from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_parent from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName class View(BrowserView): """Comment View. When the view of a comment object is called directly, redirect to the the page (content object) and the location (HTML-anchor) where the comment has been posted. Redirect from the comment object URL "/path/to/object/++conversation++default/123456789" to the content object where the comment has been posted appended by an HTML anchor that points to the comment "/path/to/object#comment-123456789". Context is the comment object. The parent of the comment object is the conversation. The parent of the conversation is the content object where the comment has been posted. """ def __call__(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) ptool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') view_action_types = ptool.site_properties.typesUseViewActionInListings obj = aq_parent(aq_parent(context)) url = obj.absolute_url() """ Image and File types, as well as many other customized archetypes require /view be appended to the url to see the comments, otherwise it will redirect right to the binary object, bypassing comments. """ if obj.portal_type in view_action_types: url = "%s/view" % url self.request.response.redirect('%s#%s' % (url,