# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_parent from AccessControl import getSecurityManager from zope.component import queryUtility from AccessControl import Unauthorized, getSecurityManager from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import _ from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IComment from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IReplies class View(BrowserView): """Comment moderation view. """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('moderation.pt') try: template.id = '@@moderate-comments' except AttributeError: # id is not writeable in Zope 2.12 pass def __call__(self): self.request.set('disable_border', True) context = aq_inner(self.context) catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog') self.comments = catalog(object_provides=IComment.__identifier__, review_state='pending', sort_on='created', sort_order='reverse') return self.template() def moderation_enabled(self): """Returns true if a 'review workflow' is enabled on 'Discussion Item' content type. A 'review workflow' is characterized by implementing a 'pending' workflow state. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) workflowTool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow') comment_workflow = workflowTool.getChainForPortalType( 'Discussion Item') if comment_workflow: comment_workflow = comment_workflow[0] comment_workflow = workflowTool[comment_workflow] if 'pending' in comment_workflow.states: return True return False class ModerateCommentsEnabled(BrowserView): def __call__(self): """Returns true if a 'review workflow' is enabled on 'Discussion Item' content type. A 'review workflow' is characterized by implementing a 'pending' workflow state. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) workflowTool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_workflow', None) comment_workflow = workflowTool.getChainForPortalType( 'Discussion Item') if comment_workflow: comment_workflow = comment_workflow[0] comment_workflow = workflowTool[comment_workflow] if 'pending' in comment_workflow.states: return True return False class DeleteComment(BrowserView): """Delete a comment from a conversation. This view is always called directly on the comment object: http://nohost/front-page/++conversation++default/1286289644723317/\ @@moderate-delete-comment Each table row (comment) in the moderation view contains a hidden input field with the absolute URL of the content object: This absolute URL is called from a jQuery method that is bind to the 'delete' button of the table row. See javascripts/moderation.js for more details. """ def __call__(self): comment = aq_inner(self.context) conversation = aq_parent(comment) content_object = aq_parent(conversation) # conditional security # base ZCML condition zope2.deleteObject allows 'delete own object' # modify this for 'delete_own_comment_allowed' controlpanel setting if self.can_delete(comment): del conversation[comment.id] content_object.reindexObject() IStatusMessage(self.context.REQUEST).addStatusMessage( _("Comment deleted."), type="info") came_from = self.context.REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER # if the referrer already has a came_from in it, don't redirect back if len(came_from) == 0 or 'came_from=' in came_from: came_from = content_object.absolute_url() return self.context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(came_from) def can_delete(self, reply): """By default requires 'Review comments'. If 'delete own comments' is enabled, requires 'Edit comments'. """ return getSecurityManager().checkPermission('Delete comments', aq_inner(reply)) class DeleteOwnComment(DeleteComment): """Delete an own comment if it has no replies. Following conditions have to be true for a user to be able to delete his comments: * "Delete own comments" permission * no replies to the comment * Owner role directly assigned on the comment object """ def could_delete(self): """returns true if the comment could be deleted if it had no replies.""" sm = getSecurityManager() context = aq_inner(self.context) userid = sm.getUser().getId() return (sm.checkPermission('Delete own comments', context) and 'Owner' in context.get_local_roles_for_userid(userid)) def can_delete(self): return (len(IReplies(aq_inner(self.context))) == 0 and self.could_delete()) def __call__(self): if self.can_delete(): super(DeleteOwnComment, self).__call__() else: raise Unauthorized("Your not allowed to delete this comment.") class PublishComment(BrowserView): """Publish a comment. This view is always called directly on the comment object: http://nohost/front-page/++conversation++default/1286289644723317/\ @@moderate-publish-comment Each table row (comment) in the moderation view contains a hidden input field with the absolute URL of the content object: This absolute URL is called from a jQuery method that is bind to the 'delete' button of the table row. See javascripts/moderation.js for more details. """ def __call__(self): comment = aq_inner(self.context) content_object = aq_parent(aq_parent(comment)) workflowTool = getToolByName(comment, 'portal_workflow', None) workflow_action = self.request.form.get('workflow_action', 'publish') workflowTool.doActionFor(comment, workflow_action) comment.reindexObject() content_object.reindexObject(idxs=['total_comments']) IStatusMessage(self.context.REQUEST).addStatusMessage( _("Comment approved."), type="info") came_from = self.context.REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER # if the referrer already has a came_from in it, don't redirect back if len(came_from) == 0 or 'came_from=' in came_from: came_from = content_object.absolute_url() return self.context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(came_from) class BulkActionsView(BrowserView): """Bulk actions (unapprove, approve, delete, mark as spam). Each table row of the moderation view has a checkbox with the absolute path (without host and port) of the comment objects: If checked, the comment path will occur in the 'paths' variable of the request when the bulk actions view is called. The bulk action (delete, publish, etc.) will be applied to all comments that are included. The paths have to be 'traversable': /plone/front-page/++conversation++default/1286289644723317 """ def __call__(self): if 'form.select.BulkAction' in self.request: bulkaction = self.request.get('form.select.BulkAction') self.paths = self.request.get('paths') if self.paths: if bulkaction == '-1': # no bulk action was selected pass elif bulkaction == 'retract': self.retract() elif bulkaction == 'publish': self.publish() elif bulkaction == 'mark_as_spam': self.mark_as_spam() elif bulkaction == 'delete': self.delete() else: raise KeyError # pragma: no cover def retract(self): raise NotImplementedError def publish(self): """Publishes all comments in the paths variable. Expects a list of absolute paths (without host and port): /Plone/startseite/++conversation++default/1286200010610352 """ context = aq_inner(self.context) for path in self.paths: comment = context.restrictedTraverse(path) content_object = aq_parent(aq_parent(comment)) workflowTool = getToolByName(comment, 'portal_workflow') current_state = workflowTool.getInfoFor(comment, 'review_state') if current_state != 'published': workflowTool.doActionFor(comment, 'publish') comment.reindexObject() content_object.reindexObject(idxs=['total_comments']) def mark_as_spam(self): raise NotImplementedError def delete(self): """Deletes all comments in the paths variable. Expects a list of absolute paths (without host and port): /Plone/startseite/++conversation++default/1286200010610352 """ context = aq_inner(self.context) for path in self.paths: comment = context.restrictedTraverse(path) conversation = aq_parent(comment) content_object = aq_parent(conversation) del conversation[comment.id] content_object.reindexObject(idxs=['total_comments'])