========================= Comment Review Workflow ========================= This is a functional test for the comment review workflow. We use zope.testbrowser to simulate browser interaction in order to show how this works. This test does not include test of the moderation control panel because it heavly relies on Javascript (which zope.testbrowser can't test). Setting up and logging in ------------------------- First we have to set up some things and login. >>> app = layer['app'] >>> from plone.testing.z2 import Browser >>> browser = Browser(app) >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic admin:secret') >>> portal = layer['portal'] >>> portal_url = 'http://nohost/plone' By default, only HTTP error codes (e.g. 500 Server Side Error) are shown when an error occurs on the server. To see more details, set handleErrors to False: >>> browser.handleErrors = False We also keep another testbrowser handy for testing how tiles are rendered if you're not logged in:: >>> unprivileged_browser = Browser(app) Enable commenting. >>> from zope.component import queryUtility >>> from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry >>> from plone.app.discussion.interfaces import IDiscussionSettings >>> registry = queryUtility(IRegistry) >>> settings = registry.forInterface(IDiscussionSettings) >>> settings.globally_enabled = True Enable comment review workflow ------------------------------ Enable the 'comment review workflow' for comments. >>> portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(('Discussion Item',), ('comment_review_workflow'),) >>> portal.portal_workflow.getChainForPortalType('Discussion Item') ('comment_review_workflow',) We need to commit the transaction, otherwise setting the workflow will not work. >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() Enable anonymous comments >>> browser.open(portal_url+'/@@discussion-settings') >>> browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.anonymous_comments:list').value = [True] >>> browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.save').click() Create a public page with comments allowed. >>> browser.open(portal_url) >>> browser.getLink(id='document').click() >>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = "Doc" >>> browser.getControl(name='allowDiscussion:boolean').value = True >>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.save').click() >>> urldoc = browser.url Check that the form has been properly submitted >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/doc' Post some comments as anonymous user: >>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc) >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "First anonymous comment" >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click() >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.widgets.text').value = "Second anonymous comment" >>> unprivileged_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.comment').click() Make sure the user gets a notification that the comment awaits moderator approval. >>> 'Your comment awaits moderator approval' in unprivileged_browser.contents True Administrators can see all posts and comment actions >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'Moderate comments' in browser.contents True >>> 'First anonymous comment' in browser.contents True >>> 'form.button.DeleteComment' in browser.contents True >>> 'form.button.PublishComment' in browser.contents True Anonymous user can not see any posts or comment actions >>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'Moderate comments' in unprivileged_browser.contents False >>> 'First anonymous comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents False >>> 'form.button.DeleteComment' in unprivileged_browser.contents False >>> 'form.button.PublishComment' in unprivileged_browser.contents False Users with 'Review comment' permission can see unapproved comments and comment actions. >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/logout') >>> browser.open(portal_url + '/login_form') >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'jack' >>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = 'secret' >>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click() >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'Moderate comments' in browser.contents True >>> 'First anonymous comment' in browser.contents True >>> 'form.button.DeleteComment' in browser.contents True >>> 'form.button.PublishComment' in browser.contents True Publish a comment in the comments view -------------------------------------- Publish the first anonymous comment in the main comments view. The publish call on the comment currently raises an 404 error, because of a zope.testbrowser flaw? Though, the comment is published properly. >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'First anonymous comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents False >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> browser.handleErrors = True >>> browser.raiseHttpErrors = False >>> browser.getControl('Approve', index=0).click() >>> 'Comment approved' in browser.contents True >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.raiseHttpErrors = True Make sure anonyous users see the approved comment, but not the unapproved ones. >>> unprivileged_browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'First anonymous comment' in unprivileged_browser.contents True Delete a comment in the comments view ------------------------------------- Delete the second anonymous comment in the main comments view. The delete call on the comment currently raises an 404 error, because of a zope.testbrowser flaw? Though, the comment is deleted properly. >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'Second anonymous comment' in browser.contents True >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> browser.handleErrors = True >>> browser.raiseHttpErrors = False >>> browser.getControl('Delete', index=1).click() >>> browser.handleErrors = False >>> browser.raiseHttpErrors = True >>> 'Comment deleted' in browser.contents True Make sure the second comment has been deleted. >>> browser.open(urldoc) >>> 'Second anonymous comment' in browser.contents False