from zope.component import queryUtility from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from Acquisition import aq_inner from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import IPloneSiteRoot from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import INonStructuralFolder from import IDiscussionSettings class ConversationView(object): def enabled(self): """ Returns True if discussion is enabled for this conversation. This method checks five different settings in order to figure out if discussion is enable on a specific content object: 1) Check if discussion is enabled globally in the registry/control panel. 2) If the current content object is a folder, always return False, since we don't allow comments on a folder. This setting is used to allow/ disallow comments for all content objects inside a folder, not for the folder itself. 3) Check if the allow_discussion boolean flag on the content object is set. If it is set to True or False, return the value. If it set to None, try further. 4) Traverse to a folder with allow_discussion set to either True or False. If allow_discussion is not set (None), traverse further until we reach the PloneSiteRoot. 5) Check if discussion is allowed for the content type. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) # Fetch discussion registry registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings, check=False) # Check if discussion is allowed globally if not settings.globally_enabled: return False # Always return False if object is a folder if (IFolderish.providedBy(context) and not INonStructuralFolder.providedBy(context)): return False def traverse_parents(context): # Run through the aq_chain of obj and check if discussion is # enabled in a parent folder. for obj in context.aq_chain: if not IPloneSiteRoot.providedBy(obj): if (IFolderish.providedBy(obj) and not INonStructuralFolder.providedBy(obj)): flag = getattr(obj, 'allow_discussion', None) if flag is not None: return flag return None # If discussion is disabled for the object, bail out obj_flag = getattr(aq_base(context), 'allow_discussion', None) if obj_flag is False: return False # Check if traversal returned a folder with discussion_allowed set # to True or False. folder_allow_discussion = traverse_parents(context) if folder_allow_discussion is True: if not getattr(self, 'allow_discussion', None): return True elif folder_allow_discussion is False: if obj_flag: return True # Check if discussion is allowed on the content type portal_types = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types') document_fti = getattr(portal_types, context.portal_type) if not document_fti.getProperty('allow_discussion'): # If discussion is not allowed on the content type, # check if 'allow discussion' is overridden on the content object. if not obj_flag: return False return True