"""The conversation and replies adapters The conversation is responsible for storing all comments. It provides a dict-like API for accessing comments, where keys are integers and values are IComment objects. It also provides features for finding comments quickly. The two IReplies adapters - one for the IConversation and one for IComment - manipulate the same data structures, but provide an API for finding and manipulating the comments directly in reply to a particular comment or at the top level of the conversation. """ import time from persistent import Persistent from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from zope.interface import implements, implementer from zope.component import adapts, adapter, queryUtility from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations, IAnnotatable from zope.event import notify from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner, aq_parent from Acquisition import Explicit from OFS.Traversable import Traversable from OFS.event import ObjectWillBeAddedEvent from OFS.event import ObjectWillBeRemovedEvent from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IPloneSiteRoot, INonStructuralFolder from zope.container.contained import ContainerModifiedEvent from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectAddedEvent from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectRemovedEvent from BTrees.OIBTree import OIBTree from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBTree from BTrees.LLBTree import LLSet from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IConversation from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IReplies from plone.app.discussion.comment import Comment ANNOTATION_KEY = 'plone.app.discussion:conversation' class Conversation(Traversable, Persistent, Explicit): """A conversation is a container for all comments on a content object. It manages internal data structures for comment threading and efficient comment lookup. """ implements(IConversation) __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = True def __init__(self, id="++conversation++default"): self.id = id # username -> count of comments; key is removed when count reaches 0 self._commentators = OIBTree() # id -> comment - find comment by id self._comments = LOBTree() # id -> LLSet (children) - find all children for a given comment. # 0 signifies root. self._children = LOBTree() def getId(self): """Get the id of the conversation. This is used to construct a URL. """ return self.id def enabled(self): # Returns True if discussion is enabled on the conversation # Fetch discussion registry registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings, check=False) # Check if discussion is allowed globally if not settings.globally_enabled: return False parent = aq_inner(self.__parent__) # Always return False if object is a folder if (IFolderish.providedBy(parent) and not INonStructuralFolder.providedBy(parent)): return False def traverse_parents(obj): # Run through the aq_chain of obj and check if discussion is # enabled in a parent folder. for obj in self.aq_chain: if not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(obj): if (IFolderish.providedBy(obj) and not INonStructuralFolder.providedBy(obj)): flag = getattr(obj, 'allow_discussion', None) if flag is not None: return flag return None obj = aq_parent(self) # If discussion is disabled for the object, bail out obj_flag = getattr(aq_base(obj), 'allow_discussion', None) if obj_flag is False: return False # Check if traversal returned a folder with discussion_allowed set # to True or False. folder_allow_discussion = traverse_parents(obj) if folder_allow_discussion is True: if not getattr(self, 'allow_discussion', None): return True elif folder_allow_discussion is False: if obj_flag: return True # Check if discussion is allowed on the content type portal_types = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types') document_fti = getattr(portal_types, obj.portal_type) if not document_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'): # If discussion is not allowed on the content type, # check if 'allow discussion' is overridden on the content object. if not obj_flag: return False return True @property def total_comments(self): return len(self._comments) @property def last_comment_date(self): try: return self._comments[self._comments.maxKey()].creation_date except (ValueError, KeyError, AttributeError,): return None @property def commentators(self): return self._commentators def objectIds(self): return self._comments.keys() def getComments(self, start=0, size=None): """Get unthreaded comments """ count = 0l for comment in self._comments.values(min=start): yield comment count += 1 if size and count > size: return def getThreads(self, start=0, size=None, root=0, depth=None): """Get threaded comments """ def recurse(comment_id, d=0): # Yield the current comment before we look for its children yield {'id': comment_id, 'comment': self[comment_id], 'depth': d} # Recurse if there are children and we are not out of our depth if depth is None or d + 1 < depth: children = self._children.get(comment_id, None) if children is not None: for child_id in children: for value in recurse(child_id, d+1): yield value # Find top level threads comments = self._children.get(root, None) if comments is not None: count = 0l for comment_id in comments.keys(min=start): # Abort if we have found all the threads we want count += 1 if size and count > size: return # Let the closure recurse for value in recurse(comment_id): yield value def addComment(self, comment): """Add a new comment. The parent id should have been set already. The comment id may be modified to find a free key. The id used will be returned. """ # Make sure we don't have a wrapped object comment = aq_base(comment) id = long(time.time() * 1e6) while id in self._comments: id += 1 comment.comment_id = id notify(ObjectWillBeAddedEvent(comment, self, id)) self._comments[id] = comment comment.