Document"].allow_discussion = True self.portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes( ("Discussion Item",), ("comment_review_workflow",), ) # Enable moderator notification setting registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) registry[ "" + "moderator_notification_enabled" ] = True # Archetypes content types store data as utf-8 encoded strings # The missing u in front of a string is therefor not missing self.portal.doc1.title = "Kölle Alaaf" # What is 'Fasching'? self.conversation = IConversation(self.portal.doc1) def beforeTearDown(self): self.portal.MailHost = self.portal._original_MailHost sm = getSiteManager(context=self.portal) sm.unregisterUtility(provided=IMailHost) sm.registerUtility(aq_base(self.portal._original_MailHost), provided=IMailHost) def test_notify_moderator(self): """Add a comment and make sure an email is send to the moderator.""" comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" comment.author_email = "john@plone.test" comment_id = self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 1) self.assertTrue(self.mailhost.messages[0]) msg = self.mailhost.messages[0] msg = msg.decode("utf-8") self.assertTrue("To: portal@plone.test" in msg) self.assertTrue("From: portal@plone.test" in msg) # We expect the headers to be properly header encoded (7-bit): self.assertTrue("Subject: =?utf-8?q?A_comment_has_been_posted=2E?=" in msg) # The output should be encoded in a reasonable manner # (in this case quoted-printable): self.assertTrue('A comment on "K=C3=B6lle Alaaf" has been posted' in msg) self.assertIn(f"http://nohost/plone/doc1/view#{comment_id}", msg) self.assertIn(comment.author_email, msg) self.assertIn(comment.text, msg) def test_notify_moderator_specific_address(self): # A moderator email address can be specified in the control panel. registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) registry[ "" + ".moderator_email" ] = "" comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 1) msg = self.mailhost.messages[0] msg = msg.decode("utf-8") self.assertTrue("To:" in msg) def test_do_not_notify_moderator_when_no_sender_is_available(self): # Set sender mail address to nonw and make sure no email is send to the # moderator. registry = getUtility(IRegistry) mail_settings = registry.forInterface(IMailSchema, prefix="plone") mail_settings.email_from_address = None comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0) def test_do_not_notify_moderator_when_notification_is_disabled(self): # Disable moderator notification setting and make sure no email is send # to the moderator. registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) registry[ "" + "moderator_notification_enabled" ] = False comment = createObject("plone.Comment") comment.text = "Comment text" self.conversation.addComment(comment) self.assertEqual(len(self.mailhost.messages), 0)