/****************************************************************************** * * jQuery functions for the plone.app.discussion comment viewlet and form. * ******************************************************************************/ (function ($) { // This unnamed function allows us to use $ inside of a block of code // without permanently overwriting $. // http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries /************************************************************************** * Create a reply-to-comment form right beneath the form that is passed to * the function. We do this by copying the regular comment form and * adding a hidden in_reply_to field to the form. **************************************************************************/ $.createReplyForm = function (comment_div) { var comment_id = comment_div.attr("id"); var reply_button = comment_div.find(".reply-to-comment-button"); /* Clone the reply div at the end of the page template that contains * the regular comment form. */ var reply_div = $("#commenting").clone(true); /* Remove the ReCaptcha JS code before appending the form. If not * removed, this causes problems */ reply_div.find("#formfield-form-widgets-captcha") .find("script") .remove(); /* Insert the cloned comment form right after the reply button of the * current comment. */ reply_div.appendTo(comment_div).css("display", "none"); /* Remove id="reply" attribute, since we use it to uniquely the main reply form. */ reply_div.removeAttr("id"); /* Hide the reply button (only hide, because we may want to show it * again if the user hits the cancel button). */ $(reply_button).css("display", "none"); /* Fetch the reply form inside the reply div */ var reply_form = reply_div.find("form"); /* Populate the hidden 'in_reply_to' field with the correct comment id */ reply_form.find("input[name='form.widgets.in_reply_to']") .val(comment_id); /* Add a remove-reply-to-comment Javascript function to remove the form */ var cancel_reply_button = reply_div.find(".cancelreplytocomment"); cancel_reply_button.attr("id", comment_id); /* Show the cancel buttons. */ reply_form.find("input[name='form.buttons.cancel']") .css("display", "inline"); /* Show the reply layer with a slide down effect */ reply_div.slideDown("slow"); /* Show the cancel button in the reply-to-comment form */ cancel_reply_button.css("display", "inline"); } /************************************************************************** * Remove all error messages and field values from the form that is passed * to the function. **************************************************************************/ $.clearForm = function (form_div) { form_div.find(".error").removeClass("error"); form_div.find(".fieldErrorBox").remove(); form_div.find("input[type='text']").attr("value", ""); form_div.find("textarea").attr("value", ""); /* XXX: Clean all additional form extender fields. */ } //#JSCOVERAGE_IF 0 /************************************************************************** * Window Load Function: Executes when complete page is fully loaded, * including all frames, **************************************************************************/ $(window).load(function () { /********************************************************************** * If the user has hit the reply button of a reply-to-comment form * (form was submitted with a value for the "in_reply_to" field in the * request), create a reply-to-comment form right under this comment. **********************************************************************/ var post_comment_div = $("#commenting"); var in_reply_to_field = post_comment_div.find("input[name='form.widgets.in_reply_to']"); if (in_reply_to_field.val() !== "") { var current_reply_id = "#" + in_reply_to_field.val(); var current_reply_to_div = $(".discussion").find(current_reply_id); $.createReplyForm(current_reply_to_div); $.clearForm(post_comment_div); } /********************************************************************** * If the user hits the "reply" button of an existing comment, create a * reply form right beneath this comment. **********************************************************************/ $(".reply-to-comment-button").bind("click", function (e) { var comment_div = $(this).parents().filter(".comment"); $.createReplyForm(comment_div); $.clearForm(comment_div); }); /********************************************************************** * If the user hits the "clear" button of an open reply-to-comment form, * remove the form and show the "reply" button again. **********************************************************************/ $("#form-buttons-cancel").bind("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var reply_to_comment_button = $(this). parents(). filter(".comment"). find(".reply-to-comment-button"); /* Find the reply-to-comment form and hide and remove it again. */ reply_to_comment_form = $(this).parents().filter(".reply"); reply_to_comment_form.slideUp("slow", function () { $(this).remove(); }); /* Show the reply-to-comment button again. */ reply_to_comment_button.css("display", "inline"); }); /********************************************************************** * By default, hide the reply and the cancel button for the regular add * comment form. **********************************************************************/ $(".reply").find("input[name='form.buttons.reply']") .css("display", "none"); $(".reply").find("input[name='form.buttons.cancel']") .css("display", "none"); /********************************************************************** * By default, show the reply button only when Javascript is enabled. * Otherwise hide it, since the reply functions only work with JS * enabled. **********************************************************************/ $(".reply-to-comment-button").css("display" , "inline"); $("#form-buttons-comment").addClass("allowMultiSubmit"); /********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ $("[name='form.button.DeleteComment']").live('click', function() { var trigger = this; var form = $(this).parents("form"); var data = $(form).serialize(); var form_url = $(form).attr("action"); var comment_div = form.parent().parent(); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:form_url, context: $(trigger).parents(".comment"), success: function(data) { if($(".discussion .comment").length == 1) { comment_div.fadeOut('fast', function() { comment_div.remove(); }); } else { $(this).fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); }); } }, error: function(req, error) { return true; } }); return false; }) $("[name='form.button.PublishComment']").live('click', function() { alert("publish"); var trigger = this; var form = $(this).parents("form"); var data = $(form).serialize(); var form_url = $(form).attr("action"); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: form_url, data: "workflow_action=publish", context: trigger, success: function (msg) { // fade out row $(this).parents("li").fadeOut("normal", function () { $(this).parents("li").remove(); }); }, error: function (msg) { return true; } }); return false; }); $("#comment-form").submit(function(){ var button = $("#comment-form .formControls input.submitting"); // disable the submit button $(button).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // we have to serialize the form data and append the name and value // of the submit button, otherwise the form will not work. var data = $("#comment-form").serialize() + '&' + $(button).attr("name") + '=' + $(button).attr("value"); var form_url = $(this).attr("action"); $(this).get(0).reset(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: form_url, data: data, success: function(data) { var jqobj = $(data); var new_comment; if($(".discussion").length > 0) { new_comment = $(jqobj).find(".discussion .comment:last-child"); $(new_comment).hide(); $(".discussion").append(new_comment); } else { new_comment = $(jqobj).find(".discussion"); $(new_comment).hide(); $(new_comment).insertBefore("#commenting"); } $(new_comment).fadeIn('slow'); $(button).removeAttr('disabled'); }, error: function(req,error){ return true } }); return false; }) }); //#JSCOVERAGE_ENDIF }(jQuery));