__parent__ = aq_base(self) # Record unique users who've commented (for logged in users only) commentator = comment.author_username if commentator: if not commentator in self._commentators: self._commentators[commentator] = 0 self._commentators[commentator] += 1 reply_to = comment.in_reply_to if not reply_to: # top level comments are in reply to the faux id 0 comment.in_reply_to = reply_to = 0 if not reply_to in self._children: self._children[reply_to] = LLSet() self._children[reply_to].insert(id) # Add the annotation if not already done annotions = IAnnotations(self.__parent__) if not ANNOTATION_KEY in annotions: annotions[ANNOTATION_KEY] = aq_base(self) # Notify that the object is added. The object must here be # acquisition wrapped or the indexing will fail. notify(ObjectCreatedEvent(comment)) notify(ObjectAddedEvent(comment.__of__(self), self, id)) notify(ContainerModifiedEvent(self)) return id # Dict API def __len__(self): return len(self._comments) def __contains__(self, key): return long(key) in self._comments def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an item by its long key """ return self._comments[long(key)].__of__(self) def __delitem__(self, key, suppress_container_modified=False): """Delete an item by its long key """ key = long(key) comment = self[key].__of__(self) commentator = comment.author_username notify(ObjectWillBeRemovedEvent(comment, self, key)) # Remove all children for child_id in self._children.get(key, []): # avoid sending ContainerModifiedEvent multiple times self.__delitem__(child_id, suppress_container_modified=True) # Remove the comment from _comments self._comments.pop(key) # Remove this comment as a child of its parent if not suppress_container_modified: parent = comment.in_reply_to if parent is not None: parent_children = self._children.get(parent, None) if parent_children is not None and key in parent_children: parent_children.remove(key) # Remove commentators if commentator and commentator in self._commentators: if self._commentators[commentator] <= 1: del self._commentators[commentator] else: self._commentators[commentator] -= 1 notify(ObjectRemovedEvent(comment, self, key)) if not suppress_container_modified: notify(ContainerModifiedEvent(self)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._comments) def get(self, key, default=None): comment = self._comments.get(long(key), default) if comment is default: return default return comment.__of__(self) def keys(self): return self._comments.keys() def items(self): return [(i[0], i[1].__of__(self),) for i in self._comments.items()] def values(self): return [v.__of__(self) for v in self._comments.values()] def iterkeys(self): return self._comments.iterkeys() def itervalues(self): for v in self._comments.itervalues(): yield v.__of__(self) def iteritems(self): for k, v in self._comments.iteritems(): yield (k, v.__of__(self),) @implementer(IConversation) @adapter(IAnnotatable) def conversationAdapterFactory(content): """ Adapter factory to fetch the default conversation from annotations. """ annotions = IAnnotations(content) if not ANNOTATION_KEY in annotions: conversation = Conversation() conversation.__parent__ = aq_base(content) else: conversation = annotions[ANNOTATION_KEY] return conversation.__of__(content) try: from Products.LinguaPlone.interfaces import ITranslatable except ImportError: pass else: @implementer(IConversation) # pragma: no cover @adapter(IAnnotatable) # pragma: no cover def conversationCanonicalAdapterFactory(content): # pragma: no cover """Adapter factory to fetch the default conversation from annotations. Will create the conversation if it does not exist. This adapter will fetch and store all comments on the canonical object, so that comments will be shared across all translations. """ if ITranslatable.providedBy(content): canonical = content.getCanonical() if canonical is not None: return conversationAdapterFactory(canonical) return conversationAdapterFactory(content) class ConversationReplies(object): """An IReplies adapter for conversations. This makes it easy to work with top-level comments. """ implements(IReplies) adapts(Conversation) # relies on implementation details def __init__(self, context): self.conversation = context self.comment_id = 0l def addComment(self, comment): comment.in_reply_to = None return self.conversation.addComment(comment) # Dict API def __len__(self): return len(self.children) def __contains__(self, key): return long(key) in self.children def __getitem__(self, key): """Get an item by its long key """ key = long(key) if key not in self.children: raise KeyError(key) return self.conversation[key] def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete an item by its long key """ key = long(key) if key not in self.children: raise KeyError(key) del self.conversation[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.children) def get(self, key, default=None): key = long(key) if key not in self.children: return default return self.conversation.get(key) def keys(self): return self.children def items(self): return [(k, self.conversation[k]) for k in self.children] def values(self): return [self.conversation[k] for k in self.children] def iterkeys(self): return iter(self.children) def itervalues(self): for key in self.children: yield self.conversation[key] def iteritems(self): for key in self.children: yield (key, self.conversation[key],) @property def children(self): # we need to look this up every time, because we may not have a # dict yet when the adapter is first created return self.conversation._children.get(self.comment_id, LLSet()) class CommentReplies(ConversationReplies): """An IReplies adapter for comments. This makes it easy to work with replies to specific comments. """ implements(IReplies) # depends on implementation details of conversation # most likely, anyone writing a different type of Conversation will also # have a different type of Comment adapts(Comment) def __init__(self, context): self.comment = context self.conversation = aq_parent(self.comment) if (self.conversation is None or not hasattr(self.conversation, '_children')): raise TypeError("This adapter doesn't know what to do with the " "parent conversation") self.comment_id = self.comment.comment_id def addComment(self, comment): comment.in_reply_to = self.comment_id return self.conversation.addComment(comment) # Dict API is inherited, written in terms of self.conversation and # self.children