# Translations for plone.app.discussion msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-01-24 11:15+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Luca Fabbri \n" "Language-Team: RedTurtle Technology \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" "Language-Code: en\n" "Language-Name: English\n" "Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n" "Domain: DOMAIN\n" #: ./interfaces.py:165 msgid "A comment id unique to this conversation" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "A simple workflow for comments" msgstr "" #: ./browser/comments.py:59 msgid "Add a comment" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:180 msgid "Author name (for display)" msgstr "" #: ./browser/comments.py:177 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:39 msgid "Captcha" msgstr "" #: ./browser/comments.py:85 #: ./interfaces.py:178 #: ./profiles/default/types/Discussion_Item.xml msgid "Comment" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Comment Review Workflow" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Comment about the last transition" msgstr "" #: ./browser/moderation.py:87 msgid "Comment deleted." msgstr "" #: ./browser/moderation.py:109 msgid "Comment published." msgstr "" #: ./browser/controlpanel.py:17 msgid "CommentComment Review Workflow" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/portal_atct.xml msgid "Commentators" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/types/Discussion_Item.xml msgid "Comments added to a content item." msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:162 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:181 msgid "Creation date" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:80 msgid "Date of the most recent comment" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/controlpanel.xml msgid "Discussion" msgstr "" #: ./browser/controlpanel.py:16 msgid "Discussion settings" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:173 msgid "Email" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:28 msgid "Enable anonymous comments" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:166 msgid "Id of comment this comment is in reply to" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:177 msgid "MIME type" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/actions.xml msgid "Moderate comments" msgstr "Moderazione commenti" #: ./interfaces.py:182 msgid "Modification date" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:163 msgid "Name" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Pending" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:160 msgid "Portal type" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Previous transition" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Provides access to workflow history" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Publish" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Published" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Publishing the comment makes it visible to other users." msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Reviewer publishes content" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:50 msgid "Show commenter image" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:175 msgid "Subject" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Submitted, pending review." msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "The ID of the user who performed the previous transition" msgstr "" #: ./browser/validator.py:28 msgid "The code you entered was wrong, please enter the new one." msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:81 msgid "The set of unique commentators (usernames)" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/portal_atct.xml msgid "Total number of comments" msgstr "" #: ./interfaces.py:79 msgid "Total number of comments on this item" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/portal_atct.xml msgid "Total number of comments on this item." msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/portal_atct.xml msgid "Users who have commented on the item" msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "Visible to everyone, non-editable." msgstr "" #: ./profiles/default/workflows/comment_review_workflow/definition.xml msgid "When the previous transition was performed" msgstr "" #: ./browser/comments.py:170 msgid "Your comment awaits moderator approval." msgstr "" #. Default: "Delete" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:52 msgid "bulkactions_delete" msgstr "" #. Default: "Publish" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:49 msgid "bulkactions_publish" msgstr "" #. Default: "Action" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:70 msgid "heading_action" msgstr "" #. Default: "Commenter" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:65 msgid "heading_author" msgstr "" #. Default: "Comment" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:69 msgid "heading_comment" msgstr "" #. Default: "In Response To" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:67 msgid "heading_context" msgstr "" #. Default: "Date" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:66 msgid "heading_date" msgstr "" #. Default: "Subject" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:68 msgid "heading_subject" msgstr "" #. Default: "If selected, anonymous users are able to post comments without logging in. It is highly recommended to use a captcha solution to prevent spam if this setting is enabled." #: ./interfaces.py:29 msgid "help_anonymous_comments" msgstr "" #. Default: "Use this setting to enable or disable captcha validation for comments. If no captcha options are currently available, install plone.formwidget.captcha or plone.formwidget.recaptcha." #: ./interfaces.py:40 msgid "help_captcha" msgstr "" #. Default: "If selected, users are able to post comments on the site." #: ./interfaces.py:22 msgid "help_globally_enabled" msgstr "" #. Default: "If selected, an image of the user is shown next to the comment." #: ./interfaces.py:51 msgid "help_show_commenter_image" msgstr "" #. Default: "Apply" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:55 msgid "label_apply" msgstr "" #. Default: "Delete" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:113 msgid "label_delete" msgstr "" #. Default: "Globally enable comments" #: ./interfaces.py:20 msgid "label_globally_enabled" msgstr "" #. Default: "Publish" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:104 msgid "label_publish" msgstr "" #. Default: "No comments to moderate." #: ./browser/moderation.pt:27 msgid "message_nothing_to_moderate" msgstr "" #. Default: "Bulk Actions" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:48 msgid "title_bulkactions" msgstr "" #. Default: "Moderate comments" #: ./browser/moderation.pt:21 msgid "title_review" msgstr ""