# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleVocabulary, SimpleTerm from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import _ HAS_CAPTCHA = False try: import plone.formwidget.captcha HAS_CAPTCHA = True # pragma: no cover except ImportError: pass HAS_RECAPTCHA = False try: import plone.formwidget.recaptcha HAS_RECAPTCHA = True # pragma: no cover except ImportError: pass HAS_AKISMET = False try: import collective.akismet HAS_AKISMET = True # pragma: no cover except ImportError: pass HAS_NOROBOTS = False try: import collective.z3cform.norobots HAS_NOROBOTS = True # pragma: no cover except ImportError: pass def captcha_vocabulary(context): """Vocabulary with all available captcha implementations. """ terms = [] terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='disabled', token='disabled', title=_(u'Disabled'))) if HAS_CAPTCHA: # pragma: no cover terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='captcha', token='captcha', title='Captcha')) if HAS_RECAPTCHA: # pragma: no cover terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='recaptcha', token='recaptcha', title='ReCaptcha')) if HAS_AKISMET: # pragma: no cover terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='akismet', token='akismet', title='Akismet')) if HAS_NOROBOTS: # pragma: no cover terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='norobots', token='norobots', title='Norobots')) return SimpleVocabulary(terms) def text_transform_vocabulary(context): """Vocabulary with all available portal_transform transformations. """ terms = [] terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='text/plain', token='text/plain', title='Plain text')) terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='text/html', token='text/html', title='HTML')) terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='text/x-web-markdown', token='text/x-web-markdown', title='Markdown')) terms.append( SimpleTerm( value='text/x-web-intelligent', token='text/x-web-intelligent', title='Intelligent text')) return SimpleVocabulary(terms)