================== Email Notification ================== This document describes the plone.app.discussion email notification feature. Introduction ============ plone.app.discussion allows users and administrators to be notified about new comments by email. There are two kinds of email notification: 1) **User notification**: Tell users when a comment has been added. This method composes and sends emails to all users that have added a comment to this conversation and enabled user notification. This requires the user_notification setting to be enabled in the discussion control panel. 2) **Moderator notification**: Tell the moderator when a comment needs attention. This method sends an email to the site admin (mail control panel setting) if comment moderation is enabled and a new comment has been added that needs to be approved. This requires the moderator_notification to be enabled in the discussion control panel and the comment_review_workflow enabled for the comment content type. .. note:: The user notification feature requires z3c.form >= 2.3.3. User Notification ================= *plone/app/discussion/comment.py* .. literalinclude:: ../../plone/app/discussion/comment.py :language: python :encoding: utf-8 :pyobject: notify_user Moderator Notification ====================== *plone/app/discussion/comment.py* .. literalinclude:: ../../plone/app/discussion/comment.py :language: python :encoding: utf-8 :pyobject: notify_moderator Event Subscribers ================= Email notifications are triggered by event subscribers that are called when a comment has been added to a page. .. note:: In Plone 3, the event subscribers were located in the zope.lifecycleevent package. They moved to zope.app.container in Plone 4. Therefore plone.app.discussion registers one of the two subscribers, dependent on the Plone version. To create custom email notifications, register a new event subscriber or override an existing one. Plone 3 Event Subscribers ------------------------- *plone/app/discussion/subscribers.zcml* .. literalinclude:: ../../plone/app/discussion/notifications.zcml :encoding: utf-8 :lines: 6-24 Plone 4 Event Subscribers ------------------------- *plone/app/discussion/subscribers.zcml* .. literalinclude:: ../../plone/app/discussion/notifications.zcml :encoding: utf-8 :lines: 27-45