====================== plone.app.discussion ====================== This is a functional test for plone.app.discussion. We use zope.testbrowser to simulate browser interaction in order to show how plone.app.discussion works. Setting up and logging in ------------------------- First we have to set up some things and login. >>> app = layer['app'] >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> browser = Browser(app) >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic admin:secret') >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> portal_url = 'http://nohost/plone' By default, only HTTP error codes (e.g. 500 Server Side Error) are shown when an error occurs on the server. To see more details, set handleErrors to False: >>> browser.handleErrors = False We also keep another testbrowser handy for testing how tiles are rendered if you're not logged in:: >>> unprivileged_browser = Browser(app) Add a test user >>> from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName >>> mtool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_membership', None) >>> mtool.addMember('jim', 'Jim', ['Member'], []) >>> mtool.getMemberById('jim').setMemberProperties({"fullname": 'Jim Fulton'}) Create a public page with comments allowed. >>> browser.open(portal_url) >>> browser.getLink(id='document').click() >>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = "Doc1" >>> browser.getControl(name='allowDiscussion:boolean').value = True >>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.save').click() >>> urldoc1 = browser.url Check that the form has been properly submitted >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/doc1' Comment Viewlet --------------- Check that the old comments viewlet does not show up >>> 'discussion_reply_form' in browser.contents False Check that the comment form/viewlet shows up >>> 'formfield-form-widgets-in_reply_to' in browser.contents True >>> 'formfield-form-widgets-text' in browser.contents True Post a comment as admin ----------------------- Login as admin. >>> from plone.app.testing import setRoles >>> from plone.app.testing import TEST_USER_NAME >>> setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_NAME, ['Manager']) Post a comment as admin. >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Comment from admin" >>> submit = browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment') >>> submit.click() Check if comment has been added properly. >>> 'admin' in browser.contents True >>> browser.contents '...admin...says:...' >>> "Comment from admin" in browser.contents True Post a comment as user ---------------------- Login as user 'jim'. >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout') >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jim' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() Post a comment as user jim. >>> browser.open(urldoc1) >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Comment from Jim" >>> submit = browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment') >>> submit.click() Check if the comment has been added properly. >>> browser.contents '...Jim Fulton...says:...' >>> "Comment from Jim" in browser.contents True Post a comment as anonymous user -------------------------------- Login and post comment as Anonymous >>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1) >>> 'Log in to add comments' in unprivileged_browser.contents True Enable anonymous comment >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout') >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'admin' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> browser.open(portal_url+'/@@discussion-settings') >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.anonymous_comments:list').value = [True] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.save').click() >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout') Now we can post an anonymous comment. >>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc1) >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "This is an anonymous comment" >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click() >>> 'Anonymous' in unprivileged_browser.contents True >>> 'says' in unprivileged_browser.contents True >>> 'This is an anonymous comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents True Reply to an existing comment ---------------------------- Check that there is no existing direct reply to a comment. >>> 'replyTreeLevel1' in browser.contents False Find a comment id to reply to. >>> browser.open(urldoc1) >>> import re >>> comment_div = re.findall('', browser.contents)[0] >>> id = re.findall('"([^"]*)"', comment_div)[2] Post a reply to an existing comment. >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.in_reply_to').value = id >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Reply comment" >>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click() Check that the reply has been posted properly. >>> 'Reply comment' in browser.contents True >>> 'replyTreeLevel1' in browser.contents True Regression Test --------------- Make sure we still can edit the content object after a comment has been posted. This is a regression test for http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/11157 (TypeError: Can't pickle objects in acquisition wrappers). Login as admin. >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout') >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'admin' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() Edit the content object. >>> browser.open(urldoc1 + "/edit") >>> browser.getControl(name='text').value = "Lorem ipsum" >>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.save').click() Make sure the edit was successful. >>> 'Lorem ipsum' in browser.contents True