================================================================================ How to override plone.app.discussion's comments viewlet ================================================================================ This document explains how to override the plone.app.discussion comments viewlet that controls the way existing comments are displayed. There are three different ways to override plone.app.discussion's comments viewlet: through-the-web, on the file system with z3c.jbot, and by overriding the comments viewlet class on the file system. Overriding the comments viewlet template throught-the-web is the quick and dirty approach. Using z3c.jbot is the recommended approach if you just want to override the comments viewlet template. If you want full control over the comments viewlet class, for instance if you want to add/customize view methods, overriding the comments viewlet class on the file system is the recommended approach. Override the comments template through-the web ---------------------------------------------- Overriding the comments template through-the web is the easiest way to customize the comments viewlet:: * Go to the ZMI (http://localhost:8080/Plone/manage_main) * Click on "portal_view_customizations" * Customize plone.comments (plone.app.discussion.interfaces.IDiscussionLayer) Override the comments template with z3c.jbot on the file system --------------------------------------------------------------- The easiest way to override the comments template on the file system is with `z3c.jbot`_. `z3c.jbot`_ allows you to override any Plone template just by putting a file in a specific directory. `z3c.jbot`:: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.jbot Add z3c.jbot to the dependencies of your package by adding a line to your setup.py file:: install_requires=[ ... 'z3c.jbot', ], Register an overrides directory where you can put your file overrides in your configure.zcml file:: Replace with a custom browserlayer of your package. Create the template directory we just registered:: $ mkdir overrides Copy the comments viewlet template we want to override to the overrides directory we just created and registered:: $ cp ../parts/omelette/plone/app/discussion/browser/comments.pt overrides/plone.app.discussion.browser.comments.pt Restart your Plone instance and you can start to customize the plone.app.discussion.browser.comments.pt we just created. Override the comments viewlet class on the file system ------------------------------------------------------ Overriding/subclassing the comments viewlet class is allows you not only to override the comments viewlet template, but also the comment viewlets view methods. There are many ways to override components in Plone with the Zope Component Architecture (ZCA), which is beyond the scope of this howto. We are going to register our own browserlayer First we define our browser layer in interfaces.py:: from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionLayer class IMyDiscussionLayer(IDiscussionLayer): """Marker interface for a custom plone.app.discussion browser layer """ Next, we register the browserlayer in our generic setup (GS) setup in the profiles/default/browserlayer.xml file:: configure.zcml:: note: Note that we override the comments viewlet by using the my.discussion.interfaces.IMyDiscussionLayer browser layer and not the default plone.app.discussion.interfaces.IDiscussionLayer browser layer. Once we registered the custom discussion browser layer and the viewlet, we can create a comments.py file with our custom version of the comments viewlet:: from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from plone.app.discussion.browser.comments import CommentsViewlet as PloneAppDiscussionCommentsViewlet from plone.app.discussion.browser.comments import CommentForm class CommentsViewlet(PloneAppDiscussionCommentsViewlet): form = CommentForm index = ViewPageTemplateFile('comments.pt') def get_commenter_home_url(self, username=None): if username is None: return None else: return "%s/memberhome/%s" % (self.context.portal_url(), username) To override the comments viewlet template, we create a comment.pt file in the same directory and copy the contents from:: ... Override the comments viewlet Javascript ---------------------------------------- Overriding the comments viewlet javascript works just like overriding the comments viewlet. We register the javascript file for our custom browser layer and remove the existing javascript file in profiles/default/jsregistry.xml:: browser/configure.zcml::