# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Acquisition import aq_inner from Acquisition import aq_parent from datetime import datetime from DateTime import DateTime from plone.app.discussion.comment import CommentFactory from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IComment from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IConversation from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IReplies from Products.CMFCore.interfaces._content import IDiscussionResponse from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from types import TupleType import transaction def DT2dt(DT): """Convert a Zope DateTime (with timezone) into a Python datetime (GMT).""" DT = DT.toZone('GMT') return datetime( DT.year(), DT.month(), DT.day(), DT.hour(), DT.minute(), int(DT.second())) class View(BrowserView): """Migration View """ def __call__(self, filter_callback=None): context = aq_inner(self.context) out = [] self.total_comments_migrated = 0 self.total_comments_deleted = 0 dry_run = 'dry_run' in self.request # This is for testing only. # Do not use transactions during a test. test = 'test' in self.request if not test: transaction.begin() # pragma: no cover catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog') def log(msg): # encode string before sending it to external world if isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = msg.encode('utf-8') # pragma: no cover context.plone_log(msg) out.append(msg) def migrate_replies(context, in_reply_to, replies, depth=0, just_delete=0): # Recursive function to migrate all direct replies # of a comment. Returns True if there are no replies to # this comment left, and therefore the comment can be removed. if len(replies) == 0: return True workflow = context.portal_workflow oldchain = workflow.getChainForPortalType('Discussion Item') new_workflow = workflow.comment_review_workflow mt = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership') if type(oldchain) == TupleType and len(oldchain) > 0: oldchain = oldchain[0] for reply in replies: # log indent = ' ' for i in range(depth): indent += ' ' log('{0}migrate_reply: "{1}".'.format(indent, reply.title)) should_migrate = True if filter_callback and not filter_callback(reply): should_migrate = False if just_delete: should_migrate = False new_in_reply_to = None if should_migrate: # create a reply object comment = CommentFactory() comment.title = reply.Title() comment.text = reply.cooked_text comment.mime_type = 'text/html' comment.creator = reply.Creator() try: comment.author_username = reply.author_username except AttributeError: comment.author_username = reply.Creator() member = mt.getMemberById(comment.author_username) if member: comment.author_name = member.fullname if not comment.author_name: # In migrated site member.fullname = '' # while member.getProperty('fullname') has the # correct value if member: comment.author_name = member.getProperty( 'fullname' ) else: comment.author_name = comment.author_username try: comment.author_email = reply.email except AttributeError: comment.author_email = None comment.creation_date = DT2dt(reply.creation_date) comment.modification_date = DT2dt(reply.modification_date) comment.reply_to = in_reply_to if in_reply_to == 0: # Direct reply to a content object new_in_reply_to = conversation.addComment(comment) else: # Reply to another comment comment_to_reply_to = conversation.get(in_reply_to) replies = IReplies(comment_to_reply_to) new_in_reply_to = replies.addComment(comment) # migrate the review state old_status = workflow.getStatusOf(oldchain, reply) new_status = { 'action': None, 'actor': None, 'comment': 'Migrated workflow state', 'review_state': old_status and old_status.get( 'review_state', new_workflow.initial_state ) or 'published', 'time': DateTime() } workflow.setStatusOf('comment_review_workflow', comment, new_status) auto_transition = new_workflow._findAutomaticTransition( comment, new_workflow._getWorkflowStateOf(comment)) if auto_transition is not None: new_workflow._changeStateOf(comment, auto_transition) else: new_workflow.updateRoleMappingsFor(comment) comment.reindexObject(idxs=['allowedRolesAndUsers', 'review_state']) self.total_comments_migrated += 1 # migrate all talkbacks of the reply talkback = getattr(reply, 'talkback', None) no_replies_left = migrate_replies( context, new_in_reply_to, talkback.getReplies(), depth=depth + 1, just_delete=not should_migrate) if no_replies_left: # remove reply and talkback talkback.deleteReply(reply.id) obj = aq_parent(talkback) obj.talkback = None log('{0}remove {1}'.format(indent, reply.id)) self.total_comments_deleted += 1 # Return True when all comments on a certain level have been # migrated. return True # Find content brains = catalog.searchResults( object_provides='Products.CMFCore.interfaces._content.IContentish') log('Found {0} content objects.'.format(len(brains))) count_discussion_items = len( catalog.searchResults(Type='Discussion Item') ) count_comments_pad = len( catalog.searchResults(object_provides=IComment.__identifier__) ) count_comments_old = len( catalog.searchResults( object_provides=IDiscussionResponse.__identifier__ ) ) log( 'Found {0} Discussion Item objects.'.format( count_discussion_items ) ) log('Found {0} old discussion items.'.format(count_comments_old)) log( 'Found {0} plone.app.discussion comments.'.format( count_comments_pad ) ) log('\n') log('Start comment migration.') # This loop is necessary to get all contentish objects, but not # the Discussion Items. This wouldn't be necessary if the # zcatalog would support NOT expressions. new_brains = [] for brain in brains: if brain.portal_type != 'Discussion Item': new_brains.append(brain) # Recursively run through the comment tree and migrate all comments. for brain in new_brains: obj = brain.getObject() talkback = getattr(obj, 'talkback', None) if talkback: replies = talkback.getReplies() if replies: conversation = IConversation(obj) log('\n') log( 'Migrate "{0}" ({1})'.format( obj.Title(), obj.absolute_url(relative=1) ) ) migrate_replies(context, 0, replies) obj = aq_parent(talkback) obj.talkback = None if self.total_comments_deleted != self.total_comments_migrated: log( 'Something went wrong during migration. The number of ' 'migrated comments ({0}) differs from the number of deleted ' 'comments ({1}).'.format( self.total_comments_migrated, self.total_comments_deleted ) ) if not test: # pragma: no cover transaction.abort() # pragma: no cover log('Abort transaction') # pragma: no cover log('\n') log('Comment migration finished.') log('\n') log( '{0} of {1} comments migrated.'.format( self.total_comments_migrated, count_comments_old ) ) if self.total_comments_migrated != count_comments_old: log( '{0} comments could not be migrated.'.format( count_comments_old - self.total_comments_migrated ) ) # pragma: no cover log('Please make sure your ' + 'portal catalog is up-to-date.') # pragma: no cover if dry_run and not test: transaction.abort() # pragma: no cover log('Dry run') # pragma: no cover log('Abort transaction') # pragma: no cover if not test: transaction.commit() # pragma: no cover return '\n'.join(out)