from Acquisition import aq_inner from Acquisition import aq_parent from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFPlone.utils import base_hasattr from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_callable from import ANNOTATION_KEY from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations def patchedClearFindAndRebuild(self): """Empties catalog, then finds all contentish objects (i.e. objects with an indexObject method), and reindexes them. This may take a long time. """ def indexObject(obj, path): if (base_hasattr(obj, 'indexObject') and safe_callable(obj.indexObject)): try: obj.indexObject() annotions = IAnnotations(obj) catalog = getToolByName(obj, "portal_catalog") if ANNOTATION_KEY in annotions: conversation = annotions[ANNOTATION_KEY] conversation = conversation.__of__(obj) for comment in conversation.getComments(): try: if catalog: catalog.indexObject(comment) except StopIteration: # pragma: no cover pass except TypeError: # Catalogs have 'indexObject' as well, but they # take different args, and will fail pass self.manage_catalogClear() portal = aq_parent(aq_inner(self)) portal.ZopeFindAndApply(portal, search_sub=True, apply_func=indexObject)